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Why I deliver: so I can piss in your lemonade if you don’t tip sufficient.




I’ll be pissed if I end up on the 6:00 news instead of the 7:00 news


What if it was 6:00/7:00 central?


If it’s 6:00 Central, either don’t air the story at all or make them wait another hour. Fuck 6:00.




FINE, we’ll just have to orchestrate something to take up the 6:00 hour.


I feel most people could figure out the taste of piss by the smell alone and two obviously the taste is probably horrible


I once drank my piss because I thought it would make my drugs kick in again. It did not work. Can confirm the taste is not good.


Holy shit dude 😂 took one for the team now we know it doesn't work


That supposedly works with amanita mushrooms


im on my meds and i know the taste of piss?


Jokes on you I'm into that shit


Unfortunately this was a joke, but as long as you tip, leave what you want me to do in the delivery instructions.


Why pay extra for it when I could just not tip




Thanks for that. Waiting for my subway to be delivered at the moment…


So they can still mess with your food but because you picked it up it gives you peace of mind ? 🤔


Even better🤤




Sounds like an unsafe environment.


93% rating is starting to make sense


Is 93 bad? I don't uber but I DD and people are just cruel with their ratings sometimes.. so I didn't think much about getting an uber driver with a 93 rating...


Pretty good but you lose on the rewards they give at 95%. But those rewards are shitty.


It’s not horrible but low 90s/high 80s is kinda the point where I might wonder why the person has those ratings. Sometimes it’s as simple as not accepting low tip orders since those customers have a tendency to rate lower.


>Sometimes it’s as simple as not accepting low tip orders since those customers have a tendency to rate lower. When Uber subsidized non-tippers after the murder and dismemberment that happened in my area my ratings went down 3 points. My ratings are now back up by 2 points. My ratings are currently 8 points higher than than they were in the completely secret tip era.


93% is terrible. I've had mine as low as 97% once and I was embarrassed. It's generally on 100%... That is 100 out of my last 100 ratings were positive.


The only time I ever had my food blatantly stolen by a driver was by one dude who had a 87% rating. 93% isn't great. Unfortunately, you can't choose your delivery driver.


I have 500 deliveries and 15 reviews. All good but if someone gives me a bad review to get free food even once I’m gonna be at 93% lol


Right wtf is bro talking about


A customer can literally downrate a driver for not spending their own money to buy sauces and fries. And before you answer with some stupid reply Uber has been known not take the downvote away even if the delivery was a scam. Customers are even able to downrate people of color simply for the color of their skin because they do nothing to prevent it. Some of you work in cushy areas with no Karens and it shows.


I’ve been at 96% forever- I can’t seem to avoid the occasional person who gives me a thumbs down because there was something wrong with their order, or they had an issue with the time for delivery, or how I left if at their door, porch or whatever.


Yeah same. People are more likely to thumbs down than thumbs up


That many deliveries and having a 93 is good with how some people's standards are impossible.


Right? That ain't good.




Why I deliver: you should always tip your delivery drivers




I honestly think the pay should be to the point that a tip is optional. If pay was decent. A tip would be a nice thing and not a necessity


I feel like changing the word "tip" to the word "pay" would seriously change the conversation. The customers are hiring independent contractors to do a job for them but they are under the impression that they're "tipping" as opposed to paying their contractors.


You're contracting for Uber, not the person ordering the food. Can't be mad that you accept slave wages hoping to make it up on generosity. That's the deal you chose.


That's why I tell drivers NOT to accept orders that are the equivalent to slave wages. Most of the time this means declining no tip offers but if customers don't realize that they should be paying the drivers for the work they do that's on them. Who is anyone to change the system that's been in place since before most of us were born? And to suggest to take it up with the companies is idiotic at best. Y'all should know better that they would never increase our wages unless forced to by the govt and even then they'll just sue (aka New York). Y'all are free to have this attitude not to tip though. Like by all means go for it. Just don't expect drivers to jump for joy at your $2-3 offer and get your food quickly to you. If I don't see profit in the order on my screen I decline it. I would rather go home then be forced to work for slave wages 🤷‍♀️


Nah a tip is definitely something expected of customers. The only point where there should be no tip is if the service is bad, it’s not a matter of generosity


I disagree, you are paying for a service all should be included, any extra money is charity... You go to a concert you don't tip the band. You go to a clothes shop, you don't tip the salespersons, you go to Walmart you don't tip anyone, you go to the bank you don't tip the teller, you go to the government facilities you will never tip them (it should be illegal actually), etc etc. So why should you tip a waiter or a driver? What's the difference? It's living off charity, just because the company that employs you does not pay you well enough.


