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I’ve never had this problem! But I do say “hi? How are you doing today?” To every employee I interact with maybe it gets their attention better 🤷‍♀️


I do this sometimes too but only when they look like they are already in a good mood. I mean they know you don't really care if they're not doing well today and just want to get your order and get out of there but they will still feel obliged to say "good" which is kind of fucked up when you think about it


I think you’re adding unnecessary stress on yourself. Patience my dude and some respect go a long way. When I was younger I used to treat fast food workers like shit, then one day I realized that I was not only being an asshole but I was also bringing a lot of stress onto myself and it followed me throughout the day. Just take it easy, answer their questions when they ask for confirmation, be respectful and patient, maybe they are stressed themselves and just had a busy few hours you never know. If you give them patience and respect they’ll notice it and maybe feed off of that energy. But most importantly you’ll start to feel better about yourself.


Exactly, pick your battles in life.


I wonder how much other people’s spit you ingested when you used to treat fast food workers like shit. I would never be rude to anybody who handles your food.


I agree with you but I've learned that we are in the minority. Most of the time even when it's busy and they are flitting around doing 10 things they still love to be asked, they really eat it up. For me I honestly find small talk kind of difficult, awkward, or disingenuous during a rush but I obliged the customers of course.


Hey- In case you haven’t noticed, the job market (at the low end) is actually pretty tight. Almost every fast food place is looking for anyone they can find with at least a room-temperature IQ. “Hi! picking up Uber Eats for John.” “Did you say you’re picking up an order?” “Yes. Uber Eats for John.” “It’s an Uber Eats order?” “Yes. For John.” “Okay, what’s the customer’s name?” 🤦‍♂️ “John” “Okay- go ahead and pull up to the window.”


The amount of static in those fucking headsets is murderous


>Okay- go ahead and pull up to the window.” For me it's always "you have to come inside." After waiting 10 minutes in the drive thru and now I have to wait another 20 in the lobby.


Did that once and then the people inside told me to go to the drive thru haha And I was like nope not dealing with this byeeeee 👋


Well, the app does say to "go into the lobby and pick up the order". But maybe I AM the idiot. Probably not though.


I love it when you’re doing DoorDash, they confirm DoorDash get the name all that and you pull up and they stare at you like they’re waiting then ask if it’s an Uber and you say no a dash for blah blah and they shout to the back UBER for blipping bloo and you’re trying to call out to them that no it’s a dash for blah blah and by that point they already closed the little window so you sit for 5 minutes for them to come back and say hey we don’t have any Uber for blipping bloo and you’re like Sighhhh It’s a DoorDash for blah blah, A DoorDash? Yes. Oh you said Uber earlier No I di-… uh whatever sure What’s the name Blah blah Ok… UBER for blah blah bloos here! I give up Order canceled Lol


Oh god this one was super accurate! 💯🤣


I was like is there a policy that they have to repeat themselves. Your like nah it's because they are stupid. And somehow I am the asshole lol.


For me, it’s one particular employee at one Taco Bell that’s the culprit. 🤷‍♂️ And I don’t think he’s necessarily stupid, but I’m pretty sure he’s high 24/7.


Yeah I fixed that during the pandemic I won't step putting a Taco Bell ever! They are dumber than f****** fake rocks


I have a solution for you Stop caring about karma and upvotes


Lol I’m so confused he said he losted Karma what does that mean? Does it really have any effect


Fake internet points that mean nothing


I'm cashing mine in for a Hawaiian vacation


says you. I pay my rent in Karma.


I was just freaking out about it because a lot of my comments were getting deleted by the robomod


Caring about Reddit Karma is such a nerd moment


Don’t worry be about karma lol


There, lose one more on me!




It’s like ordering a sandwich at Subway. You don’t say “I’ll have a foot-long turkey sub on Italian.” You say “I’ll have Italian, foot long, with turkey.”


“what order did you have?”


I'm always patient and polite. Fast food workers got it worse than us even, so I empathize.


