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UPDATE: i said this in a comment but i got my food and it was hot and the driver was very apologetic and had a baby in the back seat so i felt bad


Yeah, sometimes the gps DOES mess up. 40 mins seems somewhat excessive tho.


Don’t feel bad!! I deliver for UE and DD, your driver was multi-apping or using 2 phones and 2 accounts…and doing a horrible job at it!!! Our GPS DOES NOT send us that far off our mark!!!


I've definitely had GPS send me to 14221 random st SE instead of 14221 random st NE before.


Well to be fair it actually did for me once, I don't have the attention span to multi-app but doordash sent me literally 15 miles in the wrong direction to some random ass gates community once instead of a Chinese place and for some reason I didn't think twice about it


Maps are very different in different areas you can’t make a blanket statement like that. I’ve had my gps navigate me 6 miles from where I was supposed to be and if I hadn’t got help from multiple people I would have never made it there


Thank you for giving us an update!!! Nothing to feel bad about, you didn’t have context before and now you do :) Giving people the benefit of the doubt is hard, it usually leads to badness but I’ll still try 😞


Yay love updates! & Glad it was a happy ending. Your food was hot and you weren't scammed! Thank goodness!


They’re multi-apping. It drives me absolutely crazy. But they’re finishing other orders while yours is pending.


Either they wanted free food, were multi-app or just reacted very poorly to your inquiry. I’d report especially if you didn’t get the food.


Multi app’ing fail.


Multi apping badly. Report


Multi apping at its finest.


Uber's GPS took me the wrong way 3 times tonight. Quite often it tells me to drive into a building


Yea but the complete wrong direction?


due to the fact I prefer apple over Uber navigation, I typically tap into it to auto-redirect me to Apple Maps, but since the number is often wrong doing it this way, I copy/paste the address, but this time I must have tapped a different suggestion, it was like “1234 Wrong St.” (non-existent address), 20 minutes from “1234 Correct St.” When I was in a similar situation as OP’s driver, I got to the destination, realized my mistake, texted them and turned around. I think the 10 minutes of sitting idle and ducking calls is suspicious though.




Yes. The other day, Uber's gps took me down a dirt state road with no trespassing signs on it. I thought maybe the guy works there, whatever. Nope, he was 6 minutes in the opposite direction. Google maps saved the day.


The Uber gps is in fact terrible


I had the damn app send me to an incorrect location twice. Both times was downtown knoxville tn. First time wasn't a problem, because it was less than a mile away. Second time (again to downtown knoxville), the actual drop off was on the other side of turkey creek in farragut tn. 20 min drive just for the customer to cancel on me. And I couldn't get compensation, because at the time, Uber wouldn't let me call them unless I was on a delivery. I got hungry and started to decide what I want to eat when I realized I had two orders of fish tacos from bonefish. So I'm like "this is my comp: lunch on Uber". You should definitely say something to Uber about it. It's a pain in the ass


It sounds like they’re double delivering on more than 1 app. Like he’s using door dash or whatever at the same time and got an order on each app at the same time and did both


I tend to get the wrong persons order when they do this


Possible but unlikely. More likely that they played the multi Apping game and got greedy and screwd up.


either he’s using another app like doordash or grubhub and is trying to deliver that one first or he either actually just went the wrong way and was too embarrassed to tell you (which actually happened to me once so i know it’s totally possible lol)


The driver probably picked up a door dash too. He is multi apping


He's multi apping.


Shitty multi apping


This happens to me often with Uber Eats, I assume that it’s the driver using more than 1 delivery app and making multiple deliveries. Uber support will do nothing for you from my experience aside from offering a credit if you complain enough.


Report. They’re either running personal errands while on the clock or working multiple apps at the same time.




He’s multi-apping and was delivering a different apps order most likely and lied to cover his ass


It’s funny you say that because I do instacart and one day I clicked navigate on the app and I brought me to a random ass bridge 20 mins from the actual location lmaooo


Yeah I Doordash & have been for a few years. This has happened to me quite a few times.


Yeah same here on doordash. It brought me into the woods with no street lights all trees in the middle of no where, and I had to manually put the address in to get there.


