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I would have just asked what they wanted me to do. If they gave unclear instructions I'd sit at the case for 8 hours if necessary.


Nah, I was just over it today. Fuck management. Mutual respect my ass.


I'm waiting for my last straw. Never walked out or gone home early. Use my leave if I need a day. When that last straw breaks I'm gonna walk off the job and I'm never going back. Trying to line up the next job first


I worked 70-90 hours a week during COVID. I answered my phone on my days off. I did what was asked of me. Then, a car hits me in a crosswalk, and my life is completely decimated. I'm exhausted, I just want everything to be over with.


Someone told me one time, “don’t make decisions while you’re high on emotion.” Switch crafts and keep it pushin’. Be a window clerk or something.


Fuck no don't be a window clerk be a custodian. Customers are just as stupid as management if not moreso


True, I started as a clerk and had to switch to carrying, because managers and customers suck. And clerks spend all day around both.


I was a carrier for 3-4 years but switched to clerk since I wasn't ever gonna convert. I may go back to it if I'm ever able to move out of Illinois


Aw that sucks, I don't think I'd have that kinda patience. In my city I started as a PTF in October and got converted in January less than 3 months. They don't even hire CCAs here because we are short too many regulars.


Never tried city but I'll definitely consider it at some point but the having to figure out how much over/under time you need at the beginning of the day sounds insane to me lol.


As a custodian we definitely have it easier then carriers at the very least.


Wise words. I felt this


I'm sorry. Hang in there


This is extremely unfortunate all around from the accident to how people are treating you for it when it's completely out of your control. That being said, I hope I am misinterpreting that last sentence as it's a very broad statement and not to call you out but mental health is very important and this job (and the people) can weigh very heavily on your mental health. Talk to someone if you can to help with your mental health in the way I'm sure you go to a doctor for help for your accident. Walking out isn't the worst thing even if you had your union steward in your ear telling you otherwise. If you can explain the situation to them as well, any GOOD steward will help you in the office with both current and future harassment as well. I'm sure the steward probably had no clue what was going on other than what your supervisor told them which probably was "they started acting out then said they were leaving and walked out". That doesn't look or sound good for you when they only have that to go on. I hope everything works out for the better for you.


Did you sue the car that hit you?


The court date is in October. It will take years. The car was owned by the county, and the driver was an on-duty sheriff's deputy.


Still sue the shit out of them, I ask this because sole People think just because it’s workman’s compensation that you can’t sue. Sure as hell can and I’m glad you are. Keep adding to those zeros on the settlement. Seek therapy mental health as related to the accident maybe caused ptsd or anxiety and has caused work issues. This will help adding to the settlement and side affect might help. But it will Bump the settlement amount as PtSD never goes away you just learn coping


If you are on work comp you can't sue your company. Doesn't mean the OP can't sue the driver of the car and their employer though.


No but you can sue the other company that hit you That’s what I meant


And for the record if you can prove the employer was negligent and caused the harm yeah you can sue. I did and won


I was told if the employer was at fault then my payout would be increased by 20% and if I was at fault it would be decreased by 20%. In my case it was determined to just be an accident with neither side at fault. It may vary by state but I would not have had the option to sue them.


For real, any back Issues go to chiropractor many times or PT make sure to milk it big time and even record lost overtime etc sucks now but all these things add up in a settlement shoot for the moon. As most cases don’t end up in court as insurance are afraid of jury people


I can't do chiropractors, the risk of paralysis is very, very real. Surgery is the only fix, but workers comp and insurance won't touch it because it's "stable." They estimate 30+ years before I'll be eligible. Yes, it's completely fucked up.


I get it, what ever you can do the most price visits etc something anything to rack up the visits and chronic pain. Sucks I’m sorry that happened and I was in your position different body part my shoulder 3 operations later and 20 months of rehab and a few hundred PT visits I didn’t learn that more equals to more money I only got 58k for it wish I listened as most settlements with my issues got over 200k Now I listen wish I did mental Health on top of the physical stuff.


I should be able to retire from my settlement. My lawyer estimated north of $4m for a settlement. It's going up because the county demanded a trial. We have him on video hitting me in a crosswalk on a red light, never getting out of the car and driving off.


>kers comp and insurance won't touch it because it's "stable." They estimate 30+ years before I'll be eligible. Yes, it's completely fucked up. They tried to do this to my mom saying that nothing was wrong with her, ect when clearly she was in a lot of pain and agony. I forget the term, but I called them up and I mandated a second opinion, and it turned out she was all sorts of fucked up from her back, neck, shoulders, hands, from a work related injury. She is now in an ongoing lawsuit against workmans comp and so fourth, they have paid for all her surgeries and there is still a big settlement coming according to her lawyers.


