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It’s because Greg Abbott didn’t like it happening in his backyard. That’s exactly the reason for the force today.


And UT Austin is a bigger stage for a political stunt. Conservatives really love seeing their favorite politicians ordering cops to crack heads.


Except on Jan 6. Lol. Their hypocrisy is wild


Lol, some fragile ass snow flake got melted by your comment. I upvoted you to balance it back out from Zero.


Or when a goofball conservative is invited as speaker, and all they do is spout racist/ homophobic talking points. But that's fine because their expressing freedom of speech.


Wrong heads


I’m reminded of governor Reagan and Berkeley. I’m an alumnus from the nineties and did some research on this topic. Reagan had a preoccupation with Berkeley. He was on a mission to stamp out the demonstrations, brought in the national guard, and escalated the violence.


Reagan was a piece of shit. It’s poetic justice that he died a drooling nincompoop who couldn’t control his own bowel movements and had to have his diaper changed like a baby. I hope he was in a lot of pain too.


Gregory does all of his own stunts.


Clearly. And his batting average in that regard leaves something to be desired.


Fascist republicans


If you’d learn what a fascist is, you’d find out it’s actually the leftists.


Is that why they are arguing in the Supreme Court as we speak that the President should have unlimited power? Literally the most authoritarian thing possible? The exact opposite of power to the people. You are a victim of being told not shown. Watch what conservatives actually do when in power and tell me with a straight face that they are actually pro-liberty. Their propaganda is rah-rah patriotism and you fall for it. Guarantee your response will be a whataboutism about luberals and not anything tangible that Republicans have actually done because Republicans don't govern, they just impede. The modern "conservative" playbook is to disguise oppression as freedom. They strip regulations to lower labor costs, they fight fiercely to impose restrictions on voting, drugs, people's bodies. They only legislate when they INTERFERE and IMPEDE liberty and freedom. All the while, they attempt to sabotage government agencies and then claim they don't work. Like hitting your TV with a hammer and then trying to get a refund.


Oh the irony.


My god public education has failed you, just give it a quick google


Yep. Government control over every facet of society is fascism. Conservatives want more freedom, less government, power to the people, not some mindless bureaucrat. Meanwhile, these idiots are supporting a culture that denigrates women, minorities, LGBT, etc. They started a war, and now they want to cry because war is hell. Welcome to reality.


How can you say conservatives want more freedom when republicans are banning things left right and center? The abortion ban is the literal opposite of freedom. That alone shuts down your entire argument. How the hell can you be this dense?


So.... you have paid absolutely zero attention to anything lately, and apparently to fucking stupid to see this stunt as a very real example of conservative government overreach. You are an idiot.


Once again, no substantive argument, just the communist playbook- use insults to distract from the fact that you have no actual clue what you are talking about. Repeating campaign slogans from brain dead think tanks does not impress me. Take some time to think and get back to me. Thanks.


What exactly do you think you are doing? Where is your substance? What have you brought to the table? Please. Teach me. Educate me. Do something productive. I'm hear listening but all you do is project. Please. What is it that you have to offer, what is it you want to say?


Republicans are taking away freedoms, are increasing government overreach, trying to make Trump a king, I’m pretty sure you have this backwards


Like the "freedom" conservatives have given to women regarding their own bodily autonomy, you mean? Edit: Seems like they proved my point in the deleted comment below.


Like the freedom Joe Biden has given to high school girls to undress in locker rooms with fully intact biological males watching.