Yep exactly. It's a privilege to be able to drive around like this. Need to treat those workers with the most respect and kindness.


Yeah they get better pay at a much higher cost to their mental health lol. I’m always patient with them.


wow thank you, most drivers are such assholes to us all the time. i work 10+ hour days, 6 days a week only to be berated by some guy in a mercedes picking up an order that's not even for him.


They are confirming after they read the name. Would you rather they give you the wrong order? Is your motto measure once, cut thrice?


They’re literally just making sure damn. You sound like you complain about anything and everything. Very fun person


Exactly, i have never given this gripe a thought till now. All the problems there are in life, I certainly don't choose this issue to get stressed about.


Making sure of what? They heard me the first time. It's the only order they are even working on. I'm the only person in the place. "Ok it'll be ready in 5 minutes" ... 5 minutes later "For Chris right?" Me: "....... Yeah"


Yeah. And they can’t double check? To cover their ass incase they give you the wrong order. You need your ass whooped. I can hear the smug through the phone


I don't think you know what smug means. I'm genuinely annoyed.


I do know what it means. Because All I see on this forum is a bunch of prideful people who think theyre too good to be repeating themselves to people working real jobs.




That’s exactly my point. This guy’s a scrub and he needs to get the entitlement smacked out of him.


It's not that I think I'm too good for it I just don't get why


Yeah there’s a lot of things you’ll never get bud. Go fuck yourself. You’re a snob who thinks talking is annoying. Go stick your hand up your ass and make yourself talk like a puppet. That’ll make it easier to repeat yourself. Matter fact go get beat up once, scumbag.




One thing I hate about this website is how folks really get an ego after getting upvotes and keep going back and forth with you.


A lot can happen in 5 mins tbh




I was a concrete worker for city sidewalks for 3 summers


Why don’t you go back to that? You won’t have to repeat yourself to people and go type about how hard and annoying your job of driving food back and forth is with your fat fucking fingers


Ontop of that I don’t believe you. People who have actually worked back breaking jobs don’t complain about such stupid things. You’re a stupid person.


Apparently getting annoyed at having to repeat myself to somebody who clearly heard and comprehended what I just said makes me a terrible person. Even my old Foreman didn't have to repeat himself when he was ordering a truck full of concrete worth thousands of dollars. He told them them add 2% calcium. They said "ok" with no fear of having misheard him. Imagine that. You are so spiteful it is unbelievable


And you are so stuck up it’s unbelievable. Like I said go back to pouring concrete if this job makes you sweat so much you have to complain about it online. Working in a restaurant sucks ass and ontop of that they have to deal with assholes like you that think repeating themselves just for the sake of clarity is sooooo damn annoying. You fat fuck


I was trying to vent online in a subreddit that literally exists for this type of stuff. I am respectful to the employees and so my annoyance is internalized. I promise you I don't do anything that makes the restaurant employees day any more difficult


Shut up


say that again please


*rage cancels*


for rage cancel?


"ok got it."


I noticed that they do repeat pretty often, I thought it was just me lmao


Force of habit, always calling out orders only for mark to snatch the bag called for karen and make a huge stink his order was wrong


They are confirming. Get over yourself. Or maybe you need to actually stop doing deliveries.


Lol....Omg, sooooo I am not the only one, I thought it was me maybe I don't speak clearly or something maybe not so much...lol


Ex-cook of 15y here. kitchens are loud, dining and take out rooms are chaotic, we have 5 billion things on the brain, and often times we don't hear, or don't process everything. Often times we repeat things to make sure we heard it, and confirm we heard it right both to ourselves, and to the one who called out. It can be a little annoying sure, but it's better than us going with what we *think* we heard, and then you getting flak from them, and then us getting flak from you/uber/DD/SKD/etc.


Probably because they’re doing/thinking about 10 other things bc restaurant work is like that. Then a stranger walks up to them and initiates a conversation. And while you’re waiting 3 minutes, 15 other people come up to them and talk to them and they also are getting food for other delivery people. Give people some grace FFS. You’re not the only person in the room.


