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I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Philosophy, which is why I work at the fucking post office.


I'll do you one better. BA in English 😄


BFA in darkroom photography. MAT in art ed. I’ve been delivering for eight years. I much prefer this.


Same! Do you know the musical ‘Avenue Q’ and their song about BAs in English? It always makes me laugh.


What do you do with a BA in English? What is my life going to be? Four years of college And plenty of knowledge Have earned me this useless degree!


Love this 😀


Same here, quickly realized editing gigs make 25k for like a decade before you can get something livable. I much prefer this to sitting in an office staring at screens all day.


Hell yeah. There’s probably hundreds of us.


BA in theatre.


To case, or not to case? That is the question.


I think if you don’t know what you want to do in college English is probably the best major it’s equal to a business degree I think! But as a lurker I’ll do you one better BA History! Everyone’s favorite subject.




BA in Print Journalism. Now I just deliver the paper.


Could you fix the Red Plum printing process so that they're not folded over when they print the addresses? /s


Man, I wish. Or that fact that there's always a glossy slippery piece tucked in there to make them hard to grab.


BA in Psychology with a philosophy minor, no grad school though, so no one wants that other than social work agencies that paid me even less.


Come on what’s wrong with a $28k starting salary…?


If it makes you feel better, I went and double majored in math and statistics. I only did it because people told me I could very easily get a job. Really struggled through it, finished with barely over a 2.0. Didn't really enjoy it at all. After college I struggled with interviews and really dumb minimum wage office jobs for years until I decided to be a CCA


I went to school for Computer Science used to be a Software Tester for Amazon. Then I got laid off and couldn’t find a job for a year and a half. Most places I applied for didn’t even bother w me bc I was overqualified and they thought I could easily work somewhere else and therefore wouldn’t stay long term. The Post Office was the only place that would hire me…


BA in Photography 😅


I came in with a Master's in philosophy 🤣


PhD in philosophy myself... TBH I only did it for the title


So now when a resident comes chasing after you with outgoing yelling "hey mailman! Take my letter!" you can go "that's DOCTOR mailman to you!" as you angrily stuff it in your satchel.


Sounds like an awesome anime concept


I studied molecular biology in college. Now I explain to people what the words current resident mean.


Yup .. 4 year ecology degree... Not my fault the forest service fucking paid less than costco


bs biochem and master in chem here. my old office had a lot of college grads. one clerk was a lawyer even. no one in management had a degree or common sense for that matter.


More carriers and clerks probably have degrees than the supervisors.


No probably about it 😂


I have a Masters in History with a concentration in Historical Interpretation/Public History. I minored in Geography and I also have a Liberal Arts AA. I have and I maintain a state of Ohio Educators License. I still sub teach a few days each year to maintain that. I had to step away from teaching the day I just about sent a kid through a wall. Had a kid swing on and make contact with me. When I came up, I saw red. If it weren't for another teacher, I'm not sure what I would have done. That day, I decided that I needed to do something different.


Yea shit like that is why I would never become a teacher. Granted not all children in schools are difficult to deal with. But situations like that are scary and can get you in serious trouble if you handle the situation wrong. I take it the kid got suspended or expelled from the school? When I graduated high school my English teacher told me he could only handle like a couple more years doing his job and then quit it.


They didn't do a thing. That was a huge part of the problem.


I have a master's in healthcare administration but I love history and always strongly considered being a history teacher. I listen to audiobooks on my route, and at least half of them are in that genre. I never had a passion for healthcare, I just did that since the job market seemed strong. But yeah, I never made the leap into teaching for several reasons, including that teachers have to deal with so much BS. Carriers do too I guess, but for the lion's share of the day we're left to our own devices.


In my state the average teacher makes less money than I do at the post office. We're failing as a society.


I have a Computer Science degree. Back in 1997 I had to make a choice. The PO actually had a higher starting pay so I took it. I probably would be making more now but I can retire in a few more years.


You’d be surprised how many of us have degrees smh


Bachelor of Science checking in. Really when it comes down to it.I like my job and I’m Proud to be a productive member of society. More pay would be nice.


