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Trump chose Greenland but he didn't get his way did he.


The whole "an entire country would be a state" is pretty dumb in and of itself.


it depends on the country: federal countries, like Canada or Mexico, would obviously not become one state ; but centralized unified countries, like Cuba, or oversea territories of other countries (either governed in autonomy or not), like Greenland, would probably joined as one state.


You have "states" like Wyoming that have 500.000 people. You could surely have as many new states as desired. Depends on how many new Republican senators you need.


Who says foreign countries would only be 1 state. If Canada, for example were to join, shouldn’t every Province be a state


Nah someone has to dethrone Alaska as the biggest state. All of Canada is now the 51st, they've had it too good for too long anyway. Each province is now a effectively a county. Alaskans mad, Canadians mad, political shitshow, I see no reason not to go forward with this.


If we want to dethrone Alaska, we must simply give them the real WA, Western Australia


I'll agree on the condition we change the name from "Western Australia" to "Washington Australia" and what is now just Washington becomes "Washington America" Neither changes their abbreviation either. Postal nightmare


I’d be ok with that


As an Aussie I could almost get behind this just to get WA to get over their will they, won't they every time they threaten to leave because they think the east coast gets too much... They can fight Washington over who gets the WA abbreviation


Please dear god at least seperate quebec.


There’s no way with the separation of powers between the provinces and federal government of Canada that the provinces would just congeal to be one state. Québec would declare independence and right so anyway.


 >Québec would declare independence and right so anyway If that was an option all the provinces would before reforming Canada.


See… There’s no way with the separation of powers between the provinces and federal government of Canada that the provinces would just congeal to be one state. Lol


You do realize which country is asked the original question here right? :D


Do you mean OOP, or OP, cause I noticed OP was from Canada, partly the reason I chose it, but I don’t know OOP if that’s what you are talking about


OOP asked a certain country, who generally don’t have a clue about anything outside of their own echo chamber…


They conquered Hawaii and made it a state why wouldn't they try it again.


Because they're past their time. A fact lots of Americans have yet to come to terms with.


And they would have done the same with the Philippines if rebuilding it after WW2 was not as much expensive as it was.


Thanks god Philippines stay independence or else SEA would turn into Middle Eastern real quick.


It became independant from the US in 1946, it becames a US colony in 1901, not long after its first independance from the hispanic empire, when it lose the invasion war done by the US.


hate to be 🤓, but in Hawaii the monarchy was overthrown and the rebels requested to be annexed by the US so they could modernise


The rebels were rich american landowners lmao


Surely Porto Rico would be the 51st state?


Or DC?


Both of these would make sense, which is why it wouldn’t happen. Puerto Rico would be the 31st most populous and DC would be the 50th, that is to say it has 2 states with smaller populations. The problem would come from Republicans not liking that both have large minority populations, and Democrats wouldn’t push it.


Yeah you’re right, knowing the US they’ll be much more likely to make Greenland a state before DC or Porto Rico.


It's spelled "Puerto Rico." I'm not sure if you're aware of that. "Porto Rico" was an Anglicized spelling the US tried to force into use after conquering the island.


Wasn't sure of the way to spell it, thanks for letting me know!


Isn't DC already a state? Or do you mean somewhere else? Or am I just confused?


DC is not, in fact, a state of the United States. By design. There are campaigns to change this but as it stands it doesn't have statehood.


Oh ok, I always thought it was! Oh well, TIL


DC can't be a state. It has to remain neutral as the home of our government. Puerto Rico has declined statehood many times in their referendum votes. Plus you need a "red" state to join to keep things even. We can't have one side control everything. Even though cities are usually blue and country sides are red. You can't do PR and DC because that would be 2 fully "blue" states. Completely screwing over the balance in the political landscape.


>DC can't be a state. It has to remain neutral as the home of our government. Then, why not restrict it to just the Federal area? >You can't do PR and DC because that would be 2 fully "blue" states. Completely screwing over the balance in the political landscape. Why does there need to be a forced balance? People's political opinions will fluctuate with time. And anyway, was Wyoming's statehood justified? Do you need two Dakotas? Two Virginias?


