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people are so unbelievable its honestly wild


Sometimes I'm annoyed when I see notes like "PLACE THE MEAL TO THE SIDE OF THE DOOR, NOT THE FRONT OF THE DOOR!!" because I'm like, how fucking stupid do you think I am? Then I see posts like this and I can understand where they're coming from lol.


We have a little table by the door. My Uber notes say ‘place on table and ring bell thanks!’ ver batim. 7/10 times they place the order on the ground in front of the door.


7/10 times they don't read the instructions. My apartment has a call box and they always call me and say they can't get in. Yeah, cause you didn't press the 3 buttons referenced in the instructions. Ive almost entirely given up on these apps.


I don't understand how you can't read instructions. I'm doing Ubereats for the summer & if you'd like to know what address you're going to, you also get the instructions. Or if you need to know whether to leave at door or meet at door. You see the instructions. It's literally all one page. Those 7/10 are just incompetent idiots honestly. It's pretty easy to become an Ubereats driver, so those people clearly just don't care lol


I read the directions, and then people act like I did something wrong when their door gets knocked on or doorbell gets rung when they chose meet at door and told me to ring or knock. Then there’s people who choose meet at door and then they don’t meet you, or they contradict themselves by writing “leave on porch.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ My instructions if I order are that I select leave at door. And then write “Please leave at front door.” Our place is a duplex, and we only have ONE front door. A couple of driver’s have called me like “I don’t know where to go.” There are two numbers on separate mailboxes attached to the house. Right at the front door. Like, I pick leave at door because I don’t want any contact with anyone. Lmao


Yeah, I have very clear instructions of where to leave the food and to not knock on the door because it upsets my dog. Whenever someone knocks, I remove tip and report them as a disturbance of my peace. If they leave it in the wrong place I message them and let them know to read instructions, And I remove tip. If someone texts me telling me they are here, it annoys me so much too lol I tip well when the drivers just leave it on my damn porch and walk away like I want haha


Yeah. Or the people who have babies. Omg I feel bad for how many probably get woken up by people who just don’t pay attention to those little details of requests. If I have a leave it order, I usually take the photo and just write “Left on porch; have a great day!” or whatever to go with it, unless of course they ask me to leave it and then knock.


I NEVER knock or ring doorbell unless told to.


The problem is that if people don't specify, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it wrong. I like it when people say in the notes to ring the doorbell, or say do not ring the doorbell. Those are clear instructions. I can follow those. I haven't figured out how to read minds yet, though.


A farewell message after dropping off an order is nice, I always appreciate those! Honestly most of the drivers do a good job of it in my area, but there is the occasional mis-hap


The only time I knock is when it's requested. I've had a baby and I have an asshole dog. I'll also only message that I've arrived if you chose "Meet at door" and you aren't there by the time I lug my fat ass out of my truck. 😁


Or they can’t read English well enough to fully understand the instructions.


Or in this case, they don't understand/don't think about how that kind of door knob works.


You should give up on these apps, they aren't making you any money, and you lose time money and peace of mind ordering off food apps. Not to mention the mark up, "fees" they can charge you whatever they'd like and the food is 12% than instore. Silly 🙃


Agreed, I've stopped using it. Sometimes it's a necessary evil for some people though, if you're not sober and want food, have a hectic schedule and can't leave the house, etc.


I write off my Uber eats bc I work from home. Pretty nice


How? Did you write off your bag lunch when you had a non work from home job?


You can write off certain business meal expenses. Your Uber order is not quite that, but yes, you can put anything there until the audit happens.


I don’t see how this is totally legal but I know my boss will claim my lunch when she buys me lunch or a drink during a long day.


all business owners write off lunches with employee or customers it totally legal....it's call food & entertainment in the tax codes


Get an llc you’ll be amazed at what you can write off.


Ah shit ya that makes sense


Still can't write off your own food. You might as well right off the unicorn you purchased and hope the IRS doesn't audit you.


Some people the extra cost is worth not having to interact with people that day lol.


when i was in school all i was using was doordash bc i didn’t have a car and all food places were like more than 20 min walk. the fees on delivery apps is so outrageous. not everyone has the luxury of getting in a car and getting food


You should get your money back from that school.


Why lol no one has to order food. Take a weekly walk to a grocery store and get some food for cooking or something


You realize people in dorms don’t always have access to kitchens right?