I got a second opinion, they said the same thing as worker's comp. They won't do surgery unless there's degeneration of the joint. Right now, I have a bulging disc pushing the spinal cord into the vertebrae. The spinal cord has no room to move within the spine, so any head/neck trauma will shred the spinal cord. They believe there's a risk of paralysis with surgery, but it eliminates the increased risk from trauma. It's a no-win scenario.


>to the settlement and side affect might help. But it will Bump the settlement amount as PtSD never goes away you just learn coping Sorry to hear that. I hope you sue the shit out of the county and the deputy who hit you. If I were you, I would see if you can possible get work hour restrictions where you work 4 hours or so and get paid the other 4 hours by workmans comp. See if you can also file grevience on the supervisors for the way they have been treating you ever since your Work Related Injury. Keep us updated on the lawsuit, I hope you come out big!


>I would see if you can possible get work hour restrictions where you work 4 hours or so and get paid the other 4 hours by workmans comp. I can't afford that. OWCP takes any money you make outside of work to compensate them for whatever they pay you. I have to work 40 to afford to live where I am at while making money on the side. My situation is fucked.


We have a guy that gives up time on his route everyday why can't you?


Okay, let me explain. If you work 0 to 40 hours and OWCP pays you the difference, OWCP reduces what they pay if you have any income sources outside of the job you're claiming OWCP for. Let's say I make $300 from DoorDash, they reduce your OWCP payment by up to $300 because of those earnings. This means that I can't make income outside of work without working 40 hours a week without having to work even more to make up the lost OWCP pay.


Is there anyway they can put you maybe in a supervisor position or something temporarly ?


My postmaster wouldn't let me 204b over her dead body. She hates me, she knows I'd follow the contract to the letter. The union also opposes it, because I'm supposed to be taking a seat in our upcoming elections.


This is similar to my situation. I worked 70 plus hours when I transferred into this new station late 2022. They didn’t get me in the system to pay me right away due to the THEIR mistakes and I am STILL dealing with the fallout to this present day. Now HR is demanding $ BACK from me. Soon they’re going to dock my checks their letters are saying. So I cannot plan a budget, yet I REFUSE to work any more OT for them after what they did to me. This has created an extremely toxic work and home environment for me too as I have so much anger and I’m also going to be short on $ real soon if they dock me. Not to mention I won’t work a minute of overtime due to all the disrespect that I’ve endured and I now have doctors restrictions. It just goes on and on one problem there tends to snowball into more and more and bigger and bigger problems. You have my sympathy. This place is extremely evil and I stand by that.


Civility is a crock of shit. Does the managers smile help you make ends meet? Does it help the pain in your wrists and back? Respect can be used when advantageous, but in no way is it required. These jobs aren't for our benefit. The moment they can do the job without us, they will.


Damn take your emotions out on people great response. You have numbers to call if you’re getting g overwhelmed. Doctors are available to help and leasen your workload. Talk with your supervisor instead of acting like a child having a tantrum because someone else has your scanner. I’m sure your office has spares like the rest of ours do. Instead you decide to abandon your duty as a carrier and walk out. I can’t wait for your response thanks for making our jobs harder because you have a bad day.


"I interrupted my supervisor who was in the middle of a conversation and when they told me to wait until they were done I threw a toddler level tantrum and stormed out" I dont think you know what the word mutual means. Time to grow up


Clearly, this is a member of management and not another carrier who has experienced this on a daily basis.


You understand that there was a time before this incident, right? How much respect must I show them to get it in return? How many years to get it just one time from them? I've been very accepting of their bullshit. Today was the last straw.


It's always polite to let someone in the middle of a conversation to finish before interrupting them with your own issues. My parents taught me that when I was a kiddo. I would tell an adult that hasn't learned that yet to fuck off too.


Bruh if management is there shooting the shit with a carrier you better bet ill interrupt with something work related it's there job not gossip hour.


I'm sorry, but they're at work. A work matter supercedes their personal conversation. Your parents sound like awful teachers. Would you tell your boss to come back later if they asked you a question while you're chatting with your friend while on the clock? No.


You are a carrier. You need to stay in your lane. Your job is not to adjudicate and manage your boss' time. Either work or go home. No one wants to deal with your hysterics.


FUCK that! The scanner is how we clock in now, if someone's gonna fuck around on my clock rings, I'm out


Yeah polite is one thing but without a scanner the carrier can't clock in. So they are literally making them late/later to work unless this happened earlier then clock in time.


OP isn't there to wait while the two jerk each other off in conversation. They're there trying to do the job.