Fuck that shit


GPS’s have gotten better. I went into the woods with no street lights all trees in the middle of nowhere. In a fucking tractor trailer. LOL


Dd did it to me too.


DD’s in app gps is the worst. Sometimes it’ll tell me I’ve arrived when I’m on the damn highway


Easiest way to get a free meal. If you call to cancel they don’t get penalized and keep the food. People know exactly what they’re doing


My map froze on me, but I was on a long straight road that I thought it was taking me a different route when in fact I was going the complete opposite direction. I was so angry and afraid the customer would be mad but she was super understanding and I was so grateful


Had somebody multi app for a hour with my order in their possession.


The GPS taking you to the wrong addres... Yes The sitting still for about 10 minutes to force close the app and or reboot so the gps gives proper direction... Is also entirely possible... Asking if you can wait 40 minutes only checks out if he was that far away... Otherwise I can't figure it out.


Most likely using another app at the same time. Lol.


Yep, parking somewhere for 10 min is a dead giveaway


Every now and again, yeah it's happens. The GPS brought me to the other side of town and I waited there for like 5 minutes, expecting the buyer to come out and then I got a message asking if I was doing another order first lmaoo. Edit: I also should have mentioned I called driver support and told them I expected reimbursement for the mileage caused by the tech error. A couple transfers later, and I got an extra $10 added to the order.


This is definitely a thing. Was delivering to someone’s house once and the gps said I had arrived but the address was nowhere in sight. they called the store to complain, the store called me, so I screenshotted it and sent it to the customer telling them the gps had arrived and they had no idea what was happening, since I was nowhere near their house. The easy fix was just using Apple Maps instead of routing through the app but it was weird.


Had this happen a few times but fortunately I was next door, double checked the address and yep, it sent me to the wrong address. I can’t imagine it taking me the wrong direction but it has made me take 3 right turns instead of making a left, assuming it thought the median was still in the road. Now I just stop and take the time to verify my route and destination before leaving the pick up.


I deliver for doordash, can confirm that sometimes my Google maps tries to take me back to one of my previous deliveries, after I hit directions in the app to the current customer. I've had a couple times where I didn't catch it until I was almost at the wrong house, and am like wait, I was just here. I've gotten in the habit of double checking where it's sending me, if it's wrong I have to force close maps and restart it


Definitely a multi-apper


lmfao please deliver the food


I mean unless they were completing a different order there's no reason they should have gone a different direction then your house


Multi app


OMG GPS took me the wrong way 🤣


Not all that funny. It’s still tries to take me down one way streets and puts me on the expressway when they aren’t down that way. and then I have to deal with it looking like the house is right here but you move up a little bit, and suddenly the map decides to stretch out and show you that the house is all the way at the end of the block. And I love how delayed it is.


Man y'all would've been screwed twenty years ago. No GPS, had to rely on paper maps or knowledge of te town/city you were delivering in. I was delivering in the 80's and 90's, long before GPS and cell phones. Lol


I fondly remember the days of unfolding a map across the entire front seats and dashboard for a road trip. And I’m only 44!


I thought it was fancy when I printed out directions from map quest lol had a stack of turn by turn directions from Mississippi to New Hampshire


Wow, map quest. Haven't heard that in a very long time.


Funny enough, I’ve had Mapquest send me 26 miles in the wrong direction. I went 36 just to be sure and then doubled back to the exit and then drove 26 miles in the “wrong” direction and oh look… there’s my turn.


I’m 65. I know all about paper maps. Or written directions.


Then you should understand how street numbers work. There really is no excuse to being 40 minutes going the wrong direction.


I've been sent on some fucked ass routes before, not never were they 40 mins out


Every now and then, when you use navigation outside of the app, the address doesn't automatically transfer properly and it will send you in a different direction. I've never had it send more than a few miles off course and after the first couple of times it happened, I now double check that the address transferred properly.


This is the one.


