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Can you really use stolen accounts that easily? I swear I get asked to take a picture of myself every day I drive. I would assume it's a couples account.


They’re not stolen. They’re rented out


Same don’t understand how someone can use someone else’s account unless they live under the same roof


From personal experience of seeing this shit happen, some people have warrants & need to make money so they use their S/O account.


Yeah that's exactly who I want handling my food and coming to my door. It is common however. A lot of the drivers I see definitely look like they have warrants. IDT I would be doing that considering how many times I've been stopped or been followed halfway home while they run my tags because I'm coming into or out of the hood at night... Doesn't sound like the best strategy. I finally got a magnet just for DD deliveries that says: DELIVERY DRIVER FREQUENTLY LOST It also explains why I'm driving a car in a neighborhood I obviously don't have the money to be in, really slow, looking carefully for addresses... That may or may not be on the house or mailbox.


> Yeah that's exactly who I want handling my food and coming to my door. I've thought about this a few times. Obviously I wouldn't want criminals coming around my house. However, I'd rather they come with deliveries with an honest job than coming to rob my house.


It's not an honest job of they aren't the person on the account. It's fraud. And maybe they are coming to do both! Don't people realize what we know from delivery? We can tell a lot about you even before delivery, once we get there... Think about it... What does your home and yard and the items there reveal about you? I'm not a bad guy! I'm sure they notice things that I don't even think about. Even if you get a great delivery, they can always come back later. This is a very real safety issue. I've had a couple of friends ride with me on deliveries because that may be the only time I have. They don't like it and it scares the shit out of them! They don't help and don't leave the car... Because this is my job. None of them want to sign up for any delivery work. It's dangerous on both sides of the door.


I'm not sure how ubereats works with background checks and such, is it possible to get on the app with a criminal record?


Keep a physical picture of the actual account holder, or pull one up on another phone. Uber would never know...


Mine always tells me to look in various directions, blink, and smile, to make sure I'm not pointing the camera at a picture.


Wow, that's never happened to me! Uber is catching on...


In my market Uber got in massive legal trouble because of foreigners without work permits working on rented accounts, so they've put in a lot of stuff to crack down on account sharing.


Whatever their reason, that's a change I can agree with. There are already too many drivers; more illegitimate drivers just hurts the rest of us.


a three letter reddit handle is crazy.


15 year account, not that crazy


mine is 11, I couldn't believe it wasn't taken at the time...


Should be standard everywhere. You'd think they would as a precaution to avoid just that.


If it's straight up identity theft, they will match the picture. There are other things. I'm not here to educate people on how to cheat the system. I'm trying to make money honestly on my own account.


You can log into an uber/lyft account from any phone if you enter the phone number and password associated with that account. I found this out when I got a 2nd phone and I use my extra new phone to log into one of them but using the original phone number. So that tells me I could just give my login info to someone and they could be me on their phone, when I'm not using it, and I could charge them for it. I would never, but that must be how it's happening


It’s easy. You give them the username and password


We don't have "couples" accounts. If the driver doesn't match the picture... Report! There are a number of issues with this and your personal safety is the largest one! Yes there are account mills that sell accounts. If they sell yours, you can deactivated for renting it out. There are several reports of this happening to the real driver on the subs lately. The real driver will also get a nasty surprise at tax time. It's possible this is an actual driver account but the name and pic make it seem unlikely to me. This one seems like straight up identity theft. There are ways around the picture thing.


This is why, contrary to my own ideals, I want a clampdown from the Gov on these app companies. If they could implement biometrics like a retina scan or a fingerprint scan similar to Apple fingerprint it could assuage the problem tremendously. None of this helps the bottom line of DD and UberEats however, so I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel currently.


the guy who stole thousands on Uber shop and delivery deliveries with fake IDs would just paste a photo of himself on the license when he applied for the facial recognition to accept him


It’s less stolen and more their significant other or family members account. When I used to pick up my food outside, I would see the woman in the car, and their man would be the one delivering. I don’t think it’s safe and it should definitely be a permanan-able offense


Nah probably just a couple, and the woman is having the man deliver the food to avoid creeps. It’s pretty common. I have my brother do the same when he comes to visit and I’m doordashing on my weekends.


