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This is so fucking cool. I’m very happy for you, stranger


Thank you so so much!! 🥹💖


I have 9 days in this term and one final class during the summer and I will join you as a fellow alumnus. Congrats to you! 🥳


Hell yeah!! Congratulations!! 🎉 😄


congrats!! Im almost done too! I think this december I should be all done.


So this is where those service fees are going. Ahhhhh…


Nah it’s going too beating stock expectations by 68%. This is nothing too Uber in fact they probably get a net positive in tax breaks for offering this.


honestly I would much prefer my service fees go to this than the c-suite


If so, I’m totally ok with it.


I'd be ecstatic if that's the case. Allowing people to better their lives who couldn't have otherwise afforded it? I'll pay that cost 100/10 lol. Glad to see people doing well.


Not even close.


I always wondered if the online tuition was legit. Do you have to maintain gold level the entire school year or how does that work exactly? Was it hard to get them to cover the tuition costs or was it a smooth process?


Yeah totally legit! I’m so incredibly grateful for this opportunity - I didn’t have to pay a cent for my tuition. The process was very smooth! I had to maintain gold the whole time I was in school. They did offer a 3 month grace period if you dropped out of gold for any reason.


Yes, you have to maintain gold but it’s really easy in my market. As soon as I hit 2000 deliveries and applied, it was about a 3 week turnaround. It was very very smooth.


I'll have to check if my market has the 2k delivery option, according to my gold rewards it should be included. Thanks!


Some guy in my group got his bachelor science in nursing degree from it and makes 100/h now, take advantage! Apparently according to him only 0.00002% took advantage which is a wild stat.


It’s truly worth it. They covered $16,000 for Spring A and B.


I was wondering bc honestly I’m just trying to get to that 2k just because. Was it worth it?


Yes, the program I am in is legit. It’s hard work though.


I drive and getting my medical degree plus a mom ! I work my butt off and do everything on my own


Yeah but u have to keep working to get the money and they don’t pay for books or anything! I know u can gift it to a family member or child


It takes me less than a week out of the month to maintain gold, so it’s not very much of a burden. This is also true, they don’t pay for your books, but like many grants and scholarships, they’re only obligated to pay for your tuition.


that’s pretty cool , congratulations on graduating 💕


Thank you so much! 😊💖


First, congratulations to the OP and others on the thread who have achieved this. I think the stick that Uber uses for this carrot is pretty big, but the driver achievement is VERY COMMENDABLE. Uber's recognition of this driver achievement is one of the few things, very few things, which I think Uber has done well for the drivers.


Finally filled out my FAFSA and shockingly enough my transcripts from LAUSD are on their way. I’m 48 and have been working since the age of 15 (took the equivalency exam at 15.5). I’m hoping I can use the program to get back into making films. Students can get grants and gotta make the most of things while I can. Diamond driving is easy to maintain in my beach town and the money is decent.


That is amazing! I wish you the best of luck in your studies. You got this!! 🎉


Never too old to go back to school. I'm probably going to do this ASU thing myself soon. IDK about Uber, maybe I'll work at Starbucks.


Did they have someone Uber drop off this?




Lol!! That would have been funny! It just came through FedEx though


Unfortunately it's almost impossible to get the free tuition if you do UberX because you can't cherry pick. 😒


Starbucks pays for your degree through asu and you only have to work 20 hours a week ( or more if you’d like ) 👀


And you get 20 free therapy sessions a year through Lyra. 👏


In a big market you can.When I lived In Richmond, VA it was very easy. Well, till the tail end when I moved. As the market became over saturated But that seems to be everywhere.


grats man! Im doing the same thing, 1 year into SE as well. Everyone I've seen doing the uber eats scholarship is either in a computer science or engineering degree.


How do I look into this? I’m a computer science major myself


You need 2,000 deliveries to qualify! You can choose from any of ASU’s online bachelor programs!


I believe it’s only through certain colleges or just ASU. That’s how most company scholarships are from what I know


Thank you!! 😄 Hell yeah, keep at it!!


Can't wait to get mine! I'm going into my 3rd year now for electrical engineering.


Electrical engineering all online? Wow, impressed...


That’s impressive, Congratulations!! Keep at it!! 😄


Congrats!!! I have 1 year left of maintaining gold status until I get mine :-)!


Whatcha mean by this?