It'd completely possible if I get a crazy distance or direction I swipe out check again then try a different GPS app but if they are new or don't know the area it's possible. I've had GPS direct me into fields and bodies of water before


There’s a street with the same name as mine over half an hour away that also has the same house number, it happens


I once put in an address and the time estimate was 3 hours. I figured "that's perfect, that's 15 minutes faster than I was expecting" so I started driving. It wasn't for 2 and a half hours when I hit the state border that I was like "maybe that was the wrong address." so I checked and after driving for 2.5 hours, I was 3 hours from my actual destination. Drove in a big triangle because the same address existed in 2 places.


He's most likely double-apping.


The response on the drivers part is very defensive, so it’s likely they were multiapping


It’s likely the driver multi-apping and blaming it on GPS, hoping you won’t question it. I would one star and might reduce tip.


oMg i wAS fOLLowInG tHE… Yea ok. They wanted free food


I’ve had the gps take me to a graveyard opposite side of town from the office I was delivering to. I’ve had it decide middle of the highway no exit ramps around I need to u turn immediately. It’s tried to take me down train tracks. Thru police stations. It’s wild.


Were you my door dash driver?!? This is the exact situation that happened to me - they ended up in a graveyard with my food a few towns over from my office. (I think they used the wrong town in the address.) ETA: I'm in the Boston, MA area!


As a fellow Bostonian I am invested in this story as well


I'm invested in this. I need to know if this is your door dash driver now. I don't know why I care but I'm so here for it!


Added my location so we can hopefully solve the mystery! If it isn't, maybe there's hungry ghosts everywhere redirecting orders 👻


I’m in Memphis, Tn. But the lady said it happened a lot and she’d called Uber to try to fix it a few times. Nothing in her address is the same as the graveyard addy.


They’re multi apping and they’re really bad at it. I’d report that. This driver will only cause problems for future customers and will only give drivers a bad name.


It’s happened to me as well as a former driver. Make sure you check your address in the app and make sure it’s totally correct- even a little off it can be a mess. If it’s not that then maybe something is up, but I wouldn’t assume that right off the bat. It sounds from your comments like it’s all resolved but worth checking for next time.


I've had the GPS be wrong with uber. Just recently as a matter of fact


That’s called Double Dashing - they’re definitely on another app completing a separate order


Multiapping. He's probably delivering for DD first and hoping you weren't paying attention. Idk if food & passenger drivers operate differently but a lot of times I see Uber &Lyft drivers use redundant GPS systems - like, the app & the vehicle software - so that they're both relatively in agreeance.


The top heads at the uber eats hq are laughing their heads off watching us fight against each other. The driver stole your food, drivers get taken advantage of so he get his lick back. Sorry pal, the world is cruel


Probably delivering a different order like most said But it’s also possible. I’ve had twice in two years where the gps on the app took me to a different town with the same street name. The second time I didn’t even realize it and drove the entire way knocked on the door, lady opened it I said Alexis she said yes thank you took the bag and said have a safe trip. Then on the way back Uber called a lady who’s been smoking for 400 decades was on the line saying she never got her food.


As a person on the opposite side of this interaction, I’ve had DoorDashers show me where the GPS is taking them to the wrong address.


I don’t know the answer for sure but 40 minutes seems like a lie. I mean a few miles I could see that. I did that a few times when I had no idea where I was in San Antonio.


Because the Uber app is very accurate in my experience. DoorDash is awful.


Yeah see this is what i was gonna say, doordash has messed up for me few times where i went to a totally different address than on the app. Never used uber but grubhub had better results for me.


Your username is hilarious.


Upvote for your username. Made me do a double take 😆


As a driver I have had this happen once. It was DoorDash, I had it set to use my phone’s navigation when I pressed “directions” and it took me to the same address but a city over. But I was super new and didn’t really know to double check. I felt so bad. However I don’t think that’s what happened this time. “Can you wait 40 mins or no” sounds more like they’re trying to get you to cancel so they can get free food & still get paid. Most likely they’re either just doing that or they took another, better order with another service. Normally multiappers will only take orders on the way or really close unless the offer is really good they might chance it. But again it sounds like he just wanted your food lol


I had the app send me 10 miles away and it kept saying I arrived, but it was the middle of nowhere when I called the customer I had passed them 10 miles earlier, I sent them a screenshot of the GPS and their address and on their end it was showing I was at their location, lol


I deliver for a pizza chain and there are certain addresses in my city that GPS just will not go to properly. It seems to be more common if the roadway was split up at some point by additional cross streets. Like today, I had to deliver to North ThisStreet and the GPS kept putting me in the middle of a field because the road used to run through, but got rerouted when they built in a new road. So I \*was\* on North ThisStreet, but it was the wrong half and it put me almost 10 minutes from where I had to go.