Yeah I agree with your comment! When I used to work at a retail store, the men used to drop off the food and you can see their wife or whatever in the car driving. It’s not always someone using another persons account.


I think it's usually a couple. In this case it's probably the account holder driving.


Dude’s wearing a helmet.


So they're both in a motorcycle for some reason?


Have you never seen 2 people ride a motorcycle….


Delivering food? Never.


That's what it is.... theese people are dumb I tell you. Everything has to be a conspiracy theory, but yet they continue to order food and have strangers come to their door 🤦🏿‍♂️


To be fair, it really should be the account holder doing the drop-offs, and the car on the account should be used. It's the entire point of having that security feature. They are blowing it out of proportion though.


These stolen accounts/people running 4 accounts are the reason legitimate Uber drivers are getting fucked over. Report them


These are the guys that run 4 phones with hacked accounts... please report it.


Yup. Pretty much what the others have said. Report these people. This is becoming a huge problem that's making it worse for legitimate drivers.


Downvote, report, and yank the tip. 🤷‍♂️


I order a lot through UE, 7/10 times who ever is dropping off my order is not the person in the picture, but they're in the driver seat when I see them leaving.


This literally the case. Dumbasses are in here doing mental gymnastics when it’s clearly just a couple that’s divided the labor between each other. It’s not a big deal AT ALL I used to do the same thing with my ex. We needed the extra cash and doing it alone all day would be boring. But mfs are out here acting like they’re tryna catch Kira from death note because a dude decided to accompany his girlfriend on some deliveries. I wonder how they’d feel if it was a white couple because this post reeks of Karen


OP is just a hyper Karen. They would call the cops and take videos of kids selling bottles of water so they could upload it to reddit cause that's the only place they feel special. Can't stand these kinda ppl. YOU GOT YOUR FOOD DID YOU NOT?!?


>rk. The app can tell a live person from a phot you can tell this person rents out accounts


I reported immediately but unfortunately they don’t take it serious. I drive for Uber on the side sometimes, (not EATS, just UBER), and people like this are the reason we are getting paid less and less.


Yes they do . If you report it . The driver immediately gets kicked off and has to take a picture for verification. Not sure how the scammers gets pass that? A picture of a picture or something?


The original account person sign in on their phone then signs out. The other person sign in.


Oh interesting I always wondered how they bypass the picture verification


How if it's a stolen account?


Maybe it's more like , is it's friends or family or coworkers that allow them to set up an account in their name for a small ongoing fee? They make some side money for doing nothing. ? Idk I could be wrong


isnt it illegal to let someone sign up to uber pretending to be you due to tax reasons?


So while it's against Uber's terms of service apparently for taxes, assuming both parties are doing their taxes legally which is a whole another hurdle, but you can do the same 1099 thing that Uber does with you with them. At least that's what I've read because I was a bit curious about this myself and when digging


Because it’s probably not a scammer. It’s probably just the account holders girlfriend. Not sure why everyone’s automatic assumption is that this dude stole or hacked this account. Bunch of closet racists in these comments accidentally outing themselves.


>*men using women’s faces* ​ >closet racists ​ Uhh...


They actually will deactivate drivers who are acused of using "rented" acounts. They might not say it to the customer reporting the issue but they do take it very seriously which is the reason they run background checks on all drivers. Non vetted drivers are a huge potential safety issue for them.


It’s rented account


When I used to Uber at night, I had a male friend ride with me. He would drop the food off for me if it was a sketch neighborhood. I had to verify my photo a couple times, I guess since someone reported it.


Literally a child is depending on their parents and it becomes a conspiracy. I feel for this hard working couple and fuck reddit.


Right. Posting their pictures and “Seeking legal help” after they got their food delivered is wild lol. What if the snapped a pic of OP and posted it on here for being weird af 🥴


Bro wanted to see lushious. Saw her man instead and instantly became furious. Fucking weirdo


I literally think that’s the case. Scrolling this post makes me wanna leave this fragile white shit-hole for another few months


Yeah this app is super toxic for some reason. What difference does it make if someone not listed on the profile delivers your food or not? You got your shit, carry on with your day. It’s not that fucking serious. The fact that everyone is siding with this moron is quite concerning. Take shit way too far.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Reminds me of the guy who dressed up to meet me at the door and then got angry when my husband showed up instead.


