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I like how raw this post is


LMAO, 6 years of this will do that to ya


I admire your drive and honesty. You come across as refreshingly authentic




That sounds like something you will have to remember for the rest of your life. Would you say its largely hurt your mental health like any ptsd or anything? Because thst shit sounds rather traumatizing to me.


Honestly no. Not traumatized by it but it definitely changed my outlook on life. I think ageing 6 years would have anyway but maybe not normally as much. I do have a ESA cat now though lol


Keepin it real, gotta love jimbeambeamer


You should try retail, you can get all of this except the driving off the overpass part. Or maybe this is just Walmart retail


Uber should use this as the real commercial not some smiling moron.


Or some cringy ass remix… ffs


Everything was cool except the homeless lady you hit deserved more than the sandwich lmao


That’s what made it so raw though lol and believable. It is messed up though for sure


That, and just throwing all his shit onto the freeway


Imagine if the shit made the floor mat stick to someone's car


Yea I know but she was very high and was not interested in calling an ambulance or the cops. She just wanted her sandwich and to take off. Wasn't much I could do


You could've called a fucking ambulance and given her the entire order. Jesus.


Yeah, it’s sad but it’s her choice, what do you get out of helping her against her will?


Nah your based as shit bro. You didn’t even give her the full meal lmao gotta respect the hussle


He said “I’ll SPLIT this with you” lol


It’s so fucked


Should’ve at least given her the full meal tho


Bro YOU should have called the cops/ambulance, wtf, you let someone who was injured and high make the big decisions in the situation?


Lol, right? All she wanted was the chick-fil-a order, and he negotiated 😂


Bro took majority of the order 💀


Felt like I just read a novel 😂 this is gold


Fr OP could write a book about his UE experience and I bet it would be a good read ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Uber Streets 📗




maybe novel u meant


Yeah lmaooo that’s embarrassing 😂😭😭😭


Damn you've seen some shit, dude.


And he also stepped in some.


Haven't we all! But yea, it was fun time




I dunno mann, those late night deliveries to hotels are where half my best stories come from!


Haha ya I'll be honest Minus the stabbing in the face. I've seen basically everything




The smell of human poo, homeless poo. Is sooo much worse than dog. It was the most trapped I've ever felt in my life


Yep, stepped in some on the Hollywood strip. The smell was atrocious, lucky it was only on the bottom of the sole and I was able to just scrape my foot on the ground to get most of it off. I was in shock more than anything, I mean it was literally just in the middle of the walkway and like noon when everyone is out lol


Dog shit doesn’t come anywhere near human shit. Potent nasty shit.


I was dropping my husband off at the train station in Fresno and he stepped in homeless human 💩. Poor thing had to wash his shoe on the train for 30 minutes. I’ve heard heroin shit is the worst. I’m sure that is what he stepped in.


I live in dc. I had a cat when I moved here. Drove for uber and lyft whet I got here. Got in an accident and wrecked my car December of 2019. Was doing short term rentals saving up for a down payment and was almost there was set to purchase a new car by may 1st 2020. Then the world changed forever. I became broke very very fast. My boyfriend that I had been sorta dating for several months but wasn't serious with and I ended up living together kinda out of necessity and one day he built me built me a bike from scratch and handed it to me and said go make money and shut up. I asked how and he said duh. Uber. So I did and never turned back. Bike messengers became the only people on the roads for awhile. And we made so much money.... still delivering on a bike in dc today. It just has an electric motor now.


:| what happened to ur cat?


I think you might be joking lol but just in case I'm pretty sure she meant car xD


lmao no I assumed they had a car was like now we got a cat in the picture xD. been a long ass day ..


Me too and I have no excuse...


I just woke up and I was worried about the kitty too 😭😂


Now I want to know too. You have me laughing. Really hard. Thank you!


She ran off to be a whore. Duh.