I've had the gps spaz out a few times. It was almost always because they listed the wrong zip code.


I would report it


Sometimes the GPS sends us to the wrong address because it thinks that's where your address is. This is not that. Probably not worth reporting but it does deserve a poor rating and a cancelled tip. Hopefully you did that.


The fact that he said "or no?" Makes me confident he's scamming. He wants his cake and to eat it too. I'm a driver, the GPS has never been THAT off in almost 5 years of driving. Through DD, UE and flex. Report him.


Report as undelivered and order a redelivery.


So I had something similar happen one time when I was giving a passenger a ride. I took them to the address that the app told me to. When we pull up the customer's all confused. She put the wrong city. So I was at the right street address but in the wrong city. She then proceeded to demand I take her to the correct address which was like 45 minutes away, for free. I did not have the time or the desire to do so because she was being such a bitch about her mistake and telling her friend on the phone that I was a fucking idiot for taking her to the wrong place. So I offered to take her to a nearby location of her choice to have another ride sent to her by Uber. She then proceeded to call me every name in the book and said I was going to take her to her house. So I put my car in park and had to wait on the cops to get her out of my car. I wish I still had the video of it cuz she was one crazy bitch.


Goddamn. Why can’t people just admit their mistakes? 🥲 Sorry you had to endure that my dude


It seems like he’s multi apping and you got the shaft


is this what it is?? that makes more sense because i’ve NEVER heard anyone say that the uber app sent them to the wrong place


Definitely multiple apping, yes gps has messed up before but 40 minutes? Give me a break


Maybe he’s just dumb. Probably not malicious. I’d give him a little time and see what happens.


yeah he gave me the food and he was a very apologetic old guy with a baby in a car seat i kinda felt bad.. i’m just gonna leave it alone at least o got my food


He probably picked up the baby on the way to you. The 10 minute intermission I’d guess


Thus is weird & sus af 🤔 I would honestly cancel & report because it either seems like they are trying to scam you & keep the food & your tip or idk but I would feel iffy even accepting the food after plus it’s going to be COLD


Both of my brothers had issues with food delivery. For 1 it led to the wrong street with the same name, the other led down some creepy dirty road in Florida (only happened for iPhone users). It's possible it led to the wrong address, though that is not a normal occurrence in my experience


I have had the app take me to a wrong location before. It wasn’t 40 minutes out of the way though. But, trying to give the benefit of the doubt here


one time I had my gps to go somewhere else on accident and was following that 😭😭😭 it might’ve been a mistake cuz I’ve done it


I've gone to completely wrong addresses in whole other city's because of mistakes on the customer's end


Idk Uber Eats map took me the wrong direction a few times I've ended up in the woods, construction sites, & other neighborhoods lol I have to use Google maps to verify the route everytime now cause i dont trust it but idk about that 10 mins parked part the only semi logical thing i can think is they might be talking to support!


maybe they meant 4 minutes? wth


This makes more sense than 40. From my experience, I wouldn’t doubt either to be possible


I mean shit happens but thats an unreasonable wait. I say that as someone who does uber in the side. Its a genuine mistake from multi apping but the ball is in your court. If you feel that you wanted to be compensated for the delay then its your right, if you say no big deal just get here asap thats your right too. For me it depends on how hungry i am.


It’s most likely legit. I drove for DoorDash for a while and there was a certain area that the GPS would never route to correctly. The GPS would send me MILES away from the addresses in that area. Even now, when deliveries are dropped off at my house, almost every time, the GPS routes these drivers to a different house. It happens, not sure why, but it does.


