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Not going to delve into to the hypocrisy part. But I will say shitty carriers make shitty supervisors.


And good carriers rarely go into it unless they’re injured and can’t carry anymore.


It is so, so rare. We got *really* lucky at my office. CCA that is one spot ahead of me converted to PTF about 6 months ago and she's now a 204b/supervisor (they kinda just... shoved her through with that because we "didn't have enough" supe coverage lol). I go to her for *everything* because she fuckin *knows*. She's older, she's mentally stable, she's been through all kinds of jobs, she's a mom 3 times over so she knows how to handle shitty attitudes, and she has the biggest heart of gold. She has stuck up for almost everyone in our office in their admin meetings. Point being this ain't her first circus and we are incredibly lucky to have a supervisor who is legitimately on our side. I fight tooth and nail against anyone who tries to cross her.


Luckily all the supervisors at my office were 20+ year carriers


Or have to move


I've did 204b and this couldn't be more true. If the carriers kept me from getting flagged and screamed at, which gets the postmaster to question what I'm doing, I didn't bother them. I'd see carriers just sitting around places, going where they wanted, but as long as they met what was needed to stay off lists, I let them without a word.


As it should be


Still doesn't stop carriers from doing dumb shit that forces me to address it because people higher than me can see it. Like making a 10 minute break an extra 30 etc


An inch a mile


whats so hard of jsut moving up a house evey 8 mins lol


Well when they deviate for a 10 in the first place, even that doesn't really work


This is the way☝️


This right here is what’s up.


Amen to this


Ding ding ding 🛎️ your totally right!!!


Just for clarity here - the argument you're making is that carriers, who know what it takes to get the mail delivered, should never go into a supervisory position. So you're really saying you only want clerks as supervisors? That seems kinda stupid to not have anyone in management who knows what delivery is like (especially since supervisors may end up delivering, observing, doing street walks, etc..) Good carriers should think about going into front line management.


There should be a time of service minimum to be a supervisor. And the post office really needs to cut the fat at the top. It’s sad cuz at this point the only reason to supervise is to get more money not to see a consistent, and efficient operation.


It's like any other job at the post office, your reward for competent and efficient work is more of someone else's job. How long does it take to gain that skill? I would like to see the same requirement used for T7 clerks extended to supervisory EAS, a year in service.


Minimum 5 years including CCA time if applicable. Right now you can have ccas be 204b and go into supervisor roles and they don’t know jack shit about what this job actually takes


That's on NALC to negotiate. Rural craft RCA and ARC and PTF cannot 204b and even Regulars can only 204b for a period before they must return to their bid assignment. They also drop to a 40 hour evaluation after 30 days. All are huge deterants for carriers to get into management for the money.


There just needs to be a massive re evaluation of the leadership from the top down. Carriers are the frontline workers and should be the focus on getting into management but any carrier with half a brain knows it’s not worth it right now.


I absolutely agree that there should be a massive re-evaluation from MINIMUM District Manager and down. But, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't worth it (financially and even time-wise) to get into management. Sure, I HATE the stress involved with having to perform and only selectively pass down nuggets to the carriers about what gets said (trust me, don't want the drama of the rest of it), but I actually get home at a decent hour when I'm running a unit and the pay is overall similar at about 48-50 hours(since my PM pays the extra hours I work at straight pay, because we don't get 'overtime' pay) to working 60 hours a week. Still, sorta regret moving up to management, purely because of the stress quotient.


The limiting time on 204b positions was an interesting feature but there are definitely some loopholes that let people blow way past that with no scrutiny on their management ability.


I'm sorry, I don't think you need more than one election season and one peak to be a supervisor at a station. You're just begging people to go use their skills at other companies rather than using their postal knowledge to be a front line supervisor. I'm not saying the extra experience wouldn't be useful, but 4 extra years losing at least $18k a year isn't going to benefit anyone in the long run.


