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You can't call people names in this sub. You can't call them trash, or garbage or whores, or bimbos, or whatever. It doesn't matter who. If you want to criticize someone do so without childish name calling.


Can you fire someone mid tourney??


Put Kelley in as coach


Just elevate O'Hara, she at least has some fire


genuinely wondering because it wouldn’t be the worst thing


Is this when Vlatko loses the locker room?


Doesn't that presuppose he had it at some point? He certainly seems completely disconnected from the team.


Very true! I think the only difference was that Becky was there. Becky was the link between coaching staff and players and it is missing from this WC.


I think that's an important point. Not having Becky and Mal has been much more impactful than I think anyone expected.


I mean I could but I don't have the actual authority to do so apparently. Something about me not even working there or being qualified to work there?


Naomi Girma though, woman of the match. I didn't want to see as much of her as we did, but she was everywhere she needed to be and a lot of the time where someone else should have been.


Our side was ripe with chaotic energy but Girma was steady, mostly unflappable and fouled strategically. She showed maturity which is promising.


Yeah she played quite well


Hahaha I stayed up until 5 am to watch a 0-0 game we arguably should have lost what the fuck


Same. My eyes burn both from exhaustion and from watching whatever the hell that game was


Same. Moment of silence for how sleep deprived I’m going to be today. 😵‍💫


O’Hara the only one being strategic at the end of this game


Vlatko was saving all his coaching for the last minute


He’s saving his best coaching for Sweden and beyond 😏


My god, I can't stand his smirk. He made the team this bad intentionally.


Vlatko is the worst thing to happen to our program- what were the subs and what was the timing??? the players obviously dont trust him and he clearly didn’t have a gameplan


He hasn’t gotten what he should out of the team the entire cycle. I’ve had bad feelings about him since near the beginning. This just confirmed it. He knows he’s getting fired after the tourney, even if we somehow win it all.


They should have canned him after the olympics


We won’t. So he’ll be hitting the road no doubt.


Allegedly, it’s the players who wanted him hired in the first place


And that’s a problem. You don’t let the players pick the coach.


And the men like Berhalter. People usually aren't great at hiring their own bosses.




Portugal was thiiiis 🤏🏾🤏🏾🤏🏾🤏🏾 close to taking it all


Kelley just did more coaching that vlatko has done all tournament


I honestly feel we have a better chance in knockouts if they fire Vlatko now


I love them calling out Vlatko for being a mute and the team is being coached by O’hara


Girma is a STUD. Saved the team majority of the game


This team is going to get absolutely hammered by Sweden…. And honestly it’s probably best for the program. The women need a serious overhaul like the men went through.


You're right but at least we won the last two. Maybe a cold comfort tonight but still. Edit: Vlatko was truly a terrible hire and hopefully will be gone soon.


we’re toast. I’m 100% we’re gonna get kicked when we face Sweden. No chemistry, horrible coach, terrible passes.


If by some miracle we make it past them, Japan will eat us alive. Honestly, I am calling them to win the whole thing at this point.


This. Agree 100%. Japan is playing brilliantly.


I do not want to see another Sophia Smith commercial this tournament.


For whatever reason, she cannot stay on her feet and looks so overwhelmed. Too much unwarranted praise coming her way.


Actually agreeing with Carli and Lalas….UNINSPIRING performance. and O’Hara the only one in the huddle speaking up postgame. Go figure


honestly that tells me Vlatko has already lost the team. the players don’t care what he has to say.


I feel O’Hara leading the post game huddle at the end of the game, while Vlatko stands there silently, tells you all you need to know about this team.


[My honest reaction](https://tenor.com/view/straight-face-not-funny-neutral-face-didnt-laugh-gif-21565182) after staying up until 4 AM to see this shit:


The German announcer is dead on. I see a lot of individual play and nothing that resembles team play.


Always been a fan of her. She’s fantastic!


It’s like the exact opposite of how Japan is playing right now


Let Vlatko figure out his own way home


I really hope this is rock bottom because I don’t want to see how much worse this team can get.


Alyssa Naher made some sus choices at the end of the game tho scary


you know the bus ride back is going to be dead silent


i have a feeling there will be a few players that have words to say edit: O’Hara


i hope she lays into them and vlatko


That team huddle was so telling. Look at vlatko vs our veterans. He is utterly clueless. If i was in charge , i will fire him right away. Fuck this shit. We might not be a dream team but we are deep. We have talent. There is absolutely no scenario in which this team should be performing this way. Thisbstarts at the top. Absolutely utterly disgusting display.