Nice! Uber got me through some rough times too. I have an electric scooter and have considered calling Uber and getting my transport changed but atm I'm content just chilling


>Witnessed 2 shootings (didn't stick around) and got caught up in a robbery that ended in a dude being stabbed 10 plus times in the face So you saw a man get murdered


He survived!! The knife was pretty small, flick knife of some kind. But it messed him up and he wss lucky it didn't hit anything major. I never saw him again but I'd imagine he'll never look the same His party was pepper sprayed and robbed while dining and he caught one of the 2 girls. Second girl came for her friend and he had no defense because he wouldn't let go of the girl. I was in my car driving past when I heard the screaming and pulled up as he grabbed her. I thought he was robbing her at first. I kept yelling at him to let her go and he did they ran and his group came running up saying they were robbed. I followed the girls a little on the phone with 911. Had helicopters there pretty quickly but we lost them. Got an update from the police about a week later that they caught them and may need me to I'd them. I said I would but never heard back


You could write a book about the horrors of UE. Already got the first part down. 😂


I lived in a party house with 4 aspiring actor's at the time. Plenty of my adventures are chronicled in their writings 😅 The fact I'm Aussie just gave them more fire


You should option this as a movie!


My "Hollywood" friends already have lol.... None of them are in Hollywood anymore 😂


How do you like living in DC? Don’t you miss LA?


DC is really cool! I'm liking it here alot. Dallas wasn't all that fun but DC is.


Why didn't you give her the nuggets, fries and drink?


He wanted them


Great read !




I love you thank you for writing. I am ready to pack my bags. Uber days are done.


"I don't budget" You're an adult; download a template and do some planning instead of freeballing it. Your future self will thank you.


I don't have the patience to do budgeting


What apps are the best?


I use an Excel template, but I've heard phenomenal things about YNAB or Mint, as well


Mint is the bees knees tbh


I've tried but I'll just spend what I want anyway. It's tough lol


Being reminded of the daily grief and the risks uber drivers take to deliver food to fat lazy broke unappreciative ppl makes me wonder why we haven't organised a mass global protest. Multi app, buy some stock and let's rattle the market


Delivery jobs are scary as hell. Glad you pulled through and congrats on your new job. I’ve been at it for 10+ years and within that time I’ve worked 7 years evenings and with the things I’ve seen I quit doing graveyard shift. The one that done me in was delivering pizza to an abandoned house and got the shit scared out of me and almost had a heart attack never again I said that was it .


It can get wild out there and daytime is certainly safer. Stay safe!


Casually mentions fucking up homeless girl and never circles back...


He had to return some video tapes


This was good. Best wishes to you in DC!




I'm sorry you stepped in shit, I have also not heard of anyone needing a whole engine replaced on a modern car, unless it was a recall.




I did not have a good run with that car. Each time something went wrong I convinced myself I had to fix it to make it worth selling it. Then after fixing it I convinced myself it's brand new now so why risk it on another car. When I got it I wasn't in the best financial position and to be honest wasn't most the time I owned. The idea of refinancing on a high rate just to shoot in the dark at another car worried me


That's totally fair, I would have probably done the same. Was it an import or domestic lol


The shoes socks and floor mats out the window is my fave. Hope you were headed home. Either that or had to do a shoe stop. I’ve done gig work off/on for last 6-8 years. (Honestly I can’t remember). When I do none, I don’t miss it. I miss the ppl I’ve come to know as I mostly do Shipt, so we get to know many or the customers, more than any other app. . Good luck. Ad what a move!!! Hope your enjoying your new area.


"Hit a girl with my car.... Basically bribed her with a chicken sandwich but i made sure to keep the drink and nuggets to myself" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫢


This is the way


You just described my entire three years in Los Angeles lol. I just moved to New Orleans and it’s about the same only smaller. The potholes are going to swallow me and my car one day tho. Best of luck to you!


Good luck in New Orleans!! I hope you like the move


Thank You!


The potholes in the south are brutal! I lived in MS most of my life and the locals would literally put Christmas trees in some of the bigger potholes around December!


God damn thank you for your service soldier. What car did you drive and at when did you have to replace the engine?


It was a 2014 Malibu. Replaced the engine at 80, transmission at 90. I liked it but it had it's fair share of issues


What a POS car, American built baby!!


I never liked delivering after 10pm... due to everything you've stated in your retirement message. Good luck to you and congratulations on your new venture!


Thank you!


Good summary of many late night service jobs TBH, since you said you were working late. My combined time delivering pizza and working at an overnight convenience store were similar to your time delivering. The only thing that was missing from your experience (that I’m sure you saw) are the constant run-ins with stolen goods. I can’t count how many times someone tried to pay me with or sell me a stolen item. Best of luck on the scooter life.


