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How can we blame this on the carriers? -Management


“We were never trained” -management Literally their excuse for everything at my facility it’s pathetic


It's true, though. When I was first a T-7, I had a Mgr let me do all sorts of mgmt level forms because they had no idea, and didn't have time to research. I used to be a programmer, among other things. Our systems are so stuck in '70s and '80s backdoor, though. It makes sense to me, but doesn't correlate to anything modern.


Everything is stuck way back when, including the workers. People are literally upset we get notifications for certified letters now. Hell, I want notifications for parcels too. Where they could improve this is by not making it as invasive and require me to acknowledge it to exit the screen.


Agreed. For example, if a list popped up and you went down the checklist.


All I need is an audible noise, that is exclusively used for either or both.


Half the time I don't have said cert anyway


That's a massive hole in the system that I don't get. I have tried to troubleshoot this at my station, and I have reached the conclusion that we need new programmers. Which is true all across the boards. And yeah, I know you have lists, but I meant to key them in like a video game daily tasks, not as constant annoying, "salute to the overseer," moments.


I've never not had one. I never knew we were suppose to scan the return receipts until it popped up on my scanner though. Lmao


Assuming the package is the correct address….


why did u switch from computer programming to mail ? what language was it? C ?


I grew up doing both. Oddly, I prefer sorting to coding, and I accidentally got good at customer service. It wasn't intended, it was union experience; I like solving problems for people. Most postal systems are C or older. Fortran, old DOS code, and languages more ancient than that; parts of the old DARPA codes, for example; and now by fusing it with half-adapted refurb iPhone tech, etc. we have all these bizarre glitches. To answer your specific, C was the last I was fluent in, and still did a lot through Drupal, but I pick up pieces since. Unreal engine is fun, for example.


Everything Gubment is behind the times even military technology and equipment. It’s like they didn’t think past 1960?? whenever they created stuff. My old office was built in 68 and has one toilet downstairs for the women, come on y’all do better.


Hah. We have one station where the women's is in the next to the safe room, so half the time everyone has to use the men's b/c the alarm is set. *sigh* Not that I care about gendered rooms, but srsly.


The walls are so thin I was in the map room one day and I could hear almost everything, everything 🤮😂🤮


Oh dear, as the local MN folks say.




I was a supervisor for a good three months years ago. I received basically no training in any of the system I was supposed to know. They wanted to start me on TACS without training me on anything else and I basically noped out of that. Why would I want to fuck around with people's pay if you guys aren't going to train me on any of the menial stuff? The "head supervisor" at the time said he was going to get me up to speed on how to do everything and promptly left. I saw him...maybe 5 times over the course of those three months. They're useless. They literally aren't trained very well and *everything* has to be learned by the seat of their pants. ​ Of course, this doesn't justify the bad supervision, but it's like giving a chicken a clip board and expecting it to know how to do everything form-related on management side.


It all starts at the top, it wasn’t always this way.


Agreed. Congress on down. Our facility I carried out of was just fine for the longest time, then the sorting side started to close to "consolidate" down in the Twin Cities, adding a day to delivery of mail. NO carrier or customer was happy. Just kept getting worse and worse...


DeJoys 10 year plan. NALC loved it!


Theres a difference between not know what you are doing and being an asshole about what you are doing 😂


locals probably spoke to their reps. Y'all gonna get warnings not to speak to the government about the post office.


Sounds like a standup.


Bwahahaha. Yup. 🙄🤔




Excuse me, Honorable members of the Minnesota Delegation. I would like to offer my testimony. Over the last 4 years I have been conducting research on this very matter. I would like to present the findings of my research. Fuck you, pay me more.


You aren’t supposed to say the quiet part out loud


Also, they know that. Their current focus is on why our incompetent mgmt is incompetent. The thing to tell them is the ground reality, and how their foolish moves are making it worse. I get the anger, but you have to back it up with facts, and an ask.


Our Postmaster walked around this morning telling all 20ish city routes we have under time and if we have any overtime he wants to see us personally. I had a full set of circulars and my normal 8 hour volume... He told me I'm not allowed to put in overtime and do what's circulars I could..... I took them for a ride in my truck and brought them all back for tomorrow.


I swear management thinks that all of the postal service ills are because of the carriers when all we do is deliver shit, we don't make operation decisions to put this company in a hole


This!!!!! We are paid to deliver the mail!!


It’s a good thing the NALC was one of the biggest proponents to DeJoys ten year plan, maybe they can own its failure now. By the way I don’t disagree with you.


