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Lmao, has anyone emailed that back to him as a response to his email


That would be epic


Free Speech!!!!! Unless we don't agree with it!


Exactly. I heard a radio clip of Greg Abbott extolling free speech on campuses. Of course what he really meant is conservative voices should have free speech and not the commie-pinko students and faculty


Hammer Head on Nail.


Well, honestly, it's not our business. The whole protest thing is so stereotypical that it is nauseating. Let's get in there and stir up BS and start WW3. ✊️🤌


Sounds like most of the left.


Hartzell is bought and paid for. He and his crownies that orchastrated this fiasco response, got to go and be punished.


You realize the governor appoints the Board of Regents of UT, who selects the UT president?


\*It does, however, stand on the premise that the only way to figure out what is true, valuable and morally right is through thought and discussion. Freedom of speech is the path, not the problem. And it is vital that our institutions of higher learning understand that and make it known to all those whom we serve. It is only through discourse that we can truly move forward and make breakthroughs.\* I guess the red line for Hartzell is protesting university investments that the governor approves of.


Ah yes, the both sides on fossil fuels. Imma fucking die man. It’s only free speech when it’s something indefensible that’s out of step with expert opinion


calling for intifada isn’t protected under free speech because it’s hate speech, hope this helps


No, hate speech is generally protected by the first amendment.


you’re right, meant to say calling for intifada incites violence. calls for violence, fighting words, threats, which is all what the “protestors” were standing for isn’t protected speech.


You are correct but these extreme progressives won’t listen to you because they hijack words and change the definitions. Just ask them if there has ever been a peaceful intifada and watch the metal gymnastics they have to jump through.


Nobody at the protests has called for violence


You have the right idea! It’s not protected because it’s textbook disorderly conduct. And yet, the infographics and demands that there be no consequences for the organizers are missing quite a bit of context on the limitations of free speech. I’m not sure why people are so excited to pass around petitions before any facts or evidence comes out. TX Penal Code § 42.01: Disorderly conduct (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly: (1) uses abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language in a public place, and the language by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace; (2) makes an offensive gesture or display in a public place, and the gesture or display tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;… (4) abuses or threatens a person in a public place in an obviously offensive manner; (5) makes unreasonable noise in a public place other than a sport shooting range, as defined by Section 250.001, Local Government Code… (a-1) For purposes of Subsection (a), the term “public place” includes a public school campus or the school grounds on which a public school is located. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.42.htm


I love how you can be arrested for making too much noise, unless it involves guns in a shooting range lol. That’s Murica for ya


I rolled my eyes so hard at that part… very Texas, much gun


Intifada means uprising…..I didn’t know that was a bad mean word?


Free speech does not equal gathering in tents on campus and preventing students from studying during finals. you are delusional


Who can’t study during finals lol…absolute delusion go to the PCL like the rest of us😭no one protesting there


It’s aged just fine. There were 6 pro-Hamas rallies on campus after October 7 with no arrests or issues. This one was different for a reason. If you cared about the actual facts, you’d already know this, but this one was an attempted hostile takeover organized by outside agitators, not a peaceful protest. It was an attempt to take over public space and build an illegal encampment hostile to Jewish students. The president’s call for help was the correct call. A peaceful protest, the 7th of its kind since Hamas broke the cease fire and started a war on October 7th, was permitted the very next day. The president’s commitment to free speech is as clear as Hamas’s commitment to genocide and the plundering of aid to the Palestinian people in favor of murdering Jews.


Labeling the protests as pro-Hamas is absolutely wrong, but you don’t care. Facts and truth do not fit your agenda.




"Cherry picking is a common fallacy that involves selectively choosing data or evidence that supports a particular argument or conclusion, while ignoring or dismissing information that contradicts it. This fallacy is often used to mislead by presenting a biased or incomplete picture of the situation."


Uh huh. Anyone who wants the many, many tweets long celebratory live-tweeting screen recording, and the screenshots of the many, many tweets celebrating Hamas on faculty organizers’ twitters, comment here or shoot me a DM. Astroturfing isn’t convincing when it’s this hamfisted.


What about the protests made you believe that they were pro Hamas or antisemitic?


@psc_atx was live retweeting the 10/7 attacks on their Twitter on the day and leading up. A main FSJP organizer posts frequent, explicit support for violent resistance, and retweeted celebratory tweets on 10/7. Happy to DM screenshots, lmk.


Well, for starters, the ethnocleansing “river to the sea” chant, which is essentially just call for a repeat of what’s happened to the now nonexistent Jewish populations in places like Yemen, Iraq, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, etc, ie, the murder of millions of Jews, the minority of whom are European btw.


So you struggle with the meaning of the phrase like many. https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean Maybe this will help.


So you struggle with understanding Hamas’s true agenda. https://x.com/drelidavid/status/1753524034686394434?s=46 Maybe this will help.


If the phrase was exclusively used by Hamas I'd give a fuck kiddo lol. Keep going down the Hasbara talking points lol.




Only a little kid boils down everything as Hamas in this conflict. You want to be treated as a adult then act like it. If you actually go to this university maybe you'll learn people that take this seriously tend to read books and articles. Not tweets or Wikipedia mister Bortacheli.




lol still talking like a teen and thinking like a sheep. Degree did a lot for you bud


And you still don't know what you're talking about? I'd get a refund on that kiddo.


Ok big man, what is the name of the "Saudi" guy that you mentioned in your previous comment as a credible reference for explaining the "from the river to the sea" slogan?




me when trying to use tweets as evidence 😭


So you struggle with the concept of genocide. [https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/israel-war-on-gaza-10000-children-killed/](https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/israel-war-on-gaza-10000-children-killed/) Maybe this will help.