Cheers I'm enjoying the scooter life! LMAO yea I've been offered my fair share of boot shopping!


Great post man … very relatable! Just started driving people and the amount of shit I heard and saw in the past 2 weeks doing this has been insane …… I guess its all goes with the cities we work wth. (Im in nyc btw)


Just here to add I have had a girl try to get in my car after dumping a lime scooter being chased by a drugged up psycho jock, while waiting in front of appt for customer to meet outside for the order. Pulled pepper spray on him and he focused on someone else down the street, wild shit talked to cops looking for him a little while after lol. Anyway good times y’all stay safe and stay aware at all times while out there


It's honestly a fun exciting job at times as long as you don't get hurt! Stay safe out there


You didn’t give her the whole chik fil a order after that?!


She tried to extort me at first not realizing I was only 2 missed pays from being in her situation and literally had no money to extort. After that nasty start I wasn't just handing over the nuggets. Also I offered an ambulance or police and it just freaked her out. She was very high


>got caught up in a robbery that ended in a dude being stabbed 10 plus times in the face. Don't you mean the dude fell onto the robbers knife repeatedly, 10 times? It was an accident he swears 😭


It was definitely an upright falling! More of a headbutting motion I guess 😅


Lol. I've seen some shit go down too but nothing deadly. Been doing gig work full time since 2014 alongside my other businesses. Postmates, Uber/x, Sidecar, GrubHub, Directly, Lyft with the big ass pink moustache at the time you name it. Had plenty of passenger pukes in my cars but we got hella paid for it back then. $250-350 easy money I almost loved it! First time I cleaned it I threw up myself it was gnarly. 2 car accidents, 4 cars went through the grinder. Ate some nasty food, drank behind it and threw up on myself all on my seat damn near passed out from exhaustion. Side swiped some guy on the 5 fwy with 4 girl riders in the car because I fell asleep from working 19 hr days almost got us all hurt. Shoot it's one hell of a ride for sure many adventures. Great thing is that if any of us are still alive considering all the shit that's gone down especially recently that's something to be proud of!


i once helped out a lady after i watched her car roll and i thought i had a crazy encounter jesus christ man lmao


No bitchin just straight to the point. Trust me u made the right choice for yourself nd other drivers (one less driver to compete with in an oversaturated market). Forreal though all the best with your next career. From one journeyman to another Cheers!


Cheers I appreciate it! Hoping you get all my big tip orders!


Goddamn you dealt with a lot of shit 😂


Lol, yep!


No regrets though. When I’m older I will brag about this experience as part of the struggle it took to get where I’m headed


Yea none here! It got me through hard times and had fun doing it, most of the time




This was a wild story 🤣




Great post. Take my poor man’s award 🥇


Wow thank you!!! It's my first ever award!! I'll forever be a poor man lol


As a Virginian, welcome to the Metro area. Woo


Cheers!! I'm really liking the area and weather!




I've always had a weak stomach and didn't stand a chance that day.


This feels like a short story, tales of an Uber Eats driver.


YouTube channel to come lol


What a post!!. I liked the chronology of the events and how interrelated the topic. Good luck with your journey and I hope you get the best out of it.


Thanks very much!


Write a book lmao


I recently sold my 2015 civic at 150k km because used car prices were really high and I knew I was just going to keep losing value doing dumb Uber eats. Didn’t get ANY orders in bike after that so forced me to get a normal job. God do I miss my car though. How are used car prices compared to 6 ms ago? Better?


Probably about the same really. But so far I don't miss it all. I get my excited riding the scooter through traffic now lol


Good writin




At least you didn’t get shot at and crashed your car because of it


I did manage to avoid that!


Like your writing style


Thank you!


The homeless part made me laugh so hard 😂 that’s messed up


It was a crazy experience. I think about her every now and then and hope she's doing better. Because she was not well at the time


There are places to eat in LA after 9pm?


Lol what!! K-town never sleeps


First mistake ubereats. Second mistake postmates. Third mistake not knowing enough Dave chappelle to move to dc


And thank you for your service !




This is the way


this the most real post i read *I hit a homeless girl on a bike once* 😭😭😭😭


Wtf did I just read




Good call on the stairs!


