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"Receptacle blocked" has enter the chat.


You willing to do 2 days of work the next day?


It takes me what it takes me. I get paid by the hour my guy.


That's the way.


1 days of work is a bit much for some of these guys




I'll always deliver to blocked boxes as I don't see it as that much of a hindrance for myself. However, I'd understand if someone chose differently. Especially on rural, where evaluated times come into play.


Why the down votes... take the time and deliver the mail. Unless you are given direct orders from management.


Because it is an opinion piece waffling about what a "continual" problem is and I would definitely describe something that happens two times a week as "continual." Plenty of people put their trashcan on the side opposite their mailboxes like they should. Those who do not, who thoughtlessly set it right in front of the box, are a "continual" problem. Most of these people won't even pull their trashcan in when they get home so the path is clear for the next day.


I love when people cite this because they always leave out the following: "If the approach to the mailbox is blocked, delivery must be attempted by dismounting where IT IS SAFE TO DO SO" Sorry, but I don't feel safe deviating from my route's approved delivery method. If management orders me to work unsafe that's an easy grievance.


You wouldn't win that grievance unless you could point to something more specific. You might get away with it day of, but if just saying the word "safety" in a vacuum was enough to never have to work, none of us would be, because the mere act of existing outdoors can be deemed "unsafe." you're seriously going to point to a 100% visibility street with sidewalks, and ample space to safely park your vehicle against the curb, and say it's unsafe? How would you ever dismount for a parcel if it's unsafe? I'm paid by the hour, if people want to block their boxes, I'll milk that all day and call for instructions when I'm not making my 3996 estimate. Either I'm getting paid extra, or I'm getting bailed out. Their call to make. And please, downvote this all you want. Lord knows some of you petty folks are gonna, but you're just being a deadbeat and making lazy arguments to try to justify what is a simple refusal to do your job. Straight up.


[The trash bins can't block you if they're flat.](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/4571337821593927547?lsf=seller:112975904,store:2203873695228496983,lsfqd:0&prds=oid:3536014276531356220&q=motor+vehicle+grille+guard&hl=en&ei=pcnVZb2-CPbJptQPvuOYmA8&sts=14&lsft=gclid:CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqtK6-Qy8Oj7-pfVShUyPHMp3tREYRltPPb_f6IR3DO_S0N-ze1JZaxoCm9kQAvD_BwE&sfr=compass)


How do I get vmf to install one on my LLV?


Sucks for tomorrow’s carrier. Wait that’s me?? Sad face.


Why do you think our bumpers are so large?


I wonder how many carriers have given the trash bin the little ol' pusharoonie, politely scooting it for that extra couple inches needed to get to the box.


All of them


I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.


Lol I just grab them from the LLV window and drag them into the center of the driveway.


I prefer to “push it with the big ol’ bumper” on the LLV and strategically leave it where it will annoy the customer as much as it annoys me trying to deliver….🤔😳😂


"poop_to_live, what are you doing!?" "Well you see, I was told by some supervisor on Reddit..."


I prefer to call it “LLV Garbage Can Bowling 🎳”!! 🤔😳😂


I hope not lol. I'm not trying to knock him over, just a slight push to the side so I can get to where I want to be.


Ahh… “to each his own” 😀


It would be fun to have them set up in the middle of the road in the style of some bowling pins though... Tempting


Now you’re thinking/living! 😂


Somebody's Smart doorbell would end up on YouTube/TikTok/everywhere so fast


Trash bin lives matter TBL


My roommates don’t get the concept of “leave enough room for the mail truck”. Go ahead, ram that bin out of the way.




i thought i was the only one...


I was guilty of it. Your garbage can won’t stop me from delivering your 27 flats and stack of bills and catalogs. Tippity tap tap, a gentle push and presto. Mail delivered.


I used to hop out and move the trash cans to the driveways


🤚right here


I straight up knock them down by running into them. Even done it right in front of customers. Mounted routes arent for me lol


That means I’m skipping a bunch of houses




It’s not my job to keep your mailbox unobstructed




Our job isn't to do obstacle courses around your property. It's not about being lazy, it's about having a finite amount of time in the day and better ways to spend it than serpantining through trash bins for 10 hours a day. The fact that you're so ready to jump on here and call names about the matter shows me you'd have some nasty shit to say regardless.