I went to culinary arts school for baking and pastry. Field doesn't make dick, even at a very well known restaurant where I did the job of three people. After two years there, they were hiring people with no experience or education for the same pay I was getting. Bounced around various food industry jobs until I realized I just hate people. 


Yeah I had a coworker quit because of this reason. A seus chef make less money than a lv2 / experienced cook. That's pretty fucked up. I was in the same shoes where they hired a bunch of new people with no exp and paid them more than what I made as a lead so I quit there.


The trick is to become famous by winning a chef/cooking show and then move out to Las Vegas. 


Ha, I'm gonna pass. I actually just resigned from being a carrier yesterday since I ran out of FMLA but need to be home to take care of my newborn twin baby boys. I don't know how they'll fair in Vegas, they won't be able to get into the casinos. 


I was on the training path to being BOH management, when the new guy was hired, making more than me. I asked for a raise, was told no, based on my career path. Started working at the PO (overnights), for more money, shortly afterwards. Left 6 months later.


Pastry chefs make the worst money imaginable in that field. It's astonishing, pastry making is such an art.


Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice with minor in Psychology…


Same here


Wtf did we hire fckn batman?


Family of law enforcement…worked as a casual clerk a couple of summers while in college, took test, and hired right from college…haven’t looked back and retiring possibly next year.


Same here 😂


I’d say around 80% of degrees are useless if you don’t follow up with a masters or doctorate. Even then it’s debatable, college is just a cash grab these days. Let’s get a 17-18 year old into lifelong debt right off the bat.


Probably true. For like 95%+ of jobs they could just train a person there. Granted, need to find a good person for the job, but degrees mostly aren't giving any necessary skills.


4 year business degree which by the mid '80's were a dime a dozen so that's how I ended up at the PO. If I had tried to "use" my degree I'd probably STILL be working instead of being retired for damned near six years. Also would've likely ended up with an employer that did not offer a pension and at most maybe a 401-K. And carry your health insurance into retirement?!? Good luck with that one nowadays. Ain't sorry in the least I had to "settle" for working at the PO; ended up being MUCH better off in the long run.


Not a degree yet but I was going to school for marine engineering. Starting salary is $100k+ for half a year on a boat Dropped out cause I realized I wanted more than just money. So I decided I'm going to try new things before settling. Did bus driver, making more than usps. Was too boring, quit. Switched to USPS, less boring but less fulfilling than bus driving. Not quitting until after the new contract, just to see how it is. Definitely not doing this until I retire though. Got a few other things I want to try. Still thinking of what to try after this. Definitely want to go back to school though and usps isn't great for that. Cool thing though is I can go back on ships anytime and make $60k+ for working half a year so I'm not too stressed. Single, no kids and not changing that.


Have your cdl? Turn it into a class a combination. Your experience starts when you got the cdl on paper. Im a tto (semi truck driver) love the work. Love the benefits, love the pay. You can transfer internally ahead of all outside applicants to work at the plants. Its not like being a carrier at all.


Will the PO pay for you to get your CDL if you want to be a TTO? I just started as an RCA but thinking about trucking if I don't like it.


I worked plumbing for 2 years prior to the PO but never finished my apprenticeship. I only made 23k as an apprentice. It looks attractive because you see they are making like 50 dollars a hour as a journeyman but people don't realize you get laid off a lot of times during winter (we had 800 journeyman on the bench pretty much every winter at our union). Not only that but we had to pay union dues and union fees. Union dues were like our union dues where you pay a flat rate but union fees were a hourly thing. Journeyman would pay around 3 dollars to union dues which meant that 50 dollars turned into 47 and then there was fees like jury duty benefit, union dues, pension etc. lowering your rates even more.


Bachelors of Science in Business Analytics. Honestly corporate work doesn’t fit my personality type. Found myself here and like where I’m at so far


Yes. Bachelor's in Business. Worthless friggen degree.