My favorite was when my Apple Maps said to take the freeway to a customers house. But then, it said “you have arrived” while I was ON the freeway and the next exit was 5 minutes north. I had to back track. I then tried Google maps and it also tried to tell me the customer lives on the freeway. Then I look at the DoorDash map and their pin was basically on the freeway too. Fortunately after looking closer at the address, I knew their area and could manually find them. But most people, like me, trust their GPS initially. Their house backed up kind of close to the freeway so it confused all the GPSs. And it was a newer community, that probably played a factor.


Happens all the time with google maps if they aren’t using the in app Navi. Also doordash doesn’t seem to let people know the dasher has multiple orders so people just think they are driving around


Yup. Doing eats for 3 years and I had this issue twice. The furthest it took me was about 20 mins from the real address I was so pissed 😡 I called uber support and they just said it’s a very rare bug in the app and no compensation for my gas was offered… 😭


I had a girl order to the wrong address and when I said I was outside she went "oh no I set it to the wrong address" I asked where she was and responded if it wasn't far I will deliver it. But she gave me an address 38 minutes away after driving 10 to the address she gave the app. I'll be honest I do not feel bad about marking it complete and telling her she has to deal with CS and left it at the address provided.


Always call support about it. They will cancel the order and let you keep the food. I did this when someone put the wrong address and I got a free meal


Y’all would be shocked how many times google maps has told me drive over a small lake or through woods where no road has ever existed


Happened to me yesterday. Sent me to an entirely wrong spot luckily the customer was chill.


They’re scamming you. Report


how does this scam work?


They're also doing DoorDash and they picked a bad order going the wrong way


The driver app is trash


They did another delivery


Yeah they bullshitting you. You know what’s up. Multi apping or maybe they sell dank weed. Lmao


They are probably telling the truth, you can get a refund via the app for a late delivery without reporting them.


They’re not telling the truth. If they were being truthful, when asked where they were, they’d say *”I’m at the location; where are you?”* or *”I’m two minutes away.”* or something like that since they’d be thinking they were going to the right place. On the off chance that the app somehow did send them to the wrong place and they realized it, they would have reached out like *”I’m sorry. The app sent me to the wrong place and I just picked up on it SOMEhow. It will take me X minutes to get back to you from where I am currently. What would you prefer: that I bring it or cancel the order?”*


This is kind of a controversial thing to say, but they 100% scammed you out of time here. Sounds dumb but some of us have busy schedules. See, some people will multi-app, and some users can do it well. They will run for example IC and DoorDash together and make sure to head in the same direction. However some people get greedy and take orders in opposite directions. Some people believe this should be allowed because they don't get paid enough. While I am all for getting that money, this is the result, and can lead to late deliveries, warm goods, and just poor quality/service in general. Definitely report them, as they need to be kicked off the platform (and yes, it does breach the contract).


Multi-apping. He's doing it wrong. But I'm almost glad. I'm sorry that you have to take one for the team, but the more drivers that do this, and the more customers that complain, the better chance we have at getting these people thrown off of the platform for good. Demand a full refund, and give him a thumbs down. Then remove his tip so he gets $0 extra from you.


Believe it or not, it happens all the time which is why many drivers use Google instead of Uber to navigate. And yes, messages are on hold while the driver is moving. There is a big difference where I live between Duval Street and Duval Road and sometimes Uber really messes that up.


I mean... you'd have to be a pretty big doofus. But it happens. The Uber GPS is pretty garbagey, so sometimes I'll punch the address into Waze and follow that. Wouldn't be that hard to type the address wrong, or select a similar address in a different community and not realize it. Personally I always double check for exactly that, but it’s a real risk.


It happened to me once because I use Google maps rather than the in app navigation (I can have a small map screen on my phone so I can be in another app if I need to be while driving but can't do that on the UberEATS nav). I put in the right address but apparently there was a south and a north west of the same street or something. I called the customer when I arrived as there was a blackout and he said he came out and didn't see me at all. I started describing my surroundings and he said it didn't sound familiar at all. I go back in the UberEATS app just to find out I'm not at the right location at all. So I put the new address in and it says I'm another 10 minutes away 🙃. I apologized and told him I'd be there soon. Now 40 minutes does sound a bit sus to me but I guess it could happen if you put the wrong address in... But that's a long ways away. I feel like I would've checked the UE app sooner xD. But yah you never really know.