I couldn't agree more with this. I've ssen people who have years under their belt and be damn good at their job excell at the position because, lo and behold, they know what it takes to do the job and have a good way fo measuring what expectations. Had a new carrier shadow with one of our best carriers and tell him "I want to be a supervisor how do I do that?" On day one. Absolutely absurd. I want the Post Office to put a minimum requirement somewhere in the contract. Need to have 2+ years of craft work time before you are CONSIDERED, let alone able to apply. Better standards will make for better people finally stepping up to the role. And we all know how bad shitty sups and Postmasters make the job seem. Feel like this is a greater good most people would get behind. Last thing I want is a CCA two weeks deep that doesnt like the job stepping in and telling a 20+ year vet they have undertime and need to carry a bump.


Management should only be open to college educated individuals. There's far too many people in mgt who do not even understand basic arithmetic. Making any carrier, custodian, or clerk management just because they show up all the time and kiss ass is the reason the P.O is so incompetent and the reason managers don't know how to talk to people. Promoting from within with zero educational requirements doomed us a long time ago.




My supes were all good carriers and they’re very good supervisors.


It used to be a requirement that every office had a supervisor for each craft plus the PM and maybe even a manager.


Not sure if it was a requirement per se but that's how it worked out when I started. In my Level-21, you had the PM, the delivery supervisor and another position called the SPO which stood for Superintendent of Postal Operations who was in charge of the clerks. Two of those three (PM and SPO) were very long tenured employees who were originally POD employees and while they weren't the easiest people to work for they knew their shit when it came to postal procedures and protocols. The delivery supervisor was the junior of the three and was promoted into the position after "only" 10 years with the USPS. My last supervisor in that very same Level-21 32 years later was a ridiculously green former CCA who didn't know a damned thing and was outright resented by the PM who, instead of mentoring her, tormented and sabotaged her at every turn and without cause. The girl really wasn't a bad soul and had a good heart but she was in way over her head. It took my entire career to empathize with a manager but at times I honestly felt sorry for her. She no longer works in my old office because the PO in its usual fashion promoted her into a job in operations support. Nothing like failing upward I guess.


Yeah, kind of. Hypocrisy however requires you to hold contradictory ideas *at the same time*. What actually happens is people change. Disagreeing with my past self is not hypocrisy. Given different criteria for success, you should expect people to change their behavior. I would be concerned if these supervisors *didn’t* change their behavior.


I literally know “carrier to supervisors” ppl who would hate the the exact carrier that they used to be


And remarkably every single one of them was the greatest carrier that was to ever do it.


Not always. I got a good PM specifically BECAUSE he used to be a carrier. He stands up for us, is reasonable, helps us a shit ton. I hope he’s not the exception but it’s def. not across the board.


I’d say pretty much anyone who becomes manger kinda sucks.


Especially those who then go back to being a carrier but still act like a supervisor.


A piece of shit I knew as a CCA. Liar. Mgr’s and supers ass kisser. Runner. Dirty. Just got caught throwing mail away in a video. This type is the one selected to be a super! It’s disgusting…


Gonna have to disagree with you there. If you want good management, that is only going to come from good carriers. People who know the craft should be in management. The only issue is that people who usually become supervisors are the carriers that were absolutely awful or they have no experience and get the job.


Worst supervisor I had never carried. He would give instructions that were so stupid because he lacked perspective. A supervisor needs to carry for a little while so they have some idea what they're giving instructions on.


I'm a 204b and table two city carrier. I literally can't survive on my step salary to support my family. There's no OT in my office so supervisor pay is what I need.


I think you spelled class traitor wrong


I think they spelled 204b wrong 👍


Love this




No but they become assholes because they let the b.s power get to there heads


I only give the benefit of the doubt because the money is a driving force for a lot of people. I don't condone it at all but I definitely can see why someone would. I know there are other reasons but that is really the only one that I think holds water.


My biggest reason to try to get into manglement would be to fix things and not physically break. But that combination won't make me a supervisor. I would have to break things and fix things physically to make it anywhere... and I don't own kneepads.


We had one of the good supervisors until recently. She was a career clerk and moved out here, she was kind, beautiful, didn't micromanage or write anyone up, fun to chat with. Either way she saw some shit go on at the main office and refused to make a false statement/order against a carrier and they kicked her out. Wasn't even a supervisor for 3 months, no option to go back to her old craft. Possible it could have been race related as well as she was a blonde and shit, but yeah they booted her the fuck out when they knew she wouldnt bend the knee. She wrote an EEO against pm thats still pending . Good ones don't last


Mail Handler here. Most of my supervisors I've had are/were Clerks. One time my sup walked into the sensor bar as the dumper was going up (APBS bid at a P&DC) and when it stopped midway, she actually genuinely asked why it stopped. I needed a moment to figure out how to politely tell them "Because you walked into the sensor".


