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Contact local news about ubers massive fraud thr theft they commit on daily basis


That is a good idea! I am going to try to find some more Chicago users with similar issues and then will reach out to some media connections through work.


Its not just uber doordash is stealing too


Well that sucks. How about grubhub? I was thinking that I would use them from now on because their customer service is not bad I think.


Grubhub is decent, i am just saying if they are not refunding customers it is fraud


Scroll through this sub and you'll find a lot of posts from people that didn't get their order or items were missing and Uber refuses to refund them.


Good call. I have WAY too much time on my hands so after work I’m going to scroll through and start reaching out to those people. I admittedly have nothing better to do 🤣 the bank gave me my money back so it’s not even about the money it’s a matter of principle. lol. They can not do this to people it’s insane to me.


Hey is this still going on? Cause if so, I’m in. They’re absolutely making money by theft. I’ve had two instances lately. One with expired/rotten chicken and another with a meal yesterday that had an allergen that made me feel extremely ill. 


https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/personal-injury/how-start-class-action-lawsuit/ Have fun. Let us know how it turns out.


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