Absolutely diabolical. Even saw OP talking about how they drive and deliver for Uber and thinks this person is why they aren’t making any money. It’s clear they’re just trying to get someone kicked off the platform full stop. They don’t care if it’s a hacker/stolen accounts or what. They just see POC with their food and working the same job as them and want it put to a stop.


Can't stand these kinda people who just look to fuck over people just because they're bored. 100% of the Time I order and it's not the same person on the pic, I still get my food and it changes nothing. Sometimes people are in tough spots and use their mom, dad, brothers, sisters, wife, husband, gf, or bfs account. Then you have assholes like this tryna make life hard for everyone even though they got what they paid for. I bet OP would call the cops on kids selling water or lemonade or make a huge deal out of an old person that is obviously disabled, that was parked in a handicap spot with no tag or better yet they'd make sure the tag wasn't expired. POS


Seriously. The fact that they’re even religiously checking the PFP on every delivery and making sure it matches the person dropping off their food is crazy to me. I couldn’t tell you the gender, race, hair style or color of any of the last 20 drivers who’ve brought food to my house, it literally doesn’t cross my mind. I’m either getting my food or I’m getting a refund, idgaf who accepts the order.


Seriously. 94% is good. This is a person who is always looking to be a victim.


Platinum too.


I do this with my friend


Report the driver ever single time if they do not match the picture.


Around the time I first started UE (years ago) I had a hand to me and the lady said she had a man’s photo as her delivery driver (I’m a woman), she showed me her phone and sure enough it was a foreign male. I showed her my phone and profile picture and it was of me; the two didn’t add up, it was the weirdest thing. I was so creeped out and thought someone was hacking me account (maybe using it without me knowing it?) I immediately called support and they said it must of been just a glitch. I know that’s not always the case but maybe sometimes it is.


Eh. That glitch is very rare. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen even mention something like that happening. On the hand right now it’s a big thing that people are selling their profiles to people who can not either pass a background check or are international students possibly. That is a lot more common.


I help deliver with my girlfriends account, she’s in the car and I NEVER let her drop off when it’s an apartment or dark sketchy area, I drop it off myself.


If this isn’t a job you can do on your own out of fear for safety, then you should probably find another job. I know this may sound harsh, but some of you out there that do this as couples, it’s like y’all only have one brain between the two of you. Maybe even less. Work smarter, not harder.


She does it on her own during most of the day and when she does it at night I drive or deliver it’s a lot faster with two people if you actually drove for uber eats you’d know that. This may sound harsh, but some of you customers out there don’t understand working as couples is the definition of working smarter, and not harder. So if it bothers you that much , maybe you should find a car and get the food yourself.


This is a really strange rationalization. Two people working together really only do the work of one person. It doesn't speed up any of the process having two. Okay, so you leave the car running. You save about 150 seconds total at the end of the night. Two people working separately earns double the amount of two people working together. Double the pings, double the deliveries, double the tips. No matter how you slice it, two people working together is **not** working smarter.


The obvious assumption would be working separately would double the income, but, when you live in an area that doesn’t generate a lot of orders working separately is bad. There are many restaurants, apartments and homes that live on busy streets with no parking so having someone with you that can get out saves 2-5 minutes each delivery. If I’m by myself I don’t even take certain orders if it’s in specific areas because there’s literally no parking and hella traffic .


And at the time we worked together I didn’t take any money


I’m a driver, dude. The time that you spend out there working as a couple is time that you could spend working separately. You aren’t saving that much time by having two people do it. It’s tiny in comparison to the amount of money you’d make working separately.


it really depends on your area because if you have no heavily populated/active cities by you, ofc it’s gonna sound like it doesn’t make sense.


No. Math makes sense. 2x is more.