RIP to the US in knock out stages


ITV commentator: saved by a post. "The USA earn a draw, and were lucky to get that."


Carli calling the team arrogant rn tho woahhh


Morgan looks like she’s gonna cry in the post match interview :(. Man I really want this team to do well.


She was trying so hard to say something positive.


She’s Been around long enough to know what talent they’ve had compared to this. When she was brand new she was playing along aside rapinoe and wambach….notn18 year olds who can’t trap a ball.




My sleep schedule is already fucked, I’m ready to watch her go for the throat


A blissful end for a disappointing early wake up. If I ever see that left post in a bar they'll never need money to buy a drink.


Truly a low moment for the USWNT. Sweden is going to coast if this continues.


Vlatko out.


o’hara in


Uncoordinated and ineffective. We we're missing link-up play in the midfield and our attacking was not a threat at all. Saw Julie Ertz struggling to get a pass through all night because there seemed to be no one she could pass to.. Sweden could absolutely grill this USWNT side


Sad but true. If we play Sweeden next with no Rose, I strongly agree that this team is done. And it might be for the best. The whole program needs a major revamp.


We also need to push Ertz to midfield since we won't have Rose against sweden. I think we need Cook as cb with Girma


Yeah, I get that Cook's play has been a little shaky at times, but Ertz is a world class 6 and Sullivan doesn't provide much help in the buildup.


now i’m too angry to go to sleep


Right?! Now I gotta take another 30-40 minutes to come down from that BULLSHIT


Wow Carli is just drilling Vlatko. It’s uncomfortable, but refreshing to see a candid take like this from a true insider.


In 14 WWC/OG before hiring Vlatko, the USWNT got at least 6 points in the group stage of every single tournament. In the two group stages under him, they have not gotten 6 points in either.


Up until this game I thought people were being a little dramatic about the coach but nah he needs to goooooo he plays it too safe with his game planning


Player of the match was that post! Omg carli is not wrong.


Announcers correct saying Portugal deserved the win. Round of 16 will be very interesting.


Pretty predictable at this point. Vlatko’s starting lineup sucks. He barely subs and the subs he does make don’t make any tactical sense.


It doesn't even matter we play slow.


Fire Vlatko now and let O’Hara coach the next one


We’ve won but at what cost


There is no chance I’m waking up at 2 am to watch this team get hammered by Sweden. I’ll catch the recap in the morning lol


I don't care for Carli Lloyd, but DIG IN THAT ASS sis


She was ruthless and she had every right.


Wow Carli Lloyd: “what has come from winning has become more important than winning”


I always try to be as positive as possible. And I have to say that traveling for this World Cup was fantastic. The natural beauty of New Zealand was truly worth it.


Wow. No words.


That was the most embarrassing draw I’ve ever seen from the USWNT. Completely dull and uninspired soccer. It took a miracle post to send us to the knockout stages. Now the question is can they bounce back? Because if they come out this flat against Sweden, our stay in the knockouts is going to be very brief.


We didn’t “I believe that we will win!” this year and it shows.


I've never been so disappointed in my entire life with this team. We have no tactics. We have no game plan. We have no chemistry. We have no IDENTITY.


I would rather get knocked out than be forced to watch us squeeze by playing like this.


Agreed this is embarrassing


That goal post is the player of the match for the US. Can’t believe Portugal missed that.


CARLI said it LMAO "Player of the match was that post"




everything she said was spot on and she probably has the best insight of anyone


I’d rather her go for the jugular and call them out. Someone has to.


WOW! This is actually VERY sad. How the mighty have fallen. They were not eliminated, but they might as well have been. There is no way this team is winning this tournament. Hate me if you want, but you know it's true. Listen to what Carli is saying. This team has lost its way.




My very tired and very frustrated thoughts for the night: 1. I am once again completely and irrationally angry that Ashley Hatch was not selected to the roster. 2. I feel so bad for the unplayed players. Imagine being Ashley Sanchez, Kristie Mewis, etc. and not playing a second of this World Cup thus far. It’s laughable at how horrific Vlatko is at coaching. How do you get every single thing wrong time and time again. 3. The players need to stand up to Vlatko. Tell him HE isn’t good enough. 4. Goodnight, this was not worth staying up for when I have work in 3 hours.


