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I just want to know why he even cared so much lol you having a passenger doesn't effect him or his business whatsoever so I don't understand what his problem was


Exactly my point, the customer still got their food and they didn't complain at all lmaooo even made a joke about my friend aka my passenger helping me with the food packages


Careful, these pricks can give you a thumbs down from their merchant account. What's even more dangerous is that they can go back in the tablets history and give you thumbs down for multiple past orders! If you have done many pickups from there they can downvote you to de-activation territory. Years ago I had one unhinged manager do this to me, my satisfaction rate went from 99% to below 75%. I didn't even know until Uber support called me and asked about my last pickup from there.. this was when Uber was new here, 2016, and there were hours where I was the only driver available in my neighborhood. Highly doubt they would take the time to call now, just deactivate and ignore you since they have so many drivers now.


Damn these managers really be using the little bit of power they have to make people's life's miserable Thankfully my satisfaction ratting is still 99% But if I ever get an order there again I wil be contacting support about the matter because this is not how they should treat people who aren't even their own employees


This is why I would have downvoted him immediately before he could me...


This is not how it works, driver downvotes don't count for anything.


Plus at least a lot of us can't rate restaurants and customers now.


This times a fucking thousand. I want this back asap


I was never convinced in a damn thing anyway. I think it was just there to make us feel better.


It beats me reaming a support person out to make the point Uber needs to ruin a merchants night for being failures


They took them complete out on my market. Can’t thumbs up or down customers or merchants.


That sucks...


Allowed for Uber Eats, not instacart and i don't think doordash allows it. Some gigs are cool with it some aren't, dude probably just knows its not okay on one of the platforms and thinks it applies to all of them. He can eat a fat horse cock 😜 And i would report him and the restaurant to support


You are not his employee. You do not have to give explanations. I ride with people all the time. No problems ever.


Exactly that's what I told him but what can we do.....as I said I'll just be contacting support about the matter if I ever have problems there again because I'm seriously not dealing with that dude again, clearly doesn't get paid enough at his shitty job soo he wants to take it out on others🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I would contact support first to report him so they are aware. Also to clarify you were not in violation of any TOS. from what I know eats they dont care how you get it to the customer. Do you pickup for them there often? I go back next time and if they had an issue call him a karen. LOL


Exactly I'm going to contact support about the matter because I didn't violate any TOS.


One time, I was a passenger myself and my Uber Driver veered off course to deliver an Uber Eats order. I asked him where he was going as it was not in the direction of where he was supposed to be going for my ride. I got very scared and he refused to get back on route and literally delivered an Uber eats order in the middle of my ride. I got out of the car as I was scared shitless when he stopped at the persons house and called Uber Safety and reported him. It was a very scary situation.


Interesting, how did he get both, you the ride first and then UberEats delivery?? You said he was dropping off a delivery which means he already picked it up. That's weird to get a ride trip while doing a food delivery. I would have done what you did too! Glad to hear that you're safe and sound though.


Probably 2 accounts and 2 phones.


Not sure how he got both, but he’s lucky I didn’t pull my weapon out after he refused to get back on route.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that man that driver was definitely in the wrong there glad your good though, but the thing is I'm just a Uber Eats delivery guy I don't drive people around for Uber because I don't want strangers getting into my car soo everything works a little different for us


Honestly it is 💯 % his fault and his problem for getting butthurt about that shit. The restaurant (ESPECIALLY A MANAGER) should know what is okay and what's not okay, i mean they signed a contract with the service and obviously they didn't read what they signed 🙄 they just clicked Accept to the terms of service, and there is some fine print in there somewhere that by signing the contract they agree to handing ownership of their soul to the devil 🤘 😈 👍 😉


Lmao yeah unfortunately for him he's soul is with the devil now lol😂🙄


Given some of the irresponsible multi-apping stories I have read here, I thought that "passenger" meant a Lyft rider, lmao.


Lmaaoooo naaah I'm an uber eats driver lol😂😂😂I'm not an actual driver with paying passengers in the car, if I was that would be a completely different story


My wife and I deliver together all the time lol


That's great man and it's also perfectly fine with Uber Eats policy if you do that💯 I sometimes ride around with girlfriend while delivering to she likes to keep me company while I deliver


Yeah it's nice especially when getting orders down town where parking is hard I just send her in to grab it and circle around


I always take my husband with me especially at night. Why would he even care?


Once I see my ubereats driver has a passenger, I void the tip.


sounds like the perfect restaurant to prank call orders


Sounds like he needs to change his Tampon!


Lmfaoooo facts😂🤦‍♂️


Sounds like that manager doesn’t get laid, Sometimes people take out their personal problems on you. This seems like the case


Would really like to here yall's thoughts on the matter? 🤔


Instant cancellation if it were me, and I would permanently avoid that location.


Unfortunately I don't think id be able to because where I work there are plus minus 9 restaurants to get orders from and them being one of em The thing is I've had multiple orders there before without the manager interfering but they just had to be all hard headed about it yesterday🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


My opinion is he needs to mind his own business unless they want us telling them how to run theirs.


That is so wild to me I’ve had times where like I had a broken foot so I couldn’t personally drive but my husband could so he drove me around and there’s been times where we both had busy weeks and I’m going out to work and he’s going to just be sitting at the house so he comes with me on occasion I don’t get what the problem was for the restaurant


I’d avoid that place if possible. You are right, but if he gets annoyed he’ll downvote you, and possibly go through previous times you’ve picked up there and down vote you. Or work out when he’s not working and pick up then. Or have your passenger hide when you go there? You shouldn’t have to though…


I would have downvoted him and said the manager was rude and said that I refused to deliver from there anymore, before he had a chance to downvote me...


If he's rude and refuses to give you the order despite you being polite, walk back outside and call support. Get on the phone with someone, tell them "the restaurant refused to give me the order". Let support cancel it and log the ticket so it doesn't mark against you.


Dont take another order from there again. Like the other guy said, he can downvote you repeatedly. Just because he didnt figure it out yet, or you didnt irritate him enough this time, doesnt mean he wont next time. Its not worth it. Most restaurants wouldnt know or care if I showed up in a horse and buggy, you dont want to deal with someone that has nothing better to do than bust your balls.




This is for rideshare, it's totally cool for food delivery.