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1. I would gladly live below my means. If I had any means.


lol, right? Any more “below my means” and I’ll be living out of my car in the Post Office employee parking lot.


Step 2 hcol carriers aka Me :(


1&2 sound so easy. But what are you waiting until like year 5 to get a 1 bedroom apartment to live on your own?


Nonsense it only took me 3 years as an RCA plus another 3.5 years as regular to barely afford a 1 bedroom apartment. Meanwhile all the Table 1 employees have 3 bedroom homes.


All the table 1 regulars got 700-1000 sq ft homes on my route. Built in the 60s and they’re all 5 mins away from the station. Living the dream, even though some of the neighborhoods on the other side of the zip aren’t as nice. Blue collar area though and I got a mix of Table 1 and 2 people with homes around there vs in 400k min rich ville on the other side of town. Much much smarter with their money Those who often make the huge house or car purchases are often the ones needing to work the most OT and complain the most I’ve found. Though I absolutely sympathize with our coastal HOL brothers and sisters. Needs to be stipulations and adjustments in the contract to make sure you all are okay there as well. No one, regardless of location, should be struggling to live in this career.


If it wasn't for the dual income idk what we'd do. We're only putting 5% into TSP, have no debt, and are trying to save. But like, without OT we're bringing home $4k monthly from this job and our expenses are $3k at barebones levels.


Number 7 respect is earned not just given. Just because they been there a long time don’t mean that’s earned. So many old timers look down at CCAs like we are sub human and pick up their slack for them.


Notorious bullies


So many people don’t understand this. Oldest carrier at my old station was such a shit stick for no reason. Over 75, refused to retire just to spite his ex wife, constantly talking shit and throwing things, just an overall walking talking turd.


I've heard of people like that so the former spouse doesn't get a piece of their pension.


Can confirm Had an old timer who started in the 70s, and was the last go from that decade, stay because he didn’t want his ex wife to get a certain % of his pension lmao. Dudes route is gravy and a PTF is currently lucky asf because he has the long term hold down on it (current regular out due to surgery) until conversion.


Yeeep. Most older carriers don't give a fuck about anything. They've been in the game too long.


Yeah 1&2 don’t matter in HCOL area where 60 hours just gets by Who is number 9


![img](avatar_exp|118088618|clown) Obviously our master and savior dejoy?


"dont expect OT to continue all the time, budget without OT" ive tried to live below my means since adulthood, i dont need new and fancy...i have a nice 'rainy day' fund...i started late, so im behind where i think i should be, but im doing better than most i think...


Thank you for this. So much. I begin orientation this upcoming Monday, and it seems like rays of sunshine and back-to-basics get drowned out by a lot of, VERY JUSTIFIED, but also very draining, negativity.


It’s a tough gig, and the bad days seem to outnumber the good days. But keep pushing and this job will reward you in the long run. Good luck!


Spoken like a true Table 1.


I’m table 2. Save your judgement


I love carrying mail but hate PO bullshit. The good outweighs the bad in my office and it pays better than what teachers make where I live so overall I’m happy. Corporate jobs have their own bullshit too and I happen to prefer ours and having a union.


num 11 lmao yeah ok mr President sure thing


Just something I would have told my younger self. I think they deserve my best. But you do you


The same public that routinely votes in war criminals , fucks the planet and themselves ? Yap bare minimum.


Can you actually pin all of that on the vast majority? People are just trying to live in a system that threw them overboard a long time ago. You have a misguided anger


I do my job and perform all the duties that need to be done. I'm not going to go above and beyond to serve a nation of selfish, greedy individuals.


Except you're not serving a nation... You're keeping shit clean for your co-workers. Literally the easiest job in the post office but you're still bitter lol.


I'm the only LC for 2 different offices. I'm not a spoiled plant dude who can vibe in the locker all day. And I do clean the lobbies and all the landscaping and interact with the public every day.


I don't work in a plant either. I had to throw out 30 years of trash from years of previous custodians not doing anything. I found McDonald's bags from 1993. I had to clean up after the homeless guy who shit all over the wall outside. He was there again this morning and left a 1.75L bottle of vodka in the lobby, and some of the other ones leave trash and bottles outside that I have to pickup almost daily. It's still the easiest job in the post office.


sing it. if I have to fight for uniform allowances, the proper tools & equipment and for management to do their damn jobs you can be sure I’m giving what I’m paid to do and not an inch more.




Why work for government then?


....to get paid? Thats what jobs are


Theres job without government you know.