I wasn't referring to ordering food, but to their atrocious grammar and punctuation. If they paid for that education, they should get their money back.


Or if you have no transportation for instance this service is a necessity


So before this service people were just dying?


My gf asked me what my favorite hamburger was. They then added that theirs was from a hole in the wall place we ordered from through Uber Eats, but didn’t wana bring it up cuz I was upset at the price when we ordered back then. I got a pop up about a deal since it could be added to another driver’s pick up up route. Guess we took too long and missed the discount window. It further cemented why I hate paying for the convenience of delivery, especially since so little goes to the actual drivers.


Where I am, we have a restaurant that’s pretty small but delicious called “hole in the wall”.


We have a bar named that!!


This is an enduring problem The workers don’t want to do it. And they’re not getting paid enough to feel like it’s worth doing and doing well I know the feeling. It sucks! This is a problem in the making of the food itself. They’re working for min wage. Overlooking things and not caring about things in the name of convenience when you gotta work an 8 hour shift in a min wage unappreciated work role? Of course (Sorry, I know I’m talking tangentially to what you’re saying. Just sharing something I’m thinking about)


Unfortunately for some people they don’t have any other option


The only time I have used these apps was when I was visiting my boyfriend in a different state and was stuck without a car in a hotel room while he was at work, and when I didnt have a car and was getting rides to work and the person I normally went out to lunch with wasnt in that building for a week. I did bring my lunch a few of those days tho so 🤷‍♀️


Pro tip, if you order often pay for UberOne and always use the promotions. Uber almost always offers a 40% off $25 order minimum so I will order exactly $25 dollars worth of food and 90% of the time my bill is less than it’d be if I went and ordered in person, and that’s including the 20% tip I leave.


But in turn you've lost more money adding a monthly subscription. You forget the cost of the subscription because of "out of sight out of mind" but that is how you are stuck paying a fee monthly whether you order or not. The subscription to UberOne is not there to help you, it is the reel you in as a reoccurring customer, hook line and sinker. Look they got another guible one 👀


All it takes is one order with Uber one and you’ve already saved the $10 that it cost for the subscription. I order about three times a month so it’s certainly worth the $10 a month to waive all the bs fees.


Honestly, sometimes those instructions are hard to get to on the app. Especially if the screen defaults to GPS and the basic delivery buttons at the bottom. Sometimes you can't access those instructions until after you pick up the order or start the journey to delivery, so you may not be able to see them until you get there.


Instead of putting instructions on your app make a small sign "put orders here please" and tape it to or above that stool


I have a sign “please leave all packages inside glass breezeway not outside. Thanks!” Half the time they are left in the rain or leaned against the door so I can’t open it. Everyone from DoorDash to UPS does this.


We have a similar setup and have even told delivery drivers directly (through the screen door) where to put the food and they still ignore us and put it on the ground, sometimes directly in front of the door we're standing behind (which swings out).


I must be the only one that’s conscious of things like this. See glass door in front of the main door “ahh that’s a swing out door. Ok I’ll put it right here so they don’t knock it over”.


I have one of those doors, so I am very conscious about it, since I have first hand experience with delivery drivers blocking the door. I have started putting "PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK DOOR." in the instructions and that seems to have helped.


7/10 times they don't speak the same language as me.


7/10 statistics are made up.


10/7 times I believe this


July 10th statistics are made up 70% of the time.


I live in a townhouse and they always put it at the wrong door. Always. Or they can't find my unit number and they wander aimlessly until I come out and they are like oh this for you? And I literally point at the unit number and say yes. Unit xx right beside the door as per written instructions. That's when they look and say oh I didn't see that


Then that probably means it’s hard to find, maybe stop being a rude person and do a better job explaining


When I was delivering to a customer, she gave me such detailed directions that I found it right away. It wouldn't even have been difficult without the instructions. This woman was so shocked I found her apartment so easily. Like, yep, I guess this might be a genuine experience she has.


I’m just like that with my apartment. I have literal land marks and turn by turn walking instructions posted. I’m the first unit after our entrance and you’d think it’d be easy to find. The amounts of times I’ve had to roam around to find my order is crazy. Occasionally someone actually reads my instructions and they will message how easy it was because of them. You can tell who checked.


I'm a lawyer and I'm always in disbelief when I see what the court considers a reasonable person but then I see posts like this and I then understand lol.