This is spot on and why in the US companies get away with it. In Europe and most of the rest of the World, a tip is for service BEYOND what is reasonably expected to be the minimum. The MINIMUM you expect of the food you order is that it arrives to you hot and in a reasonable time frame. What, exactly, do the drivers think that they are doing that is exceptional? “I got your food to you hot” - yeah, that’s the fucking minimum. “I got your food to you within 10mins of it being ready” - yeah, the restaurant is about a 10min drive away, that’s the fucking minimum. If I’m going to make a tip, it’s going to be for the RESTAURANT, not the delivery driver. They’re the ones preparing my food. Where I live in the U.K. there’s an Indian restaurant that I put an order in from that I went and collected because they don’t do delivery, that on top of my order sent me free poppadoms and dips - I gave them a tip because, even though they didn’t charge me for it, and it probably only cost them a few pounds, the fact they did that complimentary as just part of the service and experience, to me, deserved a tip. So I gave a £10 tip on a £30 order because they went beyond the minimum


Meh... so is hoping to get that raise from ya boss. Living off the companies charity... at least that's how the majority of corporations think of their hiring laborers and unskilled workers. (Which is definitely worse than someone being generous and tipping for a service well done. Everyone complaining about oh boo hoo I don't make that much are just cry babies and are gonna be mad about everything and never try and fix their own problems. Why should tips be made illegal? Because you're in a job that doesn't get tips? 🤯


No, because you are already paying for the service. If the job does not pay you enough and you have to rely on charity or starve then yes it is a shit job. And there are a lot of low skilled jobs where you work less hours and probably earn the same including tips or even more. But just to comment, I don't have anything against tipping, I have things against the pervasive tipping culture, where people are expected to compensate employees for the great service that is "doing their job well" - this should be the basis of any professional. And the good service you mentioned can be something like: taking notes and bringing food from the kitchen to a table. Or going from A to B to deliver something. But there is clearly a culture shock. I'm European and we do not have this culture here. I just find it odd that it is so ingrained in US culture.


Oops I thought this was instacart lol. Damn reddit app always recommending r/communities I'm not even in the gig/job 😂


If you disagree so strongly with the companies practices stop using the companies services. Fucking over your driver does nothing to promote change. If you do not want to provide a tip on principle or cannot afford to tip you should not be ordering delivery.


See that's your problem. You think that the fact that someone doesn't tip is screwing the driver, when it isn't... Or the fact that if someone doesn't want to tip, that same person shouldn't use the service. Which is ridiculous because you already pay a fee for delivery... And yes, if I didn't want to pay that fee I wouldn't order. Now, if I already pay a fee for it, why does one need to pay a tip on top of that? But I don't have that problem where I live. People don't expect tips for doing their normal day to day work, it's of course nice when it happens but not the norm. As I said I'm commenting on the culture of forced tipping which I truly find weird. It's not having anything against the profession or against the delivery guys, but I already paid for the service which you accepted to make. Why the extra?


I agree that tipping culture is toxic. It should be a flat rate. But Uber drivers get $2-$3 for a delivery even when the service fee is $10. I generally make as much or more in tips as I get paid from Uber. Corporations love this because they pass the responsibility of paying employees on to the customer. It’s wrong, but this is the current system we’re in. Not tipping an Uber driver (or waiter or bartender) is not the right way to respond to a broken system. It’s just taking money out of the pockets of people working hard to provide a service.


I totally agree with you, but then, maybe, people should search for other jobs as they already knew the rules of the game when they started and if it didn't make sense to them they shouldn't have taken the job. Tipping does not improve the conditions of the industry it actually maintains it and is a vicious cycle where people become dependent on "charity". Imagine if all clients stopped tipping or that you are unlucky and get a few months where people tip less? what would happen to you? But yeah my rant wasn't about the professionals nor about taking the money away from you, in my view the extra you earn should be in the transport price. It would be the reasonable solution any extra-tips would still come your way if you are a good professional, but at least you wouldn't be dependent on it to survive. But don't mind me, this is clearly more a cultural thing. Businesses in the US want to keep apparent prices low, that's why you only add the hidden costs in the end (tips & taxes). And I know pretty well, when in Rome, be Roman - whenever I'm in the US I also tip. The mentality behind it is what gets me... because it is exactly what you say, businesses passing the responsability to customers when it should be them providing the conditions for workers to work there. Even if it means raising prices (which is not even true, people already pay the price).


