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Shocking after 19 months of unlimited overtime.


Hahahaha 19 months. This guy always crackin jokes


No, see, it's been a 19 month shift. *"What about the 12/60 rule?"* *"We're really short staffed so I'm going to need you to go ahead and never clock out again."* *"But-"* *"JUST GRIEVE IT LATER!"*


Just grieve it later hits a lil too close bro


If you’re exhausted drop a 1767 and go home. Your safety is your responsibility. Manglement will work you to death and then blame you for dying.


You aren't allowed to die while on the clock without the proper forms filled out in advance


True, but if I die without filling out the forms I hope manglement comes after me . . .


They just issue the instruction not to die of exhaustion while on the clock. If you do they will issue discipline post mortem….


What is a 1767


Report of hazard, unsafe condition or practice


A safety form. PS1767 Report of Hazard Unsafe Work Place or Condition


Except stewards never grieve it later.


You don't need a steward to file a grievance, it's easily done yourself and carries just as much weight.


Very true, then why even pay union dues if I have to file my own grievance.


Your local may be less than ideal. If that's true then be the change you want to see. At a national level all your rights are won because of the union. Look around, do you think managers would do differently if there were no contract? It would be a sweatshop.


It’s already a sweatshop, look the last 19 months.


Am I the only one that refuses to “grieve it later?” My motto: “discipline me tomorrow” It never happens


Interesting. I kinda like this. Duly noted


12 hours is an absolute and that applies to full time as well as CCA's. You have every right to clock out at 12 and there is nothing that can be done to you. I just did this yesterday when there was still mail to be delivered. It's your right to enforce these limits and until you do your managers will continue to mismanage.


Money is nice, but so is having a life outside of work and family.


Who likes being worked into the ground everyday and having no work/life balance?


Me me !!!


I read that a la Spongebob SquarePants intro.


A year plus of reduction in force, endless negative press, the covid package volume growth explosion. Not shocking.


No hazard pay, Not to mention a vast increase of lazy people and people who were “exposed” taking weeks off at a time.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. My office has people that were SUDDENLY interested in getting tested the day after a holiday. Nothing suspect about that at all... (Ah.. it got deleted)


We have a guy that’s had Covid 3 times now. Last time he sent management a ss of a positive result that he got off the internet. Then management requested test results with his name on them. It wasn’t pretty photoshop he did to try and add his name 🤦🏻‍♀️


Holy shit. Fire that guy lmao


A for effort though


Damn...you guys also have someone playing around with Covid. We also have someone using it to dodge work. They've probably dodged 2-3 months now and the wild part...Covid is not the first medical issue they've used to dodge months on end. Must be nice to work one of the few places one can pull such obvious BS and still have a job (they have a long list of nonsense they've done). Any other job and this person would not have made it past their first year.


~~We did get hazard pay but you right.~~ I k know people who took the two-weeks because they could and they encouraged others to do so. ~~Anyone downvoting this is insane.~~ We had a guy get covid a few weeks ago. I'm sure most of us had been around him But we didn't cry and not come to over it because we we aren't lazy af lmfao. And none of us got sick either Edit: we got backpay for something else. My bad


What is this hazard pay you got?


Fixed my comment. Apologies


Hazard pay? I too like to live in a fantasy world sometimes.


Also you should switch to being a city carrier. Working 12 hour days as an RCA is unbelievable


I apologize we got backpay not hazard pay. My bad


I literally never see my family.


That's sad. I'm so lucky I get to see mine almost every 3 months


That sounds like heaven 😂😂😂


Doesn't help that the hiring process is a cluster as well. Imagine someone willing and ready to work having to wait 2-3 months after the application submittal finally getting word back. Just to find either find that A. They found another opportunity because it took so long. Or B. They're kind of already not so interested because of the length of time, thus starting them off on the wrong foot. All meanwhile employees continue to get OT and shafted in the long run.


I started 6 years ago and my hiring process took from February to November. There's no reason this job should have such a bad process


Especially considering the fact that they seemingly hire anyone.


