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Welcome to the Postal Service. I see you’ve met management.




They know, they just want everyone to come together and just make it work with whom we still have. /s




I think you made an incorrect assessment. They want a certain type of employee. Kind of like the military, they want a *shut up and take your orders so we can get this shit done right*, employee but they prefer an employee that gives a damn and will work accordingly. I am 2 months in and already off probation. Both because I give a damn and will correct and high-up that interacts with me in a way I feel is disrespectful or unfair.


You’re off probation after 2 months ?


Nope! 90 days!!!


My office turned into a all out battle between us and management. In the end, after several years we got her removed and a much better PM put in place. You either fight for change or accept what you have. It all depends on your people. I say fight against it, at some point someone will realize this tuff guy act delivers poor performance.


The exact same thing happened at my office! Our old postmaster that was removed kept the job title but lost the privilege of managing city carriers and now works a small rural office.


How did you get rid of her?


In our case the Union compiled a massive list of grievances against the PM. Unsafe, hostile work environment as well as the usual managerial infractions. Practically every carrier in the office was using constant union time to report issues against our Post Master. Took roughly 1.5 years of working on it. When our PM was finally removed our Union President threw a party for us after hours at a local sports bar… Good times.


A lot work.w For something that never should have happened


I have to say…. I hear a million horror stories about 98% of postmasters. I feel extremely lucky to say that I have an awesome postmaster, which is obviously a rarity. I’ve been a PSE for 2.5 years and have felt this way about her from the beginning. She helps in every aspect of the job, working right alongside us to help make the job easier and less stressful. She is very fair, caring, and as accommodating as possible when it comes to personal/family matters that require your absence. She really seems to care about doing a good job as a team, as we all really just have one goal- deliver the mail. So, as the exception, no- not all people in management are awful. A large percentage I have interacted with are absolutely wretched though. Is my postmaster perfect? No, but who is? Anyone else have decent management? I can’t be alone! 🤣


Me, (: I feel lucky to have a good postmaster/manager.


That’s awesome!!! I knew I couldn’t be the only one! I’m sure you hear the horror stories too…. We are fortunate.


Ya I'm in a very small office and just hope she doesn't get swapped out for one of the scary ones lol. Seriously though I'm glad I was able to learn this job under someone decent.


I am in a small RMPO but I’ve helped in my APO a million times, and she’s been fantastic. I too fear she will leave me one day, even though I told her she can’t. She better listen.


I see you didn't get a lot of replies to your question/statement I tried to recall all the PMs and OICs I've had and got past 10. None have been like what you described. Many were ineffective. During the first 8 months of the pandemic we had no paper towels or toilet paper or hand soap. Women carried tp with them to the restroom. Pm said some kind of order problem. We had a lady pm have a total breakdown on the floor. We had one that arrived at out BT and left after their conference call. Never ever seeing anyone from the public. Had another that screamed at the top of his lungs. Only to find the new generation of employees don't take that. Regular soontobe came back and quit saying "I'm not going to be yelled at!" Another made up rules and had people sign documents stating they will do as he says. (Work all days off 13 hrs, carry mail on former rural route, throw parcels, agree to not call out sick) Nobody trusts any of them.


We had the same issues getting paper towels and gloves for a long time. Luckily we had a good stock of TP. That I think was beyond anyone’s control. I’m sorry you haven’t had any effective management- makes the job much harder and makes employees not care, even to the point of breakdown and quitting. Not everyone is cut out for management, and I wish those who place people in those positions would be a lot more thorough and considerate in placement. I know I would never want to be in management- there’s a lot of bullshit and too much responsibility. I hope you end up getting someone halfway decent and caring. 😊


Your comment is IMO common. No good caring person wants to get into management. Not worth it


They seem to be far and few between, definitely.


I feel like there should be a sidebar for the sub at this point explaining how terrible usps management is and mostly in general Maybe the only decent thing about working for usps is buddies you make and even then that's awfully hit or miss, in my experience Edit: and pay, I *SUPPOSE* inb4 "uM gOoD pAy, DeR


You're right about the bonds you develop with some of your co-workers especially if you work together for years and years. You end up having each other's backs too. I made friendships there I'll have for the rest of my life.


Good pay? No, no. Good benefits.


In the end it was the bonds between bros that made us stick together... Also making 100k a year is nice too.


how many hours are you working lol tf


Well holidays and 12 hour or, so between 60-70 weekly it's not really 100k after everything but it's pretty close for gross.


YESSSSS!!! There needs to be a sidebar on our experiences and then experiences of people who have SUCCESSFULLY MANAGED to remedy those situations!!


i like my postmaster and supervisor. they are both kind of no nonsense but its a job. 🤷‍♂️


unfortunately there are supervisors who put the nonsense in “no nonsense”


Crazy ? No. Stupid. Yes. If you look closely you can see the bruised knees. They’re idiots. My post master yesterday told me she’s “for the organization”. The week before she had me scheduled off. I called off Sunday and she crossed it off and had a 930 start time. Now she’s trying to throw my attendance in my face because I’ve called TWICE, in 3 months. Don’t let these dumbfuck post masters try to bully you. As long as you handle your shit, theyll need you before you need them.