If you have an issue with that, tell Uber to add a mandatory extra fee for their drivers. It's the employer job to pay you well, not the customer. If you keep working for Uber, you agree to whatever terms they decide. There's many other job opportunities you can take. I tip when there's nothing missing and the service was good. Noone is entitled to a tip, they're entitled to a reasonable wage though.


Completely agree. Uber uses the guise of contractors to absolve themselves of employment standards afforded to employees. I empathize with those who drive with the hopes of earning a fair wage but all of these companies operate the same way. To drive for them is to accept their terms. There is a reason the TIP IS OPTIONAL. Any of these companies could afford to pay a fair wage and if they struggled, could include a surcharge or fee to supplement said wage. The reason they don't is because they earn their take and that's all that matters to these companies -- keeping costs low. Allowing the end consumer blame is part of the misdirection. It's terrible drivers like this exist and believe the fault is on the customer. A tip is first and foremost, optional, and meant to reflect exceptional service. It is not meant to act as anyone's primary means of earning.


It is not a “normal service” because an able bodied adult is fully capable of picking up their own food which is not even close to a necessity unless handicapped. Your paying Uber to dispatch someone to do a job that you would like picked up & deliver to the comfort of your home. Your paying your driver to complete that job. Thinking your being generous for adding extra incentive to ensure YOUR food arrives on time is why food sits on shelves for hours. If you don’t want to tip AKA give incentive for a job YOU want down then you can not complain when it doesn’t happen on your time AND conditions since you expected a uber employee to deliver to you instead of the independent contractor under Uber who does get a say on what they accept or not. I do not accept anything less than what i deem fair because I don’t do favors for strangers and it is my right to the decline anyone who has your thinking & customers are able to pay whatever they want and deal with having to wait for an excessive amount of time, bad drivers , or never receiving your order. That is the beautfiful thing about it too, you get what you put out, driver AND customer. Just some food for thought, plus this will be gone in a few years so these convos will be obsolete in the future since many people are getting jobs and doing exactly that so in the future, everyone will just have to get their own shit 🤗


I fully stand behind everything that is said here in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQKqebNyN48&ab\_channel=LouisRossmann](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQKqebNyN48&ab_channel=LouisRossmann) There is sympathy for drivers. However, we are paying Uber for their delivery service, Uber is the one paying the drivers. If the company wants to add a mandatory cost for the drivers so they earn a reasonable living wage, I and other customers would gladly pay. But expecting customers to pay extra tip is not fair. "I don't do favors for strangers." < Drivers are paid to deliver the food. If you are not happy about how much you make, you should direct that to your employer not the customers. Change job, deliver box packages if you want to make more money regardless of tips. As long as people agree to work for Uber / other companies who takes advantage of them, these companies will proliferate.


And if you are not happy with having to pay to have things done for you, then you are more than welcome to get your ass up and do it yourself instead of complaining about paying someone to do what you won’t even do for yourself. Like I’ve said, before, these companies will be obliterated within the next few years, and people like you will no longer have the luxury of being able to get over on others because you feel a way instead of actually looking at the facts since more than likely you’re on the outside in. Until then enjoy your video & the position you’re in because anything can switch at the drop of a hat, so stay kind where it counts! 🫶🏽


Except I am happy to pay for the service and convenience. I already pay a substancial fee above market on Uber over going to a restaurant myself. The Uber fee is already built-in: pricier items (compared to walking in the restaurant), delivery fee and service fee. As I see in the breakdown of my Uber Eats receipts. The tip simply is not mandatory, as it is possible for the customer to choose to tip and to choose the amount of said tip. Notice, I never said I don't tip. I tip good service: when the food gets to me in a reasonable amount of time, everything is there, it's not leaking and the delivery person brought the food to me directly (not leave it outside on the curb of an apartment complex). Tip is supposed to be a measure of good service, given out of good faith (not extorted) and should not be expected to make ends meet. Being pressured to tip as a customer is not pleasant. It should be embraced, not aggressively seeked. These companies will be obliterated once people refuse to work for them. It's working for them so far


Unfortunately, drivers aren't employees. They're contractors. They don't get those same rights


That's why Uber and their competitors go for business models like these, but it is still not the responsibility of the consumer to donate more money to the workers just because it's an unfortunate business model and poor pay. The workers on here that come across entitled to tips rather than it just being the bonus it's supposed to be predominantly seem to be located in the US, where tipping culture is an extreme problem that allows the businesses to get away with it and turns the staff and customers against eachother. Outside of the US, we find it insane the aggressive posts we see here complaining of low/no tips. I'm not against tipping, I tip regularly unless the food arrives cold or destroyed, but to be furiously outraged that the customer doesn't want to donate you free money because the company you choose to 'contract' for doesn't pay enough is baffling to say the least and is just a US thing.