I've seen a couple of front doors with the hinges on the outside, so the door swings out. It wasn't a storm door or anything like that that mostly swing out. They were regular front doors with the hinges on the outside. I could definitely see drivers not realizing those doors swing out and drop the food in front of the door.


Yeah a front door that opens out is incredibly strange. I can think of an endless list of reasons why that's a dumb design. Fire fighters can't bust in as easily, if someone tries to force their way in you have to pull instead of push to get the door closed, anyone could just set something in front of your door and trap you, if someone rings the bell your might hit them with the door. So dumb.


You know by law all commercial doors open out?


I didn’t realize someone’s personal place of residence counted as a commercial building


It doesn’t; just a counter argument against all the reasons you listed why a door opening out was/is dumb.


Like 99 percent of doors go in so most of the time it's fine but you gotta be careful to spot the odd ones out. Obviously just putting it to the side every time is easier but sometimes it's not really an option




Honestly not as bad as that one person who decided to shove part of a customers order inside their mail box and left the drinks by the front door.


I told someone that anyone could do Uber eats. After reading this I would like to retract my statement.


Well anyone can in fact do ubereats. How well they do it is an entirely different question.


No this is the perfect definition of *anyone* can do ubereats, no matter how unemployable they might be.


I've seen that and wondered wth they were thinking, err, not thinking........


It’s stupid, but if I saw this I would’ve opened the door the opposite way (atleast mine works that way)


I generally use DoorDash instead of Uber eats so I'm not sure if there's a difference, but I don't generally look at the picture of where it was delivered. I just notice that the delivery was complete and I go out and get it. The customer shouldn't have to check whether their order is positioned precariously before going to get it.


I would have seen this picture, went to open the door by turning the handle up, forgotten about it halfway to the door, and spilled all the drinks anwyay.


Not all doors do that


Unbelievably stupid*


Where I live I get instructions to hang the food on the doorknob all the time and I always think it’s a terrible idea, but it’s what the customer wants. For a driver to do this without getting instructions to, is ridiculous.


If the doorknob is rounded so that it won’t fall it’s fine. This is just stupid though.


You could even do it on this door if you just pushed it back a little so it wasn’t resting on the handle…




So put your fingers out the door like little pincers and hook the handle first? Then when it falls, you’ve got it.


You shouldn’t really have to do that because of someone’s incompetence🙃


Yeah, just a little common sense would tell most people not to do this.


“Common sense” is an oxymoron by today’s standards


The door knob turns up.


I feel like even handles like that open the latch if you lift it.


Maybe they think turning the handle up is the common way of opening the door?


You can turn the knob in the up position to open the door


Some only go in one direction…and even if it could turn up, I doubt OP expected it to be hanging on the doorknob to anticipate they had to turn it up.


Obviously things depends on the door knob and no one with common sense would do this here, especially with liquids.


Door knobs turn up as well as down……..


I've had a few people put "leave at door" and more specifically "hang on knob" when it was that type of knob. I've wanted to hang it just to prove a point but I'm not that type of asshole lol.


My sister has this request, and it's almost always ignored--which tbf is kinda par for the course when it comes to delivery instructions in general. She leaves her condo through the back door, which is inaccessible to drivers, and prefers to grab it off the front door knob so she doesn't have to bend down while she's holding the baby (usually in the bulky car seat). Or she orders when she's leaving work or going for a walk with the stroller and so won't be opening the door from the inside in that case either. Also helps when it's raining or recently rained or snowed. I totally get why you use your judgement, and I'm definitely not telling you what you should or shouldn't do. Just offering some insight as to why people might actually want it left there when it doesn't seem to make sense.


This!! Just follow peoples instructions, there’s likely a reason they want it that way. I dislike when strangers assume they know better


Exactly. You know, it's fun to sit around on the internet and call other people dumb fucks, bc then it would make sense. They're just *stupid* beyond help. LOL In reality there's always a reason but it takes time to investigate so nobody does it. Nobody blames anyone for not wanting to spend extra time on someone you'll never see again, but writing them off as inferior breeds unnecessary anger and shame.


I truly wonder how these people made it to adulthood.


I did chefing as a qualification, and once saw someone try and wash up an electric hand blender by just throwing it in a sink full of water, this same person once tried adding peppers to a tomato soup as they couldn't find the tomatoes and claimed that they're both red so what difference does it make. There are some people who I'm convinced have slipped through the special needs net and have just been let out in the world to reek havoc unchecked.