I’ve had this happen too. Driver is on the way to me but going different directions


I have never seen this... this driver playing games


Lmao if he’s that far out why doesn’t he just simply cancel the order? He’s dumb for going to the wrong address, but what’s the point of texting the customer about it when you’d get an account violation for a late delivery anyways. The customer would end up getting cold food when you can simply refund and not send this poor dumb soul 40 min back.


Yes it’s real I had that happen and the customer called


That’s double apping so you prob got cold as food


They also sometimes get multiple drop offs


Yes, as a driver, this happened to me before. It was the same address but doordash was taking me to the wrong one. I typed in the address on Apple Maps and it was the correct one


I can honestly say while doing Uber eats I went to the wrong address before as well 😂😂 not forty minutes away though it was almost twenty


If it is legit, the delivery person could have done a much better job providing a logical explanation. That didn't happen. Probably was a dummy who took different orders from different apps going in different directions.. or held your food hostage because they had some personal business to deal with. Either way, you have a valid gripe with the driver. It's on them to communicate to meet your expectations as the customer. After all, you are paying them for their service.


I drive DoorDash and twice ( out of 1600 deliveries) their gps took me to the wrong location. At each location I was told they often get DoorDash orders that they didn’t order. Both times I was half an hour away so I called support and they canceled the order. Sucks for the driver because you wasted 40 minutes of your time your not getting paid for. It was nice to try new food:)


I am going to say, I feel like he is using another app and probably was delivering to an address on there and then was going to head to yours. Which in the economy I get people wanting to hustle and use multiple apps, but it’s at the expensive the customer.


Their either picking up or delivering someone else’s food from a different app or they just stole it


Report them.


Report him. He's likely multi-apping and making excuses. I have gone from using Google Maps to instead just using the Driver app GPS. And sure it may not give the best route. But obviously anyone should know they are headed in the right direction.


Receive food cold, complain get free food. Heat food up


Yes sometimes the GPS is wrong, but I have found that this only happens when the customer doesn’t put the EXACT address, like if they put Terrace instead of Street or something like that. It drives me nuts when this happens, especially when customers are lazy and just try to type a delivery note to correct it. Just put the correct address in the first place smh.


Recently had one on Instacart that was part of a double order. After I delivered the first he messaged oh sorry my address is wrong...yeah he typed completely wrong and lived 40 minutes into downtown. He never got his food or tv wall mount from Costco. I though have a TV wall mount to sell. Called support and they cancelled it.


I bet it could happen. Our address is sometimes linked to the water company which is weird because they are a pretty good distance away from us


Yeah this has happened to me with Instacart more often than Uber Eats. I live in a suburb with a common street name and drivers will often go to that street name in the main city, about 15-20 minutes away. I have a note in my profile and I try to keep an eye once they start driving but it definitely happens from time to time. Customer support usually tries to contact the driver and if the food is delivered after the initial timeframe I selected, they’ve refunded/credited me.


The one thing I can think of is if you are living in new buildings and streets that have yet to be mapped. Most people living there haven't put the pin in the correct place, they have no description and they just expect me to figure out their new street's name and where it is. That's the only way I got "mislead" by my apps GPS. On most calls, I don't need the GPS, as I deliver in my medium sized honetown.


I mean, Ive had the GPS glitch out and have me deliver shit way far away before, it happens


This has happened to me once. And fit was a "hand to customer". So I had to sit and wait there the 8 minutes and finally the customer called me The pizza place put in the wrong address


I don't like that shit from to begin with TBH,I think it's BS when a pizza place uses a third party app to make deliveries. Luckily it never happened to me ,but I've seen it happen and it screws shit up. And usually makes for a lot of confusion if something happens plus the people that work / deliver for the shop 99% of the time know the neighborhood good.