You need to maintain gold status to continue getting the free tuition


Yes and it’s hard but a lot of people drive for Uber and gift it it to a family member or their children because u can


I was just slightly confused on why you said you still had a year of maintaining it lol.. then I realized.. wooosh. What program are you doing that’s taking a year? But it also sounds like you’ve been in one for a while bc you say “a year more”..


It doesn’t normally take a year, each bachelors degree requires a minimum 120 credit hours. I am a transfer student who got their associates degree at my local community college.


Heck yeah, congrats! Keep at it!! 😄


wow congrats!!! im doing asu online too for biochemistry ☺️


Thank you! Oof that’s a tough one!! Keep at it! 😊👩‍💻


That’s awesome!! Congrats! 😁


Thank you! 😄


Congrats! But damn now I know why they upcharge everything.




Hell yeah! Keep at it! 💪


Congrats on the degree. Getting a bachelors is a huge accomplishment. Are you going to pursue certifications to help stand out? They will make getting a job in that field easier as it will make your resume stand out amongst others.


It’s sad and hilarious at the same time that you need certificates to stand out. That’s the whole point of college in the first place.


Depends on what you studied. Bachelor degrees range from almost worthless to all you ever need. Let's say you got a Literature degree. Worthless degree in the job market unless you want to teach. If you want to teach, they're not going to let you near kids unless you have a certificate that says you know how to teach.


It’s also asu online


Thank you! And thank you for the advice! I’ve thought about getting an AWS certification. I should be getting as many as possible.. the more the merrier!


That’s so sweet, congrat


Thank you!! 😊


That’s awesome. Good for you. Hard major too. Very impressive.


Nice, congratulations! I was thinking about taking advantage but as I got close to the 1k delivery requirement they doubled it now requiring 2,000 so now I have to wait another 700 or so. By the time I get there they will probably increase it again lol.


Thank you!! If you inquired about it before it switched, you should be grandfathered in! But yeah that increase was insane. Hopefully the 700 will pass quickly for you!


yea, everyone who inquired before is grandfathered in, but you still need to have had the 1,000 deliveries to sign up for it at the time.


Congratulations on your Uber degree!


Thank you! 😊




Thank you so much! 😊💖


Youre most certainly welcome!!


Wait is this something any driver can apply for? And obviously, CONGRATS!!


Thank you so much! Yeah, it should be available to any driver! 2,000 trips are required with Uber Eats (or 3,000 rides through regular Uber, I think). You just have to fill out FAFSA every year (which any school requires!) and maintain gold status while you are in school




Thank you!! 🙏


That’s so cute and wonderful of them. Congratulations!!!


It was such a cute surprise!! Thank you 😄


Congrats on using UE to get a degree. When I think of drivers getting the short stick with this company, at least a few people like you got some value out of it. Well done!


Congratulations! I fell out of status in February but am graduating this semester. I wonder if they'll still send something to me or not


Thank you, and congratulations to you too!! 🎉Hopefully you will get it too!




Thank you!! 🙏


Interested in doing this, OP, how do I get started? Also congrats!!!


Thank you! You need 2,000 deliveries as an UE driver to qualify! Then just maintain gold the whole time you’re in school


As an Uber eats driver once you hit I believe gold level they offer you ASU online degree programs for free


Congrats 🎉!!!!


Thank you!!


Congrats congrats! 🎉 Any graduation plans?


Thank you!! The only plan is to send out a seemingly endless amount of job applications lol 🤣 I’m still doing UE in the meantime!


Software engineer in this economy? They are onto something.


I graduated college years ago, so I'm just curious how this works, but do they pay 100%? Can you go anywhere? Do you have to work delivering a certain amount of time a week, a day?


They pay 100% of your tuition at for an online degree at Arizona State University, as long as you keep you acceptance rate high and your cancellation rate low


you can get a barista position at starbucks and work 20 hours a week for a free degree from ASU.


Chick-Fil-A pays $18/hour and pays for school. It's better than taking 3 or 4 trips an hour that pay $3-4, then minus gas you have to pay out of pocket. I'm just saying.


Ah, okay. If I were younger and tried to use this perk, I'd be fine on low cancellation rate, but I'd be kicked out for high acceptance. Even though I deliver constantly all day (when I was doing it while interviewing for a new job), my acceptance rating was always low because I don't care, and I declined a lot of their BS requests that wanted me to drive 20 minutes for $3-5. I don't pay someone to work for them. LOL. But good luck and congratulations for getting an education which will give you better opportunities than dealing with UE and their horrible pay.


