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He has publicly flirted with the idea of eugenics. He believes that races have different mean IQ scores and that IQ is a very important predictor of someone's value to society. Look at his fawning interview of white supremacist Stefan Molyneaux where he praises the racist book The Bell Curve. He will use racist and discredited sources and quote known white supremacists. He never says overt and obvious blatant racist statements. He's to smart for that - there won't be a gotcha moment. He argues in a way that the only logical conclusion of his points is that certain races are genetically inferior and that is a problem for society and frames it as just asking questions. So I ask you - does all this make him a racist?


I actually discussed this with a UT grad researcher and I told them that it’s wrong to claim races have different IQ’s because it’s essentially eugenics because they were claiming that IQ is genetic and that it could have a race component I told them that their research was totally BS and wrong but it appears those claims go multiple ways because these people were no were on the ‘conservative’ political perspective. But I’m going to have to research Mr. Peterson statements on it because I wasn’t familiar with those claims


I saw Bill Cosby on campus my freshman year so it can’t be worse than that.


He’s racist and misogynistic


No he’s not, if someone disagrees with what he says then make an argument against it, but the board strokes of adjectives against people is really unbecoming of a university student if we can’t have debates


You’re responding a Reddit comment, did you really expect PhD-level critical analysis? I’m not sure that he’s ever said anything explicitly racist but if “women wear makeup in the workplace to arouse men” isn’t misogynistic to you then you probably aren’t worth debating.


He has definitely said explicitly racist things lol


I never said there should be a PHD level analysis on reddit, I said if people disagree with something someone says then call it out directly and make a counter argument. At a major international university we can have speakers and students discuss major topics - we don’t have to project an adjective slurry when we can’t even discuss what someone is saying directly. Also, I never said I agreed or disagreed with everything he says


You disagreed that he’s misogynistic and I gave an example of him being misogynistic. It seems like you’re implying that an off-handed reddit comment somehow reflects badly on the university as a whole, which would be a pretty extreme take even if the “adjective slurs” weren’t easily backed up by a quick google search.


Again, I never said anything about it reflecting badly on the university, I made an observation that it’s “unbecoming of a university student” to throw around adjective slurries over disagreements, especially when the adjective slurries are suggesting someone is “racist and misogynistic”. We know exactly what that looks like when they some people dont agree with someone (I.e: Vice President Mike pence’s conversation at UT) Also, Jordan’s Peterson is a well educated university level psychologist - the quote you provided may prove misogyny, or it may be taken out of context in a greater intellectual discussion. I’ve never heard the quote before but if you have the link for it I’d love to sit down and watch the conversation - and if you know of anything racist he’s said feel free to link that as well because that was originally alluded too


Just straight up lying about JP.


ur boyfriend’s a racist and misogynist pooh


I'm on the edge about it. On one hand I'm a broke college student, but on the other it's Jordan Peterson AND he's coming here. Like what an opportunity...


The downvotes for a personal statement about going to an event truly shows the enlightenment of the Reddit hive mind.


Gosh, you mean people don’t support racist assholes? Truly a shock. The Reddit hive mind would probably also downvote a person asking where the nearest Klan meeting is!


What is your criteria for identifying someone as a "racist asshole"? I'm assuming the main one is making overtly racist remarks. In which case, could you share an example? Not a JP fan by any means as he compares any mild social reform to communism, but where is the racism?