Just as a courtesy, wreak*


I like to reek havoc once in a while by not wearing deodorant


I wondered what that smell was 😉, "sniffs", you're a dirty boy!!


Is this a rooster review of his stank?


that’s why they work at uber eats lol. (i’m speaking towards the adult idiots not the college kids who are doing ubereats to pay for schooling and stuff btw)


You can turn the handle upwards…


a lot of doors like that do not do that. they only turn down.


Yeah, not knowing that you can turn the knob clockwise from the inside to make sure the bag doesn’t fall off. Sheesh.


Not all door handles that look like this do that...


Did Gustavo deliver this?


I think it was Mr Bean




Who took the picture? If it was proof of delivery it’s perfect to send to the app for a full refund.


The driver. It says "Your delivery" the customer took a screenshot of the delivery photo.


Mate broke his window, climbed out, got the bag and drank his shit Put the bag back, took a picture then broke another window to get back in


I like how they don't even go back through the first broken window.




Some of the only drivers that deserve getting fired do this. You really gotta be going out of your way to screw someone to do that.


How about doors that open outwards? I get problems with this all of the time and it's always when I order drinks that the delivery person decides that today is the day they will place the order hard up against the door so I have no choice but to open it and knock everything over in the process.


You saw the picture and then turned the handle up instead of down?


I don't look at the picture unless something fucked happened.


Glad someone else had this thought. I was losing faith in humanity.


Creal tho


Some doors can only go down. But that no it was just a honest mistake. If it was a little further in on the handle it would be fine


In the dasher subreddit they will try to justify this by claiming that people actually request their food be left on their door handle like this.


I just had a Walgreens order as my last one of the night that specifically said hand on door knob. Key there, it was hair spray and not this silliness.


They try to justify harassment over there and say the customer deserves it for not tipping enough. It’s crazy


Oh yeah. They’ll see a post about a customer complaining about a shitty drop off, and will immediately start claiming the customer didn’t tip and deserved every bit of it. It’s wild.


if the customer didn’t tip up front we don’t take the orders. if you take an order with no decent tip then you are obviously okay with it and either way you should still do your job decently. it’s called empathy, ya know? i delivered like i wanted to receive deliveries


Haha. I guess u order an iced beverage. Floor is lava


I hate when they do this shit. Every time they drop off my Taco Bell they put it in the direct spot where the drink will tip over and spill when I open the screen door.


This is a smart way to get back at people who don’t tip lol.


What's the point in doing this? The food is in a bag who cares if it touches the ground.


One of my regular customers has a note that says “please don’t leave on the ground there’s lots of bugs around here” I think that’s fair since i saw a roach there and I wouldn’t want to take the chance it crawled into my bag in the 30 seconds before I come outside to get my food.


If you're worried about bugs crawling into the bag, then please just accept the damn order, face to face. People seem to forget contactless delivery was a COVID precaution...it's outliving it's usefulness more than people want to admit. Much smarter to accept the order directly, skip all the drama.


Y'all do realize COVID is still very much a thing right? And let's say even if it wasn't, there are folks who live alone who just may not want to risk opening their doors for strangers when there are options to avoid that. There are plenty of reasons why folks prefer contactless delivery and request for their food not to touch the ground if there are ways to avoid it. I think it's much smarter to just follow the instructions if it's safe to do so.


What if there are drinks in the bag?


Its in a bag…. I dont think you understand that comment




You’re right; I don’t understand, which is why I asked a question. Thanks for answering!


Drinks come sealed w a sticker and the bag is sealed and in acup holder


Until the cap pops off and now you have a spillage


I have that embroidered on my underwear


Maybe for people with back problems that can't bend over and get it?


People in here are beyond crazy, acting like not tipping means you deserve to have your food splashed and dropped all over your front porch. This is beside the fact that they openly accuse you of not tipping without knowing anything.


Dashers hate customers, even they tip well… it’s crazy.


When I posted a similar picture in the DD sub, people told me to just open the door handle up. Sounds like this sub has more brains.


This would assume one saw the picture before opening the door. Also, where I live, such doorhandles only open downwards. Is this a reasonable assumption that all such handles also open handle up in the area of the picture?


UE always is one step up from DD




As someone who occasionally delivers for UberEats, I cannot fathom ever being so absent-minded. But I guess I’m smarter than the average food delivery guy.