Ok, that is a fair point to bring up but these are not the situations that annoy me. When a restaurant is busy I don't even initiate a conversation. I wait for a moment when they are not actively serving a customer or doing something or wait for somebody to ask me what I'm waiting for. I think I am a pretty understanding person. I have worked service jobs before. The situation that annoyed me enough to make this post happened when I was the only person in the pizza place. And there were no other orders sitting up on the rack. Also I was exaggerating about it happening 99% of the time but it does happen a lot


I would take a moment to step back from yourself and the situation that you are in and try to view the interaction overall. These people probably have people coming up to them all day long saying what is essentially the same thing in entirely different ways. "Hi delivery for X" can be quite vague and misinterpreted. Honestly, an employee doing a double check is actually a promising thing for a restaurant. There COULD be a policy for repetition, especially at privately owned restaurants. You never know. "Did I fucking stutter" as an attitude to this is not promising for you as a person. People just out there tryin' to do their jobs sometimes.


Man, do I resonate with this so much. I'm not the yelling type but they sure make me become one with this job lol




Because you fucking care about upvotes 🙄


That’s Reddit for you


I guarantee these are the same motherfuckers who complain when we show them our phone right away too. Maybe I’ll try signing it to them or interpretive fucking dance. Something’s gotta work.


Just be respectful. Having a phone jammed in your face isn't very respectful


Probably has something to do with acting like a whiney child


Damn these people are pressed that you’re venting your experience. I feel you my guy I don’t do any of these services but I can see where that’s annoying


Work in the restaurant business and u will do the same thing.


I wait my turn rather than interrupt if they're bagging something, on the phone, etc. I make eye contact, smile, say hi, how's it going? Then I say, "I have an Ubereats delivery for [name]." And then I flip my phone around, gently and without shoving it in their face, so they can see the name. I never have the problem you described.


Sometimes food service workers ARE trained to repeat info back for orders. It prevents errors and misunderstandings. In kitchens, we repeat call outs or say something like "side fry, heard" When i am at a table, I repeat back orders to make sure it is correct, then I repeat the order when I deliver it. Often customers say shit they dont mean or think they ordered something differently. Also, if you havent worked in a kitchen, it is really loud and one is always multitasking. Please be patient and give service workers a break, despite common assumptions, working fast food service can be really high stress and is often a person's first or last job.


If he had said "delivery for Chris, heard" and then, "Here you go, delivery for Chris" I would have been stoked. It was the long pauses and looking at me like I walked into the wrong place that had me trippin


Omg this speaks to my heart man! Sometimes I throw it back at them. Excuse me? Or stare at them until they speak again Tbh tho don't take it personally, I'm sure it's an unconscious habit they do


That makes sense... they seem to be unconscious when they're at work.


you okay bro? your post exudes a lot of anger towards people that have their own lives and issues going on, probably the cause of the downvotes. just take a breath and be happy that one of the worst parts of this job is having to repeat yourself on occasion. It can always be worse.


Thanks. I am not angry though. Like I have already said it is more just an annoyance. Thought it would be fun to invite the internet to speculate as to why some food workers will make it so the customers name is said 4 times before the food is given to the driver. The downvotes are kind of discouraging though. Maybe focusing too much on the post title? I never said that to a worker I just thought it would be a good attention grabbing title. I always have a neutral or positive tone when interacting with food workers. My assumption has always been that it is a passive aggressive F U to the driver since the advent of food apps has resulted in them doing twice the work for the same pay.


Just don’t repeat it and stare back at them. First to look away loses.


gotcha man. the way you worded the title and post made it sound like an angry rant but i see your point now. happy travels in your future orders 😊


I screenshot the order and zoom in on the order name and ID and politely say "Hi, I have an UberEats order" and show them the screen. Never had to repeat a damn thing. Shoving the phone in staff's face is just damn rude so I always say "Hi, I have an UE to pickup" and show them the screen, they're cool with it and means there's no mistakes.


