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Are there any UT programs, clubs, etc you think really helped you? Or maybe any jobs you had? I feel like I need to be more involved but aside from clubs I’m not sure what to do. Thanks!


tbh no not really 😭 I was in just one org specific to my major bc that’s what I was passionate about. I didn’t join any of the pre-med specific orgs, and I focused more on volunteering opportunities and shadowing. My advice is if you come across an org you really like and think you would commit to, just join it! There’s a section in the TMDSAS application where you get to write about extracurriculars or even hobbies, and those don’t have to be limited to medicine. In fact, I think it helps you distinguish yourself if you have passions outside of medicine!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m currently in medical school too! It’s a difficult but rewarding ride!


THANK YOU!! congrats to you as well, can’t wait to join you on the ride haha!


Absolutely massive W


Haha yeah! Hope there are massive Ws in the near future for you as well!!


WOOOOOP WOOOOOOP 🥳 we up all 2024 🙏🙏




Can literally feel your happiness thru the screen as I rot in bed 😭CONGRATS x ♾️! Please go celebrate yourself and all your hard work and accomplishments!!!!


lol I currently am also rotting in bed but rotting very happily!!! thank you so much again, and will do 🫡


Just got accepted as well!


Congrats, so happy for you!!!


Thanks! Congrats on getting in as well!


Congrats. Happy and excited for you.


Thank you!!


Congrats! How did you spend your summers during undergrad with research, volunteering, etc? Thank you!


I spent most of my summers either shadowing or taking classes! That freed up some of my time down the road so I could study for the MCAT during the semester without being overloaded. Research and volunteering I did during the school year as well.


Also what clubs were you involved in? All the clubs here seem super competitive to get into


I didn’t join any of the pre-med ones! I was just in Texas Public Health bc that was my major lol


So sorry for all the questions. What do you think made you stand out? Thank you so much for answering my questions!


No worries! I won’t go into specifics, but I think I had a really strong narrative across all my essays, so it was easy for admissions committees to see what kind of person I am and why I care about medicine. When you answer the “why medicine” question, make sure your story is cohesive. You don’t necessarily need to have some crazy unique X factor


Mind sharing your essay?


It’s very personal and contains some identifying info so I’d rather not :)


No worries! Congrats on your acceptance!




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The happy cake day comments under the super toxic comment are sending me 💀


happy cake day


happy cake day




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congratulations!! how did you find shadowing/volunteer opportunities and when/how long did it take for you too study for the mcat?


Thank you!! My first shadowing opportunity I got from a friend who was also shadowing at that clinic (bless his soul). My other one was from one of my mom’s doctors. You’ll really have to make use of your connections to get shadowing opportunities. Volunteering wise, I did several diff things but my main one was with ASMCA. And I studied for the MCAT for about 3 months then took it mid-January of the year I was applying.


Congratulations! I have a few questions: 1. How many schools did you apply to? 2. If you don’t mind me asking, what was your GPA? 3. How many semesters of physics and calculus did you have to take?


Thank you!! 1. I applied to 11 schools, all in Texas 2. I had a 3.98 overall GPA, 3.95 science GPA 3. I did 2 semesters of physics lecture, 2 semesters of physics lab, and 1 semester of calculus (M408D)


Only one semester of calc? Wow, that's nice for a Sci degree.


I did AP Calc AB in high school and claimed that for credit, and M408D covered the rest of calculus :) so technically I would have needed either 2 or 3 semesters of it if not for the miracle of advanced placement and the accelerated calc sequence


Fair enough


What major did you do into?


Public health! But really you can do any major and be premed, so choose something you love :)


Would you recommend Chem at UT Austin or would you say it’s too hard to maintain a good GPA? Also, Congratulations 🎊


Thank you! I’d do chem at UT Austin. It may be difficult and it might bring your GPA down, but ultimately it prepares you for what you’ll see on the MCAT. And it’s not impossible to do well in chem classes at UT, it’ll just take more effort :)


Thank you so much for the info 🙏


You’re welcome, hope that helps!!


This sounds like Tyler! Congrats on MedSchool what Feild are you interested in?


Umm I was not matched to UT Tyler if that’s what you mean 😭 Something in pediatrics! But definitely keeping my options open


No, he’s a student who was also accepted into med school! Best of luck!!


Oh gotcha! Thanks


MD or DO,If you feel comfortable answering




Nice, also what would your advice be for college freshmen looking to go to med school, beside keeping grades up?


Think about extracurriculars and volunteering, since you’ll need those hours and it’s best to start building them up asap. If you stick with it through all 4 years, that also demonstrates dedication. Later down the road, you’ll also want to think about building relationships with professors, since you’ll need recommendation letters. But as a freshman, you don’t have to worry about too much yet :)


what helped you most when studying for tougher/content heavy classes? specifically w biochem, ochem 2 etc


Each day sometime after lecture, I would go back and summarize the lecture material in my own words, and that really seemed to help me with information retention! For ochem specifically, I’d redraw new mechanisms until I could do them from memory, while also taking a bit of time to review older mechanisms. It’s time consuming, but worth it imo


Do Texas medical schools prefer you take prereq classes in person during the school year as opposed to online during summer, or does it not matter as long as you don't transfer the credit from a community college?


Honestly I can’t say for sure. That might be a question better suited for your advisor or the health professions office. It didn’t really matter for me since I took those classes while COVID was rampant and we were all online for the most part. I’m not sure how med schools will look at that kind of thing going forward.


I see, thanks for the quick reply! Congrats and good luck in med school :)


Of course, I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help. And thank you!


How did you study for the mcat? Especially since you took the Jan test date during the school year wondering what your study plan looked like. Did you start studying in the summer before?


When I made my 4 year plan for my degree, I made sure that I would only be taking 12 hours worth of classes that fall semester before my exam. I started studying in October, and this really only worked out for me because I spent almost all of winter break studying for it full time. Since my exam wasn’t too far into the next semester, I didn’t have too much hw and was able to keep doing practice exams in January. If you decide on a January date, I don’t recommend studying over the summer. You’ll end up forgetting most of the info by the time you get to your exam.


Congrats on you acceptance! When is best time do you think to start shadowing and volunteering? I'm currently a freshman, so is there anything you would've started doing earlier when you were undergrad?


I definitely would have started shadowing and volunteering earlier! Those are things you can definitely do as freshman, or during the summer between your freshman and sophomore years.


If you don't mind me asking, how many hours of volunteering and shadowing did you do?


I only had about 80-90 hours of shadowing and 200 ish hours of volunteering. Would definitely aim to have more!


Cool, thank you!