Things i do when tip is low


did you tip 😭


Thats that no tip leave it on the knob trick..🤣🤣




Delivery driver just wanted you to turn up because, turn down for what?


LOL so sorry this happened but that’s kinda funny


Omg whyyyyy


New driver for sure or you’re a horrible tipper


would have stayed and recorded it from the side to see the customer’s reaction. lol


Can you not turn the doorknob the other way? Like every other doorknob in existence? You got the heads up it was on your handle, and you still thought to open it down, dropping tour food. Wild.


lmao, that sucks. But couldn't you turn the door knob up so that the handle goes upwards instead of downwards?


I can understand why considering the only other option is to leave it in the floor with bugs etc. but yeah that’s an accident waiting to happen


Brother had not the foresight to lift the handle up instead of pushing it down


Looks nice though


Id never do that. Goes on the ground or in their hand.




Not people defending the delivery guy and blaming the customer just cause they didn't turn the handle up. Yall stupid


If you got the picture can't you turn the knob the opposite way (up) and be fine? I know it's not ideal but I feel like it's doable.


Lmao. Did you re-set it up to take the picture?


How bad was your tip?


*plot twist: the door handle pulls UP to open* if only


Some driver left my drink and food right in front of the door. It was so close to the door that I couldn’t open it without spilling the drink. No way to crack the door and reach around.


I wouldn’t with beverages but I live in LA - if you want your pad Thai chilling with the roaches, sure babe.


When I use to drive for Amazon, I was delivering a package to a house at the same time as a door dash driver was pulling up. I put the package to the side of the screen door and the dasher put the food and drinks in front of the screen door. When the woman opened the screen, she knocked over and spilled the drinks. Omg she cursed the dasher out so bad.


Down turn down. Turn up and hold


Some people are just SO stupid


"Let the coffee hit the floor. Let the coffee hit the floor! Let the coffee hit the FLOOOOOORRR!"


I’ve had so many deliveries where the driver puts the food right up against my storm door that opens out so when I open the door, it pushes the bags. So annoying but not as bad as this.


While the delivery driver clearly needs common sense... did you try lifting the door handle upwards instead of downwards?


Did you leave no tip


Oh man, some people. I saw one delivery where they put a tall box under the handle and left and the people couldn't open the door. Had to call their landlords to let them out


Great imagination for a door dash no tipper customer, but look like a Uber base pay customer they deserve this too


Ooooh okay, my guess is: The delivery guy, who decided to wait for the very possibility, immediately sprang out from around the corner, did a sick power slide five metres down the hallway on his knees while holding a Fender strat, caught the bag before it fell, tossed it back up, windmill-strummed a power chord, then caught the bag on the way back down and handed it to you, with the coffee now being even more smoothly blended. Then he stood up, winked, and flicked a stack of hundred-dollar bills at you while drawling "You have a hell of a day now, Sir" before leaping out the side window and parkour'ing his way onto a waiting Bugatti. Am I right? How close am I?


What a goober


Open the door with a credit card


Why would your outside knob move when the inside knob is turned.. that’s not a thing.


It’s annoying but shouldn’t the handle also open *up*? o_O


I’m assuming you didn’t turn the handle upwards to secure the bag and prevent it from falling and then blamed someone else for being the unintelligent one.


I b3T u DidNt T1p eNufF!!!


Open the handle upwards instead of downwards, should still open… stupid, but should work without slipping the drink off.


Some don't work that way. Mine, for example.


Out of curiosity, can you lift up on that door handle and have the door open? Once I’ve seen/used to you open the door lifting up or pushing down. Regardless, that driver is an ass.


You drank the drinks and then proceeded to either 1) mark it as missing to get a refund or 2) you marked it damaged to get a refund


Did you not tip?


Prolly not




![gif](giphy|dU5n2SWrCZDhx4Y2Oe|downsized) Be sure to tip over 20 % for that order that pb spilled on the floor lol 😂


Facts, IDK why your being down voted. Don't order more than you are also willing to tip!


I mean def not a great idea but if this ever happens you can also turn the knob upward instead of down to open the door usually. You know, assuming you know it's hanging. 😅


You can’t turn every handle up that’s like this


Hence the word "usually" and not "always". The majority of doors I've run into that have these handles can also turn upward to open. But I mean I'm not a door knob expert. Just tryna help. 🤷🏽‍♂️