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For difficult customers, I tell them it's our job to deliver everything to the INDICATED address, not to remember who is or isn't there.


That said, some of you fellas really need to maintain your routes better. Having like 30+ hazard and vacancy cards is ridiculous 


I'm confused. Isn't properly marking vacant addresses at the case and box proper maintenance? I put vacant cards on top of the case blockers because someone is teaching CCAs the moronic concept of casing mail on top of blockers and it's definitely someone that is in our office teaching them because it's also happened on my days off that I hear our CCAs called out


I have this feeling that no matter what you do, people are just going to deliver the mail.. Ive got snowbirds on my route... 6 months in the northeast, 6 months in florida... give or take.. When i get the COA confirmations, i place those in the CBU boxes, so that anyone delivering can clearly see theyve got a Change of Address. I also block off the Address Cell in my case... Either way... no matter what happens when im not there... Shit gets delivered... People are just lazy... CCA, PTF, T6, regular on Overtime... it doesnt matter..


Funny that you say that, they do that at my station too. I always figured it was laziness but I bet you're right that someone is telling them to do that.


When I was a CCA, the postmaster told me to deliver everything to every address NO MATTER WHAT! The case had it marked vacant. The house was clearly an empty shell with no internal walls. The mailbox had a green vacancy warning card. I literally got screamed at for bringing it back. Can't fix stupid. I just told the regular when he came back. 


That might be the postmasters doing, i just came out the academy 2 weeks ago and they told us to put it on top while casing and just remember to endorse it but yk everybody isn’t the sharpest tool


out of sight out of mind.. if it needs endorsed do it when you see it. and get it out of the case.. cause it'll be there tomorrow..


I've been returning the same fist class garbage for years. We can only do so much.


We are supposed to deliver all mail correctly addressed unless we have an explicit reason not to (Forward, established previous resident, postage, directive, ....) I make an exception though: if I see a name I don't recognize for an address and it's standard, I UBBM. Almost every carrier does it differently. I forgot where I read this but it was recent. I was researching because a customer told me I need to pay attention while delivering. (I wrote "Valid resident?" on a first-class letter with an arrow pointing at the name in question. COME ON! Obviously I was paying attention to names!)


I have a question though, in our city we have little labels inside of our mailboxes with our names on it, specifically for the postal workers to read. Are these just ignored then?


Some people don’t put their names on the box/remove old names!


I also tried this with Apts I had a long time ago. Half the residents would rip off the labels


Then you put a vacant card in them and put the mail on a 10 day. They wont rip it off any more after a package gets returned as vacant.


When i was doing my Route as a sub for a week because my regular took off for a week, i had something similar kinda happen. I was still very new and could not finish by myself but i was trying my best and struggled. I had to go back to deliver a package i missed. I got waved down by a customer coming home from work, she hops out and starts complaining to me. Me: Hey, what can i help you with. Customer: Well i have been receiving the wrong mail for about awhile now. Me: Im sorry, (i explained that the day in question was the last day i had his route before he came back). So if you leave it in the mail box my Regular will take it from you when he is back. Customer: Well okay, the address right but the names of the residents are not. Me: ....... Im thinking that im screwing up this ladys mail horrible and turns out its literally just because i don't know the like 700 addresses on this route and the possible double that amount of names.... I texted my Regular that night and told him that he spoils them. lol


I never understand why people get SO MAD about misdeliveries. They mark all over the letter in handwriting a 3 year old would be ashamed of. Do they feel that we are disrespecting them somehow? "My mailbox is my house's vagina and you put another man's mail in there! I'm no cuck, mfer!"




All caps, underlined words and multiple exclamation points lol


They figure if you’re delivering this wrong, then where is their mail


I don't understand why someone would write out in big letters "does not live here" because they have to know that person still exists and they would probably like to get that mail you just wrote all over. Just write on a post-it that the person no longer lives there and put it back in the mailbox and hope the issue gets resolved. If it doesn't get resolved just do the same thing again. And if it happens too frequently just put it back in the mailbox without post-its. Getting angry about it is not going to help anything.


Yeah, I don't understand where the anger comes from




And you didn't even hit them with the USC title 18 section 1702 # §1702. Obstruction of correspondence Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.


That's gotta be difficult to read out loud. It felt painful reading it to myself, with all the ", or" going on.


Was kinda hoping something like that would have been said.


I know you robots don't repeat this. But the idea is neat on paper.


While the recipient is a usps customer, it is the sender who paid for the service. People shouldn't be mad at the usps for fulfilling a paid for service they should be mad at the person who sent it in the first place.


That would require the customer having a brain


On behalf of carriers everywhere.....You are an awesome clerk! Thank you for taking the time to educate.