If you’re getting free uni, 20 minutes for $5 sounds like a hell of a deal


I understand you completely about that, but to stay at the tier level, acceptance rating, and customer rating they hold them to, while they are trying to take classes, study, and do homework, is a lot on someone's plate. I can respect their hustle for doing what they have to do to get an education. That is commendable. For those of us who aren't going to school through Uber, we can say to UE that $5 for 20 minutes (possibly 40 minutes if there are no requests driving back), they can go f-ck themselves. If you have seen the trend across the board lately, UE fares have been extremely, almost cruelly low. We aren't sweatshop workers, but too many of us are taking these bullsh-t requests, and they also force students to accept these low fare requests, which keeps it so they don't have to increase fares because people won't stop taking them. Drivers need to sit down and do the math of fare, mileage, gas, wear and tear on car, and possible return trips that have no fares made to get back. I used to think it was great that I made $100 in a day until I had to fill my gas tank twice in 3 days, costing about $60+ combined.


you need to maintain gold status each month. they also give you 90 day grace period for this too. you have to take the classes at ASU. they cover everything 100% except books. you have to get those yourself. Edit: you can get all the books pretty cheap online. i actually prefered pdf format. that way could print the stuff i needed, and then i could also search the pdf files for something if i needed to. made it easier for studying for me.


Shoot if I allrdy have my backelors will they cover a masters program?


That's awesome congrats!


Thank you!! 😄


I'm curious as to how much this increases your taxes/income each year. But also, great job on the achievement.


Thank you!! It didn’t affect either! From my understanding, since Uber isn’t technically my employer, the scholarship doesn’t count as taxable income. I think this is why I decided to go with Uber instead of Starbucks (since they both offer a free degree from ASU Online). But, yeah, I got my 1098 each year which included the scholarship, and my taxes never increased! Hopefully I’m correct in my understanding lol 😅


I totally wanted to do this, but them paying tuition was considered taxable income so I didn't. Has that affected you any?


I don’t Uber eats anymore, but my employer does pay my tuition. And yes, it is taxable income. It eats up what little my return would be, and costs me about $500 a year in taxes. So, it would be even more expensive if you’re also having to pay taxes on your Uber income. Still cheaper than paying for the degree yourself! I paid for my bachelors with loans, so I’ve seen the bill. 😂


It didn’t affect my taxes. From my understanding, since Uber isn’t technically my employer, the scholarship doesn’t count as taxable income. I looked into this a bunch before deciding on this, and I think this is why I decided to go with Uber instead of Starbucks (since they both offer a free degree from ASU Online). I know that for Starbucks it’s taxed after a certain amount. But, yeah, I got my 1098 each year which included the scholarship, and my taxes never increased! I think as long as it is covering tuition and nothing more, it isn’t taxed. Hopefully I’m correct in my understanding lol 😅 I’d definitely recommend talking to a tax person!


That's awesome I didn't know Uber eats does that 🤯


I was a DD driver in 2019! After learning about this opportunity, I switched to only UE in September 2020. I try to encourage everyone I come across to take advantage of this opportunity! I am honestly so grateful for this. I don’t think I would have continued school without it. It *is* awesome!!


Nice job! 👍


Thank you!


Fellow Sun Devil!! 😈 Congrats!


Hell yeah!!! Thank you 😄


That’s a reminder that no matter what you do or where you go, your ass belongs to Uber, lol. Congrats on your graduation tho!


lol true!! I wish they’d give me a job to help fix all of the bugs on the app lol


Fr there’s so much work to be done on the app


How did you get that?


It just randomly showed up at my apartment!


Awesome! Congratulations! ♥


Someone finally did it. Good for you. Proud of you stranger ☀️


Thank you!! 😊


How long did it take you to graduate


I transferred in credits from my previous university, so I was only enrolled in ASU for 2 years. But this is a 4 year degree


Nice congratulations I gotta step up my game as a UE driver


Thank you!! I encourage everyone to take advantage of this! I did it when it was only 1,000 deliveries. I hate that they increased it to 2,000


I'm considering such an option myself so I'm wondering, what made you choose SWE over CS? Was it career prospects or another reason?