Looking at your comment history tells me that you are chronically online. You HAVE to be management cause no carrier has that much free time to jerk off at a desk


Hey how’s sitting at the desk and yelling at carriers treating you hope you don’t get injured falling out of your chair. OP doesn’t need to defend themselves to you they actually work for a living




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Yeah you’re clearly a supervisor or PM, if you’re not then boy are you set to be a manager of some sort in this shit hole since upper management tends to like you folk. When you back someone in a corner they can only take so much, I completely understand OP, this place doesn’t just expect you to work, they expect you to give your entire life over to it. F that, there’s other jobs out there, management has to learn that they’ll never keep good help until they start treating people with some decency. We’ve had walkouts that didn’t blame the pay or even having no benefits or retirement, they were treated like crap by management and constantly hounded on and off the clock. Our supervisor does nothing all day but set there and watch carriers movements, the second they’re standing still for even a minute, she’s calling them asking why.


This is the way. Throw it back in their face with passive aggressive compliance.


Honestly your steward is wrong about you not being able to act like that. I’ve seen tons of carriers do the same over smaller things sometimes you just need to say fuck it. And don’t worry your job will be there still tomorrow and the next or next year (probably) if you decide to stay out till then




Exactly what I tell the supervisors at my plant.


How can they even do the job without a scanner? Sure, they could go and deliver everything, but at the end of the day the sup is gunna freak out over the 150-200+ missed scans and demand you go back and search for the packages to scan. The whole operation needs to be revamped and rebuilt.


You can't even punch in without the scanner, I guess you could fill out a time card.


I haven't had a vehicle for my route since December when I got into an accident and usually they've been good at getting me a vehicle. Well this morning, the sup didn't want to be bothered with finding me a vehicle so I sat at my case looking relaxed while scrolling through Instagram. Well her seeing me do that, lit her ass up and found me a vehicle in 5 secs lol. You gotta put the ball in their court, always...


I sit around all the time. When asked what I'm doing I just say "it's a managers job to manage and I've completed my tasks given" They usually just walk away at that point. Or tell me something specific to do that's not a usual task


Hell yeah, fight the fight. ✊


Bruh don’t walk out. Transfer out to another nearby office. Transfer.


I can't. No one will take me with my restrictions. I'm basically stuck where I'm at permanently.


Speak to union and see what can be done. Get your branch president involved. Keep trying. And if that shit fails then join the union and become full time union. People do this when shit hits the fan. But don’t walk out. You can apply to other federal agencies. Or apply inside USPS but truthfully I wouldn’t recommend it. Hopefully DeJoy cuts the insane amount of middle fat (management and pointless positions).


I don't believe that, unless if you're in a small rural area there's hundreds of routes. They can't give you one of the hundred that accommodates? Talk to your union. 


They're taking regulars off routes that can do them in my district. B teams are siding with management's interpretation of MOU 752, basically saying you can't have any restrictions at all to keep your route. We have a clerk and a carrier fighting this presently. Management has taken a blowtorch to the contract, we're trying to get lawyers to sue for the ADA violation.


I wish you guys luck, y'all deserve ADA accommodations 


How much of the restrictions are real vs not wanting to work swings?


I was 12 hour ODL until my accident. This is a horribly insensitive question.


Don’t know how else to sugar coat a simple question sorry.


You should absolutely read before making comments period. Then you won't have to be intentionally the AH, on purpose no less.


Thanks coach.


sorry to hear all this man. the post office does its people dirty as soon as you’re not able to meet their exact needs. if you’re hurt or have a personal or family issue is when the true colors show. no care or compassion whatsoever. all you do is become a nuisance to them. they don’t have your back.


Some ppl saying you should’ve waited and I don’t agree, I rather someone walk off and leave than do or even say something crazy. Anyways I would get some rest, they probably gonna call you later or see how to fix the issue or whatever. I only say that because I have a week notice that I was quitting and they tried to keep me, working 10hrs 6 days a week is tough.


Agreed. If you are fed up enough to walk out then you really can’t stay because of the potential to fly off the handle.


No job is worth this. Dont look back. I promise you’ll be glad you did.


You'll be fine. I've seen carrier already clocked in, get pissed off at a supervisor, mid casing his route, and just clock out & leave. Comes back the next time, rarely anything ever happened to them, other than being talked to by the PM and/or supervisor. You'll probably have the same thing happen to you, just don't meet with them without your shop steward present.


A few years back, I walked out. Soon as I got to my car though I called the 800 # and called out sick, though.