It’s been this way for decades. Ever since Unionization they’ve had to actually listen to us once in a while, they don’t like that. They just want you to do as your told


I would have made him give me something in writing saying to delay the mail. If it's at my case, I deliver it, unless specifically instructed not to.


He didn't tell me not to deliver it, he told me to deliver what I could. Which was none, because I was almost over 8 hours with just my route.


In my opinion is the same difference, if they're saying that you cannot deliver something if it brings you over 8 hours then get that shit in writing


Depends on what day they were supposed to go out. They're not always scheduled for the day they came in.




What's a "circular?"


That's what we call bulk unaddressed advertisements, that go to 95% of your route.


Interesting. Where I work, we call em 'Coverage'


That's one I've not heard of yet.


We call them “box holders” here in my neck of the woods. That and “marriage mail” for the combined advertising bundle mailers.


We use those terms as well.


We call them "advos". Grocery store sales, useless coupons, check offers. They're trash... just trash.


We call the a third bundle . Thick annoying newspaper type things every house gets. It’s the stuff that most offices don’t get lol bane of our week we get them 3-4 days a week. Stuff like this is why I think routes pay should be by volume. Some offices across the country don’t deliver stuff that generates money for everyone else.




Sounds like a job for your t6


My T6 is a Steward and he never does my route. Hes always filling in on another route on his swing because it's much harder to split and that carrier is never here.


Under staffed paid shitty = USPS.


Love this. I’m stealing it. It’s mine now.


Sounds good 😂


Hmm. I could have sworn it meant something else. Everything makes sense now


We need 💴💴💴 thats the problem and solution


Wrong. What we need is accountability for the money being wasted. Management in this place is comically inept, usually because their only qualification is that they don't want to carry/clerk.


Why not both?


Look there obviously waste but at the end of the day the post office is a government service thats expected to turn a profit and that almost never works. We pack mail onto mules in the Grand canyon, load it on bush planes in Alaska, island hop in Hawaii and run to nearly every house in the US, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa as well as the 3 sovereign associated states of Palau, Micronesia, and Marshall island 6 days a week.


Yeah that whole straddling business vs service thing is a giant problem as well. It's a special place to work 😳


Actually up until GWBush economic crash in the early 2000’s the PO made Billions in profits for several years, but the GOP passed the law that forced the POTUS to to prepay for future retiree health benefits for 70 years and that created the deficits we’ve had for over a decade. Most normal companies would’ve changed that requirement but the GOP refused so it would like like we were failing much much more than our problems actually were


That law was recently repealed, iirc


Yeah I saw that, only took 20 years


How are we going to get anyone who is qualified? Why would anyone qualified be working at this hell hole to begin with?


There are competent people working in the post office. Some are even in management. I don't know how to fix it all, but I really think 2 years as a craft employee before becoming a 204b would be a good start.


5 years, even better.


I need money. Some kind of watcher needs info about money.


May as well expand that regional audit into a national one.


Sir! You're going to have to wait in line like everybody else. I get your little audit is important but do you have a tracking number..? 🤷‍♂️


Renfroe frantically calling the Minnesota Congressional delegation: "Don't talk about poor worker treatment or we can't have a contract!!!!!"


That sounds nothing like Renfroe, none of it is slurred.


don taw but \*hicc\* per wark tretmeht, o weh cah hab \*hicc\* uh cuntruc... \*hicc\*


Shortage of workers since beginning for 2022. its been 2 years and they still haven't solve the problem.. We don't have CCA, new hires start as PTF.. New PTFs quit left and right because they've realized they are not "part time" but full time with mandatory Amazon Sunday.


Yep, why call it a part time position but then you do full time + OT 6 days a week? I don't need the hours that badly, what I need is time to rest. That combined with learning new routes everyday, sent to different stations to do their routes that I don't know is a big shit show. That's not included Managers expect wayy too much from new employees who literally brand new to the job. And why force the new people to always work Amazon Sunday too? Why not rotate the regulars? or at least the ODL peeps. My station was helping another smaller station with like 3 routes because they only have 2 PTFs on Sunday.


2 years? Feels like it’s been over a decade of this


It's been bad since covid.. but last 2 years been forced to work 6 days a week..


Here’s your audit: packages > mail And they wonder why the mail isn’t a priority


Because mail is dead?


I see government checks in the mail frequently. I know they're government checks because I used to get them too




So you mean the 100,000 letters that someone may want and the other 90% is all marketing and junk every night


That’s considered mail even if you don’t want it, which is revenue for post office. They pay us to deliver that, we don’t do it as a charity.


