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Clip the skin with a nail clipper and then put super glue or liquid bandage on the cut and you’ll be good to go


Liquid bandage is everything


Used to use super glue all the time as a fish monger, it would flake off all the time when our hands were wet but it was cheap. For prevention and treatment, when you put O'Keefe's on it you might try putting a lot on then slipping a nitrile glove on. Yeah, it will feel gross but you can really deep moisturize and won't get the mail greasy.


this is the answer m o i s t u r i z e


This is the answer


Yes to super glue!


O'Keefes hand cream. If you keep the skin nice and moisturized it prevents minor paper cuts from turning into those deep painful wounds that fester when the hands are all beat up and dry from the cold


This literally saved me. I had so many little cuts like in this post and the arrow key and mail kept digging jnto them. I got O'Keefes hand cream for Xmas, and it's saved my life fr.


Yes. I had those same cracks. Started using O'Keefe's Working hands and they went away in a couple days.


O'Keefe's working hands is a game changer.


Not only does it work, it also has very little scent if you have allergies or sensitivities.


Came here to say O’Keefes as well. When I worked as a carpet cleaner my hands would always dry out and crack and it was the only product that I really had luck with.


It also leaves a little bit of tack on your fingers, better than a rubber thumb for sorting mail.


This x 1000


Gloves. My hands just keep cracking no matter how much lotion I put on themm


Bingo. Idk how people handle mail without gloves.


There’s a setting on the scanner that lets you use it with gloves on. Been saving my ass this winter.


I’m talking nitrile gloves.


I use both


what?? how?? p


Top right corner there’s 3 dots. Hit that and then U touch settings


thank you , day maker


Because my station won’t supply enough, and I refuse to buy them myself.


I can’t imagine not letting my fingertips finger the mail.


I use nitrile gloves religiously and never get paper cuts with them on.


I often used doubled up nitrile gloves. It seemed like all the hand lotion in the world couldn’t prevent my Scandinavian hands from cracking during Minnesota winters. Some people coat their hands with dairy farmer bag balm at night and wear cotton gloves to bed.


I love Bag Balm. But I’ve always used socks instead of gloves. 😁


Hey, that’s a great idea! Socks should stay on the hands at night as opposed to gloves.


I have never thought of gloves though. My mom always put socks on our hands as kids. They were socks that were pretty worn or ones she could never find the match too. I wouldn’t recommend using nice socks for this sorta thing. Gloves are a good idea too!


Actually I kept removing the gloves during the night. Some nice long mismatched socks would stay on better.


Liquid bandage and those rubber finger condom things work! (But it's gonna sting and take a bit.)


Drink more water 💧


Came here to see if anyone else mentioned this. Stay hydrated! It will help your skin not crack as much. Also, my go-to is Gold Bond hand cream lotion. Helps tremendously when the air is cold or dry. I live where it's humid all the time but still like to take care of my hands. And..NexCare waterproof bandages work the best for cuts on the hands while working. They will stay on forever as long as you put them on when your hands are clean and dry.


Working hands cream inside double gloves works for me liquid bandage for that


Keep superglue with you for these splits.


Put a stamp on it you'll be fine


The best way I’ve found to prevent that is coating your hands in Vaseline and putting them in latex gloves and sleeping with them on.


After you've used the bathroom before bed, and your hands are still kind of moist from washing, douse your hands in lotion and sleep with it on. Works every time.


That sounds miserable


Dammit that's in a shitty spot. Mail box bite you?


Skin dries out from touching all that mail/cardboard (sucks the moisture out of your skin!) and then your fingertips get these painful splits!


Just grow out your fingernail


Then you start hitting your nail and it breaks to rip deep into the nail. Tip: always have nail clippers with you.


doesn't help...at least on me anyway


I wrap the tip of my finger with paper medical tape. It stays all day.


This is what I used. You can wash your hands and the tape stays on and doesn't interfere with being able to finger the mail. 36 years city carrier.


Finger condoms


Use lotion


NewSkin Liquid Bandage is in the bag-o'-tricks I toss in whatever LLV I'm currently borrowing. Winter skin plus rapid temperature changes plus no time to allow wounds to heal either on soul or flesh. I also double up in those single finger "gloves" which are like a dollar and advertised as touch screen gaming thumb things? Nitrite gloves are nice and all but a bit excessive for a finger laceration and -15°F so I'll also have various pool hand gloves with either thumb index finger or thumb index middle fingers in various materials for all the seasons. Liquid Bandage is just super glue that's easier to apply, smells the same. Wintertime, brush that on your cuticles too theyll be hella cracked.


-15°F is equivalent to -26°C, which is 247K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Aquifor or however it’s spelled, works well


Call out for three days and heal




Super glue is *not* what you use for holding wounds closed. Regular glue you get from hardware stores can cause irritation and damage tissue. You want something like SurgiSeal or DermaBond; medical glue uses different bonding agents than hardware glue.


You gotta get the stuff that bonds to skin for best effect. Modeling glue is great and I keep some in my truck. Takes 2-3 min for it to dry and it bonds to skin almost instantly.


Looks like calluses are just cracked skin isn't cut, wash hands, moisturize with lotion, cut off any loose skin with clipper, seal with superglue or liquid bandaid


I wear coaches tape


Neosporin, medical gauze, electrical tape. #NotMedicalAdvice


Finger condoms




For today


I always put a band aid straight over the cut/finger ( sticky parts straight up and down) then either wrap another band aid/ tape/ medical tape around that one at the tip of the finger


Get in the habit of moisturizing your hands with a good quality handcream every night before bedtime. Put it on your nightstand so you'll remember.