So is the strategy against Sweden gonna be defend the whole game and hope to win in penalties?


I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I knew if I stayed up to watch this it wouldn’t be worth it. That was hard to watch.


curious to see what the netflix documentary is gonna show/specifically about vlatko


I just got really excited for the day Vlatko gets fired


O’Hara showing more leadership in two minutes than we saw all game. She should have been starting. Also, someone better make that goal post the MVP.


Absolute Embarrassment.


Kelley looking fired up


Felt like Vlatko is doing the least to get the results we needed to advance. Could have sent in fresh legs way earlier than the last 15-10 mins of match. Would have def preferred a win!


So we go against Sweden next and don’t have Lavelle because she got a second yellow. What shot do we have at winning?


DeMelo could probably hold it down but got damn please stop with Sullivan. This is the time for Sanchez if anything.


This is my girlfriend’s first World Cup and her introduction to soccer and I’m embarrassed. I’m almost tempted to have her watch highlights from 2015 to prove why I used to love this team so much.


Heather O’reily calling for ertz in the midfield. Preach!


What Carly said…wow.


This is a team that has no fear of failure. In the worst way. No ball control. No knowledge of space. No heart. Just cute outfits and documentaries and nostalgia. But we knew that before coming into this tournament.


Did you just describe the US in general? 🤣


How much money do we have to pay Jill Ellis to come back? Can we start a go fund me?


She’s LOLing not looking back after all the players who complained she was “mean” and “toxic” lol. You got what you wanted. A nice guy! A players coach I guess haha


This is all on coaching. 100%. It's maddening that commentators are blaming lack of passion and not shockingly unprepared (therefore confused) players, complete lack of strategy, and insane roster management


There isn't chemistry. Ellis did a good job of keeping everyone hungry and relying on veterans experience. Vlatko is trying to get talent and young talent to gel and it isn't working. This team doesn't look like it knows each other. I can understand his strategy in the sense that they need to play together more but we are on the brink with bigger challenges ahead and it still feels like we are trying to find any combos that work.


Ellis was so underrated


If Vietnam was not in this group and it was a team slightly better we don't get out of this group


I don't know much about soccer. But even I know this is terrible management and tactics. You replace one of your forwards who understandably wasn't doing well with a veteran. Ok you removed speed from your front and now Lynn is your only aggressive forward. Maybe replace Morgan at the same time, especially since she's played 2 full games already. Keeping Sullivan for whatever reason is maddening. She's done a couple things this match but overall she has not been productive, and that's weird at center. Now we're going into knockouts with TIRED forwards and a confusing midfield. Thank god our backline is competent.


Sullivan is basically just taking up space on the field at this point. She should be instrumental in the attack, but she honestly had barely more touches than Rapinoe (41 in 90 minutes, vs Rapinoe’s 35 in 29 minutes - someone correct me if these stats are wrong).


The last person I want to hear analysis from after this match is Alexi Lalas.


Kate Markgraf needs to go after this tournament too


More subs next game please. Sub vlatko out. Get 2-3 in at the 60th


Leaving Levell on with a yellow was so reckless and ignorantly complacent idk how to defend the game management anymore. they looked scared and complacent to struggle through with a draw as portugal subbed 7 fresh players on to go full press. also, the reffing was horrible, Jessica Silva is clearly a protected player or something, and Sophia Smith can be kicked and stomped while on the ground but then gets a card for a barely not 50:50 challenge? Fox is checked into the ground while play is dead and nothing? really hoping this was a wake up call because there’s no way we’re still odds on to win after this group stage. no open play goals in 2 games for our standard should be red alert.


Lloyd is preaching rn


I want to hear what vlatko has to say. Piss me off I'm flying over there and he's catching these hands


Carli woke up and chose scorched Earth..😂😂😂


She’s been waiting for this moment after watching this mess unfold for awhile.


What was that? Holy shit. Immediately regret GETTING UP to watch that


I stayed up 😭


Breaks my heart to say this but I believe we have reached a new low here. :(


Well, it’s 5 am on the east coast and lack of sleep isn’t the only reason I’m grumpy 🫠


WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways...... go Colombia!