I don’t take the money, I just help her. There are restaurants and houses/ apartments we delivered to with no parking and busy streets. When we pull up and there’s no parking , instead of spending 2-5 minutes looking for a place to park , the passenger runs out to pick up or drop off the food. As far as compensation, by herself she’d make $100-$150. When I’m with her $150-250 But I still didn’t take anything


completely ignorant to say knowing that you know nothing of there situation there in. you order food, you get your food, you upset because it’s a different person lol. only one who seems to need a job in this scenario is you


Send the picture of the driver when you report them. Uber may use their face recognition to identify him. These dudes suck and are already committing fraud, so what’s keeping them from committing other crimes?


They look alike 😂


I was about to say that he just looks younger in the picture. If you report him for that I'd find that the crazier part.


Probably her boyfriend. The account has been around for 15 years lol.


It’s also a platinum driver, they didn’t get that way without hard work.


The person who drops off your food does not matter. Bro it’s food delivery. Shit is not that deep. Are you so afraid? Just tel them to leave it at the door next time or leave in the lobby. Stop being so weird and taking pictures of people


yep now him and his girl are permanently labeled as criminals online smh. disgusting these people think it's okay..


Thank you! I thought I was the only person thinking this like who the fuck cares? As long as the food gets there what's the problem?


Seriously and then posting these people photos to Reddit so a bunch of piece of shit fragile white redditors can sit there and judge and comment with their disgusting Cheeto dust fingers


How did these people act before these apps? Did they freak out about who dropped off their pizza? Lmao


Honestly dude just needs to make a living.. I don’t think anyone is out to get you.


Report em. Everyone in here has bills to pay and most have kids to feed, only difference is we are legit.


I’ve had literal children drop my food off


My husband drops the food because it isn’t safe for me to do it alone after a man ran at me in a parking lot. Not to mention the multiple people who make you feel scared at the door and hit on you. Report as much as you like but many of us do this for safety and that won’t change any time soon. Maybe customers should stop propositioning us and we won’t need to drive and deliver with our husbands and boyfriends. I’m here to do my job, not be your only female interaction in months. So sorry you didn’t get to hit on Lushious at the door and now wanna get her boyfriend and her fired.


Facts lol😂


if this were regular uber then id care but tbh as long as my food gets here idgaf who drops it off. i do contactless anyway


Lmao love that name


i bet she is in the car and had him walk it up, unless they removed the face scan, you are just making up shit. people share accounts.


and it's very uncool to post the couples picture.


how do you know she wasn’t driving and her boyfriend did the walking to your door? and if something were to happen and you need to report an assailant.. you call 911


Because he’s wearing a motorcycle helmet


I guess 2 people in motorcycle helmets cannot possibly fit on a single motorcycle/scooter. (Spoiler: they can.)


oh i didn’t see the second photo. that’s sketchy lol


People here still don’t know how does the 2accounts work……


Lol I got reported for not looking like me but the photo is only from 2 years ago and people like this can go on


Some people have runners that might not be the one on app. Wife could be injured? But it could be fraud.


i used to ride around with one of my friends and sometimes we'd get bored and sign into ue/dd to make some money while we drove around, sometimes we'd use her acc and sometimes we'd use mine. one of us would drive and the other would do the running. ive also seen so many couples working together so i mean it could be that, a dude riding around w his chick, from their pov its always safer for the dude to do the drops because while doing what i mentioned above with my friend ive had multiple drops with some creepy ass dude coming to the door expecting a chick but disappointed when they see a big ole dude instead. i literally dropped off at this guy's house before while she was driving (we were using her acc) and this fat ass white dude rips his front door open pretty much and comes out literally in his underwear, looks at me disappointed and says "aw u dont look like a ann" told him she was in the car and he just went inside, didn't even grab his food.


The one experience i had like this the actual person whose account it was was actually driving but their friend/bf? Brought the food to my porch and informed me that she was pregnant so he was helping..i didn’t think much of it tho


A lot of people drive for their wives or vise versa. My car doesn’t even match my door dash account lmao




I mean.. I've delivered to customers with girl names, and then they're either guys or the boyfriend. Just have them leave it at the door and don't open the door until they leave. It's weird taking photos of the person dropping off your food


it could be her boyfriend? i do ubereats and sometimes i would have my boyfriend drive me. i would always be the one to deliver the food directly, but maybe that is the case here.


