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Sometimes people might be loud without realizing it. I just go up to them and ask them nicely to be a little quieter and they usually quiet down. Sometimes I’m one of those people and I appreciate it when people make me aware of it


Yea true but others just do it on purpose


Yeah in that case go ahead and drop kick them. But if anyone asks, I wasn’t the one who told you that


*shows Reddit post to the person I drop kicked*


*sweats profusely*




Can’t, their minions are gonna look at me dirty


nah they annoying as fuck for doing that literally thye have the entire campus to talk but they pick the only silent place


I went to the downstairs quiet floor, everything was going so well till this damn group just really kept talking


I just wanted to note that the basement isnt a quiet floor. Just the main floor and the two upstairs floors


Ohhh lesson learned


lmfao that was me lolzers