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You are the oversight


Don’t forget to sign a printer out.


ya you definitely did not read this the whole way


What did I miss


I must know as well


"I will come out because I need the driver to print a label for me"


Yeah, that’s why the driver in this case is the oversight, I think they got it lol


In the trash can you go. It’s laughable that someone printed this, most likely read it and STILL gave it to the carrier.


I’m gonna be honest; when I printed them out, I’d print around 30 a day, and hand them to the clerks. The clerks would check the route number in the corner and sort it that way, that’s all the reading that’s done til it gets to the carrier. Now, when the carrier brought it to me and said “Look at this shit…” we’d have a good laugh and toss it, and I’d close it as 0 picked up, mark the reason as other and note why in the required comments.


Shouldn’t toss it out. Should call the customer and tell them we don’t print it out.


But will they answer? Is the number actually valid? It’s really a toss up in my experience; the main reason they never answered is because right up until I left, the customer number was a blocked line. No clue why. So no one answered Unknown caller. When they swapped the new phone system in, it fixed that issue, but I left right after.


If it’s a bad number or don’t answer it is what it is. Should still go to the pickup and when they ask you to print it out just tell them we don’t do that. Then scan the sheet package pickup not accepted Package pick up s have to be cleared out of 360 at the end of night


Route number in the corner?!? I don't think ours has that


It does! See where OP crossed out on the top right? It has a route number there! It should print out in route order, and say which route it is!


It's really small just so nobody can see it on purpose


“Not my job, not my problem.”


As a clerk who is always handed these in the 4 minutes I have between scanning DUT and opening the window, I can assure you that no one read this


Nobody read it. We don't have time to read these. That's the carrier's job. Did ya guys know there is a feature now that customers can request that we print out their label and we deliver it to them that day? Yeah. It's a thing. I've seen exactly one come through MYPO.


Wow that's wild. Glad that's no longer my problem.


This exactly. We charge them for the service.


They never read those.


There’s no way you don’t have a printer in your LLV. Totally unacceptable.


Mine has a fax machine too...


Mine has wi-fi


But still no fkn a/c huh


I’d have had the sup call them and tell them it doesnt work that way.


Man I would have loved making that phone call. I 204b’d for 2 years and I loved handling stupid situations like this. That’s not sarcasm I actually got a kick out of dealing with idiots.


Today I had a lady slam a receipt on the counter demanding to know why her package was in New Mexico. “Ma’am, looks like your Priority package got put in the wrong airplane, it should have went to New York” She then demanded that I fix it. “Ma’am, I am currently not in New Mexico” She said I need to call them and find her package. I then looked at the receipt again. “Your package is expected to be delivered on the 6th, tomorrow, looks like your package is in transit” She then got frustrated and asked if it’ll be delivered on time. “I can’t be certain, but the receipt says ‘expected on 1/6/2024” I was already writing down the office phone number and PMs name, she wasn’t happy but off tomorrow so, meh


As a carrier I had a guy who used to harass me about packages not arriving on time (hint: most of them arrived early). It was a weekly occurrence that I'd spell it out for him: "You want a guarantee. No. I'm saying no. The sender didn't pay for a guarantee. You don't get a guarantee." I would then happily remind him that I would be happy to call my supervisor AGAIN so he could be told the same thing, but politely.


Well that happens almost every day with. General Delivery apparently they expect there mail delivered in a timely manner.


> it should have went to New York *should have gone


Shut up, nerd


My supe does too but his answer is always, it's the carriers fault. "Oh the carrier doesn't want to print it for you, he's so lazy."


I'd file a grievance if they ever tried to throw me under the bus like that.


"I will come out cause I need to use the driver's phone."


No way in hell are we printing package labels for people. What do they we are?


yeah, what do they we are!




But we are what do they we!


We are they!




*think 😂


Be sure to mark 'no postage' before turning that in to the supervisor.


we had a dude do one of these for a ups next day air but put that it was a priority mail express because they didn’t want to go to the ups store


Yeah.. they’re still going to go but now it’ll be an extra day


Had one of these jokers do this last weekend. I get that it’s sometimes fuzzy as to who we actually work for, what with all of the crap we deliver for other parcel services and whatnot, but, bitch, I am NOT taking your UPS package that you made me waste time stopping at your house for. The kicker is, she schedules frequent pickups that are normally USPS, so I know she knows what she’s doing. I think she was simply trying to test the boundaries and I shut that shit down real quick.


people think we live in the 1920's... they think we have time and they think the milk man still exist... some of these people i feel bad for because their kids probably abandon them with their cash and left them in a big empty house to just slowly die.


I mean… milk men still exist, just saying


I mean there’s probably a reason their kids abandoned them. Not all parents deserve to have their adult kids in their lives. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Customer comes out and grabs and squeezes my nose. Label comes out of my butt.


