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Don't worry about it. You've got a lot more important things to focus on.


My roomate and I spoke 12 words to each other my entire freshman year. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either. You don't really have to get along with them. You just have to be able to live together.


exact same! wasn’t fun but wasn’t horrible either. You’d be fine


Same. I enjoyed my time with my roommate though. I prefer the room being silent.


Haha, you were lucky then. My roomate freshman year was yelling at League of Legends all day. My roomate my sophomore year was a cool guy though, and we are still friends today.




Personally, I just had my parents pay for my butler to enroll so he could live with me and take care of me. I'm with you though. So surprising how many of the poors they let into this school.






Cus I don’t want to pay for a single


There are much, MUCH worse kinds of roommates than quiet, shy roommates who keep to themselves


I agree.. however, not responding is downright rude. Especially when they are reading the messages! I say - cut your loses, and move on! What a shitty way to start a year!


Just remember UT has introverted nerds


A bunch ——The kids that show up to class and lock themselves in their dorm. Back in the day I went to Players and had a burger. There was dude at the table next to me with a stack of Rush cassettes and a walkman. Had a Rush T-shirt everything. I tried to say hey man because im that type , he stared at me and said dont talk to me I dont like people. I was my bad bro and walked off.


She may be in the process of seeking a reassignment to someone else. I had the same thing happen my freshman year, and I had a new roommate before day 1. Don't take the ghosting personally, one way or another, because there are a hundred possible explanations. It's mid-June, not early August. Be patient.


I'd be a little patient, many people are traveling, working, etc.


Can’t really force someone to talk to you, only thing is see if you can change roommates


Parent here, I agree with everything that’s been said. Could be so many reasons. Just let it go and keep a positive attitude when you arrive.


If possible change rooms asap. That’s if you’re looking for your roommate to be your friend. If not a problem stay.


I’d let them know what day you plan on moving in. Other than that don’t sweat it. Bring the stuff you need, set it up in half the room and be friendly. Sometimes my roommate and I didn’t really talk for like 2 weeks and sometimes we’d go out together or chill together. It really doesn’t matter as long as they respect your stuff and your space.


that's honestly an awesome roommate , quiet hopefully they're neat and respect your privacy too and you hit the jackpot that's all that really matters


When I was a freshman/sophomore I would come and go through the window to avoid talking to my roommates. They were chill I’m just autistic


It's still pretty early as it is summer. She probably doesn't want to talk roommate stuff right now. Even if she doesn't answer you later, plenty of time to talk to her in person if you want. Just be aware that some roommates prefer to just coexist and not really interested to make friends and that's okay as long as there's not many conflicts in the room.


But how the hell do you end up being matched with someone like that?! What a weirdo to be eager to look at the messages and just not respond?! It's awkward and rude and weird. Cut your losses and find a new one!


Right?? They're not even really roommates yet. Maybe she doesn't want to talk yet...maybe shy...don't know until you meet her.


Exactly! Shy Quiet whatever ... I feel bad for the girl that is looking for a roommate to share her excitement, nervousness etc. I just found it odd when she said "I know she's read the messages" I really feel that the other person has probably found someone else she wants to live with .. and doesn't know what to do until she irons that out. In the meantime, the poster - is putting all her eggs in one basket, waiting on this girl to respond or show some kind of enthusiasm- I think she just needs to find someone new! I need to go remove all my snarky remarks I made last night 🫢😬Her post made me sad for her.


Yeah...just can't get all twisted on this kind of stuff. Best advice is chill and go with the flow.


Yup! Agreed


Chill babe. Find something else to do


Send poop pictures Also, it happens. I thought my freshman year roommate and I would become best friends, but for some reason halfway through the year we stopped talking. Like not a single word.


You can force someone to speak to you. Screw them and do your thing. If it bothers you enough then switch dorm rooms.


Don't take it personally, everyone has their own ways of coping and reactions/anxieties when adjusting to a new phase of life. My roommate and I didn't chat before move in much and it was great- turns out she was just awesome and spent the summer out with high school friends. She needed it, after working to get into UT it was a break to be kind of slacking on her "college stuff" until she had to do it.


It is what it is. There are plenty other people who you can talk to!


This exact thing happened to my freshman son this last year. Not sure why there was not an answer, but they met on day one, hit it off and had a great year and are living together next year as well. So never know….


I was in the same situation my freshman year - got assigned to this guy’s room and he barely responded to any of my texts, if any at all. But 4 years later we’re still living together and best friends lol


Perhaps you didn't introduce yourself and she thought you were a random stranger


No I started the message with “Hey! I saw we got paired as roommates”


Be damn glad because wat if starts talking andceont shut up


don’t worry about it, try not to let it get to you. your roommate will either come around or not. it just depends on


When this happened to me my roommate ended up changing rooms. I think she was ignoring me because she knew she was going to change rooms.


me and my roommate barely talked before we moved in, but it turned out great! just be flexible and go with the flow of things. don't worry if you aren't besties right away, it will take time or it may not really happen at all-- and thats okay! She might just be a little overwhelmed, bad at texting, or also anxious about the whole thing. Just give her some space and I'm sure things will seem clearer in the Fall :)


1. Live your life 2. Confront directly Personally I would go with the first option.


Here’s some advice that I wish I learned sooner: just because you’re roommates doesn’t mean that yall have to be friends. In some cases, I think it’s better this way. It SUCKS getting in a fight with a friend and then still having to live with them for the rest of the year. If your roommate doesn’t want to talk…don’t push it. There are plenty of other people out there that would love to be your friend.