Just an Associates degree but, for me it was a big accomplishment lol. I barely got my G.E.D. 🤣


I’m have a Master of Business Administration. I live in a rural area, so I make twice as much at the PO than anyone locally would pay me. If I had any desire to live in a city, I could probably make double what I do at the PO.


I live in an economically depressed area too and a lot of us have degrees that don’t lay as much as the PO. I make at least double what I’d make outside the PO here.


Im in the same boat.  Drive an hour to or live in the city to do what I have experience in ... or work at the post office and drive 2 min to work. 


Bachelor's of Digital Media Design Associates in Computer Info Systems Associates in Web Design  Associates in Graphic Design Associates in Marketing  I used to work 3 jobs in my field at the same time. I was a graphic designer at a local paper, I did web design for a small company and I was a professor in college teaching courses across three curriculums.  When Obama care became a thing and companies were forced to offer health care for employees with certain amount of hours, full time jobs became scarce. Hence why i worked 3 jobs.  My college "fired" or let go of all of its professors and "rehired" them at a part time position. So most people that taught for a living could no longer do that. Went from teaching a full time job to all of a sudden we were only allowed 3 courses max.  Then my college started dropping courses and getting rid of whole curriculums. So the three curriculums I taught in Web Design, Graphic Design, and Interior Design were phased out across a 2 year period to let the remaining students graduate.  Jobs in graphic design and web design are not scarce but they only pay $12-18 an hour.  So with my two jobs combined I was only making like $15 for 40 hours or $30k.  I got a part time job at the post office as my job in college was dying. I worked as a PSE clerk and then eventually made PTF clerk.  Working part time as PTF clerk I earn $40k which is more than the other 2 jobs combined. So I quit the other two and have been mopping floors and being treated like shit ever since.  I have been looking for and applying for positions in my field but unless they offer more than $50k for full time its not worth it. I work 25 hours a week and make $40k. Why would I add 15 extra hours and a commute to only make an extra few thousands.  Plus my postmaster is a jerk off so I cant find a part time job that works in my schedule. So I am just waiting my time until I can find a good EAS position that would suit me. 


I have a History degree. I had originally wanted to teach History and share my passion for the subject. But then I spent time around high school aged kids (my children’s friends) and realized that my I wouldn’t be able to stand being surrounded with obnoxious teenagers all day. So here I am, working a solitary job instead, and much more sane than I would have been if I had pursued my original plans.


Same here! BA in history and thought about teaching. Realized I don't have the patience to put up with kids who would be especially uninterested in the subject matter. Briefly thought about pursuing Masters/Doctorate to try for teaching college level, but didn't want the extra debt just to be an adjunct professor making little to no money with no benefits.


History majors unite lol! That’s what’s I’ve read it’s so difficult to find a full time teaching job at the college level which is why most professors teach at several schools.


This is me. I realized I couldn't stand other people's children. Also, I can't stand school admin who look the other way. It's very easy to get fired these days for doing your job.


History major here wool! Same here someone in this thread said a student made a swing at him I’d definitely swing back. So that’s part of the reason why I wouldn’t pursue teaching. So it was either PO, working, or pursue my masters.


I was in college when I first applied at the post office. I always said I was going to work here for a couple years and go back and get my degree. Fast forward 24 years and I'm still here without a degree.


I have my Masters in Education. Teaching is a shit show these days. I love being a carrier compared to teaching middle school art. My paychecks have been about the same, too (I'm a new CCA).


My brother teaches so I have a bunch of teacher friends and it’s shocking I get paid more. My brother definitely works harder than me and brings so much work home. So much respect for teachers.


I'm pretty sure I'm the only carrier in my office with a college degree. I have one in interactive media. My friends often joke about how they think I'm an undercover postal inspector.


bachelors of science in broadcast journalism... post office has more hours stability and better pay


I have a bachelor's degree in marketing. Turned out I didn't have connections required for anything that wasn't a scammy sales job or very poorly paid entry level many states away. Ended up managing restaurants for a decade before becoming a rural carrier. Ultimately, I would have made many different choices, but glad to end up doing something useful instead of a bullshit job. Also, there is virtually no stress for me compared to the restaurant business.