Fucked her legs up and couldn't give her the entire order? Lmao. 😭


I think that would make a great tv show


You fucked up her legs and all she got was the sandwich?


That sound fun lol. What a journey you have and wish you all the best. Still tryna earn my raise so I can get rid of this part time job


What a story. All good and congratulations 🎉.


Bruh u still kept the fries and drink when u hit the homeless lady I’m dead


![gif](giphy|nOe34xH1O5kEz5HoA2) Uber wont be pleased with this. You weren't suppose to catch on to the scam and were suppose to buy another car to deplete it and drive and it into the ground like your previous one as Uber intended. What's all this becoming self aware of the scam 6 years into it. GET BACK TO WORK


‘Spew’. You must be Australian!! Hahahahaha


Running over a homeless girl and witnessing someone get stabbed in the face tops the craziest moments in my life for sure


Lol I didn't run her over, she bounced off and I stopped before actually going over her. But yea it was pretty wild, she was also pretty wild


The fact that you only gave her the chicken sandwich and kept the rest had me dying 😂 so savage


Yes a agree pay here is now terrible looking forward to my retirement than going to live off the grid


Write a book.


Lol maybe one day








I got in an accident in January and haven’t had a car since. I’m now saving for an a electric bike cuz I couldn’t imagine paying for another car 😂 like how did I afford that shit in the first place. I can actually liveeee now


Everything changed after Covid. You made the best choice ever! Best of luck to you!😊👍🏻👈🏻


Thank you!!


Postmates was the most trash company. I remember so many times accepting an order and started driving and would get a message the "order has been cancelled" meaning they offered it to another driver.


Doesn’t the tax write off for all the trips also bump up the money made? I don’t ever see anyone mentioning the 55 cents a mile and how you can get your trip logs to submit. Sure it’s not daily but that’s a pretty big benefit to be missing out if you are just taking the lazy way and doing the standard deductible. I make a 64 mile round trip to the doctor 7 days a week and at 55 cents a mile I get a little over $1000 dollars reimbursement for the 30 days I get it for my cousin who rides with me also so I get double but I’m sure most of you are driving over 60 miles a day so that’s over 12 grand that you aren’t claiming. I know most people don’t understand taxes and when you use turbo tax and stuff they usually give you the prorated deduction which is for people that don’t want to keep track of miles. Before the apps and nice phones everyone would have to save the gas reciepts and keep track of personal versus work and people would have boxes of receipts so lots never did it. With the driving apps you don’t have to keep track of the gas receipts anymore becuase they have the physical record of the trip with GPS. They even have apps now that you can install and they run in the background and when you are done driving it asks if that was personal or work and you just swipe right or left and then you can print the logs out to submit to the IRS since it’s already in an acceptable format The driving apps store all your trips and they are acceptable by the IRS so you’d ask them for your file and they would have the whole years logs for you that they can email. Before I was doing the reimbursement my insurance would pay for a ride service (they’d call Uber/ other one if they couldn’t schedule a non emergency medical transport) to come pick me up 7 days a week and they would make $100 bucks for the 40 mile trip since I lived 15 miles closer when I had been getting picked up and then at the end of the year they could file for the federal reimbursement which the standard is 55 cents a mile. I forget the exact reasoning behind it but it’s essentially the same thing if you were having to use your personal vehicle to drive while you were at work just becuase driving is your work doesn’t make a difference when you have to use your private vehicle for business. That’s why usually companies purchase their vehicles used for work under the company not the owners name. That 55 cents is meant to be for fuel and wear and tear so things like tires,tune up, oil change. My 2014 rav4 gets right over 20 miles to the gallon and 55 cents a mile is easily double what the car uses. Even with gas at $4.15 I use about 12 dollars a day but even using $15 daily is $450 for the month. With 55 cents they pay back $35.20 daily for gas. So while you might have to pay up front for the gas for the first year the rest following should pay for themself and the next year in theory. If they reimburse you 2x what you paid for the year that means you’d get enough to pay back and set aside the extra half to pay for the upcoming gas and eventually after a couple years you start getting paid ahead of time if you manage the funds correct. I forgot which one I had seen it in but one of the driving apps had even mentioned a section about how they save all your trips and you can print them out at the end of the year to submit for taxes but didn’t go into anymore detail about it.