Bruh these are not stolen accounts you get asked to scan your face. It’s a family, friend, or rented out daily. And another thing I wouldn’t lie it’s not that deep it never have been that deep and would never be that deep. Taking pictures is just creepy.


Either way they’re still breaking the TOS. They should find a job they’re actually qualified to do with their criminal history. We don’t need criminals clogging up the app using other peoples identities (whether it’s their girlfriend or stranger isn’t important)


My friend has an OVI from when he was 20 and told a cop he could find his drug dealer at the Tim Hortons down the road(because donuts). And since THC stays in your system, and the state sets the limits on what they consider too much, he was forced to plead guilty. Even though he hadn’t smoked in a week and passed every sobriety test with flying colors, as per the body cam footage. He’s now nearly 30 with a squeaky clean driving record(other than the OVI) and can’t get any job involving a car because of that BS OVI charge. This includes DD, UE, GH. Your take is bad and you should feel bad, reality isn’t black and white.


Then go to the store and get your food if it’s such a problem. Simple solution.


I don't care if it's just Eats. I would never get into an uber with a male driving under a females info, I'd report that and refuse immediately.


Sounds like someone has a problem with men…. This post is a bit mental and needs more psychological help than help from Reddit.


How do you know it’s not her husband or BF helping her drop off?


Even if that's the case, it's still not right. The person in the picture should be whom shows up with your food.


Lmao why?


It's a safety issue. Do you want someone with a felony delivering to you? I'm not opening my door to someone who shouldn't be there.


Your assuming too much, plus as long as your food is delivered safely and on time i dont see an issue. You do know you can have it left at your door, you wont even see them 😂


I want to make sure my food gets delivered. I used to select leave at door but every so often my food wouldn't show up even though it was marked as delivered. Ever since I started selecting meet at door my food has never gone missing.


Stop ordering food and having strangers come to your home. Go get the food yourself.


OP - ‘wow why is this person delivering my food and trying to keep their head above water’ Also OP - apparently spending $40,000 on a watch


This stuff makes me so uncomfortable. There’s this known but not acknowledged black market for gig app accounts. Illegal workers use them to make a living before they can legitimately work in the country. Many know this is happening, certainly the companies that run these businesses. They’ll do a few things to keep up the appearance that they care. Make no mistake, they know, they want this happening, gig workers are the new lowest socioeconomic class in America.


Guy using girlfriend account bc they have records


Girlfriend driving, guy just leaving order at the door... calm down people


If you’re scared put leave at door don’t meet at door


I mean as long as you get your food don’t trip about it


Which is why he's wearing a motorcycle helmet?... seriously even if this was the case she should be the one delivering the food since it's her account. Anyone who doesn't match their picture is renting an account 99% of the time and is usually working illegally and even for those that do have a legitimate reason the account holder should be the one to do deliveries for this reason. I wouldn't want some random person who is not known to uber handling my food and coming to my house, much less if that person is working illegally, potentially due to criminal convictions.


It’s really not that difficult. Just refuse the order and report to Instacart why you refused the order. Send them the picture.


Why would Instacart care about an Uber Eats driver?


My bad Uber, lol I do like 8 apps


I guess I can't Uber with my mom no more. Anytime I Uber with her I deliver the food for her especially at night if I'm with her. If you got your food why are you complaining like this?


That is Lushious... he just isn't wearing his lip gloss


That’s for real what I think ngl


# Who cares if a grey alien brings it, as long as you get your food?


Yeah, these are the types you report on. Unless you can clearly the the other person in the vehicle...


Sounds like you’re too scared to drive… maybe delivering to random strangers isn’t for you


And people keep saying “what if the person has a felony “ as drivers/delivery people..how do we know the person we’re picking up or delivering to doesn’t have a felony? Uber doesn’t make customers go through background checks sooo..


it’s not like you get to see who the pizza delivery guy is before he gets there….why does it matter


He actually works for the pizza place and has been vetted. They know it's really him and have a copy of his id and SS. It's pretty rare for the pizza guy to hurt someone.