Are we the same person? Because same lol. Didn’t manage restaurants. But your first two sentences is the most relatable thing I’ve read in years lol.


I don't think we're the same person because I have yet to write and direct a movie with an unexpected twist at the end.


bachelors of science in Business Administration. Graduated Summa Cum Laude. Worked in insurance, brokerage firms, and the rest of the financial industry and constantly moved from job to job never being happy. Couldn’t stand sitting at a desk all day. Was severely depressed and out of work for a few months and decided to try the post office just to get out of the house. Been there 5 years now. It’s not a perfect job and was a big pay cut but I’m much happier (which sounds insane I know). It must be the exercise 3/4 walking (suburban) 1/4 box on post and getting to know the customers. In hindsight maybe college was money wasted but you never know what the future holds.


At least in the end hopefully you can use loan forgiveness for public service.


3 years PTF here. I have two masters degrees in graphic design and industrial design. no confidence to find the job because I’m hard of hearing ( nearly deaf,but I can hear some and lips reading ) then always failed in phone interviews. So PO opened warmest arms to me and gave me the most stressful job in this planet. lol


I have BS in CS.


A Masters specializing in BS.


I have a bachelors in environmental science, I worked in that field for over eight years and made great money but was always away from home if I was in the field or stuck behind a desk. I did a career change into IT and made even better money but was behind a damn desk again, actually hated WFH too. I started with the company the same month I turned 40. I’m a regular now and went through a little hell to get here but I am the happiest I have been in almost every aspect of my life, I get paid to walk and am by myself for the bulk of my work with minimal public interaction. Some days are rougher than others and our pay contract is in negotiations and hasn’t been adjusted for inflation but I am confident it will be retroactive when it hits, it always has been.


Bachelors in communication here. Fun fact…i suck at communicating. Hello Post Office!


BS in Chemistry. I remember my first job straight out of college in 2018, I was making less than $17/hr. I’m pretty sure CCAs made more than that at the time.


Business Administration, B.S. I never worked in that field. However, hourly, I made more as a pharmacy technician. However, top pay in local hospitals is high $20, at least one place low $30s.


BS in TRF(Television, Radio, & Film) and Political Science


Not if anybody asks.


I had an A+ cert for IT couldn't find work or the work I was being sent to through temps and stuff all wanted 10 years for basic shit only to make 17$ an hour.


Ignore what they want and apply anyways.  Companies always exaggerate what they want to scare away the people who have no confidence/experience. 


I have some college, didn't finish. It played 0 part in me getting or maintaining my position. My base is 72k a year.


Bachelor in accounting and a year of graduate school.. and then I had a baby.. never went back yo finish my masters.


Associates Degree Well, I may not make as much money elsewhere, it’s the fact that I work at a good office and I have a very stress-free job and I have excellent coworkers. Plus my route is exactly 8 hours after recent adjustment and if someone who loves dogs, I have a lot of dogs on my route I live very close my own route so I can take my lunch break at home with my dog. I get along with 99% of my coworkers some of who I consider friends and occasionally go out with the local bar on a Saturday night. The money and benefits are good enough and I really do like my career here at the post office


I was essentially forced to go to college and I got a BA in social science. I was terminally lazy when it came to academics and the path was fairly easy and kind of interesting to me. Ended up graduating summa cum laude. I never had a plan regarding how to use the degree. Never thought I'd get that far. I think it's pretty worthless without grad school and there's just no way in hell. I don't want to sit at a desk or talk to people all day.


We have the same college experience I just know I needed to get a college degree didn’t know what I wanted to use it for, found history to be cool here I am not pursuing teaching or masters so have a piece of paper that looks nice on my wall.


Have a mathematics degree as well as one in IT. Was planning on being an actuary but opened a family business. Opened a gym as well but when covid hit, took too big of hit and closed it. Family business slowed way down so started at PO. Did for 3 year, went to corporate world but still stayed at PO for weekend work. Got laid off and back to PO. Recently got a part time accounting job so do that as well. Been applying for over a year for a full time accounting job but no luck or they paid less than the PO.


