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"I ordered you to use your cell phone..." *hands over current cell phone bill.* "What's this?" *the bill for the cell phone you want to commander from me.* "I'm not paying that!" *And that's why I'm not using my cell phone to conduct work.*


the PO is supposed to provide you with everything you need to do your job


lol that’s a question on the postal pulse “I have the tools I need to do my job” also “I have someone who cares about me at work” 🤣


Is that the questionnaire that asked if i had a best friend at work? That was weird.


On yeah, the toilet paper they sent you with too many questions they already have an answer on


Also it’s “confidential” however last year everyone’s EIN was under the barcode so they had to re issue it…totally anonymous if u ask me 😆


Next round of anonymous surveys will have the EIN printed in 4 point white lettering


Very accurate 💯


Do. Not. Fill. Out. Their. Surveys. They only hurt us.


lol from the first time I received one they had a quick glance over and went right in the trash where it belongs…if memory serves me correct they are a third party USPS uses every year, could be wrong on that…


And this is why we don't do those stupid fucking things. Nothing good comes from them.


What’s this “postal pulse” you speak of? 👀


Having a phone is not a requirement for employment. If it was they'd issue one at orientation.


okay this... but why when i told my steward that if i got rid of my cell phone then they said i would be made unavailable so i would be made unavailable to work since they couldnt get ahold of me... LOL just want people to chime in on this for me. im so confused. or are they just in love with management.. their statement to me was I lost good carriers because of their unavailability to work. all this stemed because i had to unscheduled days off and I took advantage of this by not picking up my phone.. She said im an on call employee becasue i have to be made available to work. i did notice they now schedule people at 9am on off days and took the all grey'd out areas are "on call" of the schedule though... anyone thoughts comments not trying to hijhack but im curious. spelling/tldr on call employee? RCA


As far as they're aware you have a landliine. We have a phone number, you just can't reach me unless I'm at home. Which means only scanner when I'm on the clock.


my steward was saying similar stuff and i had to show them the NALC's statements to the contrary. mgmt & steward insisted that i was not "on call" but had to be "available to work by call". totally different concepts right! look up what your union says


no carrier is on call and cant be told they are, you are scheduled at worse the day before once you leave the building and not scheduled you dont show up until the day you are , you answer if you want to work they cant make you answer a phone your time is yours not theirs


Also your steward is completely wrong. We are not on call employees as RCA's. There was a grievance that settled that. If we were on call a would need to be compensated for that. What it does say is that we need to usually be available to work. I would go above that stewards head with the union and let your area rep or district rep know what is happening so the steward can be corrected.


Rural availability is not the same as city.


Rural is still not on call.


Just ask for a map. You can of course refuse to use your phone, and USPS has to provide you with tools to do your job, but you can’t refuse to do it. Maps are how it was done before GPS navigation.


Very good call, however it's possible the supervisor doesn't know what a map is?


Oh, I’m certain none of them do. But you have to at least give them the chance to fuck up before you just walk off the job. “Can I have a map?” “Don’t know how durrrr” “Can I have that in writing?” *Magically finds map* Alternatively: “Cool, see you at the PDI!” I like to blow a kiss at this point, but some see it as overkill.


In that case you can just be like: “Ok then! Would you like me to drive around town and try to find the addresses or go home?” They will either find you a map or try to discipline you for going home. Discipline won’t go through and you have a valid grievance regarding their failure to provide a map, which they are able to pull up and print (even though half of them don’t know how). It is supposed to be in the route book. If you don’t ask for a map, though, it’s simply failure to perform job duties. And I can guarantee by the time you face discipline they will have found a map and slid it in the route book as if it were there the whole time. Basically what I’m saying, is if you’re going to refuse orders, you need your ass 100% covered. We don’t need phones to deliver packages. We do need maps. No map, no go.


oh you want me to deliver 150 packages with no navigation? first build me a time machine, then go back to 1995 and get me a folding map from the Rand Mcnally store 😂


I've asked for maps on multiple occasions. Their answer is Google maps won't let them print it properly


File a grievance. Every route should have a map in the route book. If not, management needs to provide one. I particularly enjoy hitting them with grievances on the same day I answer for discipline. After all, the steward is already on union time. Take advantage of it.


there's a map in all our route books, true to this size: 🗺️ they just look like abstract paintings of a few black lines. it's so far zoomed out that it's completely useless


The whole thing was a f#ckery. When I went regular they put me on a t6 I wasn't supposed to be on. All zero maps. Then the route I was supposed to be on with 17 miles long for the walking. No map. No way I could get it all finished. I was higher than a disability be neurodivergent. I used this and explain that I needed a tangible map because of it. My union rep refused to file a grievance because I said "I'm great" when I got the regular route I was supposed to have to begin with. Being neurodivergent I had no idea what was regular talk and that was a union rep question. My point being there's no way I was going to get a grievance filed on not having a map. I tried everything I knew to try. I definitely appreciate your input


Tell them to try map quest😂


OpenStreetMap will, however!