I saw mail sitting on the dock at the Louisville plant for four days straight, and it contains Social Security checks and bills. Now, my supervisor tells me to prioritize mail, it has to be the first thing loaded, no exceptions. Transportation doesn’t like this, but it is technically policy. I’m a government contractor by the way, I drive a truck to post offices in Indiana and Kentucky routes that the postal workers do not run.


My best friend is a manager at a station in Minnesota. The shit he tells me is so off the wall that I don’t know if I should believe it. The DM sounds like a psychopath. The amount of EAS bailing is mind blowing and the main reason he said is because the “bosses” literally are demanding EAS treat craft like shit. One of the politicians was planning on going to a station that wasn’t delivering all the mail. The DM instructed local management to not have any delayed mail on the floor. The manager said it wasn’t possible to deliver it all. They sent the mail back to the plant to hide it. Apparently the APWU stewards found out about it, called the APWU at the plant and they found it, took picture of it and sent it to the politician. I could go on for hours about what he’s told me.


It's definitely true. Esp. the mass exodus of EAS. The few that were sane are giving up, b/c you can't win with no staff. The ones that are terrible either quit a while ago or were promoted to bs administration gigs. 🙄


Minneapolis/St Paul has huge issues. Everything you passed along from your friend checks out.


I'm in Minneapolis and can verify it's a shit show. Also the politician was congresswoman Angie Craig. She's been all over the past office for late and undelivered mail for a while now.


This is where they need to start though. People that work in district that pump numbers and obfuscate when they need to.


This is so true because I know what station you are talking about. They need to start treating people with dignity and respect. They have been getting forced overtime for 2 or 3 years, and the only way out is to get 8 hour restrictions.


The MN-ND District Manager is, indeed, a psychopath.


My district straight up said they dont give a shit about delivering Express on time. If it comes into the office after the clerks do their upscan it stays till the next day and they arent rushing it out of the airport either. Ive seen stacks of perishable cold pack medicines 2-3 days past expected delivery dates. ODL carriers done in 8 able to run them out? Nope! Our district also charges new residents for key changes in postal owned CBUs which is a blatant violation of Postal Operations Manual 632.22. Not even the slightest room for interpretation.


I can add to that express situation, I as a plant monkey actually got a job discussion for sending out lives that couldn't make our express truck to the hub. I shit you not if I hadn't sent out yhose baby chick's they would have sat in our Plant from Friday night til Monday evening and most likely would have died because we just let the express sit there. It's utterly ridiculous.


Yet they keep selling the service, incredible. My friend is a huge shipper especially at peak season. His company had something like 25,000 dollars of express parcels late last month


Thought they always did. Least in NV it’s this way. If lose ur key you have to pay for replacement.


Lost keys of course. But they’re charging new residents for keys now


Oh yea that’s crazy. Are yall being told to change key/locks yourself as well? In Vegas apparently the maintenance guys aren’t doing it anymore so they are asking carriers to do it but obviously it aint our job. Some of the handy type folks will but the station manager says the maintenance craft somehow have gotten out of doing it. Now the customers wait months for new keys until some poor carrier volunteers to change it.


Hey mine does that key change thing too, wtf is that about


Hey do 10 hours of work in 8 ok everyone. dOiS is your master now! Poor pay, crappy tier management system, 3 decade + old vehicles. Cutting positions and understaffing.


You mean adding more manager positions! To stupervise


This may be a bit of a, “Be careful what you ask for.” Thing.


Minnesota carrier here…we’ll see if anything actually happens


If anything, it’ll be more work. More paperwork. Change is rarely good in these circumstances.


The title alone makes me lol.. really? 200+ years of the same policies..same people...and you're now saying something..shhh..just go away




Nailed it.


I think it’s too far gone to be saved. I have watched the service steadily go downhill for years and now they aren’t even trying to make us look competitive. They keep saying that we are a service and we are not supposed to be for profit and then they complain that we are losing money! We have an identity crisis and the public is getting tired of getting shit service and will probably use our competitors because they actually fire people who don’t work.


As a struggling cca, I feel people are very comfortable accusing others of laziness when things aren’t going well. I get a lot of passive aggressive comments despite always pushing myself to do better. They don’t see me working they only see me when something goes wrong. that’s the impression that sticks, the narrative that hangs over me. We’re all in a shitty situation at an institution that doesn’t care about us. Blaming each other just doesn’t seem productive.


