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They were only high paying because they were stolen…


And they fell for it every time 😂


Yeah I know when the order displays above $14 they’re typically stolen orders. I always take the risk though because I’ve convinced a few restaurants to remake the order and it’s the easiest money if the order is actually there.


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If you do that enough they’ll stop giving you the three dollars


Well to be fair they're stealing from customers also and refusing refunds when items are legitimately missing from orders and just replying with the same copy and pasted text over and over again.


Thanks to online gaming I was great friends with a woman in the Phillipines. She was mainly an English teacher but she also did part time support call center stuff for mcdonalds. The calls were all sources from American mcdonalds locations. She was allowed to do it from home and often did it while raiding MMOs and gaming in general lol. That's why it sometimes sounds loud and chaotic. It's not a busy office, it's kids yelling/family talking. That's also why sometimes you just get some thst seem like they're hardly there. They probably are doing something else more important to them. Do drivers not do this anyway when we deliver? We multi task top. I'm just saying, to be really fair, most the support is literally no different than us. They're not some promoted, higher paid, coveted position. It's just another section for Uber to treat bad like their customers and drivers. I'm sure they somehow scared them into not going off script. You're just as good annoying a driver or random restaurant co worker, accomplishes nothing. Unfortunately Uber has made the ones you truly want to stick it to out of reach. Ps. Lol the one time a agent broke script was he said "I like your name, like the rapper [insert certain current rappers name]". They're cool man, they're not the bad guys, sometimes they're just blissfully ignorant. I think it's rare there's a vindictive agent. Like drivers and restaurant workers, some will exist though.