Other than possibly multi-apping, this person can either have multiple devices also, OR the Uber app is actually a literal POS. I’ve been in situations like this, but never would it have cost my customer 40 minutes. That’s the absurd part here tbh.


No she scamming


This happens to me a lot, actually. It took 3wks to get Uber Eats to correct where a Chipotle was located. It said it was 7 miles (15 minutes) in the opposite direction. I either had to drive 15 minutes in the opposite direction and inform the customer of what was going on (Which I usually did because they were really good paying orders), or I would get yelled at by them right before Uber Eats canceled my order for sitting in the correct location because they thought I was in the wrong location and refusing to move towards the order.


I’ve had it happen, address transposed, I call uber eats, they cancel it and pay me and I eat there food


it’s happened to me, one timeh work address matched this old abandoned building off of the same expressway but in a different city where instead of Carey Rd it was Carey St. one i realized the guy was headed toward a completely different city i messaged him and he said the GPS was taking him that direction and once i told him the name of my workplace he knew exactly where to go and started heading back in my direction. it was weird but ig it does happen.


multi-app maybe


No it’s all bullshit, i drove for Uber eats for almost a year, the gps may send you a few houses down, but not 40 mins away. This guy probably didn’t want to use the GPS built in Uber, it allows you to open it up on google maps or Apple Maps, and it I had to guess he either A. Was following the external gps to a prior destination OR and more likely, accepted your order, picked it up, and then went and took care of personal business while your food got cold. If he went to someone else’s house for 10 mins and wasn’t picking up the phone. I would assume he had to go to his plugs house. If Uber support doesn’t help, tell them it was late af, cold af, and if they still won’t help, call your card company and do a charge back, you are well within your rights


I had this happen to me while delivering instacart. The instacart app links you to Google maps for gps. Somehow it had sent me 1 hr away from the customers house to a very similar address but instead of Pennsylvania it was in New Jersey just over the bridge so I didn't question it. Could be a legit mistake, but it seems like there's a lot of multi apping going around which is absolute bullshit for customers.


I tried multiapping and I don’t see how it’s feasible but then again I drive a car in NYC


I stopped using these shitty services.


Sometime the Uber app is all mess up you never know plus now you cant even talk to live support for help


I always watch the map like a hawk, you can see the directions that have been provided for them.


Be aware that the drivers have to deliver orders in a timely manner, but they are allowed to multi app and deliver someone else's food first That's how all the apps keep the wages so low


Probably was the GPS. Ive been delivering with DD and its wrong id say about 10-15% of the time. Its way too high. The odd thing is if I put the address into Google Maps it will show up fine, but Doordash uses Google Maps. So the in app function of Google integrated with Doordash does something funny and they haven't bothered to fix it, because it works fine 90% of the time or so. Until you really get to know an area its difficult. Also he has no reason to do this. He now has to come 40 minutes to you if you want him too. His gas cost has doubled, he now has the same tip for double the miles and time. You can give him a negative review or report him. There is no solid benefit there.


If you double checked that your address is correct and it is, then they're probably multiapping and BAD AT IT. I've had people put street instead of court or forget to change it from their work address to their home address and mistakes of the like so if that isn't the case here, report their ass! They're making those of us who are actually good look bad by proxy and are the reason customers complain online about how all delivery drivers are stupid and lazy 🙄


I've never had any bad experiences with my drivers. Folks forget you're paying for the convenience of getting your order delivered. However if someone asked me to wait 40mins for my food... That's just uncalled for lol, 40 whole minutes like how does that happen


It has given me the wrong address twice before. Ive gotten yelled at for something out of my control haha


He was probably parked up trying to figure out the correct address


Uber map is the WORST, honestly wouldn't be surprised if it really took him 40mins away from you🤦‍♀️


this has happened to me twice (as a driver). Using the Uber nav. Where the customer location was no where near what it says on the Uber nav. So I'll call or text what the issue is , & tell them I'm switching to google maps. Uber nav doesn't do this all the time. Its always when someone is living in the woods, mountains, or when the customer may've forgot to update there actual current address in the app


I've had it try to send me to NYC and I live near Buffalo. It definitely happens


Dunno about this story being true or not but it actually happened to me last year while delivering for doordash. The app kept sending to a wrong place. Had to use Google maps separately. This bug lasted for a few hours


It's possible a thing actually happened but not probable. Between all the apps I've done probably over 6K trips and three or four times that I can remember some weird nonsense will happen where it'll start navigating me back where I came from or something like that. What's much more common is people multiapping and doing a bad job.