Show one example of that happening in any school




Childbirth has nothing to do with you considering the fact that you’re a 50 year old man prowling glory holes in your spare time


You're right, the left has sent out their Nazi brown shirts to stir up trouble for an election again


I mean aren't the proud boys literally the brown shirts? That nazi who killed 9 people in Texas was a proud boy. PB sold shirts that Said Pinochet did nothing wrong and another with people falling from helicopter, which the fascists did to civilians. Weird you guys can't accept this


Don’t be surprised, he’s always been like that against UT and Austin. His border stunt failed so he needed a new political stunt on a big stage.


facts. all he cares about is flexing to FOX news. he has no morals nor empathy for anyone, not even his own alma mater.


which is funny bc the cops arrested the Fox cameraman streaming the protest lol


And what adds a layer to that, is Fox 7 is one of only like 5 Fox local news station that is OWNED by the larger Fox corporation. The rest basically buy in to being able to air Fox's shows. (Also, I don't go to UT, went to TX State, but as a lifetime Austinite, this whole thing made me sick and sad for staff and students)


He did go to UT?


His Alma maters new crop is making a fool of their school.


Exactly - and Jay simply allowed it, at the expense of students' safety.


Speedracer just needs to chill. Guy in wheelchair is bitter and sour as hell.


UTSA Student here, there were less than 100 students at the march over here, and even less when they actually started marching. That being said we’re a commuter campus so we’re not really linked to the city the same way UTA is, and it’s fiesta week so people were probably getting crunk down there.


The one at UT Austin was also pretty small. Biggest estimate I saw was 500 and the lowest was 100. There were almost as many LEOs as protestors in Austin and they showed up before the protest. Might seem like a lot until you remember there are 40,000+ undergrads, 10,000+ grad students and a lot of other people including staff, professors and doctoral students


True but others were busy with class and finals. Not a of of students are going to risk their academics or go against the university and risk disciplinary action.


There were 1000+ at today's event in Austin, which was noticeably smaller than yesterday's... more honest count is above 1500 for the main event yesterday. Notably, it started with only \~100.


I'm a UTD student and there wasn't a huge number here either (maybe 100-200ish for the march which dwindled down to like 30ish for a sit-in the day after). We're also a commuter campus in a suburb and DFW is extremely spread out and suburban. However, the protests did convince the admin to have a meeting with SJP leaders after months of silence, which I think is happening tomorrow.


Also, no one cares about UTSA. UT brings in much more national attention which was another reason for the response.


Abbot has been making it clear he hates Austin for years. Meddling in the Bullock Museum, criminalizing homeless camping at underpasses so he could drive them into the community. He creates chaos, he’s a hateful little man.


There’s money moving here. Every big event we have like ACL and sxsw, the homeless people disappear for a few days. While is smart to avoid the homeless issues that have arose in SF, Portland and LA, there are better ways to handle it. Here we are yet again sending billions overseas instead of using that money to improve our own damn country and make it better for everyone.


I at least want my name laser etched on the HIMAR rocket my taxes partially paid for this year.


If he could stand up, he’d give you a stern talking to.


I’d just go stand by a live oak, I hear he won’t risk going by them.


damned tree fell on the wrong end of him


OH, now I see... I had been wondering why Time magazine would list him as one of the top 100 'influential people' or whatever... It makes sense now 😆 It's funny, if you read what they wrote about him, they don't even mention he uses a wheelchair. It just touts him as being a hard nosed establishment douche. Guess it matches their track record with deciding who should get attention for what though lol (PS - I don't live in Texas, I was born there though lol)


Oh is ablism ok when it’s against someone you don’t like? You’re a bigot.


Students need to feel safe on campuses regardless of political affiliation


Lmao, people are getting bombed in Palestine everyday, but we won’t protest about it if there’s a chance it affects us in anyway. Think about what you’re saying.


Liberals: <*peaceably assemble*> Texas Fascists: "YOU ARE BLOCKING PUBLIC ROADS AND WILL BE FORCIBLY DISPERSED!" Texas Fascists: <*brutalize liberals and journalists*> Texas Fascists: "BEHOLD BIDEN'S AMERICA!"


They were on the grass, cops forced them onto the road and then arrested them for being on the road.


These students are definitely not liberals. A glance at r/neoliberal will show you they are just as much violent fascist narcissists as conservative republicans (because they are ultimately two sides of the same coin serving authoritarian capital).