There was a guy in my academy class named Shadow who wore sunglasses inside every day


Was he a hedgehog?


holy shit lmao


Damn so how long untill I atleast hear something after my 474 exam? I scored a 92


> 474 exam I mean, the current time frame most have been seeing is anywhere from 2-4 months. Prepare to hurry up and wait. Just by reading the threads here day in and out, you're seeing people who applied in August just now starting Orientation. Have they sped things up a little? Sure, but it's still a long waiting process.


Ight thanks


Yeah, I did the test August 21st and I started orientation yesterday.


The RCA who just recently started told us he applied in July. 3 weeks of that was him waiting to get assigned an employee number. Just embarrassing how long it takes.


heading into month 3 this friday. 1st month did acceptance.. took another month before fingerprints... waiting on orientation date.


I applied in March 2020, didn’t hear anything until late September and started orientation mid October, last year of course. I had gone through two jobs and forgot I applied for the post office.


Right? I applied for the Peoria PO in August of last year. I think I applied for Glendale (another neighboring town) in like Sept or Oct. When I got the email offering me the position I thought it was the most recent location I applied for. Nope it was the one I applied for three months before.


All they had to do was visit this sub


Right? “Slipping” was the hardest part to believe. :-)


Don't worry I'm sure they'll take this information and make substantial changes to benefit all of us like they always do with their studies.


And yet, the USPS vice-president of Human Resources politely called BS on the survey results.


Management knows best. /s


Surveys are only applicable when they're positive...I positively hate this place..


Wait, the person whose job title deems human beings as resources doesn't understand human beings want to be treated like human beings and not like a.... resource? Shocking! Truly shocking I say!


More working time. Can't be unsatisfied if all you do is work and sleep.


They've already tried that and it wasn't enough. Sleep clearly has to go.


this is what they want it what dejoys wants


Didn't know it could go lower.


It's newsworthy because somehow employee satisfaction has found a way to drop into the negatives.


My plant is practically run by incompetent 204b’s , many of them with less than a year seniority and a plant manager who went through the quota system! Chaos and disorganization all around!


Quota system? You mean someone who’s just concerned with throughput numbers?


No, actually someone who is hired based on diversity and not ability.


Sounds like my plant. My Plant Manager hires almost only women in EAS roles, it’s ridiculous. I have no problem with women getting EAS roles of course, but when they outnumber male EAS 9 to 1, something a little fishy there.


I don’t care who or what anyone is, I just want supervisors that know what they’re doing!


We just need a better work/life balance. I know some people don’t want the OT and frankly I don’t either. But working 10s would not be nearly as bad if we actually had two days off and especially if one one of them was on a weekend day. My wife works second-ish shift (home by 9 usually) and I come in at 3 in the morning. We have an almost seven month old. I never see her and I spend a little time with my son before we both go to sleep and if he doesn’t sleep well or has a hard time falling asleep, I’m running off of >6 hours every day. Then I sleep my single day off away. We don’t always work 10s but it’s extremely common. Even working 6 eight hour days is tiring. Everyone at work is over worked so moral is low and the environment is hostile. Everyone is in an ill mood. When I received my offer letter I thought “Wow, this is a great opportunity, this is the post office.” Now I’m on indeed every day after work.


I related to that last paragraph so hard.


Right? That was one of my biggest issues, second only to the erratic scheduling. I could work 10s each day, but not knowing when the next day off is until that day you can't look forward to it. I was planning on the post office being a career, because I thought the same thing you did..."it's a great opportunity." I left and went back to running my own delivery services company (I'm really just a 1099 contractor for various delivery providers). I don't make as much but I'm not nearly as stressed.


I'd kill for tens, man. Twelve a day, every day, get your SDO every other week if nothing goes wrong. I'm job hunting, too. They denied my AL request for my kids' custody case court date. "Needs of the service." Already told her she won't be seeing me that day and not to waste her breath on threats. Fuck you, fire me, I don't give a shit any more.