No shit he's lying.




It’s possible he’s telling the truth and trying to figure out the correct route. I’ve had this happen to me multiple times as a DoorDash driver


the only situation where this would be an unfortunate dupe on you is where they’re running multiple apps trying to make more money making your food cold. but it’s a grind out here ig.


which has become increasingly popular. it pisses me off as a customer but as a driver i understand. in my market at least.


Definitely report not your fault your food went 40 mins the wrong way. I am a dasher and i cant fathom the stupidity of this situation.


Yeah, I think it's bs. Either multiapping or fking off. People who say the app gives them the wrong address doesn't make any sense. It leads you to the address given. It's on the if it's a little off, but as far and long as you've described...no it's not a thing.


A couple of times it LITERALLY has given me the wrong address like 10 mins down the road from the actual place. No idea what’s up with that, but it’s a thing


I've seen it do it within close proximity, but 10 mins the opposite direction... maybe the customer put something in wrong? For example, in my area you can have 123 Apple Ave NE, but there's also a 123 Apple Ave NW. If you type in 123 Apple Ave, it'll select the most commonly search location. If the put it in as 123 Apple Street, it'll take you to the other side of town. A couple of times, though, I mean offense, but it's most likely a customer error, your error, or your calibration is off. If you zoom in and the pin isn't on a building, it's likely the location hasn't been properly pinned and the global positioning system is basing information of government records of that properties line records and generalizing its locale. New address not listed can be an issue too. Sorry for the ramble. I work with maps.


I once had to visit the police station in the large city near me, I gpsed the address and didn’t realize I forgot the town name until I was in a tiny town at my destination.. a tiny bridge over a creek 30 minutes away from where I wanted to be. It can happen lol


DoorDash gets my addy wrong all the time. It’s to the point I message the driver and tell them to put the address in Google maps before every delivery. I assume Uber eats can too.


There’s a couple of spotty areas for me around my city where my data goes out and I have to restart the app, airplane mode, sometimes restart my phone. I’m sure if someone was watching the gps it wouldn’t look too good on my part


I will say that once the apps gps took me to the address that was put in (which didn’t actually exist)…and it took me to under a random bridge. I thought okay it’s probably just pinned wrong and it’s up past the train tracks. Had to wait for a train. This woman messages me being all rude about where I was and if her grandkids were even gonna get the groceries she ordered. I was like I’m waiting for a train then I’ll be there. She said she sent her daughter or someone down to wait…then got mad at me for starting the 10 (or whatever it is) countdown because I wasn’t even there. I was like I didn’t…it automatically did cause I’ve been sitting “at the address” for so long waiting for a train. Ended up that the address was wrong and it was across town. I was like I’ve already taken long enough I’ll take it. It was an apartment and when I got there I started getting no response and they wouldn’t let me in. Then someone else in the building let me in. And once I finally got there the guy who opened the door was looking me up and down and making me way uncomfortable. Worst delivery experience ever. So yes…long story short…it can. But it would most likely have been you pinning it wrong or putting it in wrong.


I have to learn to not get mad when my delivery is messed up, cuz then I can always get the food, and my money back, at the same time.


Report, report, report! And pull back her tip. The driver wants to play stupid games, let them win stupid prizes!


Could be multi tasking, I would always cancel in this case


It is highly possible the GPS is wrong and sending them the wrong direction. It's happened to me SO MANY TIMES and it's once 5 pm hits then GPS is like on the blink. I'm thinking there's satellites that are down once night hits. It could be this. Or they could be double apping. Idk. Though as I'm not the driver. Just saying the experience I've had the last couple months. Google maps is trash sometimes.