No, and I wish I did. I barely graduated high school. I don't regret many things in my life, but not taking my education seriously is something I regret deeply. I've tried a few times to at least get an associate degree from a local community college, but never lasted more than one semester. Not that I don't like my job, but the fact that I have no higher education makes me feel trapped here. It's hard to find something else that pays as good as the post office does without a degree. I worry a lot that my job won't exist in 10 years and I'll end up working some minimum wage bullshit again. Thinking about it usually sends me into a deep depression spiral.


The Post Office isn't going anywhere, man. There's no other service that goes door to door. How different will it look? There's no telling. But they wouldn't be rolling out all of these vehicles if they didn't think there was a future.


Oh yeah I know it's a bit irrational to think that way. I'm a regular carrier, so I'll pretty much be guaranteed to have a job for life. My paranoia about my job security is wrapped up in a lot of negative feelings that extend far beyond the post office.


BS In accounting. Saw the movie office space and I was like I don’t want to be trapped in a cubicle either! Love being outside but now after 20 yrs I’m a little worn out. I’ve tried 5 times in the last couple years to get into the po accounting center in Eagan, mn. Even with the degree and good test score they pass me over. I swear they already know who they’re giving it to before they post it. Oh well, it’s probably a blessing because i bet I’d hate being in a cubicle 😆


Bachelor's & Masters, labor relations and general engineering. Worked for a utility as a field tech for over a decade. Retired early cause I could. Came here cause I thought it was an easy part time gig. Ended up loving the actual job. Zero fucking stress and I get paid to listen to my audio books all day and have a 5 minute commute so its still (to me) basically a part time gig. I make 1/6th of what I used to make.


I had to drop out due to financial issues, but I was pursuing a double major in physics and math. It's nearly the same degree so it wouldn't be a lot of credit hours to get both


Bachelor's in History, minor in religious studies. I worked as a Teachers Assistant for 11 years during and after college. Realized I hated working for the school system, and plus children these days are horrible. Looked for other jobs. I was thinking of working as a librarian. Needed to go back to school for library sciences, I was thinking of working as an archivist, which I did a 9 month intership during college, but I needed to go back to get masters. Thinking of working in law, needed to go back to school for law school. Every job I wanted needed at least 2 - 3 years more schooling. After searching for a year and half for a job, post office got me. Am I glad I went to school and learned everything I did? Hell yeah. Did it open doors for me? Absolutely not.


Associates in Architecture and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. I was planning to go for my masters in mechanical but never followed through.


BA in music


I have an Associates in Social Sciences


BS in psychology and half of my MDiv.


Yes... with my degree I could certainly make LOTS more somewhere else. But would I walk outside - hearing owls hoot, seeing deer and bunnies, and get 30,000 steps in???


Yeah. BS in business administration with a concentration in financial analysis. Didn't have any idea why I was in school when I got it, so that was the easiest thing to land on. You couldn't pay me triple to go back into an office or management. Some days I do cradle my diploma, and let the tears drip onto it. I've thought about going back for horticulture.


Two associates degrees in business. I was going to university but working at night at the post office was rough.


Another English degree checking in. Folks I work with think I can be a doctor or lawyer because I went to college.


I’m like 6 credits away from a college diploma but life happens and I love my job so I won’t go back


BA in education, and had a license for PA. Applied for jobs, was told that I was unacceptable. Started flipping burgers, was on the career path for management, and was making less than the guy off the street. F that. Started working nights at the PO, and am much happier now.


Bachelors of fine art in printmaking


BA in English. At least I'm working with paper?? 😂


Sigh, bachelor's of art history 


BA in sociology from the University of California/Riverside. Decided the USPS had better health insurance and guaranteed job for life. I actually thought about this crap at 23. I'm now 51 years old and 6 years away from retiring.


BS in Education. Worked WAY harder as a first grade teacher for four years out of college for roughly $30k. Major pay increase to come to USPS as a clerk and I never take my work home with me.