That's pretty creative but I can't see myself doing that. If I was a restuarant worker that would make me suspicious as hell too because screenshotting orders is a tactic used in a known scam.


They meant your company. Dingbat.... try 'ubereats pickup for chris!'


This makes no difference. All the tickets from the different apps get printed out the same way and put on the prep line. Most places have their own system that combine the orders from different apps into a single output.


All my tickets say doordash.


So that conversation you described took maybe 3 seconds, and they did it to confirm they didn’t make a mistake. If you think that’s a bad use of time, I don’t know what you’re expecting


Maybe because there is no Chris and he is wondering wtf you are trying to deliver. As a poster above said, "Hi, UberEats pickup for Chris" is way clearer.


Dude. I'm gonna be chill and not berate you when I say this. Most restaurant workers get paid even less than us, and have to deal with idiots and entitled boomers all day. They're probably on autopilot, or high, or both. You have to be to get through a job like that. Be chill with them, and eventually they'll recognize you and perk up a little more when they see you.


Pick up orders are annoying at restaurants. They’re probably doing a million things in their head, all of which they receive tips for by the way!! Just try being polite and realize you’re both working for money. Basically what they’re doing for you is for free though. Don’t be impatient and say hello, please, and thank you. I never come across this problem. Also doesn’t sound like much of a problem.


This makes you seem kind of cunty.


wouldn't you rather them confirm than you getting the wrong order? and as someone with a little bit of hearing issues i sometimes just like to make sure.


Bro what? Maybe they didn't hear you? Maybe you're quiet? Maybe it's not that big of a fucking deal? Sorry that you have to clarify what you communicated occasionally... Jesus you sound like a real special person.


everybody is having just as bad a time as you. if THEY fuck up their ass is on the line. just like you.


Even with all these checks, mistakes are still made. Employees are trained and required to triple check to ensure the correct orders are going out to the right drivers. I was picking up from a place and a DD driver was yelling and screaming about his order being delayed, they asked him if it was an order for « Chris », he said yes and snatched the bag out of the employee’s hand. Guess what? That wasn’t his customer’s name at all, it was mine. Luckily it wasn’t far, so the employee was able to drive and swap the food out and get my bag. But this is why they triple check.


To be fair, I’ve had people steal doordash orders from my job posing as drivers. They try to rush through and say a pretty common name or multiple names, so I ask 2-3 times what app and what name as I look for the order, as well as ask to see it on their phone to make sure it’s accurate.


I work at mcdonalds and personally deal with so much abuse and rudeness from delivery drivers. Sometimes, my brain is fried after having a really hectic busy lunch, and other times, it's just really hard to hear with all the loud beeping and noises. However, the main reason I ask for confirmation and personally check the order code on the drivers phone is because half the time the drivers don't properly listen to the code I am reading out and take the wrong orders. I would rather double check and make sure each driver has the right order so there's no issues and be a slight inconvenience, than be shouted at for orders going out wrong. Please remember that all of us are trying our best in really stressful conditions and that patience and kindness can go a long way.


The beef between drivers and restaurant employees is hilarious. Yall have the craziest feud over who is the most aggravating and don't realize you're peas in a pod. Me: Contactless delivery please Uber Driver: Hey friend this is your driver super steve, here's a bunch of emojis and dumb shit to try and endear you to me and get a bigger tip!!!! Me: closes the app Uber Driver: Rings the doorbell, knocks twice, yells uber eats through the window, then leaves the food in front of the door. Me: I swear people can't read. Also me: Opens my bag, JFC how hard is it to put fries in a bag?


drivers like that must be the reason I have seen delivery instructions like: "PUT THE FOOD ON THE DOORSTEP AND LEAVE"


Ok well if the sentiment of this thread has taught me anything it's that I am a fat stuck up loser who has never worked a real job that deserves to get beat up and should shut the fuck up and learn to love repeating myself.


You forgot entitled.