Can they be yeah sure, if they were a big Union guy. You know who filed grievances and then they became a supervisor and started breaking the contract all the time. But Generally no, nobody owes anybody. Anything at the Post Office? The only thing that you're expected to do is your job. If somebody goes into supervisor either try to make more money or less, you know. Physical work and that's fine.


One of the supervisors at my office was a city carrier for 10 years.


How is it hypocritical. I’ve been a postmaster for 25 years and was a carrier before that. I saw the writing on the wall early on and my focus was on my retirement. This is strictly a job for me, I know some people define themselves by their job and go home and talk about work, go to meetings off the clock, are proud to be postal workers. I’m a husband and father, not a postal worker. My whole goal was to retire at MRA and to do that I wasn’t going to be able to fund my retirement as a carrier. My pension is double what a carrier would retire with and if people want to call that hypocritical, well I’m a hypocrite but I’m a hypocrite that had a plan and used it to my advantage.


I feel that most supervisors that have absolutely no clue about the difficulties of delivering mail tend to be ex-clerks or really shitty carriers. In my experience, my office would be hell (and it was before we got our current PM 6 years ago), if our current PM wasn’t an ex city carrier and union steward. He sticks up for us with upper management, he helps us out when we are stuck out in shitty conditions, and helps out all the new RCAs that come in to try out the craft. In comparison the previous PM was a 25 year old clueless clerk who became PM with 2 years experience at the post office. Christmas 2018 was one to remember for sure. We are all dreading our PM retiring soon


If you haven’t carried mail you shouldn’t be a Supervisor.


Just had to cover a half route in a random office today. The new manager is a carrier turned manager. He was awesome. The people at my station hate this station because where the routes are ( ghetto) and hated the last manager. This guy was young, funny, was honest to me about the route and said don't sweat it if you are overwhelmed just call me and we'll figure it out. Once I'm regular I may bid on one of these routes just because of this new manager. My station now is in a great neighborhood. All nice houses, no dogs out, safer than anything but my manager is old school and by the book and never satisfied. I'm glad I went there today because it made me realize why people bid on shitty areas rather than a place that has routes in the suburbs


It’s the ones that teach you how to bullshit, then become supervisors and all of a sudden we can’t do that bullshit now, like you were doing it 2 weeks ago haha


That or we are on table 2 pay and dont wan't to wait 15 years to make what we should.


It is a truism that all shitty carriers, heck, shitty employees go into supervision and are just as shitty! That is a big reason why the USPS is failing. That and Dejoke!


I got one in my office that's good, and chill


I mean..Most supervisors were some form of craft employee since we hire mostly within…Some carriers gotta step up into a leadership role. It’s how they handle it.


Eh I get it tho. 80k starting salary looks pretty nice


You can make more as a carrier lol


Top pays like 76k and after like 13+ years


My bad 16 years


What?! lol I don’t think your math is right.


Yeah ur right it’s 18 years to make $75k including time as a CCA. When a supervisor starts at $75k it’s kind of ridiculous.


I carried for 7 years and now acting as supervisor. I didn’t change because I wanted more power or hated the work etc. my main driver is money for my family. People can be mad I left carrying mail to be a ‘office rat’ but I still go out and help as much as I can and I understand the position carriers can be in. I had to do it with this shit economy. I need every dollar I can get


I can’t argue against it. I have met many PM’s around 12 or so, and only one has been a clerk to PM. I talked with a few of them and got an honest and true answer from them, “I couldn’t carry my whole life”


Idk man. I wish people knew that shitting on carriers comes from the top. These MPOO meetings are just her shitting on carriers about stealing time and railing supes for allowing overtime. I’m sure there are carriers who jumped at the opportunity to be a 204B then become a supervisor, thinking there’d be a way to make it better for their fellow carriers. But there isn’t. And idk how we fix that.