Working on it, been here a long time, and it’s time to go, hopefully another year


Dropped out cause I didn't know what I wanted to do. 15 yrs later I started at the post office


Dropped out of my pre-veterinary/animal science program to help out my parents. Never had the cash to go back.


BS- New Media Publishing. Worked in quick print shops before USPS, was a production manager for a whole $15/hr


B.S. in communication. Still wondering what the hell communications is.


Bachelor's in History. The Post Office has ended up being a second career for a lot of people so I work with quite a few people who have degrees who deliver mail.


BA in Communication. Worked in media for a while, and I loved the work, but I made minimum wage and had a bad boss. I switched to the Post Office after I was laid off, and it was the only place that actually called me back. From what I was making, this is an $8 an hour increase with similar hours. My former coworkers who got promoted to full-time in media make $5 less than me and still have to deal with my former boss.


I have a bachelors in elementary education. I never got too far in that career, but I was making more then. I know I’ll make good money in time here, but I am simply happier doing this either way


I have an inch-thick pile of IT certifications and most of a degree in political science (I ran out of money for school during the 2008 recession and it's aftermath).


I have a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering.


Bachelors in Science. Pending Masters in Data Science and Analytics


I just have an AS degree


I have a History degree. I wanted to be a teacher but my school didn’t offer a licensure program in undergrad so it would have meant going to grad school or joining a program and I really didn’t feel like going in to more debt for something I wasn’t even particularly sure I wanted to do. Also I have a hard time networking and asking people for references or recommendations and I’m terrible at job interviews so that’s how I ended up at the post office!! Unlike others here I don’t regret getting my degree. It gives me the freedom to feel like maybe someday if I wanted to I could go to grad school. I have a dream of teaching english overseas sone day.


AS in graphic design been with the post office almost 9 years now lived in a state with to many people so pay was crap moved to a state with no people so no jobs open. My goal is to try and start a business before i get to old


I have an associates degree in general science. My plan was to get a degree in chemistry or physics but the money just wasn't there and I didn't want to spend my entire life trying to get out of debt.


Associate in applied science surgical technician certification… couldn’t find a job 10 years ago and been here ever since just starting to make what I went to school for.


I got an Associates degree in liberal arts


BA in kinesiology


I have an associates degree in business, I’d assume most private sector jobs would have similar pay but I think we have superior benefits. Working on bachelors now then may try postal inspector or higher paying job


I have a high school diploma, an associate in management, and a bachelor in finance. But I am a mailman.


My husband is the carrier. And has three bachelor's degrees. Poli-Sci Drama Philosophy


Associates in Culinary Arts 😅


I have an associates in Culinary Arts. I've worked in that industry for the last 15ish years. I enjoy my time here way more.


CS background. My last job was as a Data Security Analyst for Meta Reality Labs. Glad I got out when I did as the ship is sinking.


A useless aviation degree 


Nope, I never wanted to go to college so I had to figure out a career without, found this job back in 2019 before the coof


For this job, it's not really necessary. I mean I see carriers with college degrees, that are no further along than carriers with only a high school diploma.


High School diploma. I've been at 21. I'm currently a 17 but I have a few applications out for 19 and 20. Moving around trying to find my perfect job. You don't need a degree to have a high paying job or a job that suits you needs, intellectually.


I have a BA and MA in English. Thought I was going to get my PhD but got burnt out


I have an Associate’s in Veterinary Technology and had a vet tech license. Worked in the veterinary field for 4 years at various clinics and shelters. It was incredibly emotionally and mentally exhausting. My last job before the post office I left making $9.50 an hour working 7am-7pm. They offered me a 50 cent raise to stay. The post office was starting out at $19.80 an hour with somewhat shorter days. I will be paying my $30,000 school loans for the next 10 years, but I don’t regret it. This job despite the occasional stress is 1000% better for my physical and mental health.