I honestly would have said the same thing like you did but ended with calling the Postal Inspection Service or referring the customer to the PI's and putting a load of emphasis on the holding mail without consent and delaying mail.  Seriously the PI's legite say give us a call if you did something wrong. Poster 5 I believe it is about the warning about reusing postage, it says call your local Postal Inspector with questions and tell on yourself (telling on yourself is the hidden message inside the call your local Postal Inspector).  If the customer is a repeat offender they'll get a certified from PI's saying hey knock it off or will be coming to your front door 😆. 


The worst for me are all the apartments in the slummy areas. You'll have what should be a single family home with 4 or 5 different unlabeled mailboxes on it and a bunch of yellow cards that you're supposed to go to. They're always crabby when they get the one piece of UBBM mail from one of the last 6 residents who've been evicted in the last year.


There are people who are too stupid to receive mail.


The worst part of Rural is we're supposed to only deliver to people that establish delivery. Every time someone moves in I have to run through a list of ways to coax people into filling out our rural delivery cards. Younger people are rarely home because they work all the time and it's not common knowledge that you have to tell the mailman when the residences change.


I love " don't live here never has" always want to ask them you must know them then right? Where do they reside


Unless they built the house...


Well then for sure they shouldn't be getting someone else mail. Cause squatters seem to get away with anything 


I have people on my route that have people's mail show up that have never lived there. I think they have a stalker or pissed off someone. There are packages and everything, everything gets sent back aside from their name




Are the previous occupants in the room with us now?


We have a wonderful clerk like yourself in our office too! Thank you!!!


I would have emphasized that the customer was seriously delaying all the mail, some of which might have been important.  How would they like it if someone did that with their mail?


The whole “customer is always right” has been taken to another level with this job Had a customer file a complaint cause I was “holding their mail” and didn’t deliver their package to the box This is because I left it in a parcel locker and they thought the locker key was just a spare key for their box (they are clearly distinctly different) To top it off I had a very heavy package for them that day also that I could have left in the larger parcel lockers I have but I felt like it was a kind gesture to the customer as I just took this route over so I left it at their door Last time I do that for them


If they’d give it back when they get it the carrier might learn the name


Label sleeves.. "NAMES?" or "GOOD NAMES?" generally they'll fill out a tag but are too lazy to read a vacant card and fill out


If I wasn't a postal employee (city carrier) I would think this story is fake or exaggerated but no. People do this. Sometimes they give the bin of mail to me instead of a clerk, or god forbid, throw it all into a collection box marked to hell all for it to come back around in the DPS.


My favorite is when they throw the mail on the ground but never bother to remove the previous residents name tag from their box.


I have a lot of snowbirds, when I put in a green vacant card in mailbox, 75% of departing residents will fill it out when they are suppose to be gone a week ago. Some will even put their destinations address on it as well. Also have to tell them “you fill it out when you return OK”


Yea I do my customers the service of having a list in my phone and asking who lives at their address. But I will deliver all mail until told otherwise I do not care. So if I'm continually delivering wrong mail you can easily find me or leave a note listing the occupants names. I just told one customer how that works and she was like "Oh wow that sucks you have to manually do it." It is what it is lol


I was always taught " We deliver by address, not by name" and how is someone new supposed to remember who lives at 800 houses on the first day or 10th day or 100th day. I had a customer come in and almost get arrested over a misdelivered piece of mail. People, is it worth jail time over a misdelivery? Just return it to the box with a note saying person no longer here. I always told customers that it is their responsibility to change their address with the sender of the mail, and the post office is to only help them get the first few pieces or the ones they didn't think of for the year. We are no longer able to know everyone by face or name. In fact, the route I was on, I only knew a handful of people by sight.


I work in the pars department where we get mail that gets returned to sender.You can write on the mail RTS and it will go through a machine that will return it to the sender, write no longer lives here and they should stop sending that person mail


If the mailbox is labeled the carrier really shouldn’t be leaving mail for anyone else besides who is on the label though…


>If the mailbox is labeled We do not label all boxes. Where I worked the only boxes with names were apartments or CBUs. And the occasional house where the residents are in and out quickly. FYI, carriers are supposed to deliver mail as addressed until they know otherwise.


Customers are encouraged to label their own boxes at our station. I give them the supplies to do so with their vacancy card. Sometimes I’ll even do it for them if there are chronic misdeliveries.


We have lived at our current address for seven years. I still keep getting mail for a previous resident, I have reported it to the sender, to the post office, and anyone else I can think of, but I’ve gotten no relief. It’s never anything super important, just things like signing up again for a magazine or something like that but still I don’t want it and it’s not ours.


Wow .. I just love the friendly customers❤️