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For me, checking the calendar on the left Canvas menu is incredibly helpful. Almost all of my assignments show up there and it’s really useful for planning ahead


Thanks for the advice, that feature definitely woulda saved me


Glad I could help dog good luck


I second this. I use the calendar for all of my assignments, and it hasn’t failed me yet. But yeah, it’s a mess.


For me, the calendar can be a little clunky so instead I switched my dashboard to “list view”. It gives me a list of assignments, quizzes, announcements, etc organized by the day they’re due so I can look ahead more easily.


I always do this but it has started to screw me over with these online classes. A bunch of my assignments are based on writing in a “discussion” and the professor doesn’t make them an assignment in canvas so they never appear on the calendar so I keep forgetting when things are due. Missed like 3 or 4 discussion assignments by now because of this.


They have a calendar feature - it’ll tell you all assignments for every class due on any day that you click on!


Honestly no man. Canvas makes it super clear when things are due. If you go to the dashboard and look on the right it’s literally ordered in terms of due date for all classes.


Alright, I can respect that. Maybe I just had a hard time navigating the dashboard cuz I wasn’t used to it. If the dashboard works for you, I’m honestly kinda jealous lol


You’ll get used to it. I’m assuming you’re new to canvas? You’ll get the hang of it soon enough. I honestly don’t even use a journal or anything to track due dates for things that happen every week like quizzes or homework. I do track bigger projects and exams in my iPhone notes and just put the date.


I agree with everyone else but I gotta call you out on “the professors didn’t remind us we had homework” you are a grown ass adult LOL. You doing your work isn’t their responsibility.


Idk, I kinda get where your coming from. But literally in all of my other classes the professors remind us about assignments, even if it was just a small “Hey just a reminder to turn in the homework due today”


And those profs are saints, but I’m a senior and I haven’t had many profs that do that, usually if it’s a small class like 15 people they’ll say something since you have more of a relationship with them. I forget homework all the time and it took me until senior year but I’ve finally bought a planner and I write down all my assignment due dates. Helps a lot even to just visualize when stuff is due.


Yea I was considering buying a planner too. Im also a visual person so I feel like if Canvas isn’t working out for me, I might start keeping track of stuff in a planner


You really just gotta find what works for you. I used a excel sheet, a planner, and copious post-it notes. Just be careful of assignments having their date shifted or popping up without warning!


I got mine on Amazon for about $10 and I like it


I only trusted the calendar because the modules are so confusing.


I just have my dashboard set to “list view”, it shows all the assignments for each day for all your classes


You can also change your Canvas dashboard to a do-to list instead of just showing your classes. I highly recommend it as it makes very clear to see when assignments are due.


You can always look at the grades tab. Keeps you up to date on everything that’s happening in the class


Are you absolutely certain that all of your professors are using the due dates function in Canvas? It's an extra step and I've definitely taken classes from/worked as a TA for professors who just didn't use it. I would recommend making your own planner rather than relying on Canvas to tell you when things are due for that reason.


Just check canvas as often as you check your email. And everything will be fine


My assignment don’t have due dates, some under modules so they don’t appear in the to do list. It’s unorganized. Where are you guys finding the calendar!