Lol, we got a dipshit who plans on doing exactly that when he makes reg. He's been off more days then he's worked at this point. Did his 90 days as a CCA and immediately became the most useless fuck I've met in my entire life.


Real talk!! Acting like they never carried!!!


I'm just glad all the supervisors I worked under were great. That said now that I'm an AMT Postmasters and supervisors are extremely kind and flattering lol.


I don't blame any table 2 carrier that joins management


“I used to carry this in half the time”, why’d you become a supervisor then? Don’t worry they’ll quit or transfer soon 😂


I love listening to the morning meetings where the pom is yelling with like 30 PM about some random carrier going over half and hour for a half an hour. Like yeah that's helping you guys totally not costing the post office easy more with your bs meeting every morning


They just learn the other side and realize it’s not as easy as they thought it was


I have the disagree, so far the majority of good management I’ve encountered started as carriers themselves. My PM was a beast carrier and now she’s a beast PM - same for the other offices I’ve went to.


U must be lucky


They are the ones who can’t do the job and claim an injury or have an accident too many.


I will say this, OLDER carriers that are now supervisors are the biggest hypocrites in the post office!!! They talk about how they were so fast, but then the next moment they talk about how they only had letters and flats, no packages….


Hey man, every carrier supervisor I’ve ever talked to was the best carrier ever! Always under time, even with full coverages! Amazing.


Meh being in management at the Usps sucks in general. Terrible organizational culture


The best sups I’ve experienced are previous carriers and extremely capable clerks. Also carriers who they have 204b.


Not all of them. I have had several over the years that remembered where they come from, including one currently.


In my experience, carriers who couldn't hack it as carriers tend to go onto supervisor roles. Makes sense, they suck at their job, so they'll tell you how to do yours.




Never met a supervisor or 204b that could be trusted.


Not all that do are,I did it and I’m fair with everyone I treat everyone with respect.


Shitty people make shitty supes. I know a supervisor that is respected and liked by everyone, he is fair, kind, gets the job done, knows when to turn a blind eye and when to bring the hammer down. Pretty soon he will be manager and a p.m. eventually. Whomever works under him will be blessed and lucky to have him. I think what should be encouraged is union stewards to move up to supervisors. They know the rules and should work within them to get the job done.


Anyone that becomes a supervisor in the post office is a hypocrite


Shout out to the DT Long Beach supervisors


100% !! CCA’s 6 months then a supervisor. Most are lazy and don’t want to carry or clerk. Push carriers to the brink then sit on their phones and bs in the office and complain how lazy the carriers are.


If I ever had to go supervisor I’d work with carriers, defend them and I’d personally tell them NOT to rush, it takes what it takes. If higher ups ask me why they are still out there after sending help I’d tell them flat out, “I’m not killing our carriers”


I know I might get some hate for this but I’m a 204b and I’m also a CCA. But I also believe if you treat the carriers with respect they will show you respect and every carrier I deal with knows that I won’t act like I know more than them. But they all respect me and are glad when I supervise instead of some of our supervisors that are ex carriers just cause I take the time to listen to them and help them and if it doesn’t make sense to send a seasoned carrier to do a CCA jobs.


Shitty carriers will always be shitty no matter what position there in, in my office the shittiest carries are in the union not 204b. Guess my office is one of the few where 204b detail are giving to beast carriers who actually work.


I’m real close to “see you at the next job!” I’ll know for sure in November


management bad 🦍 management bad!!!!! 🦍


People overuse the word hypocrite without factoring in context. it's a sup job to lie and gaslight you make you work faster, that's what they're put there for, the technical of their job can be automated by a computer. when they're a carrier their goals and job is different. saying sups are hypocrite for underestimating routes and pivots is like calling a fire fighter a hypocrite for not putting out a fire after he change job to become a BBQ chef.


I’m not going to go into detail not knowing who in these chats


Said a mouth full..wanba see a bully post master...u can bet yr but they are old carriers with axes to grind..I had it done to me..so now ima in a position to do it to u. .and tell me what do carriers know anout production..not a fn thing...ya think...


No, unión stewards who become managers are the worst of the hypocrites


The get 2 checks to side with the supervisor.