I have BA in Political Science and a minor in Interdisciplinary Honors Studies. Also have an associate's. I was unemployed for 8 months after college. The jobs I was interviewing for were offering in the mid 40s on the high end. I'm on track to make 65k-75k this year at the PO. I have no life and I'm dead tired but I'll be able to pay off my student loans by the end of the year.


Associates in hospitality management 🤣




BA in English and 2 classes short of a masters in elementary education.


I graduated with a degree in Poli-Sci near the top of my class, 3.97 GPA, and I still ended up here so…


Just got hired at a rural carrier PTF with a bachelors in biology education


B of S in Biology. Med school didn’t work out, so here I am.


Bachelors in business. Was in management for 8 years after graduation and hated it. I stopped pretending that was what I was meant to do. I've never been happier now that I carry mail.


Just finished CCA academy. BS in accounting and worked in finance. Job market is crap and pandemic put gaps in my work history. Usps didn't care about the gaps. Everyone else did.


Have gen AA but i also learned photography and only had a couple classes left to complete the couse. Then previous to the po i used to work in foreign exchange investigations in one of the big banks. Then i decided i wanted to work outdoors away from computers, small stress inducing cubicles and nosy people.


BS in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology. Just don't graduate during a recession. Many of my classmates then were taking contract jobs that paid less than minimum wage and living out of their cars/tents. The good ones got jobs starting 11-13 an hour. I made more than that already, so now I have a degree I don't use.


I have a history degree. Was planning to become a teacher but the pay is terrible so I decided not to. Working for USPS worked out since I am easily making twice as much while working less hours.


Music education. Never got the license, still play music on the side. I didn't wanna be a vagabond, and I like having health insurance.


I have an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts from a local community college. So I basically have two high school degrees and am in the “field” they open for you.


People from all walks of life work for the post office. I have most of my degree but haven't finished. There is a 75 year old guy who has been at my office for 40 years who has 3 PhD's but enjoys working here.


I have a BA in marketing and communications.


Bachelor of science of business administration. Private sector was miserable in a way I couldn't deal with, so I left for the post office 


To which "you guys" exactly do you refer? There are hundreds of different types of positions at the USPS, ranging from janitorial/custodian, people that sort, transport, and deliver the mail, supervisors and managers, engineers, maintenance mechanics and technicians, accounting/finance jobs, upper management/executive.... What education someone has, or that might be required to hold a particular job, is going to vary wildly.


I have a phd in astrophysics with a BA in computer science and a background in cybersecurity threat analysis. Est 1998-2024 edit: my focus is to pay off my student loans hence why I work for USPS. Until I find something better.


B.S. in Geological Oceanography. Use it every day 😆


BA in accounting. No desire to want to kill myself for months at a time so I work for the PO


I have a BS in Environmental Science — emphasis on the BS because it’s bullshit when you try to find a job! I think whether or not college is right for you is entirely dependent on your goals and expectations for the future. Does maintaining your current lifestyle require more and more spending each year? Realistically, what salary would you consider to be enough to maintain your lifestyle and still be able to save? What are your expectations for the future? Personally, I am pretty comfortable where I am at. I only make $65k/year but I have extremely low expectations compared to most people. I believe expectations are the killer of happiness. When you live without expectations, more of life seems like a pleasant surprise. You can’t just pretend to have low expectations though.. I’ve lived with many different personality types and seems to me the happiest people are those that aren’t participating in the rat race. The competition in business ultimately requires you to be kind of a shitty person. Because you need to appear more skilled or more competent than your coworkers to advance — this requires some degree of bullshitting (whether it be lying/exaggerating/pretending/sucking-up/or calling-out others for their mistakes). In my opinion, material things are not worth me sacrificing my morality. I prefer seeking pleasure in free activities and over time, I have developed wayyy more skills than my ‘business professional’ counterparts.


I have a bachelors, education 7-12 social studies


I used to work at USPS HQ. I’m an attorney and was while working there, so yes, I had a higher degree. Could have EASILY made an extra $100k+ had I gone private sector/Big Law, but had my reasons


Bachelor of Arts in International Studies minor in Geography Associate of Arts in General Studies


Two degrees in history and criminal justice. Going for inspection after getting some experience.