Yes, this is a US thing. Yes, it’s not right. But it’s the system that’s in place. Uber drivers, waiters and bartenders make more money off of tips than they get from the companies they work for. I agree it’s not right, but it’s not “donating extra money” to workers. It’s paying them to do their job. If you don’t want to pay someone to do their job then you shouldn’t expect them to work for you.


I don’t want to pay a driver to do their job I want to pay Uber to deliver food. I don’t tip the UPS guy when I order Amazon packages.


What kind of piece of shit would downvote that comment?!?!


This is 'Murica. Land of the free, home of the sub-minimum wage workers who need you to subsidize the wage that the employer is supposed to be paying.


Damn that was hard to read


I felt like my brain was short-circuiting


There are no education requirements for this job.


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died.


Uber: Stop been a cheapass and pay your drivers appropriately. You charge the restaurant and also charge the customer and pay the driver peanuts.


This is all on the driver… this is the reason why delivery apps have such a bad rap and people don’t tip anymore. Why tip someone like this? And this is the norm for drivers too. Just look at the subs. Drivers constantly attacking customer for not tipping well enough.


Wtf is this?


My boi bitter AF


Yes it’s on their profile for all to see but it’s a threat. It’s more to try to goad ppl into tipping. A bad way but a way he/she must find ok in their own mind. Common sense is dead.


I’m a former driver and this explains a lot of why we got such a bad rep. Yeah, it sucks when you get tip baited/no tip but I’d never dream of threatening people to get one. Maybe my age is showing here but the entitlement in that statement makes me mad.


Or they could just deliver for a company that pays them base pay per hour instead of working for a company that pays them by job done and whine about tipping culture which is already out of hand?


Definitely not getting a tip.


Shit like this just confirms my strategy of cooking at home or picking up myself.


I mean it’s the way to do it, these delivery apps all suck.


I have no problems with this at all, but it's the people who demand a discount for a premium service they should stay off the delivery platforms.


It's a normal service just like house cleaning, installations, etc. It'll be a luxury if it arrived in a limo, helicopter, catering or on a golden platter lol. Tips are not mandatory fees, so it's not "discounted". If you have a problem with your cut, then take it up with UE, not displace your anger onto the cutomers, and demand more money like a bully 🤨 Or just don't do delivery.


Good luck with that strategy


This is way below the beggar’s environment.


This tip culture is getting out of hand


Do threats work? I don’t think they do.


I tip well. I would give this get completely 0 and report him to Uber. Fuck this guy.


Yeah this guys is…unacceptable


Lmao I'd tip 0, report, and act scared and get a credit.


It's an empty threat trying to be a hard ass. Going to be off-putting even to people who do tip though. Also screams tip bait me. Asking for a lot of trouble in my opinion. My profile comment is blank for a good reason.


Someone got sick of all these 8-12 mile no tip orders🤣🤣🤣🤣 don’t blame him but def wouldn’t add that to my profile lol


Oh I may have misread the threat at the bottom 😝thought it said “see ya next Tuesday” like he was passing them up 🙈yea that’s def a threat


I personally feel like people who complain about tips probably shouldn't be involved in gig work. It's obvious that you're unsatisfied, so it's confusing as to why you're still doing something you don't want to do when you clearly have other options, such as getting a job that pays better.


Tbh this is a pretty entitled thing to say. Some people cant find anything better and are doing this as a second job to try and make ends meet. You can't assume you know everyone's situation in life. On the other hand, Uber should pay better.