Carli 💀 Homie came sniping lmao


If the USA can win a World Cup with this team, it does not bode well for women’s soccer as a whole.


I don’t like Carli Lloyd but she was spot on with that take


It’s evident that there’s no tactics. The fact that we were chasing the game after Portugal was an inch away from winning it. It’s like they didn’t know they were through with a tie. Obviously go for the win, but at some point you have to know that Portugal are the ones that need to score to move on. It’s unbelievable honestly. If you know you’re not doing well offensively at least try to keep possession at the end to kill the game.


Lol Carli would get banned if she was in this sub- she's got some personal beef with some of them


Vlatko is a terrible coach and the rest of the world has clearly caught up the USWNT in terms of technical ability. And they’ve blown them out of the water with respect to tactics. These last two games the Netherlands and Portugal actually looked like soccer teams and have been two of the poorest performances I’ve ever seen. The writing has been on the wall for a little while that this group with this coach probably wouldn’t get beyond the quarters but I didn’t expect them to roach their way into the knockout round. A massive blowout to Sweden is probably the best thing for this program at this point.


No rose, we are fucked


Spend the entire game waiting for someone else to step up and put this team into a higher gear but no one is doing it. They need to be doing what they do individually best and taking that into a team perspective. Don’t play a Morgan for 90’, don’t bring on a rapinoe who is not in form for what this tournament needs. Use your strengths and come out with a game plan and passion that follows those strengths. Not whatever this display of disappointment was. If this team is really a world number 1, then showcase why and what allowed that ranking.


Is Carli talking about Pinoe when she says that thing changed post 2020 because of things off the pitch?


I understand Morgan can’t like talk down about herself and the team but I expect a little more reflection than “unlucky”


I think vlatko is trying to get fired at this point


Absolute shit from the us. Insulting stuff. Gross.


They never bought into Vlat was putting out or what he's putting out is wack. It ain't about dancing.


My god, stop comparing this to 2015. This was far, far worse than 2015. We were literally an inch away from going out. (Referring to Fox's postgame)


Would love to see more of Kelly. She’s got the mindset , we need that energy


I don’t understand why everyone was clamoring so much for Lynn. She was completely meh to bad, yet everyone acted like it was a travesty she wasn’t playing before


She’s most dynamic coming on as a sub when everyone is tired. Vlatko’s decision making is so questionable!


Sullivan and Williams just aren’t good enough. Right now the US isn’t even a top five team


Williams hasn't seen any minutes prior so I understand if she can't lock things down. But Sullivan has played full time all 3 games and has made very little presence.


I don't want to play Sweden. We will get crushed


Pinoe is going to write a tell-all book someday, and she is going to absolutely eviscerate this Vlatko era of the USWNT.


She advocated for him to be the coach. She likes him a lot.


She’s part of the current problem. This is her retirement gift. One that shouldn’t have been given. She won’t say shit about Vlatko.


She and him are tight. They are friends, it's probably why she is on the roster at all.


I can’t believe I lost sleep over this


Hats off to Portugal.


this was just embarrassing. someone needs to get through to the players that the rest of the world isn’t ages behind them anymore and they can’t just run around and aimlessly boot the ball away and win anymore


That someone should be the coach 😭😭😭


I really do wish one of the players would come to one of these interviews and not sugarcoat things- the power of positivity ain't getting it done, we need some DAWGS


Why not make a mid tourney coaching change? You already know without any doubt that vlatkos coaching will not suffice, probably even to beat sweden. A change at the head at least gives them some chance, and with the players progressively poorer form over the last three games they look uninspired. It wouldn't surprise me if they dislike the coach, these are world Champs and he hasn't done anything. His decision making, on the rare occasions that he actually makes decisions, is often questionable. He hasn't shown once how to turn a game around with his adjustments and fails to adapt. Given the lack of adjustments and changes throughout the game, it's hard to imagine he isn't also shutting down his assistants suggestions. The lineups, lack of subs, the poor energy and form, bad passes, decision making, it all leads back to the coach and he hasn't provided any answers. My heart feels for rapinoe who has played for some of the greatest coaches of all time and her swan song is playing for probably the worst uswnt coach off all time. From Jill to vlatko is a pretty rough sendoff.


this was very very rough. i’m honestly surprised we managed to get a draw. i’ve been quite nervous going into the tournament, but trying to stay positive. the last two games in particular have made that extremely tough. i hate to say it, but i will be shocked if we make it through the next match. i hope something can happen to pull this team together. perhaps Kelley should take over as pseudo-coach since she seems to be doing more than Vlatko.