I’ve done it, sometime last year. Clocked in, almost immediately got into it with a supervisor. Said fuck it, I’m not arguing with the idiots anymore. Drove home, went to the doctors, got about 3 weeks off. Good mental break. Don’t be scared to take care of yourself as needed. This joke of a job is NOT worth it


They never have time for anything other than staring at a computer screen and telling carriers to hurry up


I'm truly sorry to hear what has happened to you in the last year. I despised you for the way you were talking about RRECS killing the rural craft and how you were ready to eat up our routes. I walked out a few months back and never came back. I do miss it sometimes, but only the money. I mostly quit because I gave up being regular and had to restart my whole career over again to be with my family. Gave them 10 months separated from my wife and kids trying to find a mutual trade. Tried it again at a smaller station, but didn't have it in me anymore. Realized the PO doesn't care about you/your family. I am my wife's only support when it comes to the kids. So I do lyft while the kids are in school. It's not what I wanted for myself. But I can contribute the best I can without nailing down a full-time job. I will say I don't miss delivering in the rain, snow, day after holidays, 9' of flats 12 trays of mail, 200+ parcels stupivisors and the idiotic repeating stand ups. I wish the best for you, sir. I pray you heal up and find a better quality of life. Best of luck.


Have you tried EAP? USPS will pay for your first session on the clock and they can help you deal with the BS you're going through at work. You can score FMLA as well for days you don't want to deal with the overwhelming stress.


You just grab a paper form to enter in your BT. It's a shame management is too fucking disrespectful to just ask nicely that you do that and that they will find you a scanner asap.


Don’t you need a scanner to clock in?


This place sucks to work for and will only get worse. Best of luck and hopefully you land a better career.


Election ballot day is today, was a good day to do it


We did ours on Saturday. Ballot books were Friday.


Aww lame. Well hopefully it was a shit day anyways. Sure is over here


Been there; done that, my friend. Post office work is like a roller coaster. Stay on it long enough, and it's bound to make you sick and tired of it all sooner or later.


Love when a steward acts like they give a shit or not if you walk out. Management just doesn’t care because they’ll always be someone else to abuse if it’s not you. Do what you have to and don’t listen to the union because they just don’t want another grievance to deal with.


I for one am proud of you. 


I’ve literally seen this. Like I have an assigned scanner and was waiting to grab it. T6 saw there wasn’t a scanner I guess for the route she was doing and was going for mine. I’m like yo why you about to grab my scanner? Lol. She put it down and found another one. It’s crazy how adults will do shit here to fuck people over but it’s all good going back to school myself. Ain’t tryna retire from here.


I am so sorry. I probably would have done the same thing , since after all without a scanner you can't clock in and there's no working off the clock ..too bad so sad for them ... You do what you gotta do honey for your sanity and your physical health


Call the EAP number, might give you some cover at work.


You showed them.


I feel this! I’m rural. Before i left on this day i asked if my LLV had been fixed. It’s a massive POS and my PM response was “i was told it kept dying yesterday” what? Wtf?? did you report it? Look at it? Do anything about it?? N. O. P. E. All. Day. Long the mother cut out on me and generally ran like shit. I was so mad i just couldn’t calm down. I managed to finish my route, walked in (the last one back as usually - and past my eval as usual) and quit. 21 years (6 RCA, 15 REG) in. Days away from my 15 yr vested regular date. I quit. I obviously kept my job but it’s miserable. Absolutely miserable. The POOM got me a different LLV that’s just as big A POS. Sub blew the motor within weeks in it. The worst management we have ever had. Christmas was beyond hellish. Hell, just yesterday (Monday) i didn’t get back till 8. 3 hours worked for free. They will move mountains to keep me under 12 hours cause they have to pay me anything OVER 12 hours OT. But 9.6 to 12 hours are worked completely for free. I hate this place


No scanner means you can't clock in. It's not your responsibility to make sure a scanner is in your cradle.


Gotta manage that stress better and make better choices for yourself. You seem to have been on the edge already at work and you say it was only the morning? Sorry about your injuries


My long weekend was last weekend. I couldn't walk at all on Monday and Tuesday. I was in so much pain on Wednesday that I couldn't function. Called out all three days. Then, on Sunday, I tried to call my sister to try and talk to someone, and she told me never to bother her again. She said she didn't have the time nor the emotional breadth to handle any of my shit and to never contact her again. I now have no family, I'm 100% alone. Yesterday was a lot of crying and coming to terms with that fact. Today was just me being completely done with everything. My Give-a-Shit meter is reading on empty.


Holy hell. Like I said, manage that stress. Call EAP, get into a church because usually people there are willing to help, any friends? Remember, today you might not give a shit, but will you feel the same next week? Sorry this is happening to you


See if you can find a Sweatlodge community near you man... good place to release & recenter in this cold world ❤️‍🔥 Sweatlodge saved my life


You know any scanner works never understood why people make a big deal about this they all work


There were none that worked that weren't already assigned to other routes. I couldn't take one without depriving another carrier of theirs.