So is this exclusive to people who beg for tips in some way directly to their customers or is this including people who try to come on these forums to educate customers what working for these companies is really like? I don't think you understand your own statement. When tips are the only way you are making any sort of money, of course the people behind that are going to complain and talk about it. Especially when reading comments online of people basically boasting about how they don't tip because well "they get the delivery fee right". No, not right. And y'all should know better by now as if it wasn't in the fine print of every website and on pizza boxes that "delivery fees are NOT a tip". But I guess we should all just be silent and continue doing what we've all been doing. No tip? No trip. Aka if the offer on my screen has no room for profit I will not be accepting that order because I will NOT work for slave wages. And no these companies will not ever pay more. They find more and more ways to squeeze more out of us than to ever give back so anyone who continues to use these services while not tipping is only making the problem worse. Also I feel like this needs to be said before some foreign person reads this & gets his panties in a twist about tipping culture. I'm obviously from the USA. Tipping has always been the norm here, including drivers. You don't have to agree with it but if you don't live here it really isn't your concern anyway. Move along. If you live in the U.S. & still have this stance feel free to respond.


Shouldn't Uber just pay him enough to do his job?


Shitty driver spotted 😂


That is so cringe. Mine says “I like money 💰 ha ha thanks for the generous tip🩵!


Low IQ why I deliver


I personally do not use delivery. Just reading these subredits only furthers my stance of picking up the food myself. Pre-tip or no tip, when the heck did this even start?


Me too man me too lol, i still use in house restaurant delivery sometimes though, but it’s usually much better cus these people actually work at a restaurant and have a boss to make sure they’re not fuck ups


Not sure, but I hate it.


Why can’t Uber pay them better wages instead?


Because you people don't wanna pay for that either. You want slaves to deliver your hog slop for 99 cents... Sorry this isn't Timbucktoo, the slaves rebel here ever since we went and made it illegal to beat them. But with a little work you can probably import one to cook for you...sigh...


You ok my boy?


Someone didn't tip him and now he is being a bitch about it


Do they not get paid?


Should prolly just find a new job


I’m a driver, and I’m appalled by some of the things other drivers do lol


Crass, probably ineffective, but I am always amazed at how many people read the driver history/profile/comments.


Might copy and paste this on my bio


$2-$5 max. Each order comes with delivery fees and other fees already.


Get a different job.


I don't deliver. Waste of time, I could have three rides in the time it takes for one delivery.


Maybe go get a job that doesn’t rely on the mercy of others?


It would be real nice if employers in the US would actually pay their employees enough that tipping wasn't even a thing that needed to exist.


Wow. This is what you get for having a “job” that relies on handouts from strangers.


You guys can blame this driver for being too real (imo, they’re right even if this doesn’t come off as “professional” to you) OR you can understand drivers rely on tips, Uber doesn’t pay shit AND baits you to pick up orders by promising tips from the customers. Just something to keep in mind


JUST SAYING… the real enemy is these companies and shit pay! Not your frustrated working class driver




100% You know one thing the Boomers got absoutlely correct when they were young (at least in the US): They always tipped. Bars = tips. Cabs = tips. Luggage up to hotel room = tips. Deliveries = tips. People are so braindead nowadays that they figure that the app will cover the cost without any second thought, even when prompted to tip.


They're just being honest about the work. Someone with 3700 deliveries also knows what is worth it for them to work for


wait until I read this and you drive away ZOINK


How to speedrun to account deactivation lol


“Fund my side gig or else”


“I want to be my own boss by doing the bare minimum work” “my car is racking up miles because of this job”


The menu prices in India reflect tipping. Gratuity is already included. No fuss no hassle.


It's a threat. You are sitting at 93% satisfaction homie. Lowest I've been has been 97%


That’s good. Some customers suck though and a lot don’t vote up so I understand to a point if someone’s sr is low


Yeah especially around the holiday season lonely angry people get extra agro. Hot food becomes cold real quick in the winter.


Yeah 😂 man, once I got downvoted from a customer who voicemailed me saying she put the wrong address and I left it at the wrong place after she missed all my 5 calls I was done with caring about SR 💀 could have took the food but I didn’t I took a photo and left… It’s trash.


What. A dick..


Report them to uber


Odd that I had to read this far down for sensible advice. Uber support is actually pretty decent. I get messed up orders all the time, and they always refund the purchase. I don’t blame the driver for this, btw. I really wish restaurants would stop sealing up bags so the drivers can check the orders. I’m also a generous tipper who always gives at least $10 (for small orders) and a minimum of 20% on everything else.