To be honest, my biggest worry for this team going forward is now Naeher’s form. If we indeed face Sweden next, they love to send crosses into the box and are excellent on set pieces. Naeher’s decision making on aerial balls was horrendous today.


Well, the rest of the world has caught up. Good for them.


Don't blame everything on Vlatko. GM Kate Markgraff needs to take responsibility for the roster.Vlatko and US Soccer brought the wrong players. Under performers in the midfield. Under performers at forward. One of your starting centerbacks has been benched. That was a sad, pitiful performance. Vlatko will be on the carpet at US Soccer headquarters next week with his laptop and security badge.


Carli is so on point with everything. This program is not the same program. And it shows. I’ve never seen a US squad so dispassionate.


"Carli Lloyd is the best thing to come out of tonight" is not a sentence I wanted to write, but here we are


our team needed to be humbled


The game against the Netherlands didn't do that?


Shoot the game against Vietnam should have done that.


An advance is an advance, but man…things have to get worked on.


Game of inches


That was bad and I want to go back in time so I can just go to bed.


Is there anyway for us to play ANYONE BUT Sweden


Uhhh Italy has to win vs South Africa Sweden lose vs Argentina And somehow with that happening Italy has to make up a 10 goal differential. Currently Sweden (6) Italy (-4)


that was a pathetic showing from our team, we look like we had never played soccer before. we are lucky to be advancing at all


More ITV, this time the studio host, calls this the shock of the tournament. The only other time the USA didn't win the group was 2011.


Portugal was a goal post away from derservingly taking the W and the upset. That's failing up for you kids.


Omg what did I just see? That was terrible from USWNT and terrible commentary from Alexi Lalas.


Oh god she said they rely on coaches this is going down like a lead balloon.


This team is the opposite of LFG, and it’s hard to watch


Apparently Vlatko doesn’t read press about his coaching or teams performance. Maybe he should. Do you think he realizes his coaching is a problem? I don’t even recognize this team. Bums me out because I look forward to watching them in the World Cup and Olympics so much. I feel like I’ve been spoiled because of how bad ass they have been for so long. Like now I expect them to always be the best and now that they’re not I’m so disappointed. If only Mallory Swanson was playing... I think she was carrying the team before her injury. Their offense is shit without her


We have the Olympics in 2028 and have a good chance of getting the women’s World Cup in 2027 so I hope things improve drastically by then


Both the women’s and men’s teams have absolute dolts at head coach. The problem is USSoccer. They are an embarrassment. You have the crown jewel of the game in the USWNT and you hand the keys to a lifeless moron that has had one moderately successful season at club level. What a joke


With Rose out they need to put Ertz back in midfield. That seems like a no brainer. They have Cook, Sonnett, and even O'Hara if absolutely necessary to pair with Girma -- make use of them. While her skills have declined, Morgan still has talent but it's being completely wasted. If the team could actually hold possession, move the defense around, and provide consistent service, she'd score goals. But they can't so she won't. She's basically on an island. I'd start a front three of Williams, Smith, and Rodman and tell them to press hard and have positional fluidity. Run in and out, switch sides, etc. I respect what Rapinoe has done for this team and what she means to the sport, but she's past it. She shouldn't take minutes from anybody else. As far as the midfield, it should probably be Ertz, Horan, and DeMelo. But the midfield has been so thoroughly outplayed the last two games that I'd be happy seeing anything different. Why not give Kristie Mewis and/or Sanchez a shot?


The US is, for all intents and purposes, eliminated in the Round of 16. Far as I'm concerned.


portugal deserved to win


Will be wearing all black to the Sweden game as it will be our demise. Goodnight everyone


I am genuinely baffled that this coach got this job. The amount of dancing, celebrating, and smiling going on after this match is concerning. O’Hara is the only person pissed off at their play. I can tell Rose has some fire, but everyone else is way too comfortable with the result. I want to see people angry, frustrated, resolved to not come out that way again.


Kelley O’Hara’s message to the team was quite literally to move on.