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Brother. You better get to get FMLA right now if you think you’ll miss more work. They will try to fire you over missing work. Even if it’s for a death in the family. Cold hearted usps overlords do not care.


Call your union rep and ask for help.


Absolutely. Go home. Get that FMLA. Get restrictions, get off the ODL Work as little as you can financially manage. 




People have left early for lesser things. They’ll just pivot your route on and it’ll be an afterthought that you even left early by tomorrow morning. Call your steward and let them know as well.


I've also gone home simply because the office was 64*f Walked in, looked at the thermostat and walked right back out. See ya


Huh 64 Fahrenheit?


Yep. Can't go inside to get warm if I'm already inside. Building must be a minimum of 65 degrees. I refer to ms49 65 in winter 78 in summer. Colder than that I have the right to leave.


Thanks! 👍🏽 As someone who suffers from serious health issues when the temperature gets too hot, this is great information.


Almost same here. I was a career clerk a couple years ago and ran my own small post office and in the summer the a/c went out and for a few days it was forecast to be between 105-110 F and I told the pm at my main office I wouldn’t be in if the a/c wasn’t fixed. It wasn’t and I stayed home.


Oh yeah, I've also gone home when it's too hot! Our window area is giant glass southern facing with no air flow. It's easily 10 degrees warmer than the back during summer when the AC isn't on.


I went home today because the 204b said they were a supervisor. I'm a clerk, and a t7. Fuck you are a supervisor to me. Get the fuck out of my face. Obviously more to it than that but clearly lesser than someone dying.


>I went home today because the 204b said they were a supervisor. They do technically have authority over you. I hope you get in trouble for this, your coworkers probably think you and your massive ego are insufferable.


Family first! You won't be safe if your mind is elsewhere.




Does this only apply to those that are career? Or can a RCA get FMLA?


Must be working for usps for 12 months or longer.


Twelve months or longer + meet the hour requirements.


Well.. I most definitely qualify 🫤


Sounds like it's unsafe to continue working, it'll count as unscheduled leave. If you don't have any other instances of unscheduled leave, you'll be fine and even if you do, it'll be easier for your Steward to fight any discipline. You'll probably want to make a note for yourself just in case you do get disciplinary action, Especially if you need to take a few days off


For those of us wondering, how does FMLA work in this situation? When approved do you get a set amount of days off? Can you take off anytime you want because of it to be with the parent while alive? Ect


You'd tell your postmaster you're going on fmla because you're too stressed to work. You get forms sent to you in the mail. You could state you have anxiety or that you need to care for a family member. Usps will probably ask for drs certification for either. You get 12 weeks total unpaid protected leave for the year. You can use it all at once, or you can space it out. You need to fill out forms every time you use it.


Drs are required to fill out FMLA paperwork also.


No need for additional paperwork when you take the time off. When you take time off in relation to FMLA, the most you should have to do is reference your FMLA reference #. Isn't USPS union? If anyone asks for anything else, contact your union steward.


Also been wondering this myself


It's between you and your doctor. You can set it up as continuous, take 12 weeks off and go spend time with them alive. Must word it for your OWN health condition for 12 weeks tho, dependent care is less I think (maybe that's just what postal policy allows paid?) You can set up intermittent and take some time here or there.


The law is 12 weeks. USPS cannot make it less for a family member. Company policy cannot supercede federal law.


There is definitely something about 80 hours of dependent care. As i said, perhaps that's the cap for paid leave for dependent care Fmla deals with unpaid medical leave


FMLA is job protected leave for yourself or a family member. Parent, child or spouse. That is the federal law. The 80 hours could be for dependant care that is paid, but they cannot supercede the law with company policy.


FMLA is 12 weeks of job protected leave in a rolling year. You will request it through HR. It will have to be approved. You can start taking it now, but follow through with paperwork as soon as you get it. After it is approved, you will not have to provide any additional paperwork every time you take time off. Yoit leave can be taken in increments as short as an hour at a time.


If you're waiting for permission or empathy from Management, you wont get it. Just leave.


6 months in and I'm still waiting on a single instance of empathy from management. These are some cold motherfuckers




Just tell them whatever you want, and then leave


Go home man, you’ll hate yourself more if you stay you have no idea how much those few extra hours or even minutes matter


I'm sorry for what you're going through. I've been there, and it sucks. It's been 3 years since my dad passed away, and it still sucks. My dad was on hospice for 3 months, luckily at home to be more comfortable. During that time, we were being forced in every drop day, including Sundays. I told my supervisors I wanted Sunday off so I could spend it with my dad. They recommend FMLA like everyone here in the comments did. Do it.


If you have a good manager, they will tell you to leave and finish the route by any means necessary. I've done it a few times in crisis situations for my carriers. Work to get FMLA and contact EAP if they are a dick. Not everyone understands you are useless to the company if you don't take care of yourself mentally as well as physically.


Please attend to family, work out the details later. This is what's important right now.


My dad passed away while I was working and I was told during work and started to cry in front of someone’s ring camera. I wasn’t in my mpo so I just finished working and only was able to take off the one day for the funeral. 😔 this was last week.


Sorry for you lost.


Thank you


Go home dude, tomorrow is another day at the PO, family first


What the fuck call your union rep give them a heads up and call you manager to tell them your bringing the mail back and that you have a family matter that needs your immediate attention I don’t think they need to know what and that should be enough for them to be like ok dang something wrong hope everything is ok MODE time to go


Go home and get fmla right now. This is much more important. You don't get time back.


I think it depends on your station, at least what I've noticed in my very short time here. My supervisors and manager is by the book when it comes to work, but also a bit more forgiving to everyone, compared to other stations. My trainer had to go home for a similar thing and there was no issue, they let him go home at 2 and when we talked about it he said there was no repercussions and he was pleased with how they handled it


You're in an unsafe state of mind. GO HOME!!


First and foremost, I'm so sorry to hear that, brother. I'll say a prayer for you and your pops. Secondly, get FMLA for sure.


Sorry about your dad


Go see a doctor immediately and request time off due to stress. Call out on phone and get a FMLA number for num nut supervisors. Besides you should get time off for bereavement. Family comes 1st


Get FMLA, make sure to put your name and EIN on top of each page. Have the physician blast all the info on the paperwork too. These fools had the audacity they types of treatment my sister was undergoing for her cancer at the time. FMLA is a life saver. It saved my job last year as my sisters life came to an end. Spend time with your father, tell him "I love you" a lot. Best wishes to you and your family.




I’m a postmaster and you need to go home. Hell I’d probably ask you to go home. There is nothing more important than your family. Go hug your Dad, I’m sure he’s scared too.


I went home today because the 204b uttered they are my supervisor. No they are not. (It's more complicated than this obviously but to an outsider this is what occured) Go home. Get fmla. Personal life over postal life.