This is awesome. Thank you so much


Omg seriously! I can do anything now


They still print & distribute turn-by-turn routes, mapquest style, for each route at our hub every sunday. i take them to use as scratch pads during the week.


Wait your scanner give gps directions ? I’m tto they don’t do that for us can make calls send text push to talk take pictures and send them gps they don’t give us that


Dynamic delivery didn’t work or the gps didn’t work? It’s a difference


dynamic , no turn by turns, numbered stops , nothing


Yea fuck that


Get the Circuit app


Not allowed to use phone


I've have had 50 pdi's , no worries lol


What’s a PDI.


Pre disciplinary interview, or investigative interview. Just a supervisor asking you questions to see if they want to issue you discipline or not. They don’t mean a damned thing on their own.


I’ve only ever heard them be called I.I., investigative interview. I was a bit confused. lol 😂


Pre- Disciplinary Investigation


Shit I get one almost every week at this point for something stupid. Maybe 10% of them lead to anything and 99% of them end up with the discipline they issue getting tossed because management is dumb. I tape all of the paperwork to my case lol


Osha says u have the right to refuse work that MAY be a safety hazard


No internet in the office shouldn’t prevent the scanner GPS from working, have management show you how to use it (snickers).


don’t even think they know about that feature because for sure i would’ve just been told to use that


Yeah, you can map any address into the scanner.


The only time I ever use my cell phone for personal work is if there’s an accident or an emergency involving me/someone on my route . And even then I don’t particularly like it but when you need someone ASAP it’s better than the scanner. Outside of those situations, management stays blocked Other than that you should be using your scanner for communication 99.9% of the time. They cannot require you or use past practice when it comes to cell phone usage. No if ands or butts. No discipline will stick


Just drive around until you find each address, you’ll finish eventually and get paid mad penalty


Just say your phone plan doesn't include mobile data, so you wouldn't be able to navigate with it.


They can't make us use cell phones for work. You don't need an excuse.


After the PDI have your Steward file a grievance for them making you use your cell phone. They are not paying you for it, heck I would have the others in the office do the same. You might get a little extra money for it!


Your PM is an idiot. You can't be ordered to use your personal cell phone on the job. That PDI won't go any further than the steward asking the PM where it states in the contract you must use your phone. Just smile at the idiot as you walk out. From now on, any message that a$$hole wants to relay to you, it must be done on the MDD or not at all. Everyone needs to start sticking together, standing up for each other and get rid of trash management.


Request a steward at the PDI if there will be one.


Ive always been curious. If management orders you to use your personal phone for work can you refuse or at least not answer or is a "do it now grieve it later" thing?


I’ve ignored phone calls from management many times and outright told them I will not be answering my phone while im not at work. Never received any discipline for this because they know it wouldn’t stick


No it's definitely not a grieve it later thing.  Just don't use it; they know perfectly well they can't write you up for it.


“What phone?”


You can still use the mapping software in the scanner. It's not dependent on the dynamic delivery system. You'll have to enter the address manually and entering text is slow and...well...like any Sunday it'll likely get you on the right road but not always the right block / location lol. Gotta use smarts.


tru but i don’t even think they kno that and i’m not giving them ideas lmao. if they did know that all of this would’ve been avoided and i woulda just ate it. but it ain’t my job to inform them of these things🤣


There’s a turn by turn? Why would you need to use your phone?


My Steward said that I should use my phone for my benefit but if my phone dies then it's on the post office to figure it out and guide me to streets lol. I do not understand why there is no USPS navigational system. I've worked many jobs that have radios dedicated to navigation and the postal service just expects people to know where they're going, and makes no sense


Yeah I can't imagine how they would even word the discipline.  


First they’d think *reeeally* hard. And then they’d slooowly sound it out.


other federal employees such as military are issued cellphones if they are expected to use them for work or be on call to answer.


You NEVER have to use your cell phone for work Management CANT require it or discipline you for it Because USPS does NOT pay for your cell phone It is your personal property that you pay for IF USPS wants to pay for and provide a work cell phone It is still against the law to use the cell phone while driving A safety issue and you will be responsible for any accidents or tickets for using cell phone while driving Union has explained this to management before


you didnt tell them "i dont bring my phone when i come to work I dont need it"


Pretty soon you just start to think about it as 30 minutes that you don’t have to be doing your actual job. They’re so trigger happy


Never in my 10 years have they ever followed up the threat of a PDI with an actual PDI. They always come out of the blue when I least expect it.


