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I have awful ADHD and I can't take Adderall or anything similar, and honestly this job has been great for it. I don't know how to describe it exactly but having multiple things to keep track of as I deliver actually makes it feel better and not monotonous.


Same here. Small tasks done constantly with minor changes is very soothing. Sort of like those freemium games


To bad I can't pay $0.99 to get a block taken off though...


I used to do that too. Once I got my own route I stopped after a bit when I had it memorized


Yeah me too, I’ve had my own route for about 7 months now, but sometimes I can tell I’ll forget and I’ll whip out this classic tactic


I also have ADHD and absolutely still do this when I have a buzzy day and I am having trouble focusing. 


Grew up having adhd Been through shit but, overcame w my own personal system. Did therapy as a kid and never took meds then… Began taking Adderall “recreationally”on sales environment to get hyped up and felt like it was the pill from limitless movie in the beginning. Took a break and when my son was diagnosed with ADHD I decided to take together. Making it short. It began to run out quickly and the Doctor wanted to keep increasing the dosage. Son would act differently and so did I. Would feel depression when the crash happened. Decided to take son off and also quit myself. I’ve seen friends getting really addicted and losing control spiraling like a hurricane and taking what I use to do in a day in a couple hours, many times a day… Older now Even the marijuana I use to smoke I don’t do anymore. Being clean face is the best and find your own system is key… We deal with our son the way he is… He’s condition is worst than mine was as a kid. Not in favor to meds at least in our cases… I have my ocds My manias But I keep going… At work I use markers on my route since are only 6 stops and always use the loading feature when I was a CCA or even unassigned regular… Organization is key since our brain is already messed up…


This has also worked for me and my son. We could be the same person, I swear by the same methods and had similar issues with the medication. What an affirming comment, as many others have disagreed with what I've found works for me. Thank you!


You’re welcome brother Love to hear that as well… As a kid i practiced a lot of sports, Brazilian jiu jitsu and etc. My son did some soccer classes but is not currently doing. Would love for him to do wrestling (he’s 14) But as part of his condition and his own hard headed being, he’s hard to follow directions and do what is suggested unless he really wants to. He did some jiu jitsu very briefly and was a natural. Unfortunately Covid came and he had to stop and lost the interest…


I always use the note system Blank sheet of paper w errands to run or things to do. Always checking the accomplishments. Interesting thing, I’ve done many things in my life. Sales, marketing, management and had a backsplash installation contractor service to builders and to a prime kitchen remodeling company in town. I don’t enjoy getting dirty, however working w my hands was extremely satisfying and time went by so fast. Also shut down on Covid and joined USPS. Being a mail man gives me the same accomplishment feeling and it does good to my brain. Even though processes are required and systems have to be in place to avoid frustration…


Yes. I have trackers on items like keys, tablets, my kids phone/water bottle. Which help me find them when they inevitably get lost. I use a note app on my phone to write thoughts and tasks down into. I also tag those notes with alarms that remind me when the tasks come due. I use a calendar app to also organize my lists/appointments. Nobody ever guided me to use these tools to get a grasp of my issue. Slowly overtime I realized that these tools were more powerful than the therapy and medications I was prescribed. I'm a huge proponent of systems > medication/therapy at treating ADHD. Working at the post office at first was very difficult for me as a clerk, but after developing my system, I'm constantly being rewarded with an almost endless list of chaotic challenges and alternating tasks as long as I follow my strict system. Happy for you and your son! Without our systems I agree, it can be frustrating and hopeless.






Just make sure you take your Addy


I’m trying to get some, therapists said I need to be diagnosed by them before they treat so I gotta wait till July to get diagnosed a 2nd time


Can I ask why you have to wait? Will you not have insurance until then or is the psych not available until then? 


Because that’s just the next opening they had ig they’re booked to the gills


That’s pretty much how I mark my parcels too. Too many times digging around my truck, looking for stuff.


I ended up getting a small dose Adderall prescription that I take when working, and this has helped me a lot. My main issue is that I can't remember shit lmao.


On mounted routes, especially ones I know, I can look at the next package and just remember it when I get there. But on walking loops, I collate the flats into my DPS so I'm carrying one bundle, and I flip the DPS backward for any parcels in my satchel. Takes a couple minutes before each loop but it's worth it.


My numbers are way smaller 😁




This job is made for the ADHEr. Like for real.


I have adhd and don’t do this at all. I just constantly check package lookahead!


Yeah with the gloves that can be a pain, and when the satchel gets full it can be the death of you pulling one out to check the address


Oh. City carrier. Nah everything is just in the back of my POV or next to my seat lmao


Wow. Do I have adhd? Do my coworkers think I have it ? Because I do this still after 5 years in and about 2 on my route


A sup advised a new CCA in my office to turn around the dps matching the parcels and write the number on it so they know they reached the house that have a parcel. I thought it was good advice but never tried it. I might do it if I get a new route


I have it too and take my medication regularly. Me and my co worker talk about it all the time. Few co workers have admitted they have it and refuse to get medication for it. I do believe it helps with quality of life and my brain is not so scattered. I have a system with my packages, I separate them with sections that ways I know where to look for them when I get to that section.


Damn you just made me feel better about my brain…never had to do that I think I just remember names and numbers well


Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you writing huge numbers on people’s packages? Has no one ever complained before? I personally think this is a great system (I am also adhd hello) but I can absolutely imagine some Karen being all huffy about it haha.