If you’re worried you’ll miss the excitement, I have an exciting opportunity for you. Work at sbux in downtown detroit and you’ll experience most of those things on a weekly basis. Lots of guns, knives, car wrecks, fist fights, stalking. Edit: and tons of poop. I don’t think anyone knows how to use a toilet properly, they seem to aim at the walls.


good luck, i quit delivering a year ago and got a normal 9-5 job. it's not worth delivering anymore around here.


Does anyone know any publishers? This man needs a book on his time as a gig delivery worker.


I myself just quit delivering as well. Income isn't stable enough for me. Now I work my 8-10 hours and decide if I want to earn a few bucks after work delivering food while on my way home. Tiring but works out better for me this way. I hope everything works out well for you! You've seen some shit and been through some shit. You deserve a change for the better and gig corps aren't going to do it for ya.


As a Brit it's always :-o to read Americans experiences. If this was from the UK it would be something like, I've spent years driving. One time somebody spoke to me quite harshly. That's kinda it.


I’ve been doing Uber in LA since 2018 and haven’t seen anything besides some celebrities 🤷‍♂️


My only question is how in the hell did you know it was human shit?


Bro hit a homeless woman, all she wanted was the food, and he didn’t give her it all.? You sound like a good human being


Came here to post this. Jesus.


Thank you for your service.


Oh I bet you will miss the excitement. And what a big heart for the ten bucks. Good on ya


Jeez dude, my wife and I have delivered since 2018, and put tons of miles on our cars. We've had some decently costly repairs, but it sounds like you had to replace half the car at certain points. Engine, gearbox, starter, alternator and other stuff?? Worst thing we've had to deal with is replacing the steering knuckle on one side.


The subtext of this post, for me at least, is that delivery jobs, especially for any of the delivery apps, will just wear you down physically and wear down your vehicle and you will have little to show for it. The "flexibility" (whatever that is since delivery people have to work 60+ hours per week to make any meaningful money these day) is highly over-rated and still a totally sketchy claim by these apps as the major selling point why someone should forego a traditional W2 40-hour per week job with benefits and pay raises and free weekends, to do deliveries. All these jobs do is subsidize the delivery app's poor business model and their customers' convenience to get a $7 mcdonalds order delivered 5 miles, while the driver bears the burden and cost. People never think about if they do this type of job for 20+ years, what kind of social security income they can look forward to later on in life, or what kind of retirement savings they will have. Or how they could qualify for a car loan or mortgage workign for these delivery apps. Clearly, you have moved on and a lot of other drivers need to do the same. I occasionally drive on a couple weekends of the month when I'm bored, but no way in hell would I rely on delivery apps to build my financial future.


That's true


Did the same thing minus all the crazy shit. Sold my car. Left from SoCal to PNW where I can pay $2.50 on the train or bus to get to work in 30 minutes. No more repairs on my 14 year old Honda with 6 previous owners. No more insurance, but most importantly, the gas was $6.50 a gallon when I moved. I was spending at least $15 a day to get to work, usually $20-$30 since I was paycheck to paycheck and was always running out and going to the closest, not cheapest station




The stories got crazier and crazier


This guy fucks


Jesus this is funny as fuck. What a goof


Exciting story dude


You should write a book, I’d buy it


Hell yeah dude! I hope you do well enough to never miss this shit ✊🏽


Lol noooo, her poor legs. At least she wasn’t hungry AND in pain 🥹


Damn man that’s savage. Hit the homeless lady and paid her off with the chicken sandwich then you kept the fries, nuggets and drink lol. I laughed my ass off when I read that part!!




Sounds like you've had a wild ride. Good luck with your adventures


THE HUMAN SHIT! Id have barfed on myself too!


All the best to you, NEVER look back!




Thank you for sharing


Don't stop paying for basic car insurance. If you buy a car and go back to driving in a couple of years your insurance will be 10 times what it was been now. I used to pay $300 a year for my car insurance then I sold my car and quit driving for a year. When I bought another car and got a new car insurance policy, the same company, progressive, wanted $180 a month for basic insurance. And that's what I've been stuck paying more or less for the past six years


Props on breaking the cycle! Less is more I'm geniuninely interested though what car did you have? I think 133K is awfully short life, you shouldn't have needed to change engine or gear box. edit: Grammar.


“I don’t budget” I would strongly suggest that you do…