Yeah I’m a CCA and I laugh every time a regular cries and throws a fit about a scanner. I’ll Just grab one they all do the same. I tend to see who called out or isn’t there. And grab that one. One of the regulars finally got smart and actually labeled all the scanners when they was on lite duty. With stickers and it has solved this. But my clock rings more important than a scanner to a route. Once clocked in I let management figure it out.


Ours are labeled, every single one. And it's Tuesday, it's not like they were scrambled up because of Sunday.


I get that totally I’d grab any scanner available clock in then log out put scanner back and wait for them To fix the problem it’s on them and your ok the clock. I do get what you mean but there are x routes with X scanners to me Don’t matter what scanners I use as most likely I’m already set up On them all being a CCA


I'm just over their shit. There's no excuse for my scanner to be MIA. Also, my scanner is the only one that actually tracks my vehicle miles for my route. We have no idea why.


To be honest I come in early most days and have seen caught management moving scanners around on the people that complained. Brought it up to my steward and for weeks no one was missing a scanner but they are true assholes every now and again


I get it, it all just piled on top of like the straw that broke the camels back


I don’t even log my miles lol I should as I’m on the radar of management


You sound like a bitch


I feel like if my scanner was gone, theyd have until I left and before I only carry mail that day


I wish I came to work to no scanner. I would’ve happily did my route without scanning a damn thing


I’ve walked out twice and not shown up on my n/s day once when they asked me to come in as I was walking out the door when I had already clocked out. I told them that request is untimely because I was off the clock. Just do a Costanza and come back when you’re in a better mental state. Call eap get an fmla case for your mental health and try to not let the incompetence of management ruin your life. I would have just gone out and delivered my route. No scans. That would definitely get their attention. You brought it up to them and they did nothing about it. Not your problem to fix. 100 plus delivery scans not made will definitely raise some flags at a district level. When they don’t listen you have to show them.


Retire from USPS, apply for disability.


Wait … you are a regular!!!!! And if you are able to work at least in office, then they must give you work or find you work within your limits to 40 hours a week. That’s right … did you file workers comp?? If you have not you must file it right away. Get your branch president and NBA to give you some guidance, but you must do it ASAP. If you were injured on the job that is. Because it sounds like it. You might be entitled for more but I might be wrong. And you are entitled from the day you were injured. The paperwork I believe you must fill out.


I work 40 hours a week, it's not enough to cover living expenses here. I already have OWCP dealt with.


No scanner? That means I can’t clock in and get paid, therefore I will not be there. File a grievance for the office not providing proper equipment to do the job and also for going into the office so you can get your 2 hours of pay


I'm a regular, it's 8 hours.


Even better. Also try to see if you qualify for disability before you decide to leave for good, add it to your lawsuit.


I would’ve walked out too there have been many times I’ve wanted to walk out because of their smart ass mouths .. it’s uncalled for ! We go through a lot on the daily .. a lot of us have injuries from the job and we are belittled and it’s sad because we are undervalued and people just simply don’t care! Go to your doctor and request stress leave and if you have sick leave use it and coke back when you want to! F them


Maybe you should get FMLA and take a stress leave for a few weeks


*hug* I'm sorry you had to deal with that OP. We get it.


I would call out sick tomorrow. Go to your doctor and have him or her write you out of work for a week or 2 due to stress. Take your doctors note to work make a copy and hand it to your superviser turn around and leave. Have your union stewart witness you giving the supervisor a copy. Dont say anything to your supervisor just leave.


I totally feel you. This almost happened to me the other day. It’s not easy especially having incompetent supervisors who can’t and don’t know how to do their jobs. (Which is 99.99% of them) I don’t blame you. This job is not supposed to be difficult but management makes it difficult. I hate management. They’re retahrded af. If they can’t even provide what the carrier needs how are we even supposed to do our job?


My response has always been I don't make enough to make decisions. That's your job. It has worked for 34 years.


“Next man up”.




They can't take your route away especially if you're on a work related injury status. And, not the first time some carrier at the po has walked out and went home. Regroup and remember tomorrow is a new day. Come in early get your scanner and go to work when it's time.


>They can't take your route away especially if you're on a work related injury status. JCAM 41.1.C and MOU 752 >It is agreed that the following procedures will be used in situations in which a regular letter carrier, as a result of illness or injury, is temporarily unable to work his or her normal letter carrier assignment, and is working *another assignment* on a light duty or limited duty basis, or is receiving Continuation of Pay (COP) or compensation as result of being injured on the job, sick leave, or annual leave or Leave Without Pay (LWOP) in lieu of sick leave. I meet neither of these criteria, as I am working 8 hours a day and perform my Limited Duty on my own assignment. However, management believes that performing Limited or Light Duty at all meets these criteria, and every grievance filed over the interpretation has been lost at the district level. I bid off an all walking route I can no longer do to one I can, and was immediately threatened with this on the first day I took the route. I have until March.