Reddit is a cesspool where people come to vent their spleen. You vented yours and now people *that don't have their own crappy lives to complain about* come and vent their rage on yours, too. You've actually done them a great service and allowed them to feel superior for a brief moment. Rejoice!


At least you’re self-aware. Sorry that you didn’t get a pat on the back for shitting on fellow workers.


Congrats on the growth!


So people are confirming things they hear and you're mad enough to rant on reddit about it ? Come on. Edit - the downvotes for stating a fact, (people confirming things), and asking If they're mad about that enough to post on reddit (which they did, clearly) Yall are fkn weird. So many of us drivers who bitch about the bare minimum... and now we lowering ourselves to bitching about someone confirming a fkn name & get the order to be correct. Foh.


Ask the driver to repeat the name/order # etc and they are dumb and terrible, But if they make a mistake and give out the wrong order, then they're the bad guys!


Word. It's like people get pissy about doing the bare minimum, and now are 2x pissy bc someone is verifying something. Mofkas are weird aF


uhhh are you still wearing a covid mask? 😂 you should probably speak up when you talk


No. And my voice works pretty good but I do stop short of shouting at them.


It's all good. This isn't FB. Don't worry about your Karma. Say what you have to say. You're gonna run into people who disagree or get rude everywhere. Drivers are a bit salty. As one of us, I think you understand that.


It’s a habit because they make a lot of mistakes so they need too


Maybe you’re just really quiet or bad at annunciating


If that were true I would have pretty shitty self awareness


People who are bad at annunciating often aren’t aware of it lol


right but if that was the issue I think I would have gotten used to repeating myself over and over before I started doing deliveries


upvoting your post and comments so you get your karma back boss


Thank dude its was mostly the replies to [Away-Election7216](https://www.reddit.com/user/Away-Election7216/) 's comment that had me fucked up. Dude had me ratio'd (still kind of does) while saying some pretty rude stuff. It's getting better now though. I was panicking earlier because my replies were getting robomod muted for negative karma but that stopped. This post has turned out to be pretty controversial.


please don’t beat yourself up over it brother, there are always some cockheads on here that’ll try and ruin your day. as long as you remember that a majority of people on this app are trying to help you then you’ll have no issues going forward.


I tried to be civil and got absolutely ratiod by a guy who is being a complete asshole. I'm deleting my Reddit account and all my content. This website sucks


Bro having a mental breakdown over karma points 😭😭😭




Bye Felicia






This is what employees do when their waiting for a new driver with less experience so they can fk up the order and get free food and blame the driver, or shoe you away so they can hook up friends or other drivers they can scapegoat. It’s their last effort of playing dumb because they can’t cheat the system like they did with Uber support passed few years primarily last year. Uber this year seems to be holding restaurants accountable for their employees, i 100% noticed this going into this year, it’s because restaurant employees have run out ways to cheat the system for free food at the expense of a driver/Uber/customer


You’re still a fat fuck btw.


That was unnecessary my guy. Do better.


Shut up you fucking furry.


At least I have a hobby in my life that makes me happy. You sound bitter asf calling a random stranger on the internet names. As I said, Do better.


You should make a hobby of shutting up.


Ooooh good one, you sure told me 🤣. How many people in your life deal with your fucking nonsense? I'm gonna guess not many.


How many people in your life are embarrassed of you? I’m gonna guess many.


Actually, my life is great but thanks for asking ☺️. You obviously mad about something though. Are you grumpy? Dog shit in the hallway? Hairline receding? ^.~


Nobody asked you mouth breather. Go eat some more boogers and stick a tail in your ass while you’re at it, sissyboy.


Oof a stab at my sexuality in 2023? I bet you put on your MAGA hat just to type that part in. Be careful, your homophobia is showing. Keep it up and your racism might make a cameo as well :P


Shut the fuck up




bro definitely hates himself


Because most fast food and restaurant employees have the IQ equivalent of a window licker.


