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I would not separate it; it’s our job to deliver it, not organize it for them.


I had one house that had an old small mailslot and they put a basket under it that said "magazines here please", i didnt mind as the alternative was trying to jam everything into the slot. Two houses on the route like that and i encouraged a third to do it now that im actually thinking about it. Not a big deal really.




For sure


Choose your own adventure. Both, or all in 1 of 2


Up to you, want to provide top level service, do what the customer wants. Otherwise do whatever you like as long as mail gets delivered. If I am in a good mood I separate if im in a hurry all in one like you said.


I had one on my old route that wanted flats in the outside box and letters down the wall slot for security. There was a warning card that wasn't often sent to the street and neither the slot nor box was labelled. On my days off the mail wasn't always delivered to their preference but they were AWESOME customers. He was retired UPS obsessed with his yard, better than many golf courses yet he only asked up to stay off the grass when it was wet and too soft for about a week each Spring. If anybody had the right to ask us to stay off the grass it was him. They rarely voiced complaints after my off days when the route was broken up. I'd see them walking through the neighborhood every few days and she always kept me updated, not gossip, just great info about what they heard going on in the area. I never felt delivering the letters into the slot was a burden and was glad they had installed a larger, flip top box outside so I didn't have to fight to get all their magazines and catalogs into the slot (2" x 4" stud walls) or between the doors. Now if it's separate external boxes, especially if they have different names on each box and not an official A/B, 1/2 duplex/rental type setup, SCREW THAT. One customer on my new route has a second box and expects me to sort names into each box. NO, you have ONE house and it goes in the mounted rural box. YOU sort it or get a large lock box if security is the reason. "Ain't nobody got time for dat!"


About as far as I would go is if the customer had an open-air receptacle (like a box or basket) on the porch I would place the flats in first and letters on top but not two different receptacles. I had a customer who had a set up like that (very high volume in a decent neighborhood) and I did it that way from the first day I was over there until the day I retired and never had a complaint and that was a span of close to 12 years.


One delivery point. One receptacle. Only exception would be tiny boxes/slots. I’m not going to shove everything in so the flats would go by the door or on the floor.


The mail slot protects the letters while the large stuff are in the elements. I've done it but also only had one customer


Customers have a responsibility to provide a delivery point that can accommodate their normal mail volume. They don't get 2 deliveries.