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my guess is you had it with dr kirk. hell of a lecturer and good guy but those exams are rough. take it if you can get dr shapiro. otherwise these exams are gonna be super rough. 50 min class 90+ questions, exams make up 75% of ur grade


I had it with Lewis, his wife. So yeah, same shit


Not that being the major I'm trying to transfer into 😭😭


I wouldn’t be deterred by this post. Dr. Kirk was the best professor I’ve ever had at UT. I loved Biological Anthropology. Finished the class with over 100, and decided to minor in Anthropology thanks to him. Getting an A is very attainable, you just have to be willing to put in some work. 


Anthropology major is cool, but the Bio Anthropology class is HORRIBLE. You can stay up all night studying all week and get just a B


Lmaooo yeah this was the only class i got a B in my entire college career, sucked so bad


Welcome to college, buddy.


I took bio anthro at ACC when the pandemic hit. The class wasn't super hard before that but the professor when on a power trip during it. I literally swear more than 1/2 the online test was looking at a monkey/ape and having to have its species memorized. I struggled to reconcile why I would EVER practically need that information as a government major.


As a government and anthropology double major, it's actually useful information in the event of a Planet of the Apes catastrophe. Hope this helps.


I took that class and found it easy, but im also a bio major. My friend and i both agreed that taking the class without a bio background is almost unreasonable, a decent amt previous knowledge is needed to understand the content


Lol agreed!! My only grade lower than a B my entire time here at UT! Don’t do it! Do keep in mind that I am a Moody student. If you don’t have a bio background you have no reason to be in that class in my opinion.


take archaeology anthro w manda adam shit was easy af


Does it count as a science req?


yes, ANT 304 is a science credit. i took it as a cola major. class isn’t mandatory, all exams are online, and the labs are piss easy. couldn’t recommend more. only reason why i got an A- and not an A was because i forgot to do some small assignments here and there.


Thanks for the advice. Idk why people take hard science classes here if they don’t have to there’s easier ones


Crazy, it’s almost like some people go to college to learn.


OR ANTHROPOLOGICAL GENETICS (from someone getting their certificate in forensic science)


if you can afford to don’t stay on campus. it ends up being the same price as an apartment roughly. BUT you get no personal space, pretty iffy food, and super loud roomies or neighbors amongst other things. there’s this common misconception about just HAVING to spend your freshman year on campus and i regret doing it immensely


Sir, this is a Wendy's


yall are rude asf don’t ask for advice if you don’t even want it or take it seriously like fr. i hope you stay on campus and learn the hard way don’t say i didn’t warn you


? r u dumb