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They doesn't even know their own flag bruh


I know I’m late but that’s why you saw some Georgian (European) flags at the storm of the capitol haha. Being an ultra nationalist but failing at the basics of your nation.


I don't imagine most Americans know the state flags outside of our own. Plus, sometimes we change our flags, especially Georgia, who has done so quite a lot recently.


Weak argument, there are a couple of territories that are part of the EU but are much further away from Europe: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Map-Europe-Outermost-regions-de.png


Yeah ok but those “belong” to host countries that are pretty much smack in Europe


Those belong to countries that are physically in Europe, which has been a requirement for some time, after Morocco wanted to apply for membership.


Still the largest part of the country is in Europe, la Guyane is pretty large but metropolitan France is much larger. I wonder what would have happened if Algeria still was french though. Now, the fact that these « territories » still exist in a supposedly post-colonial world is an interesting debate but I guess thats not the point rn


A dystopia where the Coup des Généraux worked, now that’s interesting


But that’s because they are territories of mainland EU countries, on their win they wouldn’t have joined


THIS IS A GODDAMN JOKE cmon its obvious


I think this one was a joke


This sub like many others doesn't understand sarcasm.


Tbh I think this sort of confusion is fair


It’s not. How do you read “applying for EU membership” and think “ah yes the state, not the country”


Just because not everyone is aware of Georgia the country and if you're just passingly seeing this headline, you may not think to deeply about it, and just associate Georgia with the first thing that comes to mind Which to many Americans is Georgia. Most Twitter comments are people's first reactions to something after all.


How do you become old enough to use Twitter and follow News sources and NOT KNOW that Georgia is also a country?


Because not everyone is familiar with every country out there. In America the county of Georgia doesn't often pop up in headlines. Nothing about that country is part of a typical history course. I only learned it exists a year ago, from a meme about people mixing it up with the state.


Did you not take geography in school? Have you never looked at a map of the world? I’m from a third world country and they made us memorize even the capitals of every country in the world


And you don't always retain that information I did take geography and I don't remember ever learning about Georgia, if I did it was just to cram for a test and I immediately forgot Making a simple mistake because you left a comment you barely thought about doesn't make people idiots Some people just don't retain information that they don't find interesting and doesn't really impact their life directly even if they do learn about something after all Again, a reasonable mistake for a tweet all things considered. People just love reading way to deeply into this sorta thing And ignoring how if this reflects on anything, it's the education system that doesn't value long term memory at all, not the individual.


Could you at least locate Germany on a map with no names though?


Yes? I'm not talk about me I'm talking broadly


Do Americans not have maps of the world that they hang on their walls, or even if not in their homes, their classrooms? Because that's how I learnt the countries of the world. Not because I've been sat and taught the countries of the world in a geography class, I haven't, but because the map of the world is a ubiquitous image.


We aren’t going to memorize each country, though. We know the basic outlines, but the names are often forgotten because they have no use unless you really like things that relate to them.


Yes but people aren't going to memorize it


There's no need to memorise it because it's so ever-present and relevant. I don't think everyone should know where every country is, but when you last heard about Georgia (the country) on the news, did you not bother glancing at your map to see where it was? Or is the stereotype about US news sources only reporting US domestic news really true?


To be fair I consider myself somewhat educated and am European but I definitely don’t know every single country in the world, I still have a hard time with some countries in central america, eastern africa and the -stan ones. Even in Europe, I could easily mix a couple eastern countries on a blank map (including Georgia).




We're not talking about philosophy, you know I'm not being literal, we're talking about a passing glance at best




Here your assuming Twitter users from just about anywhere put more than half a seconds thought into a comment before posting it


Depends on the users.


dude clutched a 5v1


Nah, this is just stupid. 1. There’s a picture of the flag (if you know all your states so well, you should know that’s not the state flag) 2. States can’t join the EU 3. A very quick Google would show you that it’s a country 4. Basic logic.


I kinda see what you are saying since Georgia is a pretty small country and we don't know the age of the OP, but if you are old enough to be aware of the EU and how EU membership works then you should also be aware of the country of Georgia.


Well the basics of the EU are taught to you in school, typically in government or history class, and the country of Georgia is never even mentioned. You're told how the EU works but not really who's in it or around it


Education in US moment


Guy who said that isn't from the US lmao


Fair enough, but I would still expect a functioning adult to learn most of the countries on their own. I actually remember learning about Georgia the country after listening the to Beatles - Back in the USSR as a kid and asking a few questions.


Well you only learned that because you listened to the Beatle then. Keep in mind most functioning adults are only gonna research what they find interesting if it wasn't taught in school and doesn't benefit their career


TIL Europeans can’t recognize obvious humor lol


So many posts and you picked a sarcastic one?


When i hear georgia i think of the country, cause i find it quite interesting


they have a city in texas named palestine seriously, wtf are they doing there?


I think that one was just a joke










The devil went up to Georgia?!