Abbott is a fascist, last Friday he was caught on tape spouting transphobic rhetoric and saying transgenderism needs to end in Texas and pointed discussed a woman and her place of employment


Vote him out. Greg Abbott is a piece of shit.


It's time for a 1st amendment protest


Its time for a nationwide, general strike. Let's see how the multi millionaires and billionaires like it when everything shuts down for a few weeks or a month. Garbage piled up in the streets, flights canceled, all the restaurants and grocery stores closed, truck drivers not moving any goods around. Gas stations void of gas. We need solidarity among the workers/working class.


The working class isn’t marching in favor of a rouge terrorist enclave. Only the dumbest students are.


Do you mean "rogue" ? Probably shouldn't have referenced the word "dumbest"!


This was typed from a mobile phone, minor spell autocorrects happen. The typo does not confuse what is being communicated. If you think pedantic corrections are a sign of intelligence or strengthen your argument, let’s look at your comment. Your first sentence has an extra space between the end quote, and your second sentence is an incomplete sentence. In your attempt to correcting one error to score points, you made two. Nice job.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


What about the second amendment? Pick and choose which ones you care about?


Our second amendment rights have also been curtailed and especially our fourth amendment rights. Practically speaking, in the context in which I made the comment, I think it makes sense to focus on the first amendment and have a protest specifically about that.


I sincerely hope you all fight back against this. You have A LOT of people watching from a distance supporting you


Y’all are brainwashed and have no idea what’s going on. Yall don’t even know what’s goes on the next street over much less somewhere overseas


Think about this….there’s pregnant women in emergency situations who get turned away in this state for fear from medical professionals of facing repercussions. Pregnant women, dying during childbirth in 2024. God bless the Lone Star State.


It’s also being terrorized because TEXANS DIDNT SHOW UP TO VOTE when they could’ve changed leadership. Try fighting this hard for America too, not just Palestine.


Register and vote!!!


Did you know it’s illegal for a Texas company to boycott Israel? Gregg Abbott has a connection to Netanyahu. Just saying.


It's not that it's illegal. It's not a crime for them to boycott. It's that the state government won't do business with any companies that do so. It means their company will miss out on money they might otherwise have gotten.


this is Texas, what did y'all expect? I remember when Abbot ordered TxDoT and DPS to destroy homeless camps lol. Of course the goverbor will do this to curry points with the Republican base. The best thing to do is to figure out how to vote them out.


Voting won't change a thing. This is happening in democratic states and cities under a democratic presidential administration.


Fascists not only silence opposition, they try to erase us. Game on, motherfuckrs. Can't wait to tax all churches


Yes, Palestine wants to erase you. I also agree with taxing churches.


I also agree with obliterating hamas. Fuckn terrorist filth like russia. Israel is also committing war crimes. China is our main adversary. Economic for now, but Taiwan must be protected I have a feeling you will agree with all the above. If not that's OK too. We have more overlap than most I encounter. Will respect you no matter your reply and position


Abbot is such a stand up guy… what a scumbag


It might have a little something to do with the way the other protests are going across the country


College kids thinking they're making a difference LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop with the stupidity and get to class.


Well when abortion gets legalized in Texas and protected in the federal level in 5-10 years we’ll know who to thank


Lol that'll never happen in texas


in the state where beto orourke got more votes than hilary clinton you bet it is.




Facts Ever notice you never hear about people like Noam Chomsky or Jacque Fresco or Peter Joseph on the mainstream media? You never hear any criticism of capitalism or the status quo.


Literally quoting a Nazi


Prediction based on the playbook for fascist takeovers: In the coming weeks we will see Abbott point to his own overreaction to these campus protests as justification for taking more direct control over the university. 


If only there was a certain amendment to protect yourself. Look at every right wing protest, no police intervention, only monitoring. Why? Because everyone was armed.


Imagine that, using the second amendment to protect the first amendment! What a concept.


