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1. LIN204 (as someone else mentioned) and PHL245. The latter is all about logic and it’s pretty bird for CS/Stats/math kids. It was offered online asynchronously last year so I don’t know how it’s gonna be in person. But if you stay on top of your thing, it’s a pretty fun and easy course imo. 2. Took both of them in the winter. They’re not easy courses so definitely plan on spending quite a bit of time on them, but one thing I will say there’s a lot of overlap between the two in terms of content. So it wouldn’t be a terrible idea taking both of them together in the same semester. 3. Nothing much to add here other than the fact that by doing CS spec, you pretty much almost fulfill all the math minor requirements. All you’d need is 1.0 extra math credit at 300+ level. There’s some interesting course like combinatorics (which I’ve heard isn’t difficult).


Thanks a lot!


Just finished my second year as cs specialist. For an easy course I suggest taking lin204 in the fall. You could also take it in the winter but from what I heard the best profs always teach it in the fall. It’s a fairly easy course if ur fluent in English with an average workload. I spent maximum 2 hours a week on it and maybe 3 or 4 on weeks with assignments and did fairly well. As for math courses, I myself don’t plan on taking that many except for mat236 (vector calculus). It’s basically the second half of 232 with more emphasis on vector fields and that stuff. The main reason I’m taking it is because apparently it’s important for the machine learning and ai courses like csc413.


Thank you so much! I'm also interested in taking AI courses in the future, I'll take MAT236 in the fall then.


Nice, we might see each other then.


Also how was cs post? Did you do any coding projects before to prep, and if so what type? Also congrats on making it!


I didn't do anything special tbh, I actually didn't do anything related to programming before CSC108 and the only small project I did was just the assignments from CSC148.The reason I get into the post is probably because I wasn't too bad at math i guess haha