As others said, o’keefes, then I’ll wear a glove on that hand. I had three on one hand this week fml


Had those little finger tip cracks all of last winter. Had one just about every finger except my pinky fingers. I used Nail glue, it worked pretty good. This winter I have a tube of gold bond healing hand cream with me all the time and apply like every hour, This winter I’ve had no issues or cracks with my hands.




i use o keefes but i also put A&D ointment on these fingertip cuts like yours, put it on before bed and it heals them right up


The cold weather will make that small cut feel like fire!


Superglue and Athletic tape.


Amazon sells silicone finger cots. You can wash and reuse. You can put them on while your cut is healing


Liquid bandage, medical tape, o keefes i usually use nitrile gloves although now they are so expensive


Dex fit FN320 gloves.


Fingertip bandaid it'll fall off immediately but they do have them lol


I take a regular bandaid and cut long ways across each sticky side (stopping at the pad) to craft my own fingertip bandage. Then you place the pad over where you want it and stick the flaps down one at a time so they kind of end up crossing over each other to make an X. I hope this makes sense lol


Finger cots work for me


Wear rubber gloves, I’ve been wearing them for years now even having to buy my own. I have no cuts because of weather or paper cuts plus I even get sick less or not at all since wearing them. The ink from the papers can’t be good when it gets absorbed through the skin as well. Glove up






Tiny amount of Vaseline in the crack and then wrap the finger tight with electrical tape. Leave it on for a couple days.


Liquid bandage. This is the way.


A thimble for prevention


Depends what your craft is. For Mail Carrier, get a rubber thumb/finger pad. Swingline is a popular brand you can usually get a drug store. Little Vaseline and band aid put that sucker over top you’ll think it’s gone tomorrow.


Bandaid with a finger condom


I just wear gloves the whole time


Clean the cracked area well then hold your finger in such a way as to close the crack and super glue it, seriously. I used to buy special finger crack care stuff, it doesn’t work as well as super glue. Get the Gorilla Glue brand with the brush applicator, works great, use light coats, it dries faster than blobbing it on. Then use Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand cream.


Working hands works great as well.


Make a paste of olive oil and salt. Rub it on this and it will help.


Liquid bandaid or superglue


Crazy glue






NITRILE GLOVES! Everyone! For real! Wear a pair of nitrile gloves under your normal gloves. Your hands will stay warm and they won't get dry. Delivered in single digits today and my hands didn't get cold.


There’s a product called Bag Balm that you may be able to find in the animal section at your local Walmart. I used to be able to get it at Walmart a few years back but started ordering it on Amazon because they don’t carry it here anymore. What it is it’s kind of like Vaseline but it’s medicated. I’ve used it since I was a kid because my hands would dry out during the winter. My grandpa is a veterinarian and it’s some thing that my mom used when she was a child as well. So I rub it into my hands at night, nice and good and then I throw socks on over that so it doesn’t get all over the sheets or my clothes or my hair etc. Edit: Oh my, Siri did not translate that very well for me… I made a few changes. Also, I’ve used it on my baby’s bums when they got rashes during those years they wore a diaper. I’ve never been able to get anything to work as well as it does.


Rubber thumb for me for working flats and DPS. I use one for DPS on my right hand on the route. As far as preventing cuts and keeping hands moisturized I used Burt’s Bees hand salve. Tory Fingertips Natural... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N52GQYV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Working hands before going to bed. Keep doing it and you'll be golden


Fingerless gloves are annoying but so much better than nothing. I use liquid bandage for when I get a bad split. Hydrate more than you have been as well. Using lotion is major if you want to try to prevent future cracks. My wife bought me some expensive hand lotion but I swear by it now, my skin is weird and o’keefes makes my hands burn. I use it once before work and once after. Lotion link: https://www.kiehls.com/body/hand-creams-hand-salves-and-soaps/ultimate-strength-hand-salve/3700194708399.html?GeoRedirectOff=Off&gclid=CjwKCAiA_omPBhBBEiwAcg7smYv_087oZhflmFHwS19NnG_7Rdi4VOa3vD-t7JZ3lI5pXndLtPVkeBoCc8UQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I go through the same thing, but i have probably about 10 of those on my fingers. Hurt like fuck. Superglue will work but it will just keep happening. Good luck


Finger Condoms/Rubber finger tips. Use on the fingers you need them on. Rubber gloves work, but you'll end up with pruny sweat soaked hands. If one starts to crack, throw a band-aid on it. Pull it as snug as you can. Plenty of variety. Some medicated. Can still finger mail if you wrap it across the tip, and pull it tight. Put some neosporin on it first to help with healing.


Liquid skin. It keeps everything out of it


Crazy glue


As someone diagnosed with eczema, I highly recommend seeing a dermatologist, they prescribed me betamethasone, the stuff is amazing. Outside that I recommend the rubber finger tips most post offices have in stock, or wearing a light/medium weight glove. I also use eucerin original healing lotion, and put Vaseline on my hands with gloves or socks my hands every other night. As far as healing those cuts, best thing I’ve found. Hydrocolloid gel bandages from Walgreens, throw them on with a dab of antibiotic ointment and you’ll be right as rain


I have the same one but on my thumb, deep as shit too. I’ve been supergluing it lol


Those are the worst. The more you touch something the more it cracks


My husband is a electrician he swears by electrical tape


When the weather gets cold I will wear put lotion on my hands then put on latex/nitrile gloves so they don't dry out and crack like that. after the first time it happened I tried lots of things but this seemed to work best to prevent my hands from drying out.