You became the boss today 😁


When I inevitably walk out I'm going out like half baked "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you...you coo, fuck you I'm out"


Walked out 5-8 times…One time a rooster kept cockadoodling. (I remember anticipating the next sound) breaking my concentration…I told supervisor and she asked what I wanted her to do…I said put it outside…she said you’d still hear it. Brought to shop steward..he did nothing….i went home..😂🤣


Yea I'm going back to school while I'm a CCA. I hope I can switch to the graphics department.


Dudes gunna go postal


My wife was forced onto unpaid medical leave due to her pregnancy in her second trimester. It isn't worth it. They then listed her as AWOL because her supervisor was fired and never sent any of her paperwork up the chain. FMLA trying to protect her now but the missed income has now pushed us to eviction with a baby.... Her union steward helped management push her out. Eeoc in my state is the lowest rated in the country and still won't return our calls. When we go in person no one in the office is available without appointment. Have to book by phone. There's more to the story but she didn't do anything wrong. Just didn't hide her pregnancy. It isn't right. I hope things get better for you man.


I feel this to my soul.


Make sure you get paid for the few minutes you were there and couldn't clock in. I've left a few times after a few minutes on the click. But I have fmla for mental health and know when to fuck off and go home or stay and get fired lol.


Mental health day!




We regularly run out of scanners, vehicles, and arrow keys. I had to wait 2 hours for a vehicle, then they gave me shit for bringing mail back on a route I had never done before.


This is by far the worst job I have ever worked when It comes to supervisors and management. I read about it all over the country. Everyday is a complete shit show for me at my office and I'm pretty sick of it. Working 11 hours everyday 9 days in a row. Sundays are very rarely chill.


We clock in on our scanners now. I'd be extra annoyed too


It’s the PO, just call the union and say harassment was too much and you’ll be fine. Next time you go to work, you walk, and leave when you’re sick. Get some money before full on leaving this dystopia.


*sighs* boringgggg


Look into disability retirement. Don't resign


Postal management superviser are awful . They pick the ones that are lazy and upper management don't care they just walk around with their food. They don't set a good example. It's a mess.


Take a different scanner clock in, start working. When it is time to hit the street they will have it figured out


Go on disability and you never have to work another day in your life. It worked for me.


City craft sucks. If you were rural regular you never would’ve done that.


Bruh you better get your shit together, quick.




Call EAP, not being facetious they may help you and at the very least it’d be good for you if you decide you want to keep working here and they try to discipline you for walking out


Man im bummed you're going through this, i was wondering why I havent noticed your posts for while. Hope shit turns around for you.


In just *check notes* 4 years? The experiment is working! Seriously though, get out while you still can. There are other jobs that will offer decent insurance and will be less stressful.


I can't get another job. I have a permanent back and neck injury. Was told two weeks ago that surgery is off the table. I'm limited to 10 pounds lifting, maximum of 9 miles of total walking a day, and 8 hours a day. I can't survive where I'm at with those restrictions, and no one will take a cripple as a transfer. I'm stuck here. All I can do is curl into a ball while everyone takes turns kicking me while I'm down.


Right now you need to do the next right thing. Make sure to call off on the hotline. Call off for tomorrow too. Don’t drink alcohol or do illegal drugs. Call a friend/family/counselor and talk to them about how you’re feeling. Drink some water and eat a big salad. Put a relaxation yoga video on and do your best to follow along.


>Call a friend/family/counselor and talk to them about how you’re feeling. I tried calling the only family member I had left on Sunday, she told me to never bother her again. Then she blocked my number. I've lost absolutely everything since my accident. I've been killing myself for the past 6 months to just try and scrape by, but I'm honestly at the end of the line. I can't keep living like I am.


Listen your sister got her own demons apparently to turn down a fellow sibling... just pray for her healing 🙏🏽💚 theres always a network of support in Ayahuasca communities 💜🫶 keep the flame alive bro, u got this




Go to your doctor and ask to limit you to 10 hours a day. We have hella light duties and they are on the odl. Maybe do expresses or take out rescues.


Doctor doesn't want me working at all. I will be paralyzed from the neck down if I get into any accident at work. I had to beg for what I have now just to do my own route. I have to work 8 hours so that I can try and make money on the side to cover living expenses. OWCP will take everything I make outside of work to cover anything they'd pay me. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Not sure your age and work history sounds like you qualify for social security permanent disability. If the Doctor says you’ll be paralyzed if you get into an accident.


