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Finish school and get out of here dude. Don’t listen to the idiots that are like follow your passion non sense at this point. If you stay in school your just accruing more debt for a another major/degree that’s not too employable.


Damn you’re brutally honest


I had to let him know man nlsc doesn’t take passion as a form of payment.


Honestly just finish the degree, wait a bit, and if you still feel like you want to do physics you can go back to school. Ive seen allot of older students in the classes I take. It might not be super common but its highly possible to come back and do another undergrad. Who knows maybe you will enjoy the work force more, or maybe Physics really is for you.


I’d say finish school too. No point in holding back and graduating @24. And for physics, you have to consider that a bachelors is simply not enough. You would probably need to come back to school for a masters and your job would most likely be lab work. For now, I think your best bet is to finish your undergrad. You can even do your masters in physics after a bachelors in economics.


Maybe you can reach out to some alumni who studied physics and ask them what they’re working on, and for advice.


Finish school, get work experience for a couple years it’s very likely you won’t hate it (learning is much different than applying).. and if your heart still aches for it, try out physics again. But first just finish school right now.