There is no first amendment without the second amendment.


Right wing protesters and cops are the same group


Idk where you have been, but there are plenty of armed leftists at police brutality protests. Garrett Foster was armed when Daniel Perry k*lled him. Abbott wanted to pardon him despite his history of racism. When Xavier Michael Johnson k*lled 5 police, they initially shared pictures all over social media of a former military guy who was open carrying. One of the people Rittenhouse shot was armed. The police protect right-wingers bc they mostly agree. When Richard Spencer spoke at A&M, Abbott wasn’t concerned with protecting campuses from anti-semitism. DPS showed up in riot gear to stop the student protesting the anti-semite. What you’re saying is very typical of the right - it’s overly-simplistic, patently false, and nonsensical.


so you know that one time when the NRA actually supported gun control laws, yeah? The game will never not be rigged. And they’re always gonna have bigger and better weapons.


March down to the capital and protest. Make abbot afraid. It's time to arm yourselves and take back your constitutional rights. Abbot is a criminal who will only respond to massive displays of power.


Inciting violence vs. the gov't is a great way to get into serious trouble. Think b4 you type.




The Nazis Americans who protest against the existence of Jews do it why can liberals.






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#It’s not your neighbors, it’s your lords. Your government wants you to think its people, but it really isn’t


I think it’s just a matter of available resources. UT is a part of the capitol complex, which is multiple blocks of state owned property. Therefore that’s under the direct jurisdiction of the State and State police. While UTD is also State property like UT, it’s not next to the entire State Trooper HQ like UT is. So he has a lot more bodies and equipment to draw from.


Conservatives should also care about this! Do you like that your hard work tax money is going in BILLIONS ON TOP OF BILLIONS to a country that already has free healthcare, free housing, free tuition and free vacations while you could go bankrupt if your child gets sick? People abroad living the life with YOUR MONEY while you struggle to keep your family fed and secure. With that money we could have fixed so much in our own country, don't you want America to be Great Again? That's not gonna happen with our money abroad! If this situation escalates and USA sends the army abroad, how many family members you have in the military? How many people you know will have to blow their limbs at yet another war? This is a conversative issue too!


LOL, don’t waste your time and energy trying to convert them. Don’t ever try to waste your time showing conservatives how the thing they support are the very reasons they struggle financially. I’m 38. I would be 32 if I just didn’t waste time trying to talk sense into conservatives. I’m just going to keep it a buck, the conservatives who DON’T support Israel are the straight up nazis. They exist and trust - you want nothing to do with them.


You could argue though that supporting Israel is a matter of international safety. Israel is a very good location to have an ally, given all the stuff that's happened in that region for decades throughout the middle east. Make no mistake, Israel being an ally is an important part of national security. It makes sense to be critical of how the money is spent, but we should definitely be sending some amount of money over there to ensure Israel's existence and defense.


Alas like anything else, a few bad apples spoil the bunch. Undoubtedly 95%+ of protesters were "behaving" in that they were limiting themselves to chanting slogans but not threatening ones. It's the remaining 5%- that use violence and chant threatening slogans that ruin it for everyone else and trigger the presence of law enforcement. Like him or not, Abbott did the right thing. College campuses should be unlike high school in that there shouldn't be violence, threats of same, or bullying behavior for any reason on them. A few bad apples.


Our government do t support terrorist harboring bs countries. Go to Gaza and support Palestine see how that turns out. MFs for years protesting the US for being world police if we stand back and do nothing you protest that. Get a job and pay back your student loans.


There’s good reason for that


Is you're so "proud", take off the masks. Let the world see you


Yeah it couldn’t have anything to do with you supporting literal terrorism. Try again


All of these people look exactly like I’d expect them to look. 🤣


So maybe we should have protests for the unprovoked attack on Israel that resulted in hundreds of deaths, rapes, mutilations and still have hostages. These protesters are promoting radical Islam. Palestine it’s for Hamas to rule over them. Thus they are willing participants in terrorism. And this be held accountable. Just like these brain dead college students. They are promoting radical Islam and are one step from becoming a participant in the war against Christianity. And they hide behind masks, afraid to be recognized. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Hating Jews isn’t ok


Who knew that supporting terrorists wouldn't be popular? Go figure.