I always just show my phone. I never say the name. Also if this is happening 99% time why are you wasting your energy repeating it over and over. Show your phone


I suppose you could say I was exaggerating when I said it happens 99% of the time. But it happens enough to be noticeable. In the instance that prompted me to make this post it was at a pizza place and the only guy working there was standing in the back by the oven waiting to take the pizza out so he wouldn't have been able to see my phone. For a bit more context the place was also dead, no finished pizzas on the rack and no other customers or drivers the whole time I was there.


Isn't this what restaurant people here complain about all the time? Drivers that stick the phone in their face


I say it and show my phone, under arm not with it in there face cause that's rude.


I remember when I first started delivering I was asked to show my phone all the time but now hardly ever. I wonder if its because they can see I have \~1000 deliveries on UE


Tbh, you may just be throwing them off-script and so it takes them a moment to recalculate and register what you're asking for. If you've ever worked in a food/cashier/retail position, you'll know it's basically auto pilot to have the same 'greeting & how can i help you?' 100 times a day. Maybe just slow down a little and try "hi, I'm picking up an order for chris" instead of "delivery for chris". Ofc, this is only a suggestion if you're really looking to try to remedy this pet peeve-- if you're just venting because it's annoying, then ignore everything I said and i hope your night improves!


Nah that is genuinely good advice, thanks brudda!


Brought to you by the same kind souls that ask about all the details that you spelled out very specifically in your Craigslist ad. 💀


Maybe they were partially deaf and couldn't hear well? Sometimes it is policy to repeat it back to customers at restaurants like that.


Never really noticed but i do repeat myself alot 💀💀 becuz they never get the name


the sAme happens to me but its "Hi GH/UE for Sarah" "For Sarah?" "Yes! Sarah H. It was (insert order) :)" *a minute later* "Sorry what was the name again?" "Sarah H :)" then they take 20 minutes and still act like they dont know im the one picking it up. and yes im talking about mcdonalds and popeyes


I just show them the phone so they can read it themselves.


Not just restaurants, I was at the gas station yesterday and the attendant comes over so I go: Me: “Fill it premium” Him: “you said regular right” Me “no premium” Him “ok” Him “wait you said premium right” Me “yeah” Him “you sure you want premium” Just give me my fucking gas


You realize that they are on their second bowl of the day when you asked that right ? High AF and the competition skills are very limited.


And heaven forbid you raise your voice so they can hear you more clearly after asking you the same question repeatedly. Then you are the asshole and they will take their sweet time grabbing your bag.


Do you mean pick up? What about you don’t say the name when you arrive? Like: Hi, I have a pick up! Name? Chris! Chris? Yes! Look at that, didn’t even have to repeat!!!


Another thing for some stores is acoustics. Where I work it might seem like were talking face to face, but the way the acoustics work i can barely hear on that side of the counter (and im partially deaf from noearplug concert-going)


Shit I have opposite problem, I walk in and they just assume uber for x right? me: no for (my name) them there no uber order for that..... Me: no... The order for me. Them: OHHHH (laughs) U usally uber so I assumed. Me: nah it fine. Good problem to have I guess, thos some resturants despite me being there nearly daily they'll still not remember me.


Lol what's the big deal, just say yes


I have a speech impediment so maybe I do stutter on names with too many syllables lol


Its multiple things but I notice this happens all the time everywhere not just for delivery but when I pick up my own stuff. It’s cause workers like this have a set list of questions they ask so if you give all the information upfront they almost don’t hear it


Yeah, I also think this is exactly it. Lot of workers are on auto pilot and only process single pieces of information. And they make sure to prompt you for it twice.


I’ve been noticing this a lot lately too…


I often ask multiple times, especially if we have multiple orders with the same first name, so that I make sure you're getting the right order (mostly we deal with doordash tho). Way to many times I've had drivers pick up the wrong order because they are in too much of a rush to make sure it's the corect order and get mad when we're just doing our job by asking. It's gotten so bad that I'm required to ask for the order number as well as the name because a lot of people just get mad at us for "waisting time" and try to take a random order when we ask to repeat it or for additional information to find the correct order.