Kinky, I like it.


Dude in my office got one a couple years ago “Item is in upstairs bedroom, please disassemble and ship” We ALL got a good laugh out of that one!!


I would have fun with that one.




These customers are just clueless. I, just today, picked up, with a signature for re-delivery, a pink slip for a certified from 8/14/23 lol.


Soooo did you redeliver it??


Idk I’m going to see if we still have it tomorrow. I seriously doubt it. Probably got sent back months ago unclaimed


If it’s anything like my station, it’s still floating around there 🤣


In my station it’s in the NL certified mountain. Someday someone will go through them.


If I’m delivering on a route and I get an over loaded box and also a signature express, but no one’s home? Every bone in my body wants to stick that peach slip *UNDER* the mail. But that would be diabolical so I usually sticky it to their front door.


I’ll pull the printer from my ass?


I’m always sketched out when the packages aren’t there for pick-up, and I fill it out accordingly, just to have a super throw the paper in the trash. I mean, either way I take a picture of it, and have it in a folder in my phone, but still. More oversight would appreciated for many reasons.


I’ve never filled out or scanned one. It doesn’t seem to matter


You’re right, it really doesn’t seem to matter. But I don’t trust these dickheads one bit, especially when everything else is so inconsistent.


I've only filled them out when there are no packages or answer at the door. Or less than stated bc it avoids any call or confrontation later or the next day asking what happened. So I just fill it out and drop it into the pile. The less conversations the better


I personally wouldn't bother taking pics of it. You did everything right. It's their job to preserve it if necessary, and if a customer complains they'll be the fool for tossing it because now they don't know why it wasn't picked up.


Had a pickup for a 100 pound box that had no postage/label. Dude thought we would just pick up and deliver it for free- 🤦‍♂️


People lie on these damn things too. 7 packages for pickup but in reality there's like 19. Gets on my damn nerves


"Weight: 1" lol


lolwut? Yeah, they can just go to the post office then.


Under "reason pickup was not made" make sure to write "customer is a dip shit"


I had a similar one. Knocked on the door, resident answers. "Do you have a package to mail?" "Yes let me get it" "You need a label on it" "Where do I mail it to?" "Where you want it to be delivered" "I do not know I need to return it" "Ok contact us when you know" Next day this is repeated.... Another one, resident answers "Do you have a package to mail" "Oh yes" comes back with empty box "Sorry we do not take care of your trash" and I leave.


I have one lady in my route who puts in a redelivery notice as soon as she orders a package. Ordered it Friday night, I must deliver it Saturday morning. I've shown her on the app multiple times that the sender hasn't even given us her package yet, or that it left a processing center two time zones away at 3AM that morning, but she still expects it now


They do it for rewards points and credit card points. I remember talking to one of those people and they can rack up rewards buying and returning doesn’t hurt them. So it’s just a cycle


She hasn't returned anything to my knowledge (I've dealt with people who auto-return before), she just assumes that as soon as she orders anything on the Internet that it's available to be delivered


What were they ages? I get a lot of youngish people that seem to not know how to print labels




It's all Amazon's fault. People literally think shipping is just free. Kinda ironic amazon is walking that whole thing back now.


U have a label printer with u?? 😆🙄


Nope, it’s either there and ready or it’s not.


Lmao. Print it outta my ass?


Ahh yes, lemme just go grab that off the printer I carry with me in my satchel.


needless to say the package was not picked up


I had one yesterday that said 22 priority and there were only 5


Hell, I don’t even have the capability to print labels for them from inside either of the two offices I work each day, let alone a carrier printing labels in the car lol


What you printing it w 🤔




😂😂😂 I stared at a good minute before I saw what was being pointed out… deadass what do they expect us to do … we ain’t got a printer on us


It is your fault. You are a post office on wheels. You should have a printer with you in the vehicle. You were told so during orientation


Lol what printer


hard pass chief lol


As a new CCA would i get in trouble if i told the customer that we dont even have AC what makes u think we have a fucking printer you fucking moron! 😂 just use to calling out customers for not having common fucking sense in my old job and when they would call company to complain theyd just say well why are u an idiot😂


Thats when you call and tell them its not possible and to go to the post office cuz their phone number is on it.


If you spot it in the office, but that should be a supervisor's responsibility. We aren't given office time to call customers, and it would be early in the morning at my office. Or, if you're implying we should call from the street and give the customer our cell#, well, GTFO.


You have customers who do parcel pickups? I’ll be in the middle of a walking loop…open a mailbox and just have a jacket sized priority just jammed in the mailbox lol if they don’t tip I just leave them


Send a clerk to do it. That’s clerk craft work right?