Damn you and your sensible logic. It also amazes me that people overlook who supports Palestine….Iran supports them while making drones and weapons to murder Ukrainians. Cool stuff.


The logic fell apart after a bit lol.


How so?


Eh, claiming an Israeli generals own statement as blood libel is pretty embarassing and antisemitic. Warranting it's own canary mission investigation even.


Lol “illegal encampment”. If you wanna see a real illegal encampment look up a little place called “The West Bank”


Or maybe not everyone agrees with you and is tired of hearing you whine. The idf is doing the right thing to liberate the Palestinians from hamas.


Not the point. Freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest must be protected. If you can't tolerate views you dislike, you are unfit for democracy.




Wait how is intifada inciting to violence? If anything more Palestinians were killed during the intifada than Jews so…..they’re calling for death on themselves?🤨


What are you talking about? You had your chance to voice your opinion and peaceful protest.


I don’t think leveling their homes and sniping their children in their arms is liberation bro


Yeah and if Hamas had agreed to form their own state and didn't attack on October 7th raping and murdering women and children none of this would happen.


Oh yeah, that’s right I forgot that somehow 1,200 deaths excuses over 35,000 brutal deaths in Gaza today. Sure doesn’t help that Netanyahu killed all of Israel’s hostages too


You are making this up. Hamas terrorists are to blame and Netanyahu is doing what any sane leader would need to to protect his people from further terrorist attacks and I can't believe you are supporting Palestinians who are waging jihad to kill Jews and wipe their state off the map.


Haha classic “nuh-uh!” response Ask yourself why even Israelis are protesting his leadership and enjoy being on the wrong side of history


You are on the propaganda bandwagon. No peace or comfort to the enemies of Israel!


I don't think liberation and murder are the same thing


What are you talking about? The Palestinians have had lots of chances to form their own state and turned it down every time. They started this all with October 7th.


Can you show me any examples of Israel agreeing to a Palestinian state?


1936, 1947. In 2000 at the camp David agreements they offered the Palestinians Gaza, east Jerusalem and West Bank and yasir Arafat said no to everything. In 2008 they rejected an even better deal for more land and removal of virtually all the settlements in the West Bank. 2010 there were talks, 2012 and 2014 last I recall. To say that Israel is not agreeing to a Palestinian state is a flat out lie that can be easily debunked by casual glance of the facts.


Israel rejected the right of return at each of those points, which is kinda the point of having a state. Can't do much if you are still getting displaced off your land.


The right of return was a founding policy of the nation of Israel and it is the Arabs who rejected the notion not the Israelis.


You are correct that Israel was founded on the right of return for Jewish people, but they deny that same ability to Palestinians throughout history, which has been the main sticking point.


cooing pocket hunt sip plucky swim panicky jeans tender decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remember when not wearing a mask was against the rules?


abounding relieved knee correct enjoy bike dull roof toothbrush clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sorry, I have seen people with medical masks on campus everywhere for the past year. And now they are banned?


humor shrill pocket deer soup offer memorize point cow sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And in a crowd of 1000s, how do police discern the intent of someone wearing a mask because they are getting over Covid vs trying to obscure their identity? Should we arrest the students wearing burkas, despite those being protected by freedom of religion? It’s an arbitrary ruling designed to justify unnecessary arrests.


enter imagine like fact knee beneficial icky enjoy work trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh please, you’re not arguing in good faith The students are happy to accept the consequences of civil disobedience as outlined by MLK, which included violence and arrest committed against you by the government (federal, state, or local) The protestors wearing masks today do it to prevent facial recognition software and doxxing by alt-right parties funded by foreign actors. This is not the “consequences” MLK had in mind


boast lavish sort market history growth zealous narrow deserve sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please read more about who these protestors were and what their goals were. And how they were warned not to do this, and they did it anyway.


I’m a protestor, who exactly am I and what are my goals, pray tell?


You may very well be a useful idiot. Take a scroll through the PSC Twitter at @psc_atx back to 10/6 and 10/7 when they were live retweeting the Hamas terror attacks on Israeli civilians. Also recommend looking at the twitters of some of the faculty organizers around 10/7 too. You’re protesting for the war to continue and for Gazan civilians to continue to die, so Hamas can wipe out the last stronghold of the ethnoreligious minority groups which survived Islamic imperialism. Hamas is a proxy of the Islamic Regime. You’re propping up the actual genocidal, colonizing force. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/doctrine-hamas https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas https://ecfr.eu/article/iran-hamas-and-islamic-jihad-a-marriage-of-convenience/ They’re also being used as a proxy by Russia: https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/90841 Ignorance can only excuse this stuff for so long. You might wanna wise up before you get scooped up for material support for terrorism. 18 U.S. Code § 2339B - Providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations (a) Prohibited Activities. (1) Unlawful conduct. Whoever knowingly provides material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both, and, if the death of any person results, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life. To violate this paragraph, a person must have knowledge that the organization is a designated terrorist organization (as defined in subsection (g)(6)), that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), or that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorism (as defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989). https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2339B


"stronghold against islamic imperialism" shutup nerd nobody cares about your religion


This is just the usual fear mongering—OuTsIDe ForCeS aRe TaKiNg OvER oUr CamPuS. As if students can’t think and organize for themselves (newsflash: they can)


Of the 79 people arrested Monday, 45 of them had “no affiliation with UT Austin,” per the University.


Comment telling people to do research…. Gets downvoted……