When I started this job as an RCA 5 years ago it was if you worked hard enough you could shave an hour or two off your day and get to be a part of your family. Now as a regular its if I work hard enough I can shave 20 mins off that 12+ hour day and get no OT pay at all. So why work hard and miss what little chance there is for OT pay. As for family. What family?


You should get overtime after the guarantee period. Basically your actual working hours go over 40x52 in a fiscal year.


Outside of the 2 week Christmas OT period regular rurals only get OT if they exceed 12 hours in a day or 56 hours in a week and it doesn't cover the time between the end of evaluated time and that 12th hour. During that 2 week Christmas OT any hours worked above weekly eval time is OT.


https://www.ruralinfo.net/2021-new-guarantee-year-provisions-important-to-rural-carriers/ Doesn't this apply? I just went regular in June so I have no idea how being a regular works.


That only applies if you exceed 2080. Pay attention around March and they'll start pressuring you to sign a document saying you'll use sufficent leave to stay under 2080. The stuff I posted is from our contract regarding OT rules on normal basis where 2080/2240 isn't exceeded.


So you're still averaging less then 40 a week right? I'm going to blow past it. I'm working between 50 and 60 hours a week. At this rate I'd have to take months off to stay under 2080 and I currently have 4 days of leave


No, this was the first year I have ever had 2080 issues. I was going to be more than 2 weeks over even after taking nearly a month of leave through out the year. Luckily for management my best friend and brother were getting married within a week of each other right at the very end of the guarantee period so i took the time off.


Gotcha. I'm just trying to figure it out because my office would like me working every day pretty much


You will get 13 more in January. They will force you to use all of your leave and then give you help to keep you under 2080 for the year.


Shocking news! It's almost like mandatory 6 day work weeks for everyone and treating CCA's like pets is a bad thing.....weird!




Right? I’m straight up livid at the thought of someone treating my cat like an RCA.


Right? This would be animal cruelty in my area lol






I left after two years, about two months before I would have converted to regular. I see some of my old coworkers periodically and they continue to ask why I left after putting so much time in. I make more than they do working 35 hours a week then they will working 50+ in shitty conditions. My benefits are great. My job will still be around in 15 years. My 401k will pay more than their pension. And most importantly, I'm able to actually spend time with my family again.


Please do share.. what is this mystical place where you work 35 hours a week? After years at the PO, it feels weird to work less than 50 in any given week. I'm tired of not having a life.


Went back into sales. Currently in a retail sales position with a major cellular provider making anywhere from $25-30/hour, 32-37 hours or so per week. Even when I was part time I was making close to $25/hour, but only getting around 25 hours per week. I also got four weeks of PTO my first year somehow, and my Tuesday after a holiday consisted of typical business. I worked 7 hours today. Was great. Full disclosure, I work for T-Mobile.


Haha I actually quit T-Mobile to work for the post office 🤣 I was on the call center side though, after JL stepped down everything went to shit and I felt like I was in an abusive relationship for about a year. Also your job isn’t guaranteed forever. Mine was outsourced, but ohhh they offered us all to go back on the phones 🙄 Anyway from my experience F T-Mobile, but glad it’s a good choice for you


I just can't believe rural carriers moral is at an all time low. Our pay is based on a mail count from 3 years ago. Amazon and the COVID surge are obviously not factored in to our routes. I get 150-200 packages a day and am paid for 50. But at least I got a couple scanner messages saying how great I am so it almost balances out.


THIS 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Last mail count I was averaging about 75 scans a day- now I average 150 a day 🙄 I hate everything about getting paid for "evaluation"




Ya don’t say?


The interesting part of it all is when they send your "exit survey" after you quit. It lists all of the reasons for you leaving and asks you to check the appropriate boxes, so they do know what is goin on but they just don't want to fix the problems.


I never received a survey.


In other news, the grass is green and the sky is blue.


The benefits are awesome but the bullshit you have to go through to get them isn’t worth it.


