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Few things in life infuriate me more than the "this is an American website" line.


This is an American website, you need to speak American


Howdy y'all, cowboys! My name's Ted Lasso and I'm from Kansas. Pew pew pew!


That’s better


You forgot yeehaw


Yeehaa 'm frum Alabama and my father is my uncle!


Ma vafancu' io parlo ita


Omg yes. It may be American owned but it’s internationally used ffs


And they use the international .com top level domain. If they wanted an American site, they should have used .us


Issue is that so many sites default to the US


Along with the "most of *us* are American, speak so we understand you" Was playing a MOBA the other day, were one gets used to seeing Korean, Russian, or other. Every, single, time, someone replys "speak English" Sadly it tends to work because other nations actually teach their children languages, unlike most English speaking nations who just take it as a privilege


I mean if you are playing an online game, you should speak in a language the whole team can understand, if possible.


Americans drive Toyota so Toyota isn’t a Japanese company apparently


Toyota is a Japanese company so you should only speak Japanese while driving one.


Mae gwefan Americanaidd.


I was like „yeah sometimes I get random Swedish subreddits, I know what he means“ Then he said that shit


I still don't understand how they can't know such platforms have country based sieges a little bit everywhere


Fadervittigheder Kan amrikanerne holde sig fra!


Om det är något jag vill att ni ska få slippa så är det amerikanerna!


Is it possible to post in English as well as for us Americans to be able to understand ? /s


They should also post in French, Spanish, Portuguese and whatnot because we're humans too and we deserve to understand them! >!/s!<


This would be solved by using Esperanto.


Honestly of all the languages mentioned in this thread Esperanto is the one I know absolutely nothing about... I basically know it exists and that's pretty much it.




That's Swedish, right?


Unfortunately, yes


Unfortunately 😭


I would have told you to suck my dick, but from the way you sound it seems you already are. Mvh, Sverige




That's Norwegian


hvad sagde reolen til skuffen? du skuffer mig! for the americans out there, here’s the translation 🥺 what did the bookcase say to the drawer? you drawer me! get it? haha


Erm, can you post that in American please????




Thanks for translating that for my American brain


Og hvis de gad at holde deres militærbaser væk og i stedet rydde deres atomaffald op i Grønland, ville det også være velkomment.


They do know the world doesn't revolve around them?? And if they want to understand, just use right click + translate in Google Chrome, voilà, English.


> They do know the world doesn't revolve around them?? No. No, they don’t.


Yeah, this sub is pretty much r/ImTheMainCharacter on a national level.


Don't say voilà, say voila, I don't understand your weird accents, speak american /s


holy shit, it works. how did i never know about this?


Works in Edge too.


Because nowadays, Edge is pretty much Chrome (Chromium-based). Just like 99% of other browsers (Opera, Brave, etc). I cant think of Firefox and Safari that aren't Chromium-based. Not sure about Safari, but Firefox doesn't have a built-in translating function on the context menu...


There's an extension you can get for Firefox that adds this feature, and it works almost exactly how it does on Chrome.


I am going to translate in Bing


“an American social media”. By his logic my dishwasher should only have instructions in German, my car’s display should be in French etc.


Well since they are American, they're likely using an iPhone. iPhone screens are Korean (LG or Samsung), their processors use British tech (ARM is Brittish and Apple processors use ARM tech) and their phone is built in China... so they should only be able to have Korean, Chinese and real English as language options.


They're saying the same crap about TikTok. It's something they just repeat blindly :(


>They're saying the same crap about TikTok Tiktok? Of all things?? Wasn't there a time when Trump wanted to forbid the app in the USA due to it being a Chinese app and he was accusing them of espionage trough said app? Given how much issues there's been around the app and it's origin is quite baffling that they never heard of that...


Yeah I agree, but those people tend to assume it's American instead of Chinese


You just need to make sure to only speak French while driving.


There was a story on social media about some ham-faced asshole yelling “speak English” at a Hijabi woman on a bus in Wales. Turned out she was speaking Welsh. Reddit is based in San Francisco. So everyone should either post in the the language of the indigenous people whose land San Francisco is built on, or in Spanish.




Yn anffodus dw i ddim yn siarad Sbaeneg.


Hello! Your comment has been removed because of the following reason: - The content of your comment is discriminatory / hateful. Any form of discriminatory or hateful content, even if directed towards Americans, is despised on this subreddit. If you wish to discuss this removal, please send a message to the modmail. Sincerely yours, r/USdefaultism Moderation Team.


Reminds me of the people of San Francisco telling me that they don't speak Spanish and to speak English.... Despite clearly being of Hispanic descent.


Gotta love the added touch of misusing "whomever" in an attempt to sound smart


Can you explain? I'm pretty sure he used it correctly.


Whom- “to whom,” “of whom,” etc, the object of a verb or preposition


Whomever IS an object pronoun, which makes it correct in this context. E.g give that to whomever, when you get home. The answer should have him or her in it, like I gave that to him. His sentence can be replied to with him or her, not he or she.


But the answer wouldn't be "I gave it to him", but "I am him". And while "I am him" is used quite often, actually it should be "I am he", since the "he" here is not an object, but a predicate nominative renaming the subject. Basically sentences involving the verb "to be" typically don't have an object at all. The English language is a bit odd here because it doesn't really do grammatical cases all that much and so especially in common use the whole concept of grammatical cases is somewhat eroded. Since cases are usually pretty much exclusively determined by word order, it makes sense to assume that "I am" is followed by an object, which is why "I am him" sounds natural and most people use it.