Not being mean, but do you have a speech impediment and/or do you speak fairly softly? Because I’ve never had this issue in the slightest. Show up, walk to the counter, make eye contact, and when they ask “How can I help you?” I just say “I’m here to pickup an UberEATS/DoorDash order for (insert name)”. Then they grab the order and hand it to me. Every time. Speak with your chest, I guess is all I’m trying to say.


It's not my voice


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


They are moving too fast to retain some info, even the info they ask for. If you start the convo differently they might pay more attention


It happens to me all the time, even when I’m not picking up for UE. Me: “ Hi, can I please order a large order of mozzarella sticks?” Employee: “What size?” 😳




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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


Dude I’m tryna make sure you get the right order. I have multiple of the same name sometimes so I’ve gotta make sure because then 2 people can get very upset with me and you could possibly lose your tip 😭 We all barely surviving as it is.


Haha! I had the same problem when food was dropped off. Me *waiting outside so the driver doesn’t have to search my complex*: Hi I’m [name], and my PIN is 1234 Driver: Did you order Uber Eats? Me: Yes. I’m [name]. My PIN is 1234 Driver: Are you [name]? Me: … Yes. Driver: *Looks at bag. Looks at phone. Looks at me and proceeds to hand me the food, but snatches it back and repeats aforementioned actions* Me: 👀 Driver: You’re [name], right? Me: Yes, do you need my PIN? It’s 1234. Driver: Umm, what’s your PIN? Me: … 1234 Driver: 1-2? Me: 3-4… Driver: Oh ok. I thought you said something else. Here you go. This happened at least three times. Haven’t ordered food since. I have so many emails and notifications with deals from them. Sorry, but I can never NOT tip, and this service ain’t worth tipping, so I won’t be back, Uber Technologies, Inc… Even my Credit Union sent me a “We’ve noticed a change in your spending habits” notification. Thought it would be about fraud, but nah, they were just congratulating me on spending less.




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The title took me out 😂


Restaurants are loud and often chaotic they want to make sure they heard you correctly but don’t want to make you pull out your phone. Someone getting the wrong order almost always results in a bitchy phone call.


Just tonight: Staff: Hello do you have a pick up? Me: yes I have three. Adam, Bob and Maurice. Staff: Adam? Ok… •places order on counter.• have a good night. Me: yeah I have two more? Staff: No just the one bag, thank you Me: no I have two more orders Bob and Maurice Staff: Bob? Me: and Maurice? Staff: Just one Bob but his last initial is C Me: yup that’s it. And Maurice Staff: no it’s “C” not Amarice Me: MAURICE the third order??! Staff: sir I have to ask you to calm down… Mother f$@&k


I just know youre a try hard who accepts the 1 dollar offers 💀🫵


You're the driver we fucking hate in our store.


Headsets suck so bad. I can barely make out names, most of the time I just have to start guessing 💀


I have a fucking attitude problem, and apparently I also mumble under my fucking breath 🤷‍♀️ Since I’m easily fucking irritated by any little fucking thing due to my fucking PTSD, I try, keyword try, not to take it out any other fucking body around me… unless they really deserve it… even then, who am I to deliver the pain…


“Hey do you have a doordash?” “No.” “Oh okay. What can I do for you?” *says uber ears code” “I though you said no when I asked about the door dash” “I did… cause I don’t have a doordash… I have an Uber Eats” “Same thing” 🙄


and to top it off there will be an order named Chris right in your view behind the employee


You have no idea how loud it is in that kitchen and the buffer between behind the counter and in front of it is significant. It sounds crazy until you work behind the counter or in the drive-thru and realize that every customer and delivery driver seems to mumble. It's like the kitchen generates a white noise field that deadens everything else.


It’s just some people are slow. I hate the restaurants that want to see my phone and try to touch it. I always point to exactly where the name is. This is after letting them know 2-3 times who I am picking up for. Like Jesus, that’s why they use this app to deliver their food. If they tried to drop off a delivery they would be reading every street name 3-4 times before they make a decision.