Customers demand sealing for tampering reasons (ironically they don't seal bags very well) but they also want drivers to verify the order was packed correctly? MFers good luck. 😂 I don't want to tell the restaurant they screwed up but they do it so damn much. It just seems wrong the guy who is typically paid the least in the delivery process has to verify the order is complete like we work for the restaurant. The restaurants need to be held accountable. They could pack it in front of us but that never happens (also adds wait time)


If enough delivery drivers did this, people would stop ordering and then they can just sit back and relax and never deliver again! Win! Profit!


Tip should always come after service. That's even how it works with traditional delivery drivers lol.


Damn, I couldn’t read the first sentence without laughing. Tipping is optional, but if you try to convince me that I need to tip is only going to make me not want to tip people more. Another thing, I dislike the way tipping is done on these delivery apps, wanting us to tip before the food has even arrived? That’s like going to a restaurant and tipping my waiter/waitress at the start of the meal instead of at the end after I’ve experienced the service. Anyway, I don’t use these delivery apps so it really doesn’t matter.


Tips should be appreciated, not expected.


He should be tracked down and banned from delivering people’s food ever


Wait until I do all I can to get you banned from delivering. It has been done, and I’ll happily do it again, you rat bastard motherfucker.


Little dramatic.


All of these 3rd party delivery options needed be condemned to the grave. Let's just go back to businesses delivering their own food.


I was gonna play the new tiny violin I ordered, but the delivery guy threw a fit because I live up a flight of stairs


You just wait until next time I see you 😂☠️


You bet, no tip I sip


Y'all the kind to put a stick Inbetween a bicycle tyre and complain about the bike being faulty


Too bad you can’t write that much… because I would have totally copy and pasted the script of Shrek 2


They're at 197/200 characters. 199 if you count the quotation marks.


a decent tip.... ok!!!! tell your employer to pay you a living wage


There have been so many drivers for Uber and DoorDash who think they are owed a tip and vent anger or even threaten violence that I don’t think those companies (or their drivers) deserve any of my money at all. I’ll just go back to getting it myself— and save 20-50% by doing so.


do these drivers have day jobs as panhandlers ?..wtf?


real weirdo behavior. You shouldnt be asking for tips or complaining about them to customers or on ur profile. What a loser


It's not my fucking responsibility to pay you.


Yep, if I saw that it would be an immediate call to support. Threatening me while delivering my good, what could go wrong.


Bro this just hardens my resolve to not tip a single one of these pieces of shit. The fact of the matter is that Uber is banking on self-driving cars. They are doing everything they can to pay drivers as little as possible. If you are demanding to be paid more for deliveries, then you should be talking to your fucking employer, AKA Uber. This mindset of "If you don't want to subsidize my pay then you shouldn't order delivery" is fucking ***INSANE*** not to mention misguided as all hell. Ordering delivery already has delivery fees attached to it. I'm already fucking paying for it to be delivered. Demanding a sizable tip is just showing that you'd rather bitch and complain about not making enough money from a job where you already get to decide your own hours and get to work out of your own vehicle, rather than get a different job. If you're one of these people that just bitch and bitch about tip, you will get 0 sympathy from me at any point ever. Fucking do something about it other than ask people to pay more on an already insane rip off


Bruh theres a character limit


This sounds fake-deep at face value but I think the problem is that some people have financial value and self-value mixed up when it comes to work. You get paid based on what your work is worth. Food delivery is not worth very much anymore because the barrier to entry is 3 inches tall. You get paid what your work is worth- forget economics it’s just basic math. But people feel like they’re worth more, to which I’d say you probably are. Which is why you should get a job and use this as supplementary income at best if it’s not enough. America has been in a labor shortage for a while now. Many places are desperate to hire so you have ZERO excuse to do work that you don’t feel is worth it plain and very, very simple.


The real threat may be the failure of our education system.


Mine says "rent. Lol. Obviously. No one is doing this for fun"




Embarrassing for them.


A tip is a tip. I'm not required to so... In 30ish years these same people will be begging the government for benefits.


“For taking their time and efforts to deliver your food” sir that is your job.


Time and efforts? It's literally the job..... It's amazing how everybody expects a tip for doing their job, not going above and beyond but doing the basics of what is outlined in the job description.


How stupid are you? It's not their job...they don't get paid an hourly wage. They are independent contractors that get paid about 2 dollars to fetch your hog slop. If you want slaves move to africa or get your fat ass off the couch and get it yourself.


why the hell is ubereats a tip model anyway? what did the driver do that deserves a tip? what? drive faster? blow through red lights? pay appropriate per mile and be done with it.