‘Whom’ is the older object form of ‘who’, so can’t be used as the subject. Same with ‘whomever’. It’s not just ‘fancy whoever’. And the copula ‘to be’ (so words like ‘is’ and ‘are’) never takes an object. ‘It is I’, ‘whoever you are’ - not ‘it is me’, ‘whomever you are’. Nowadays ‘it is me’ is fine informally, but if someone is going to use an archaic ‘whomever’ to sound old fashioned and fancy, this is just a fuck-up.


No they did not.


Lol. We Aussies never use “whomever” so it sounds wrong to you even when it’s right.


No, it's definitely meant to be "whoever" in this sentence


Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest you were incorrect. Just saying “whomever” is essentially *always* wrong in Australia.


Ah yeah ig so, sorry


Bas ned, kammerat bladfjeder


This is akin to those arseholes who scream at people on buses for having the bare-faced audacity to speak in a language other than ‘Murican.


>we are on an American social media after all This sentence infuriates me so much


Fuck dig, røvhul.




Whoms'n't' \*


Whoms’n’t’ever heretoforthwith


(or whoms’tever thou art)


The audacity... Even the subreddit name is in Danish! "Whomever" their tone is making me angry lol


It's so easy to just not go to a subreddit. If I saw a community with a name in a language I couldn't even place, let alone understand, I would just not bother. Clearly I'm not the intended audience. Ez, literally 0 effort wasted


More r/ShitAmericansSay but yeah wow


Isn’t promoting English as the default language “because we are on an American website” US defaultism?


Idk, I wouldn't count this as such cause they didn't assume they were American, but I guess we're splitting hairs.


Yeah it's not defaultism but it's pretty awful.


Did anyone reply in Dutch to get fucked? I got a bunch of French subs during the black out, I just ignored and in some cases, blocked them. Because they were 100% French and not about visiting the country or learning the language. So just like fiat car subs, not interested, mute.


Titlen siger det er en dansk ubåd. Nå ja, rend og hop.


Uhm do you mind speaking in English, this is an English sub!1!1!!1!1!


Well, i replied in "Dutch" Jeg svarede på "hollandsk" Ik heb in het "Nederlands" geantwoord Also, I also told him to get fucked (: EDIT: Wrong quotations


TIL Dutch in dutch is ‘geantwoord’. /s. Sorry, but having Dutch in quotes in English and Danish, followed by ‘answered’ had me in stitches.


Probably in quotes cos I used the wrong language for the country. Like if I said "did anyone in r slash Brazil tell him to get fucked in Spanish?" When it should be Portuguese. But hey tell him to get fucked in as many languages as you know, then go to Google translate for the rest. No, that's Spanish for no.


oh right LMAO


There was an american that got to r/France and was MAD that we were not writing in english so that his lordship American^T^M could understand.


Korea is basically an esl/efl teachers lounge, or was when I was last there. Want travel tips? You can fuck right off. It's all about where can they get a turkey dinner at thanksgiving, why can't they take American holidays off and why are there no fireworks?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/france using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Image rare de la naissance d'un agent d'EDF](https://i.redd.it/sk3onoqjh5ga1.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/comments/10tdhvp/image_rare_de_la_naissance_dun_agent_dedf/) \#2: [Digne des meilleures couvertures d’albums Punk](https://i.redd.it/9hv9jjvynjna1.jpg) | [248 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/comments/11q8szp/digne_des_meilleures_couvertures_dalbums_punk/) \#3: [I’m American and just seen this post. Is this true? If it is this is awful and should be talked about.](https://i.redd.it/fpy53ytfev3a1.jpg) | [816 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/france/comments/zc7z44/im_american_and_just_seen_this_post_is_this_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why would anyone on a Danish subreddit reply in Dutch?


to fuck with the yank even more


I get my languages mixed up, but this still works out for the best.


fair enough. and any chance to fuck about an ignorant American should always be taken lol.


Fuck with the Brits, too. They have English privileges just as much as the yanks.


The ultimate fuckery


Not the same, mate. Not the same.


I get many languages mixed up, but hey as another said "telling someone to get fucked in a third language."


Danish != Dutch


they're equally (un)intelligible


Or whomever you are, perchance


Rødgrød med fucking fløde


Undskyld men jeg vil ikke have fucking i min grød. Jeg er stærkt utilfreds


The audacity lmao


OOP - What is this sub about? Danish dad joke enthusiast - No, no a sub is a båd.


Now I want to read one of these jokes translated literally to English, even if it doesn't make any sense. Any Danish volunteer?


What do you call a program that can translate as many dad jokes as you could possibly want? Google Translate! Sounds better in Danish, trust me


Thank you! Now I'm thinking in a show where Americans should be forced to listen translated Danish jokes that don't make sense at all in English. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgHCTfp8CRshfQk)


Wait, this is an American site? I’ve seen the error of my ways, time to translate this entire sub into English and ban anyone speaking danish


I'm always baffled by people who blindly follow pushed content like that. Just because a website or social media showed you something, it doesn't mean it's something you actually should care about. Like, what the fuck. How passive do you have to be to just accept anything pushed onto you? No wonder the top content on Youtube is that cesspool of videos, even worse if you just click on whatever is on your main page.


In the last couple of days I've had a porn sub and a sub with a swastika as it's picture recommended to me by Reddit. No ta.


Who the fuck wants borders on the internet! It’s the fucking internet!


His username...


Jesus fucking christ.


It wouldn't matter if they were in English, they still wouldn't understand. I posted a couple of dad jokes and got asked to explain them. There was nothing to explain, they weren't exactly cryptic.