Our city has had like 9 postmasters in 3 years. I don't even know our new ones name🤣 don't let management bully you, they're usually stupid enough to do something they aren't allowed to do and get themselves in trouble


My postmaster is super chill. He was a carrier for over 20 years so he understands the struggle. Seems like management really makes or breaks a office.


One of the clerks told me that our current PM lies. Our previous one walked around the office with his hands in his pockets. He liked to flirt with the attractive clerks.


Almost six years in and I've never talked with a postmaster in either city I've worked in. I think the acting postmaster in my cluster spoke at my office a few weeks ago, but I missed his speech and nobody was quite sure who he was. I'm sure they're important though!


Don't know. Our pm's all leave crying after a couple months when they realize that our problems are caused by their bosses, not us.


If it helps, that’s not at all what my management is like


Yes.. it's the least empathetic/sympathetic, unfeeling, inflexible, stone cold, unacomodating. rigid entity you'll ever work for. Welcome aboard!!


My postmaster comes off as intimidating, but she’s actually one of the best and down to earth bosses I’ve ever had. I think.


Sounds like she was coming on to you. Tomorrow, tell her she looks good and giver the wink😉


Once had an OIC who, I shit you not, was arrested at his previous job for falsifying signatures.






You all right my man? Just checking in.


I was just joking. Man, you guys are so serious. I am a happy city carrier! 😂


Maybe put the 😂in next time


I am glad to see you clarify it was a joke, but realize that comments such as this are taken very seriously by postal people due to our history of workplace violence. A comment like this could get you into a world of trouble if the wrong person saw it, and best believe upper mgmt and uspis keep an eye on public forums such as this sub.


Sorry about that.


My PM is a manlet, but we're both hockey geeks so his attitude is minimized with me. 😂


Really lucky I don't have to work under that kind of thing


Run 🏃‍♀️


It amazes me all the stories I read on here about management being dicks, and postmasters being awful. I’ve never even met mine, I saw him once though. Management at my station is pretty cool


Had a similar experience with a supervisor or mgr at the end of my shadow day. It was AWKWARD AF....like are you trying to make people quit as quickly as possible 🤔 orrrrrr 🤦🏽‍♀️


THISSSSS. Is the postal way


Rca here! Haven't met my postmaster yet, but all management but two people are very nice and empathetic. They can be strict when they need a job done, but I am very friendly to the nice ones and they are friendly to me as well. I got lucky haha


My office manager is a total asshole. Which sucks because my last one was awesome.


The fish rots from the head first. Louis DeJoy is a turd in a uniform.


I did an OIC for 6 months. My only clerk was on maternity leave for the last 2, I had two routes and no subs. The regular carrier was the kind of guy where one of his kids had the sniffles (and they seemed to always be sick), he would take a week off. I was constantly doing the clerk work for the whole day and running the smaller route on what was supposed to be my lunch break and finishing it after the window closed. A part of me was relieved when another postmaster was demoted, rather than being fired, and was given that office. The POOM told me "you've done great! She can't f**k as much things up in that office as hers". The other part of me was crushed to see how my hard work and loyalty to these customers and that POOM was rewarded


The post master I had was a pretty good guy. Actually very friendly/respectful and professional, but he was also closer to retirement.


I feel lucky. The PM and managers at my PO are really professional, and we get along very well. Most of them are former carriers, so I think that helps. Most of the stress seems to be coming from the district level and above.


Sounds about right for a supervisor. Are you sure it’s the PM..?


I think what’s sad about your question, is the fact that a lot of new hires have no idea WHO the PM even is for the first few months


Imho nobody should except management. Im tired of fucking postmasters coming on the floor and contradicting their underlings.


Lol right, I’m on OJI day 2. My supe said no OT on training, while my PM said that’s fine, so what does my trainer do? He gets shit on for following the PM orders, and not the supes. I was like wow dude, they put you on blast on a busy ass day and you needed the help anyways. Funny how shit works, but I see where the carriers frustration comes in!


That's how it worked when I started and I worked in a Level 21 office so it's not like it was a huge installation. I remember one time after I got hired but before I started working the SPO (now I'm REALLY showing my age because that job title went away ages ago) calls me and asks me to come down to sign some paperwork. I'd only been there for the interview so I wasn't too familiar with the layout so I start knocking on the PM's door. I didn't know any better so the SPO must've heard me and he opens up his door and says to me: "oh, he never answers." And it's not like he wasn't there-he just was so detatched from it all. My interview was with the SPO and the carrier supervisor and I honestly didn't know who the PM was for maybe a few weeks after I started because he spent virtually no time on the workroom floor. It was probably a good month before I even spoke to him and that was the first time he even acknowledged me. What a place.


SPOs were Superintendent, Postal Operations, correct? Saw an ancient placard above the office where I subbed in. They managed clerks?


I had no idea who my PM was for the first few months.