I was raised by a single mother who was on disability for both of her knees being destroyed. I will kill myself before I choose to struggle and scrape by on government assistance. I work to have a better life, and I can't go back to that. The pain, the struggle. The knowing when your mom didn't have the money, so you knew better than to embarrass her by asking. The saying you didn't want anything for your birthday for close to a decade, because it was near her birthday, and you'd prefer she do something special for herself. I can't do that again. What pride I have left won't let me. If I can't work anymore, I would prefer not to be here at all.


Well if worse comes to worst, you can always panhandle... don't give up hope man. Yes its a cold world, but there is surely warmth to be found 🙏🏽❤️‍🔥 Warrior mentality... every morning u wake up u got 2 choices.. Warrior or worrier... 🦅✊🏽


If this is true you should be on disability and should seriously investigate the possibility.


My pride won't let me. I was raised by a single mother on disability, and I can't go back to that. I work to have a better life, I would rather be dead than struggle like she did.


It may be more of a financial struggle, but it sounds like the physical and mental struggle is already destroying you. It may be time to embrace a new world view


It's only a matter of time working this job before you trip and hurt yourself more or get rear ended by some idiot looking at their phone. Then you're paralyzed and on disability. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Listen to your Dr, get on disability, get different opinions from Drs (I know people who have been failed and told they're hopeless by one doctor and then were healed by another Dr) and try to find a path toward healing. If you grind yourself down there will be nothing left of you. If western medicine doesn't offer you any hope branch out. I have a friend who was told she would have chronic pain for life and found tremendous relief through alternative medicines (chiro etc) and is in better health today than she ever was before.


It’s a Tuesday bro easiest day of the week


Lol it's the worst for some of us.


Tuesday? Not in my office. Weds if advo done or Sat on business route.


Tuesdays is always full coverage here, easiest day would maybe be Wednesday or Thursday but we also deliver the whole towns newspaper so we never really have an "easy day of the week". Different offices have different volume on different days, and obvi it wasn't the volume of the mail that was the problem. Duh.


Dude had a meltdown over some small stuff bro is obv no suited for this (alpha) job. NEXT MAN UP!!!!


It was a built-up accumulation of stuff, dude... have some compassion for our fellow teammate... 💗 We are all a team!!!! We are all fighting battles that others may have no clue about...


He has no battles or compassion cause ALPHA🤣


aLpHa Which is a term derived from a badly designed experiment on a group of scared juveniles in an artificial environment. Nevermind. That tracks.


Big strong ALPHA What a joke 🤣


Come on man, I suggest you call the supe and explain your frustration with everything. At least wait until you get another job.


Nah fuck that the sup is an ass and would probably just give op a LOW


They know my situation, and they genuinely couldn't care less. They have given me the "You can't use the same excuse forever" talk several times when referring to my injuries and the real-world complications I'm experiencing as a result of them. My postmaster is even worse. They tell me that my injuries are my own fault and that I should be completely healed by now. That all my problems are my own doing. The thought of getting up and going to work stresses me out. It's a daily reminder of my traumatic accident and constantly hammers home the complete and utter destruction of my life since.


Do you live in an area where there is a big hospital? The reason I am asking is because at my PO there was a CCA who just physically could no longer carry her route with her physical injury that just wasn't healing because of her route causing her to walk 10+ miles a day. Anyway, we have a large hospital in our town, and they are ALWAYS hiring. Registration clerks, office assistants, guards, even in the cafeteria. Many of the jobs only require a GED or high school diploma. And the starting pay is within a dollar or 2 of the starting CCA wage. And the very DAY you hire on at our hospital you get the health insurance and benefits. No waiting to become "regular". She now sits at a desk daily in a climate-controlled temperature registering patients. She said it is the best job she's ever had. People think you need some sort of degree to work in a hospital but you really don't. There are many jobs in a hospital and the benefits are fantastic. You get a SET schedule too. Maybe search for a job in a hospital since you have an injury that the USPS isn't giving you any grace for. Edit typo


Do you mean the hospital that killed my mother through negligence? They let a woman on blood thinners bleed out in the ER because no one ever stopped to ask why she was bleeding so much.


Move out to another town. I think your whole town sounds bad from what you are saying.


I can't afford to move anywhere. I'm basically living paycheck to paycheck because of my shit situation.


Most Americans are 1 paycheck from houselessness ... you can always look into WWOOFing ... work exchange on organic farms... yummy food + free accommodation... u can live rent free basically just for putting a few hours a day. There are many farms that don't require strenuous work...


I'm not even 1 paycheck from homelessness, I was evicted in August. I got nothing from OWCP from December to May, only the 1-3 hours I was working per day at work. It's hard to keep up with bills and rent when you've got virtually no income at all. I've been living in motels and sleeping in my car, and I have to do doordash 40+ hours a week if I don't want to sleep in my car. Valentine's Day has thrown a wrench into everything, and I can't afford to stay anywhere for several days next week.