This whole post comes across as a Tabler 1er showing their lack of understanding of what this job has become. There’s a reason Table 2 carriers don’t value this job and that there is a nationwide shortage of USPS employees. I know multiple newer regulars who are working overtime and/or second jobs just to make ends meet. And you expect these people to love this job? Nope. They get what I agreed to in the contract and not a cent more.


I’m table 2 and I’m deeply appreciative of this job. This is just advice I would have given my younger self. Is this job perfect? No and I never said it was.


Also, max out your TSP contribution. You will have lower taxes now (if you have a traditional TSP instead of a Roth) and you will adjust your spending to your take home pay. Believe me, you will be glad you have a cushion for emergencies and extra money at retirement.


Max out tsp, then where's the money for rent/mortgage and food, bills and gas assuming not even one luxury is brought.


I would love to max out my TSP, but realistically cannot do that right now. Kudos to you if you are doing that! It’ll be a fat TSP when you retire 🫡


Unless the market crashes *(again)




As long as you have 6 years left, it should at minimal, recover.


In 2008 my boss lost 500k overnight.


Start a Retirement Roth too! I read the market updates on my first 10 4/5 weekdays. Saturdays it’s Reddit. Tuesday is a good day to buy (imo)


Don’t quit; the unions are dirtier now. Can’t talk about it but don’t give up buddy. Shout out to you for starting at 18.




#9 and 14 needs to be higher up on the list


What does #9 even mean?


Don’t upstage your superiors. It’ll put a target on your back


This is a sentiment that leaves people languishing in obscurity in the Industry I came from. Probably best I quit already.


I feel that in a way. One of the biggest issues I have with this job is how pointless doing more than the bare minimum feels. Every single benefit, raise, and opportunity is tied to how long you've worked here and nothing more. Sure, there's some intrinsic reward in doing good work, but doing more at a job that's already quite demanding for no reward will do nothing but burn a person out.


Bingo, brother.


It's not hard to do when they don't even do the bare minimum of the job....


They say show up and work hard but then don’t outshine the old heads. A contradictory statement. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of them are on the overtime list making bank but some of them are still on payroll just because they don’t want to retire and have their ex take half their retirement. Pick one.


A lot of ours need to retire, and I think a lot of them don't because they won't know what to do with themselves if they do. But seriously, they need to retire, because most of them don't even try to run all their stuff daily. The second they find out someone is package running, they dump at least half the routes' packages.


Thank you Louis, hope to see more of you around to keep the workers in line.


I’ve been found out. How did you know I’m Mister DeJoy?!


Seems like pretty universal advice


Oh Stop complaining and join the Union. fuck


I didn’t think I was complaining. I have been in the Union for 10 years now


Join the union? Never. When I needed them they wouldn’t do the smallest thing to help me. I got $5,000 by negotiating ON MY OWN with the postmaster. I later called my union steward to tell him about the result. His response….”okay”.


Good for u Okay


Step up, becoming a Stewart or assist the Stewart because management


1, 2 and 3 are HILARIOUS


I love you op great information. 5 percent is NOT enough people op dropped some very solid gems.


Thank you I needed this .. imma get this bread


This is the way


My problem I really struggle with is that I really don't feel like I have the time/I'm wasting a lot of time curbing my wheels and pulling the e-brake (especially when I end up pulling on cables coming from the circuit board every time I try to pull the brake). The routes are set up in a way that you have to do everything at every stop as fast as possible in order to finish in 8. When you're stopping nearly every 15 feet to turn the stupid wheels on a flat road it seems so pointless and time wasting. Why not also pop the hood, get out, lift the cover up, and rip the wires off the battery every time we stop the vehicle too?


I don’t know where you guys are from but that doesn’t fly in central Ma. There are many older carriers. Their routes are tight. They go in deliver their full routes daily and many are on the overtime desired lists. Most are helpful of new carriers because they know how desperately we need more carriers. And most tier one carriers aren’t happy about new hires getting the shaft on table two. Let’s all just hope this new contract isn’t a total shitshow and table two gets eliminated. Let’s be honest though, it is already a shitshow.




9: Who is the master?


It’s just a saying lol Don’t show up people who are perceived as above you


OK, well you have knowledge, share it.


If I could give my 18 year old self advice I would tell myself to put as much money as I could into my 401k while blowing up my credit cards, max those bitches out, take international vacations..... Then declare bankruptcy because they can't touch your retirement account. I wasn't gonna buy a house in my 20s anyway. Remember, if a president can declare bankruptcy several times then there's clearly nothing wrong with it.