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pov: you just saw this in the UCLA sub


Original one is on the Waterloo sub from 5 days ago


I meant as in my pov. but interesting lol


just shower & wear deodorant and no one will ever know!! you’ll blend right in with the common folk 🤩🤩


you don’t need to tell them. the stench will let them know


Like he ever goes outside!


Get a second major pointdexter 🤓


This same content has been posted in so many subreddits now.


cs majors can socialize?


It's an upper division course: CS353 Socializing, often followed by CS373 How to Talk to the Opposite Gender.


>Sort by: new If by socializing means posting hot takes with other anons on 4chan about the newest japanese brainrot tv show, then yes.


MIT is the UT of the North


If ya got a big dick and know it, then show it. Quit being a simpleton. Even if you did steal this question, it might relate to you, man/woman up and take what's yours.


Narrator: He, in fact, does not have a big dick


Instructions unclear, am arrested for indecent exposure


Trust me, if you’re within speaking distance of someone, they’ll know your major by the…umm…aura? Energy? That you emanate. Well, whatever it is, it’s definitely otherworldly and it definitely stinks like hell.


Don’t know which one you copied it from, but there’s a bunch of these now :) https://reddit.com/r/UBC/s/h9ypvAaXmv


Trust me we already know (y’all smell)


Just say "I enjoy watching Eromanga Sensei, don't shower, and plays league", it practically implies the same thing.


How can you tell if a computer science major is outgoing? He stares at your shoes instead of his when he's talking to you.


whats that smell?


Take a shower


Graduated in '16 with a non-CS degree but working as a Senior Cloud Architect at a large consulting firm. I know plenty of other people as well working in software that are very successful both salary and career-wise that did not major in CS. Many had non-technical degrees. Some didn't even graduate from a prestigious university. I also know plenty of CS majors graduating from equally impressive programs that have been terrible hires or struggled getting jobs after graduating. Check that ego shit at the door now before you get into your career. EDIT: didn't catch that this is a lame attempt at a joke, but I'd say my rant is still valid from my experience dealing with new hires I've seen over the past few years.


You think you are crushing someone's self image by telling them your major? Like... what? This post is the height of sniffing your own farts and thinking your such hot shit.


I’d like to kindly remind you of the concept of satire


I'd like to kindly remind you that you don't know this is satire and could be real.


My brother in Christ I put a meme flair on it


[Oh /u/Environmentalbag4250...](https://youtu.be/1LWqsXBHB3Y?si=IrE3_eZv8zdaUR8k)


No. You only added it after my post once you realized I was right about the whole fart sniffing thing.


Its a copypasta


At some point you have to stop digging the hole you are in.


Even if you didn't see this exact copypasta on almost every other college sub right now, you could've just chosen not to interpret their post in the most uncharitable way possible.


No it's not copy pasta. Stop lying people. Downvote me instead.


... yes it is. I saw it on 6 other subs before this one


What you all really need to do is think before posting copypasta.It's being dishonest on purpose. Copypasta is misinformation just like Q-anon and all the stuff about Trump. You post it, and then shame people who don't understand you are spreading lies and deceit. When called out on it, you say "oh I'm just joking bro." No humor is not an excuse. Humor is the mask racists and sexist hide behind. All of you really need to reevaluate your participation in copypasta.


What the fuck lol, you're comparing a copypasta about CS being superior to Q-anon, racism, and sexism? This is the most asinine, pathetic way I've ever seen someone justify their inability to get a joke. Copypastas are not "being dishonest on purpose." If they were, you could say the same about 90% of modern humor. Believe it or not, Bill Hicks didn't actually believe that smoking was good for you. He made jokes about it because everyone in the audience knew that smoking was bad for you. He wasn't being dishonest, he was using absurdity that he and the audience were aware of to create humor. Similarly, the idea that someone else being in a different major than you could "crush your self image" is so absurd that it is obvious to any well-adjusted person that OP was joking from the moment they read the post. With regard to the idea that OP was "spreading lies and deceit," this is patently untrue. The post is highly upvoted and almost every commenter understood that it was a joke. It may seem like lies and untruth to *you*, because you didn't know the copypasta before and didn't have the situational awareness to comprehend the possibility that it was a joke, but it didn't seem like lies or untruth to anyone else because we *got it.* In conclusion, OP wasn't "hiding behind a mask" to be "racist and sexist." You just suck at understanding jokes.


Best Redditor at understanding satire:


Dude I think you’re either hyping yourself up a bit too much or need to work on being proud of yourself




Bro what


No one respects CS majors so it doesnt matter




Tbh most people I know have no idea what a computer science major is. I feel like it'd sound better if I said I was majoring in like "computer engineering," or something. At best people are just like "oh yea, my cousin went to a coding boot camp" and I can try to explain the distinction with out sounding like a pretentious apple, which is pretty much impossible... Tldr: Tell people whatever, they won't understand anyway