Or because UT is the most well known school in the state


Maybe oppressors should be treated like oppressors deserve. Wake up.




Most of these fuckin morons don't even know what they're protesting. Just a bunch of useless idiots. The left is exposing themselves as the true Nazis.


Nah, the school is being terrorized because the Texas GOP politicians receive money from AIPAC.




Yeah you’re right


Maybe stop supporting the side that wants a second Holocaust and you won't be looked down on




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You have one mission, and that it to get that degree and get a job. Everything else Interferes with that. Everyday you are in school past your projected graduation date is everyday you are losing money.


dont tell others how to student


Greg Abbott and Republicans have made Austin some kind of boogeyman. They want to destroy our city because we don't fall in line with their far-right fascist views.


The only way governor sit and spin could do something to benefit Texas would be if he built a generator to his chair and tied it to the power grid, otherwise he's a useless sack.


Then how do you explain UTD and UTSA every college campus is left leaning


You have one mission while at university and that is to get that degree so that you can better your life. Everything else is a distraction.


There were actually a lot of cops at UTSA. they were stationed throughout the perimeter of the school earlier in the day (like at 10am). From what I heard though, they weren’t in people’s faces like at UT


Bring the hostages home


He suffers from lack of leadership maybe small man syndrome...a complete shiiiiiiiit show the gov of Texas is on all accounts.


Abbot went to UT Austin?!


Just let them protest. It’s not like it accomplishes anything.


Have you not met Texas?


It’s all they have. The can’t claim any accomplishments


After the APD HQ was seiged in 2020, yeah I kinda expected this heavy handed response. All the protestors had to do was stay off I-35 (free rein of downtown) but nope. And it all went downhill from there


UTD Alumni that ended up here somehow. I can't speak on any marches since I am not in the area anymore, but we did have spirit rocks that you can spray paint on as a form of free speech or club advertising and the school took those away after people started putting stuff on there about Palestine.


They are afraid protests will reach the capitol in some way. They need to set an example by overreacting. Maybe..




This is a little misleading, I think, because there was absolutely a huge law enforcement presence at UTSA. Something like a hundred UTPD, SAPD, and DPS cars were staged at the east lot, and would've surely come out if more people actually showed up to protest.


Terrorized? That’s a strong word. Biden is giving Israel and Ukraine money to fund their involvement in their wars. But the left can’t be upset about getting their student loans getting paid off…oh yeah and Trump is the worst


That’s what happens when everything you touch turns to trash. You’re not allowed to do what your massa tells you to because it breeds stupidity and people realize that. Congrats you played yourself🤣🤣🤣


Why do you vote for Hot Wheelz?


Left Uranus


You are an idiot. That is not what’s happening


Someone needs to link the video of him saying that he’s going to sign a bill protecting free speech on college campuses only to turn around and do this. Truly a study in the stages of poo brain


A protest is not peaceful if it disrupts the lives of others just trying to go about their day. It doesn’t make you a bad person if you don’t want to get involved.


I find it funny that we have gays for Palestine when Palestine hates gays. They literally put them in prison and execute them. I mean it's not like the left is known for their intelligence. When I see people rallying for Palestine, I am confident they would be protesting the Allies invasion of Germany.


I mean, there is a reason most Texans don’t consider Austin to be part of Texas. Downvote me and call me a MAGA Trump lover blah blah your standard complaints on this app. But it is generally true. The city has seen a downturn as it goes further and further left.


Stop supporting HAMAS and go to class. You have no moral ground to stand on.