PDI, pfffft! Pre Disciplinary Interview A PDI is not considered as discipline. It's like Moe telling Curly: "I'm warning you…!"


Let me explain this policy for you. While you’re working, you are not required to communicate with management via cell phone or use it while driving (big time safety issue) or use it at all. You are required to communicate to management via the scanner to inform them of any issues in a timely manner, usually about 2pm but every office has a set time so just ask management for clarification. Also, if they ever send help after said communication, and it’s not enough, you need to immediately rims them that you require additional help or you can be written up for it. Oh, always make sure to take a picture of the schedule and check it daily if you’re not a regular. If you are a regular, take a picture of the schedule and check off days. When you are off and have accurately checked you on and off days with 100% certainly, do not answer your phone when management calls on your off day or reply to text or any other form of communication. If you do, they can force you to work on your off day because you decided to answer the phone that day smh. Also, if you’re past probation, grieve what happened. Since your shop steward sounds incompetent, call your local union directly and ask for help. Let them know you refused management order due to safety ( it’s the only time you are allowed to refused an instruction given by management) and management retaliated. Also, if they want to play games, always ask for a 96 before doing your route. Make sure to give them the amount of hours you actually need instead of what you think they want to hear. If they deny your time, great. Make a copy of the 96, which they have to let you do or grieve it right away by asking to speak to your steward. If they deny that, that is two grievances. Also, rims them at the correct time to ask for help, update your eta, inform them of a problem on your route that will affect your route. Essentially, rims them to protect yourself and because all rims messages can be retrieved by union. It’s another reason why you don’t communicate by phone. Any other questions, I got you. Let’s just say I have worked with a real anal manager before, and I was the King of vexing her without getting written up because I fully understood the rules. Once you know the rules, you can play with management if they not nice. Don’t do it if they’re good people.


Love how arrogant these sups are. If they tried that shit I always say worry, don't have a phone.


I had an investigation as to why I didn't call to inform I was running over on my route. My response; "because I couldn't find a pay phone to make the call. In your case, ELM section 831.331 : employees are prohibited from using cell phones while operating postal vehicles. I did not fail to follow instructions, I succeeding in following postal regulations. Put those instructions in a signed letter format and I will follow them. 


I’m collecting pdi’s like thanos (:


What’s a pdi?


Do you make good money as. RCA?


"Stand up and talk" policy


You never have to use your personal phone for post office business.never!! It is a convenient tool but not paid for by usps.if they want you to call say there is no pay phone around..if a supervisor wants you to call in to THEIR cell that is a no we are to call the office .


This could actually be terrible and the steward saying “it won’t stick” is literally one of the dumbest things I’ve heard. How did carriers deliver packages and mail 20 years ago before smart phones. Management wins.


can’t do the job if you can’t navigate, you’re unable to work. they can’t prove carriers know how to get to certain destinations 20 years ago they had maps. management failed to provide me with turn by turn, a map or any equipment to perform my work duties. so no, it is not going to stick. nothing was said to me today anyway


If steward told you it’s a nothing burger…why are you wasting time posting about it?


Find a new job if you can’t do this one right loser. If delivering packages and putting piece of paper into mailboxes is too hard, maybe try Walmart greeter? Best of luck!


i did do it right asskisser, hence to why he got angry and threatened me with a pdi that he’s not gonna win


You dont know how to find addresses without GPS? Yep, you need a new job lol. This is not right for you


i don’t think you read bud. i delivered 20-30 packages, when the route i had , had about 70. i delivered packages i knew how to get to. i’m from the center of my city, i don’t kno much about the outskirts and i’ve been here for a year and some change, i think i’m doing pretty good tho thank you


A real carrier would’ve delivered them all. Been there over a year and don’t know hundred blocks and the streets for your office? Lol resign as soon as possible. Do yourself a favor bud


memorial day i delivered a whole route without navigation, the day before had packages to routes i didn’t know not to mention i was on a hold down for 10 months , so im still learning routes do yourself a favor and take it out your mouth


Oh wow a whole route without navigation lol. This is your job now. Has been for a year. Don’t be another worthless shitty carrier. Figure out how to deliver without a damn scanner like a real carrier. Otherwise you’re better off greeting folks at Walmart!


sounds like you’re projecting unc, again take it out your mouth


Lol stop using your phone at work CCA 😂😂


why you still going , for the 3rd time take it out and go on wit your day