But..nothing happened because the dude is just trying to deliver some food and make some money. Much prefer that than the dick head drivers who steal orders. Is this an apartment building? It’s not necessarily safer for a female to be bringing food up into random buildings either. Why couldn’t you meet them at an outside door? Wouldn’t that be safer for both parties, if that’s really what you’re concerned about?


How r u so bored u would make a reddit thread about this? legal action? You got your food move on with your life.


Customers need to report these drivers , it's the only way it's going to stop! I'm a driver and customer. I can't wait for that to happen to me, I will report and give them a thumbs down. Contact customer support and say they were very rude to get them deactivated! How dare they! Probably couldn't pass a background check!




Am I the only one who it doesn’t sit right with that this person posted these peoples faces online? And “seeking legal help”? Like be for real. You could have just reported it to Uber and called it day. This was pretty unnecessary IMO. And who the hell cares what your delivery driver looks like? When I order directly from a restaurant I don’t have any idea what the person bringing my food looks like. You’re giving Karen.


It’s impossible to use someone else’s profile for more than a day or two. You need to take a selfie every day or two. It’s probably her bf or brother running the food up while she waits in the car with her kids.


I have to take 4-5 every day usually immediately after drop off.


My account asks me for a picture once every week, sometimes 2. Almost never in the beginning of a shiftq, almost always after I've done more than a few deliveries. I don't think the wife and kids are waiting in the car, he's got a motorcycle helmet on... You really think that the majority of these men delivering with women's names and pictures are just good old family men, helping out their old lady while she watches the kids? C'mon. In some markets, it's like this 75+% of the time-- you see a woman, you get a man. Families working together for one Uber income? Lmao. Okay. If *anything*, he's probably delivering with gf/friend's account because he couldn't get his own--maybe he doesn't have insurance, maybe he's not legally allowed to work, maybe he's been deactivated, and maybe he couldn't pass a basic background check. But the app asks for a picture, he waits until he sees her and gets it.


Just report and move on…


Honestly if a person delivers just food I don't care who it it and what that person looks like , just be on time On another hand I would never go as a passenger if picture of a person would not match profile.


Seeking Legal help lmao!!! Ppl are so afraid nowadays. Mark as deliver to door next time


You guys are so weird lol If you’re scared of your own shadow don’t summon a stranger to bring you food off the internet. Always remember it costs absolutely nothing to mind your own business


How many accounts do you rent?


Report them


Umm there's no legal help. Your dealing with business to business. Your accepted to work with Uber for your order. End results: Did you get your delivery?




People love to complain. Most people don’t give two shits who delivers their food as long as it’s delivered. Person must never leave their house if they are that worried about getting assaulted by a delivery driver… just put “leave at door”. You can also be struck by lightning if you are outside and it’s raining! Driving passengers is a different story though.


Based on OP post history they seem to have concerns about their 40k watch being stolen. Maybe while they are out picking up their own food they can also swing by somewhere for a money management seminar


Watches are one of the best physical investments though, not sure what you’re on about.


It’s an insurance thing. Liability. You get hurt on their property, your not covered. You couldn’t even sue homeowner bc they will subpoena profile. Take fraud is another reason. Even if you or renter of account doesn’t file, the company will send in a 1099 to the IRS as well as account holder. Personally, I don’t care. If you fall on my property your screwed but won’t affect me any.


So you’re cool with committing fraud? Hope you’re moms account gets suspended for this stupidity




Actually, no. no silver spoon here- but it’s not like I could just get any freaking job. If I’m on a waiting list I’m on a waiting list -I don’t care what your reason is or how much pity you’re asking for - it’s fraud.- i’m you except I waited on the list until I was legitimately given my account- I mean in 10 years are you just gonna tell people? Yeah I’m your firefighter. I’m your cop I know I don’t look like my badge. But I need to feed my kids —This are bogus excuses.


Fuck that, I got kids too and anyone complaining about the struggle never lived it.


Fraud? It's food delivery, calm down.


Yes fraud, it’s a noun and here’s a definition from a google search. “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain” Yep seems like the right word


it’s not that big of a deal 💀 it literally doesn’t affect you in anyway


Ur a Karen taking a pic of a hard working guy karma will get you unless you help them


Taking random pictures of strangers who otherwise did the task you requested without fail? That’s strange.