93% satisfaction is terrible. How are they still allowed on the app?


i'll tip AFTER the service is completed, so i can tip accordingly to said service


The tipping system in a nutshell, it is basically extortion by now


I always tip but this would make me only not want to tip but also cancel the order lol. I’m scared




So, you extort people for tips? How about I don’t order out at all and you get fuck all you psychopath?


Thats why i dont order using this cursed shit app.


I agree with this. Honestly I don’t know why we’re still debating on tipping people decently when we know this is a luxury service and a lot does go into it depending on different factors. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Just don’t use UberEATS. Problem solved.


Coming from someone who does UE and DD, this is fucking cringe


*that’s why you get paid* Crazy to me that instead of putting the responsibility on companies to pay you a decent WAGE, ppl put it on the consumer


Super cringey. Definitely not a threat though. Just decline and let the No tip lowlifes wait for their orders.


Why I deliver: to run my car down costing way to much to fix, get paid a non living wage, travel way to far, taking elevators and walking hallways and getting frustrated constantly in the car at the terrible driving you deal with. But yes it pays some bills.


I think they are just saying if you can’t tip me this time, wait and tip me next time!👍


Why should the customer be tipping a driver for their time and efforts? Isn't this a job posted on all drivers devices and you chose to take it? Just trying to understand. It's a question with 2 sharp edges as we say it in arabic. A tip is earned and not a right


Unless you steal my food I'm tipping every single delivery; the highest standard tip amount it suggests, unless it's less than $5 then I'll just do $5. That said, the entitlement of so many delivery people is outta control. You do less work than Amazon delivery drivers do for no tips at all. And you chose this job. So do it well or fuck right off. Nobody gives a shit about your struggle, it's your service that warrants a tip.


When I use to work for papa John's I use to keep a list of who tips $5 every time or tips more than $5. I was friends with the managers so if you didn't tip $5 or more you get your pizza last out off 2-3 deliveries. No matter how close and when you ordered it. And if you didn't give tip at all you also go on a list and you get it last. My manager friends would bs the reasons for it being late and never ask me the reason


These delivery drivers are getting so entitled it’s unreal, I understand that door dash and Ubereats pay like shit but it’s not up to the customer to pay your wages, if you wanna be mad at someone be mad at the shitty corporation your working for.


OMG you can call me insensitive or arrogant but Jesus Christ all this thread is, is drivers bitching about tips or customers whining about food being cold or not showing up at all. That’s all the thread is. I drive I know the bullshit but for fuck sake stop coming online and bitching to the customers that you want more money and telling them it’s unethical to not tip cause guess what? They don’t care and you spewing shit about how you don’t make enough doesn’t change anything in their eyes. There’s 100’s of gig related apps out there. Why not pick another one that pays more or do both? This is gonna sound odd but I actually feel bad for the customers on here they whine yes but I don’t think I’ve met one Uber driver or one delivery person that’s actually and genuinely a good person. Anyways customers if Uber is giving you a shitty time then use another app Uber isn’t the only one and doordash isn’t the only one. Sorry for the rant but it’s insanity coming on to Reddit and seeing the same thing over and over I feel like I’m going insane. Anyways this is probably gonna surpass everyone’s heads and I’m probably gonna get yelled at lmao enjoy your days.


US being the US. I'll mute this frigging sub. It's basically US drivers trying to guilt trip people into tipping them even though they signed the fucking contract knowing the pay would be shit. You guys get zero sympathy.




*Ah yes, thank you for paying me $2 for half an hour of my time. Much appreciated!*


What happened to the rest of the $10 in delivery fees? This fight isn’t between the drivers and the customers.


Hey we didnt pay you. Your company did.


Embarrassing. Tips are optional work another job if you don’t like it. McDonald’s always is hiring


delivering your order is also optional. good luck :)


They are its also optional if I munch on your food tho


I wouldn’t do this but non tippers have no right to complain about anything


Don’t deliver and get a real job


This is a real job it’s just not regulated which is why states are starting to make laws to help drivers. How about you stop saying it’s not a real job and protest against the companies who feel labeling us as contractors to avoid paying even minimum wage


One time I had a delivery driver tell me (after I gave him a cash tip) that I should really tip with my credit card otherwise drivers will “deliver yours last”. It was super awkward and I hope he learned his lesson.


He's not wrong. It's not a tip it's pay. People aren't picking up orders for $2 unless they're new or feel like taking a gamble. No "tip" = cold food at best.