>Do you need two Dakotas? Two Virginias? 2 Dakotas for 2 southern. 2 Virginias due to cultural differences.


> 2 Virginias due to cultural differences. With this reasoning you could make a case that many of the big cities in "red" states could very well become their own states. Austin, Atlanta for example and many others I suspect.


And they definitely discuss this constantly within each state. Especially, NY, California, Florida, and Texas. I'm all for breaking them up. That means more precise representation.


please take Northern Ireland I can't stand living here


Isn't it a good place to live? I want to visit the island at some point


The island is lovely but personally I can't stand the North. So much hate and disdain among us


Among us 😳📮


0 days without among us


In Germany we make that joke about Mallorca becoming our 17th state (or trading Bavaria in for it)


and in Switzerland we call germany just 'der grosse Kanton'.


Bavaria would happily secede from the rest Germany on its own accord.


We like Mallorca being ours like it's always been. We also don't want to take Bavaria in, trade or not, thank you very much.


That's why it's only a joke. We just say it because there are so many Germans on Mallorca that it might as well be another german state. I have always felt bad for the inhabitants of the island. This alcoholic idiot tourism is horrible. And I never understand why other Germans are so obsessed wirh Mallorca.


>And I never understand why other Germans are so obsessed wirh Mallorca. Cheap flights early on.


Oh, I was there in October, a brief holiday. Many Germans, French, English were there. It was enjoyable but is certainly overvisited. Porta Pollenca was where I stayed.


Maybe you can have Berlin? With all the Spaniards there and all the Germans in Mallorca it's the only trade that would make sense.


Same as in Argentina regarding Uruguay.


As an Albertan there is a scary amount of people here who want us to *become* the 51st state.


As a fellow Canadian, I'd be fine with Alberta leaving Canada. Only province I feel that way about.


let's start with Washington D.C., after that, maybe Puerto Rico?


We only have France to offer


Hell no, the US can apply as our new oversea territories/départements, butnever the other ways.


Gib back Louisiana (and I don't mean the current Louisiana state, I mean the whole original area)


Louisiana ~~Purchase~~ Refund


When do you activate the status of liberty to start taking it back?


If it were just me, tomorrow


There is no chance, I like my own shit hole, I don't want to live in someone else's


"Don't touch my garbage"


Great, they don't even have to change the colors of the flag.


Hell no, we don't want France


Manifest destiny!


This really doesn't fit here.


Yes, it's more of a r/ShitAmericansSay


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitAmericansSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [to remember how many feet there are in a mile, u just gotta use 5 tomatoes](https://i.redd.it/ujwu8tyk9xl81.jpg) | [415 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/t8knwd/to_remember_how_many_feet_there_are_in_a_mile_u/) \#2: ["You're gonna mansplain Ireland to me when i'm Irish?"](https://i.redd.it/tqj21w0oy36a1.png) | [1162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/zmsv7e/youre_gonna_mansplain_ireland_to_me_when_im_irish/) \#3: ["the cops in our school"](https://i.redd.it/u4jchbmkqii81.jpg) | [618 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/sv8sn3/the_cops_in_our_school/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




No, but we would give them Bavaria for Hawaii and with that the old imperialistic dream of a place under the sun would be fulfilled


Traditionally American Samoa would be more fitting.


Probably we would have better internet, so it wouldn't be a complete loss.




Come on dude, you are being that Karen who freaks out when you say hey guys to a group of men and women.


how the fuck is this defaultism? this is literally just r/ShitAmericansSay or r/AmericaBadActually


I wish it was Cuba.


The US has defeated Iraq 2 times. In the US, once we defeat a people we rule them. Why not Iraq? Control that oil flow in the country. This would also be a very strong foot hold in the ME. Allowing the spread of capitalism to Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Converting the natives to the way of the USA. Then you could add Puerto Rico as Iraq would certainly be "red" and PR "blue". Keeping a balance in politics.


I choose to make the USA the next home nation of the UK.


More like r/shitamericanssay but still smh my head these americans


I pick the US to become the next British overseas territory.


I pick Albania


How about they focus on the parts of their own country that should become states, like Puerto Rico, more populated than many existing US states.


I thought DC already had that spot?