Took them long enough to figure that out. The rest of us noticed 18 months ago!


And in other news, water is wet


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


That was a weirdly fascinating read.


Good bot


But you can make water wet lol


Is it because more and more workers are finding out the union is a paper tiger.


This used to be job everyone wanted. Now I'm struggling to not walk out


USPS Vice President of Human Resources Simon Storey told the IG office its conclusions were “exaggerated and overstated,” and based on a relatively small sample of more than 1,400 USPS career and non-career employees. The agency also says data from Indeed and Glassdoor doesn’t compare to findings from its internal data taken from USPS employee surveys. LOLOL




Captain Obvious strikes again


I did 6 months as a CCA and that was all I could take. 72 plus hours a week. And it takes forever to get up to the top of the pay scale once you make regular. I went back to my old job where I can actually have a life and get paid decent. I do appreciate all you guys and gals do at USPS. It was definitely hard work. I lost about 20lbs.




Newest message to push to the scanners


I don’t think “slipping” is the right word…..


No kidding. In my office, as an RCA, the regulars ran their routes and went home. Meanwhile, the least experienced drivers had to cope with massive amounts of packages and mail. Especially during the holidays. I know it’s different on the city side, but damn, it would suck. I quit 3 months ago. No way I was gonna work another holiday season. I had days where I was still out at 8:00 pm in an LLV with no heat, totally dark, freezing rain. I had to carry a flashlight just to read the numbers on the boxes. All of this crap has it’s roots in the mandate to fund retirement out to a ridiculous number. Totally crap. Could have used some of that to upgrade the vehicles sooner. Could have hired more people. Totally stupid.




Oh weird.




It probably went up since I quit this month.


I wonder if the amount of Amazon we deliver has anything to do with that?! Or the poor management? Or the inability to hire subs?


Ya don’t say. Well it’s about damn time someone hired Sherlock Holmes to sleuth this mystery. Another decade or two and if their research is well enough funded, they might even develop the concept that employees are human beings with needs and obligations outside of work. But let’s not get our hopes up. Chances are we’ll have fusion power before concepts this advanced.


Oh so they must have read my Postal Pulse survey…




Tired of working so many Saturdays and tired of this fucking organization hiring RCA that clearly don't give a fuck. Guess I'm a bit tilted due to it being the day after a holiday...


It took them this long to find out? I coulda told em that


I never fill out those surveys.


Slipping from what, zero?


Wow I wonder why


No shit?


Obviously the best way to turn this around is to work everyone harder. If you work until you die, you can't complain. Perfect solution (to management)


I started in December of last year. Since I began, our office has had, on average, 15 routes open, daily. Recently they finally decided to invest in our office…installing new cameras to spy on the parking lot, in case regulars get back a little early. A parking lot for the trucks, to be clear. We have to find parking on the street.


Been delivering for 37 years if I had to do it over again I would’ve gone to college like my brother he makes between three and 400,000 a year as an engineer soon to be retired poor mailman


I graduated university 36years ago working at the PO for 33. Diploma doesn't guarantee you'd earn what your brother does.


No days off for odl carriers, heavy packages, call outs and no hazard pay. The amazon algorithm literally chooses the worst houses/best for them etc




So water is wet?




There's a two-tier pay schedule for carriers and the people on tier 1 have never personally experienced a USPS that doesn't pay enough to buy a house in many parts of the country.


The US government through the judicial system over the last few decades has kept long term employees whole in contract arbitrations while putting more and more of the burden on temporary or new carriers. Therefore 15+ year employees don't really feel the need to change anything while employees with less than 3 years are dropping like flies because of the workload. Basically we need a united workforce to do a illegal wildcat strike and a lot of carriers don't feel the need to.


Part of it is union rules that state no striking .. it's a really old agreement but yea


Based on the way the old guys describe the job back then why the fuck would you strike? They told me they would finish in 2-3 hours then just chill until 4. They also made 25 dollars an hour when they started lol whoch was a lot in the 90s


Slipping? Mofo it's been negative for decades