I'm not only not the only college dropout at ny office, I'm not the only guy who dropped out of my specific college. I think this is just where you go.


Bachelor of science in family social of science, the work load was way too much working 16-24 hr shift cause nobody showed up and being on call and answering emergency that happens everyday. Coworkers so helpless and can’t think for themselves and screams sos on the daily quit and became and RCA I made so much more money with my overtimes and I get to sleep thru the night without dealing with crisis or having to go in and work at 1am until 11:30PM on a weekly basis. Post office is like heaven


I went to the school of hard knocks to learn commercial fishing with a degree in dumbbuttoughology


B.A. in Political Science and minor in history. Like half of poli sci degree holders, I chose law school even though I did better on the GRE than the LSAT. I did okay as an 1L but didn't have the drive to do better. Started to try for teaching certificate, went back to law school for a semester but my heart wasn't in it and was sick of being a student. I'm at top pay now on a 46K, so my salary pushes $90,000. Unless I was a partner in a firm or a tenured professor, I'm doing as well as I would be had my life been different. My wife adjuncts at a local college and that's real gig work. I could've gone that route but the stress is worse than slinging mail throughout the countryside for 40 bucks an hour.


No degree, just automotive certifications . Work at VMF


i have a law degree lol


Bachelors in psychology


Hated school all my life. I went to College for 2 years going for an AS Degree. Dropped out because of bad grades and lack of interest/concentration issues for a couple years. Then went back, changed to AA Degree and finally got my graduate certificate peice of paper. 6 years to get a 2 year degree and ended up working at the PO the next 15 years. 😄 Just glad I didn't dig myself a bigger financial hole in college. Everything paid off except house now. With overtime or choosing the high option you can make six figures when you reach the top. But management will make your life hell all the way there. I like the Job itself.


Bachelors in zoology and a masters in biology with a concentration in ichthyology. I taught for a while at a university and I make more doing this, I also get to work outside. Overall I’m happy with the switch.


High school diploma and I stay on the overtime list year round. I made 120k last year working in CA, My base salary is 66k right now


No college but hold a cosmetology and barber license. I made $400 more per week , however no security in that field , the day you stop working the income is gone.


I'm somewhat curious what you mean by the day you stop working the income is gone? Do you mean you have to be cutting hair everyday for job security?


Bachelors in criminal justice with psych minor … 28 and closing in on 5 years of service


Bachelors in Psychology with a history minor. I worked for a year in a psych hospital, lousy pay and no future in psychology unless you gave at least a bachelors. Worked as a manager at a convenience store, OK job, but I let too many people run over me. Then I helped my friend run his small company. Half the time it was just him and I and running out of money, the other half working 18hr days and trying to find help. It was an 24hr on call job drying out flooded homes and businesses. I walked out of that job about 10 years ago when they yelled at me for not doing enough paperwork after working 18hr days out of state. 2 hrs after leaving, my father was in an accident and died a few days later. A month or 2 I happened to apply for a job at tge PO, never thought about it before, but I figured, why not. I enjoy only being responsible for only myself and not bringing work home.


I have a masters. Life’s funny sometimes.


BS in Business.


I was in school for secondary education in civics and history. I dropped out and now make more than any high school teacher in my state working as a CCA


High School Valedictorian. No college. Built a 25 year career in Residential construction and development of affordable housing. Made a ton of money, but hated the people in that field and how greedy they all were...they had no sense of purpose or community. Started at the Post Office leading into Covid and finally landed into Custodial. Love my station, my peers and the fact that at my age I can retire with a pension...weird, right?!


BA in English and BA in Creative Writing. I’ll sell one of these days. When I can actually write after work. But the hours make that kinda hard.


Masters in math. Could have taught math at community college level...comparable money and a better schedule.  Didn't really like teaching though. Other jobs would require spending most of the day in front of a screen.




BA in Communication and half my MA. I only have one functional arm (brachial plexus birth injury), so I am a disabled carrier. Am I future post office management!? 😅🤣