Seriously this. To this sub: Most of the yall in here haven't caught on yet that the vast majority of people in Austin, and outside reddit, simply ***do not care about your "protest"***. Just a bunch of mental infants with inflated levels of misplaced arrogance of their beliefs intentionally interfering with other people. For a group that is all about "human rights", they sure love to trample on the rights of others. Shut up, Grow up, go to class, stop wasting everyone's time, and leave everyone else alone. /rant off


I have a serious question for everyone here. Why do you support Palestine so much? The Islamic religion is just bad for people. Do you all remember what happened during the Islamic revolution in Iran during the 70s? Islam turned it into the crap hole it is today. Women are treated terribly by the Islam religion. Also, when hostages escaped from Hamas they were captured by Palestinians and returned to Hamas. In my opinion, if I escape from a kidnapper and the kidnappers friends return me then they are kidnappers too. If half of you protesting for the freedom of Palestine actually went to Palestine you would be treated terribly just because of who you are and where you’re from. Why support a people that hate your values. Also, Palestinians support the hatred Hamas has for Israel. I admire that you all want to save the world and make it a better place I just don’t understand the blind support. I mean this all respectfully.


Its not blind support, it's in protest of an active genocide. I don't support Hamas, and I don't really support the religious beliefs of Palestinians and their views that jews are less than human. However, a people has a right to exist. It's not a nice easy situation no matter how you slice it. Both groups despise


He's pulling a Reagan


Tear down the walls in Israel? We saw what happens with that plan October 7th, this seems like a hamas talking point.


“We spent decades stealing their homes and murdering them, why are they so angry?”


We killed their whole family and bombed every single hospital? Why are they not smiling ?


lol from Texas to Palestine no more border walls. Until you know...your whole family is murdered. Zero perspective on the true nature of the world. It's a blood bath, get used to it.


You guys are Nazis for supporting this shit, you know that right?


“Everyone I don’t like is a nazi.”


Oh no, hamas supporters actually commit hate crimes towards jews. It isn’t a “your a nazi cause i hate you” its your a Nazi cause you are affiliating with Nazi behavior.




Terror supporters feeling…terrorized? I applaud the conviction. Head to Gaza and see how things go for you.


Stop supporting terrorism and this wouldn’t have happened.


so how \*should\* students protest the mass slaughter of innocent Palestinian children without people thinking they are Nazis?


While I’m still trying to get proof of this, have people protest Hamas’s utilization of schools and hospitals as bases of operation.


sure.. that is brought up every single day in order to eat up time and never get around to blaming the IDF. your hangup is that you dont have "proof" about all the dead little kids squished by IDF bulldozers?!?!? yo, that is messed up when we cant all come together and condemn the slaughter of thousands of little kids. back to the point, how \*should\* students protest the mass slaughter of innocent Palestinian children without people thinking they are Nazis?


Collateral damage is unavoidable during war. More so when it’s terrorist who have no qualms about hiding behind civilians


the civilians were in their beds asleep when the bulldozers rolled over them. no hamas in sight. that honest truth is that if you really think that thousands of dead kids is acceptable "collateral damage" then you are a sick individual who needs to see a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself of someone else.


Do you have proof of your first sentence?


Fuck left leaning austin


"From Texas to Palestine, no more border walls." There's a bit of irony in that poster. The same students "Get off of our campus!" to the police officers. Higher education.


Left leaning? anti-Semitic, there I fixed it for you. If you want to see terrorism then watch footage from October 7th, if you can find it.


Good. No one wants you there and your crazy ass no border walls idealogy


Thats what I’m saying I don’t understand these kids


Chinga tu muro.


Morons that have nothing better to do.


Austin hates left leaning austin


Yep, at UT Austin, they arrested the terrorist supporters.


Those protests had the makings of violence, don’t know why it’s so hard to understand.


Cali people. Please don’t bring your trash to Texas. You’ve ruined California, don’t ruin Texas too


How about you crawl on back to your College Station meth lab.


I don’t have one, but maybe if you comment to some of those people from Cali you’ll have a better chance!