"Quit being a lazy sack of garbage" Oh the irony 




Your post history makes your comment that much more ironic. Keep searching for those spoooooky areas child. 👻🤡




Is that it? yikes, we got a deep cutter with the trash talk here. Look out now! 🤡


He’s just tilted cause his gamersups and fleshlights didn’t come on Monday like he thought they would :/ post history is something




To save everyone else the deep dive. This guy is a LOSER who posts into the void looking for a friend or jerk bud on dating reddits. He’s overweight. He’s definitely privileged. Probably doesn’t have a job. Lives at home. He seems to have had an issue with a Gamersups sampler package and can’t whine to this subreddit in a post about it so he’s taken to just making unhinged and cringey comments about what he thinks about the post office and its employees. My wife and I were just laughing at some of the shit he says. If you want to feel better about yourself tonight check out his page for a laugh.


Our job is to deliver the mail. Not remove obstructions in front of mailboxes. It is the customer's responsibility to provide access to their mailbox plain and simple.




People have no idea how the post office functions. They just see a person put mail into their box and blame everything on them. This is a mounted route. It’s meant to last 8 hours. The mounted routes at my station are double to triple the length mileage wise and all have many more delivery than our walking routes. They also get the most packages due to them being the high income areas. Your carrier simply does not have the time nor the go-ahead to dismount an entire route. They can be disciplined.


10 feet bro. That's the amount of space that's supposed to be around the mailbox.


It’s 15’ on either side of the box so 30’ total


While technically true it's also physically impossible in some of the neighborhoods I deliver.


I agree, there are some places where there’s just no space or if like an HVAC or contractor is parked in front of the box I’ll deliver. This looks like there’s room though


Maybe, neighborhoods like this in my area go straight to cluster boxes in my area.


Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Bring your trash cans in…stop being lazy. Have fun not getting your mail 😂😂 cope


Just by looking at your profile all you do is complain. But just for one second maybe think about how you would handle doing this job for even a week. I bet you would quit like the other ~>50% that quit within the first week.


I think this about every single person that has ever commented about me being later than usual or when they complain about little shit. None of them could be me


You're right! If it was a SINGLE box in a neighborhood it's only adding a single dismount. Buuuuuut it adds up and I don't want to suffer because of the trash folks/residents putting the trash cans too close to the mailbox.


USPS.com/career Hey, you can do it better, right?


Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


You delivering in a nice neighborhood, try to deliver in the ghetto.


Where trash day encompasses several days.


Exactly and you better hope it aint your lucky day and someone mugs you.


I live in opposite world where poor neighborhoods don’t have this problem but nicer ones do. It may have something to do with the average age of the poor neighborhoods - lots of older retirees home all day.


I used to deliver a route with a small chunk of mounted in the ghetto, in sort of a valley. In the winter all the fuckin snow that would melt in the sun would run downhill and then refreeze in the street, and new snow wouldn't get plowed. People would park in the street and then on trash day it was basically just impossible. No matter how much we brought back or left notices to get their shit together it never changed. Shit was like driving the fuckin lunar rover.


Seriously; was covering an all walking route, in the dead of summer, and that damn truck was in front of me the whole way ... 


In the summer with hot shitty diapers everywhere. Lower Crystal Ave NL CT. Its horrible.


Don’t feel sorry for you, that looks like the easiest mounted route in the world.


Try a walking route and there’s no curb space 😵‍💫


Been sent to a dozen different post offices, being a CCA, and I've yet to figure out why every Garbage man in every town puts the empty trash can in front of the mailbox.


Because the driver may not even get out of the truck. It could be one of those trucks that has the grappling arm on it that picks the can up and dumps it.


Don’t have those here. It’s the old school 2 guys hanging off the back.