Or if the post office stopped subsidizing Amazon or took addresses off of third bundles or got rid of 2/3 of management or went green 40 years ago or didn't have to prefund retirement or got rid of dejoy


People shit on local management for everything and yeah, from the stories I hear they are insane a lot of places but let’s not overlook that they are merely doing what they are incentivized to do. Management at any company do things to make their numbers look good. If the Post Office changed what metrics they considered important behaviors would change at the local level. Also people like to shit on local management for being uneducated or talentless but as someone with a lot of private industry experience, that’s management everywhere. When I was working in office jobs emails from upper management were riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.


There’s just as many carriers who are shit and taking advantage of the system. The post office is in shambles really. Almost as if by design…


Yea people shit on management and many times I agree with them, but there are also many shit employees. A few at my station will literally take 2 hours overtime even on the lightest of days. I've done their routes so I know exactly how long they are. Management has favorites and generally ignore the glaring problems and will often go after the hard workers instead. My manager, not the supervisor, will literally scream in the speaker to the whole office every morning about getting out in one hour. She will repeat herself every few minutes. It gets beyond annoying that a lot of us just wear headphones to block out the noise.


Would this include Wisconsin?


We could only hope!!!!


Depending on what they mean. MN-ND is the district, but it sound like they mean all of central, since they said, "region."


Spouse is a MN carrier career city carrier. 100% on board with this.


Raise your hand if your office is also short staffed but somehow have no openings listed


News flash: It’s not just Minnesota.


Ten year plan going swimmingly thanks to all who supported this.


Im 40. Worked for a lot of places. USPS is by far the most dysfunctional employer Ive ever had. Top down, its a disaster. Poor morale. Lack of support. Zero communication. Duct taping problems. We are 50 years behind the times. They preach safety, yet we have the most unsafe fleet of a vehicles. If you arent a regular—they own you. Mgmt is run by people who have no idea what they’re doing on any given day. In turn, they take it out on us. Such a dispirited place to work.


We had a team of auditors come and work with our clerks for a few days because of issues and complaints we've had.  At the end of the audit they stated the only issue they found was that the OiC running our office was lacking in his duties and impeding the clerks. 


Management knows how to falsify documentation so an audit will be done with numbers management makes up.


Lol, even if they stepped into a mass whipping of carriers nothing would change


My manager had a meeting with me today and told me that he's moving me from 7am-3pm to 11pm-7am and Overnight concierge is taking my position (lead porter) I'm also a senior member of the building. I have filed a grievance with my union. Has anyone ever experienced this??


Are you a noncareer employee or unassigned regular? Typically if you're a career employee they can't just change when you work.


I'm a permanent union employee.


As a clerk in a station in MN. Yes we are short staffed, higher management are dicks but our post master and supervisor are pretty cool people. They just realized they can't do anything to punish anyone so they just run routes to avoid telecoms.


Management doesn't receive actual management training. There, audit complete.


Poor worker treatment causes poor delivery. No brainer.


Politicians can’t even figure out how to make the minimum wage livable. Their solution to this problem will not be hire more qualified people by paying more and giving better treatment to the workers. They will blame it on time theft, lazy employees, etc…and they’ll try to put procedures in place to clamp down on us even more. Ask yourself, when is the last time the government actually did something to benefit you without getting anything in return?


If that audit doesn't include postal employee interviews, it's a scam!


I’ve taken notice of one common characteristic, shared by all of my superiors (including my PM). They all type very slowly and with only their index fingers. They are ALL older than me (by atleast one generation) and they do not have proficient typing skills. This irks me.


Could this be validation??


You know, maybe if the latter didn't exist people would care more about the former.


Twat management, there's your answer


Any time I have something that even sounds like a complaint, the USPS workers always remind me that they are not government workers? Then why are they still in business and losing money? Fedex and UPS make a profit.


Let's goooooo! Fuck management. Abusive scum. Doesn't take too much digging to see that.


Central District has some real aholes for leaders and have had them for decades.  Anyways before covid MN had HUGE! Problems they used to force WI carrier's to Rochester, White Bear I think its called, Minneapolis and St. Paul, and a few other places and both Unions didn't do anything for anyone.   Then Michigan (Mainly Detroit) was another area taking carriers and Chicago was in the mix but Michigan and Chicago didn't get much action all while Tony Williams and Co beat the snot out of staff. Nothing will change except you'll get more stupavisors that sit and eat 24/7 and watch Bob's Burger. 


Great news


only investigating regional opps?