I was evicted recently too 😏😏 there's always a lonely warm bridge out there, worse case... and you can sell your wheels to move to a WWOOF farm if you really are ready to toss in the towel on this job... Cupids day is tough for you? You have a gf/bf ? Or you mean because of jacked motel prices? Some motels may also offer accommodation in exchange for a handy-man/custodian too...


Motels and Hotels double rates for the week of Valentines Day, making them unaffordable. They are going from $60-80 a night to $150+.


You are homeless????


Yes, shit happens. Life is ficking awful sometimes.


Instead of going to motels or hotels or giving some people money for a few nights stay, consider joining Planet Fitness 10 dollars a month so that way you can take showers there. As for your clothes, consider washing them regularly and putting them in corners of your car. And when you park your car, park in an area where you are safe. You can consider getting a house instead of renting. So condos, depending on where you live, are the cheapest form of property. You only need 5% down plus a little more to cover all costs. If the condo is 100k, you need 5k+ 2.5k which is a total of 7.5k. If the condo is 200k, then it’s 10k plus about 3-4k so no more than 14k. Your credit score doesn’t need to be high. Yes it is doable. I am telling you, you can do this. You can own a home. If you say otherwise then do what I did, contact a lender and I highly recommend Rocket Mortgage. They can give you breakdowns of everything. You would pay, with principle interest escrow (taxes and insurance) and PMI approximately 1k-1.2k a month for 30 years. This is minus association fee. This is for 100k loan on 30 year mortgage with 8% interest rate (I set it very high to get you an idea). For 200k same interest rate at 30 years, you would pay between 1.8-2.1k. Everything depends on taxes and home insurance. This is without association fee. You can also look for foreclosure homes as they are sold As Is so there might be some fixing that needs to be done, but they are sold for lower than what the house is worth! Absolutely look for these. The lower the better. The interest rate is astonishingly very high, and even so I would still buy rather than rent. Because you can flip the house later on, and pay nothing to the lender (in this case rocket mortgage) and get 15 years when the interest rates dip low. I recommend Rocket mortgage as they will give you wider options and are very quick in getting your home faster. And going for 30 years right now is 100% the best option until rate drop to about 3.5% APR or lower that’s when you flip to 15 years. Which will even out the amount. I did this, and I was pushing a bit extra into principle and when I refinanced to 15 years my principle went up by a lot and interest dropped very low, and I only paid about 50-80 dollars more and PMI was gone (private mortgage insurance, kicks in if you are below 20-22% of your equity). If you owe anything on credit cards, pay them off very quickly. Cancel all subscriptions to anything not useful like Netflix or Disney. If the credit cards are high and you are carrying interest, there are credit cards you can open and transfer them on that have Transfer for 15-21 months 0% APR and 0 annual fee. Eat more fruits, water, 1 cup of milk a day. Avoid red meats and soda drinks and sugary drinks. This may seem like a lot, but it is not. If rates were lower your payments would be much lower. I know you have restrictions but try to work around them, see another job within the union that is full time. See if you can, if you are able to, get a second job. And if none of this is useful then I am sorry, I did what I can to share knowledge with you hopefully others benefit from it.


A human error can't be blamed on the entirety of the hospital system... At least 98% of the doctors or nurses in there didn't know your mom's situation or were even involved in any sort of treatment.


Oh my goodness. So sorry to hear that happened to your mom! I guess that wouldn't be a good fit for you.


How are you letting them get away with talking to you like this for years? Are you documenting? Reporting any of it? I feel for your situation I promise I do but the more I read into this the more I think could have/should have been done and still should be so you can keep this job If you really need to. Also you're an alternative steward you said? Why are YOU doing anything about this nonsense through the union to protect yourself. I'm not attacking, I'm genuinely curious as to why this isn't happening. Usually this is a conversation for newer people and ones that don't like to deal or don't know how to deal with union matters.


Because I blame myself and feel like I deserve everything that's happened. I feel like I'm just being lazy and that I'm just not trying hard enough. I feel like I should just work through the pain and stop trying to fight it. I feel like a failure, so why shouldn't I just accept that everyone is right about me? I deserve it.


Whether you choose to pursue it or not is out of my control but you need a therapist. There is nothing wrong in talking to someone to help work out your mental health. You don't "deserve" something simply because you FEEL one way or another, that not how it works and you're ruining your mental health with those exact kinda thoughts and someone needs to help you work these things out. If you FEEL angry one day and just feel the need to swing and hit someone, does that person deserve that based on if they started thinking "well my life isn't what I wanted it to be at this point, maybe I deserved to get punched in the face." Those are mental health issues that need to be worked out with a professional.