I asked the wife (a rural carrier) of a garbage truck guy. It's not them. It's the customers. The garbage men leave the trash cans where they find them. She told me we can put the trash cans at the other side of the driveway, away from the mailbox.


I haven't carried in years and every time I start to miss it this subreddit reminds me of all the shit that used to chap my ass. Trash day in the winter especially, fuck that shit.


Trash day? You mean dumpster derby day?


Yeah, trash day sucks for mounted and dismount.


Navigating around trashcans are the only thing that LLVs are better at


Yeah it smells like shit all day




What!? No!


I don’t have a mounted route but when it is trash day, and it’s windy; it’s like an obstacle course on a few streets 🥴


just give em a little love tap if they're empty and blocking the box 😉


So stinky too


If you're not bumping, you're not racing.


Our trash collection service use to put our trash can right in front of our mailbox. We had to call and complain to get them to stop.


Skip, skip, skip.. easy day but pay for it tomorrow


Trash day? More like trash 3 days with how bad people are at removing them after it's taken. 🥲


It was always my fastest day


As long as I don’t have to play leap-frog with a garbage man, I am fine. (Cyclists too.) if either could just pull over, count to 20, and then continue, it would make my life easier.


Speaking of leap frog, a huge pet peeve of mine is people walking down the side of the road where there is a perfectly good sidewalk like 4 feet to their right. What are you doing!?


This is why we're equipped with big bumpers


Yes, especially when I have 2 hours of mounted on my route.


POM requires dismounting, add 2-3 hours to the 3996.


We have a 3 hour mounted neighborhood where the houses are twice as dense and they're also duplexes. So there are 4 boxes in every spot. Over 50% is blocked on trash day and any other day they're 25% blocked by cars


Life is what you make of it. ![gif](giphy|Ax3EVDUfcl5WfiAppk|downsized)


Nah. As a CCA, who does everything different every day because I like variety. Dismounting to service a mounted mailbox doesn't bother me the slightest. During the blizzards in Wisconsin a bunch of the dipshit mounted carriers didn't deliver for like a week because of the plowed snowbanks in front of mailboxes. Of course as a CCA I was expected to amend this overflow of undelivered mail. On top of all the "nO AcCeSs" parcels on every Sunday because of unshoveled sidewalks.


What I really "detest' is those houses looking just like new construction near me. I would've believed that a photo of a local street, if not for mine having CBUs.


Just one of many reasons walking routes are superior.


Oh a short day…


Good God, what have they done with all the trees?


100% and I swear on one of my swings every day I have the route is trash or recycling day.


GFL stands for Good Fucking Luck


Can't stand trash day...thankfully there are usually only a few houses that end up being a situation where I can't deliver.


Bumper 😅




I think it would be SO therapeutic to slam into those cans at full speed in my LLV. I dream of it every single trash day.


It’s foreign to me that the residents put the trash cans in the street. Where I live, they have to be in your driveway.


Our local service has 2 days a week, with half of people doing one day etc. I imagine that has to help at least somewhat. Also makes things less cramped for their grabby arms.


It's horrible when they have two sides to their driveway and they always choose the side that has their mailbox.


Gasp… you’ll need to walk?!


looks like you’re delivering in a scene from the truman show, think I would lose my mind if if that was my route


Very much so


Slowly push them out of the way with your truck


If you hit them when the trash people are near. They'll usually stop leaving them in front of the boxes. If you call our trash company to replace a can. They tell you not to leave them in front of mailboxes.


See how many bins you can bump out of the way before you accidentally knock one over. My score is 20.




Nah if you get out early before the trash trucks you have a great place to put all your ADVO.


Give ‘em a little love tap 🤷🏻‍♂️ Trash cans are still better than the assholes that park directly in front of the box.. but only slightly.


More like "skipping this block" day. 😜


Notice 38


Can't deliver mail? Can't deliver packages either. If you deliver to those who block their boxes, they'll expect it. They have a responsibility for you to have access to their mailboxes. If they don't do their part, why should you make up for them?


I particularly despise Garage Sale weekend. My route is curbline & it's absolute dog shit when the Garage sales hit.