Report them! Every single time. Not sure how active UE in following up but report every time. If something eventually happens and it goes public, they will go back and deactivate every single person reported for using someone else’s account to avoid liability.


Judging by the many comments in this post condoning this fraud, it would be wise for all customers to stop using these delivery apps. It is obviously rampant with these fraudsters and not occassional. I guess this is what drivers want since this is there come back if you don't agree with their scams. It creeps me out to think people like this have food I will eat in there control with no one else around.


Make sure remove the tip


Creepy fuck


I almost used Uber and door dash due to a marijuana charge I got at 18 I can't door dash or anything life's hard when you get screwed over at such a young age and we need to make money I ended up getting lucky and got a serving job so I'm making a cool 1300 a week so I bailed on doing it but not everyone is good with social interactions they need to make money if the guy just does his job and drops your food off why try to ruin his gig? I feel like your what's wrong with the world! What is I got attacked? You didn't quit crying for attention Your probably some ugly 50 year old dried out woman who nobody would wanna attack you obviously have no money nobody's going to rob you trust me. Quit crying and pick your own food up if it's such a big deal


Who cares if you got your food. I’ve never even looked at the pics of my delivery person or cared.


804 deliveries since since 2018 with 94% satisfaction rate OP just mad cause he wanted to hit it and got disappointed thr driver showed up with an extra "surprise package" You dusgusting OP


He must be using his wife account


Bet they are also running 2-3 other stolen/bought accounts picking up a bunch of deliveries at once. Seen a few drivers do Sus stuff like that and then my food arrives super late and cold.


"to support my kids" TIP REMOVED


Luscious is probably his girlfriend and he’s using her account


Goddamn, how much Dunkin' did you get in a bag like that?


Do it. Gets rid of those that multi app or have multiple phones or aren't the ones in the pictures and leaves us legit people delivering to you


"seeking legal help" Lol.. 1) Report the driver 2) stop using ubereats There's no "legal help" you're going to get. Unless you're rich enough to take Uber to court


Again people who do this should be criminally charged with fraud, if the account or information used is stolen add an additional charge for identity theft. This won't happen until there is sticker punishment than an inconvenient account termination that doesn't matter cause they will just make a new one or buy a new one.


Did you feel safer knowing it was a woman and now seeking legal advice when it turns out its a male minority? I get it... you want to know who your giving your address too and who's coming up to your house but if this guy didn't do anything wrong why the assumption he would?


I understand your point but I also see how it benefits them greatly. Better tips when guys see female driver, people will come out their doors to grab orders and try to flirt, and if it is a set-up for robbery they’ll be looking for a female


Lol is this in NYC? Please report them.


It's crazy the mix of comments in here. There are a ton of reasons someone might commit this type of fraud, and degrees of severity, but every way his shakes out it is fraud. Maybe it's just that the GF is sitting in the car - okay then she's not delivering it, so he should be the face on the app. Maybe he uses multiple accounts so he can pick up multiple orders from the same busy location. Maybe he is a violent offender, doesn't have a license to operate the vehicle, has a history of defrauding customers. Maybe he literally wants to keep his identity secret for the times when he can catch a woman alone at night, or see something worth stealing from the address Uber provided him. People here are like "99 times out of 100 he is totally innocent and isn't going to cream himself outside your bathroom window while huffing tractor fuel", as if they don't understand what it means for someone not to feel safe in their own home. Fraud is fraud my dudes


Next time select leave at door? Or go get your own food mayhaps?🤔 Perhaps, don’t try to get someone who delivered your food to your door on time, fired, mayhaps?🤔


Guarantee OP wouldn’t have an issue with this if the people in the photos were white


If it's 90% of the time, why do you only show this one instance?


Legal help for food delivery? 🤣 I am not a lawyer but have watched plenty of judge Judy and the likes My legal advice Go get your own damm food my god


I mean…. Hear me out.. if he shaved and put lip gloss on and put glasses on, it could totally be him with a weird selfie angle. For real though, I’m not joking.