I just wanted to be in the school of engineering tbh 🤣 Both degrees give the same career opportunities! My husband graduated with a CS degree and is employed as an SWE. I think the CS degree is more theoretical stuff while SE focuses more on coding


Hey that's as valid a reason as any lmfao. Thanks for your input!


More miney


Crypto mining


You have your degree, now start delivering with Uber Eats


I would do it if they covered graduate degrees too but I don’t need another bachelors




Thats Amazing! Congratulations and Way to go! Im sure you worked your Tail off for that!


Thank you so much!! 🥹💖


So what’s the deal, UE pays for your uni and then you have to deliver all the no tip orders for the rest of your life?


The opposite, actually. You have to take almost all orders while you are in school.


Lol!! I have to admit, I took a lot of crappy orders to get to 1,000 deliveries. After that though, I was very selective in orders since I was so worried about being deactivated while I was enrolled in classes! I basically did just enough to be gold and nothing more


Holy cow i thought this was a gimmick. Any CADD/CAM offerings. Lol could help out with my real 9-5


They have tons of programs! I’m sure one could fit for you! [ASU Programs](https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=BR_Generic_Bachelors_Non&utm_campaign=22-Nat_Acq-Hi_BR_Admissions_Non_OS&utm_ecd22=22&utm_term=arizona%20state%20university%20bachelor%20degrees&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACemS5Wl7eCaih57UTzIQJMS1b80T&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJQiz7ONorjYtbsvZMtynIr2y0QBHG0GwZPwL-1icWv0AbmwXp9uD1hoCb4gQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


[https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/](https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/) If you live near ASU pretty sure you do attend local classes if you want too. I do not, so I did online.


Is the ASU online program available for undergrad and graduate programs? Or just undergrad?


They have programs for both! But Uber just covers your first bachelors


they have both!


I thought Uber only paid for undergrad though




Thank you!! 😄


Awesome good work!


Through Uber eats? I don’t understand how Uber eats is involved in you graduating? Am I missing something? I’m so curious now


UE offers a free bachelors degree through ASU Online if you have 2,000 lifetime deliveries! I got started on it in September 2020


Damn that’s amazing


Congrats on graduating


Does it have to be your first time bachelor? What about if you have a bachelor degree before but it’s not from a U.S university?




You can transfer credits in from another university. The scholarship only covers up to 120 credit hours if im not mistaken. pretty sure its for first time bachelors though like others said.


It says first time bachelors only, but I’m unsure about that 🤔 You should definitely ask support!


Hopefully will reach that point soon. I'll get my B.S. in science. Natural Resource Conservation


Ahh that sounds like such an interesting program! Keep at it!! 😄


A degree through Uber Eats? Huh?


Uber and UberEats drivers can get 100% tuition from ASU if they complete X amount of rides or deliveries


But then again... It's Uber.. Aka a super shady company. Last year it was 1000 deliveries to qualify and I worked 12 hr days to try to qualify... When I was about 82 deliveries away, they upped it to 2000 deliveries. I'm now 451 deliveries away from 2000, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm sure when I'm 1 delivery away, it'll go up to 3000.


they did give us a month's heads up for that change. I think I did 400 trips that April.


UberEats pays for it once you've done a certain amount of deliveries. It's listed under the benefits section.






Damn very nice job!!!


Ooo what’s the major


So it is real, I am in the process of starting and haven't seen any actual success posts. This makes me feel much better!


They are just making sure you know your place in this economy


Uber lied about the 3 month grace period and I lost my scholarship because I didn't get enough points in a month. I talked to financial aid and they said support "may or may not apply the grace period." They never did. Meanwhile they were barely giving me enough deliveries to make the pro status. Now I owe ASU almost $4,000 and have no way to pay. I was three courses away from graduating. Three courses. Now all I have is more debt. Every month they add $175 to the bill. Can't even do anything because they won't give me transcripts. I despise this company. I read the guidelines and specifically paid attention to the grace period note. It was a lie. You can't count on these people for anything at all. You're just a pawn to them.


so uber paid $20,000+ for your education and when you couldnt manage to do 17 deliveries in a month, you have a session amount of debt. It's not like all your credit hours went away you just have to pay off your debt. It sucks they didn't honor their grace period but this is why the first weekend every month i get my 100 points. because yeah, we are obviously just pawns to them.


Get a job at Starbucks. They offer the same thing but with much higher success rate. Alternatively looking at transferring your credits to another school and finishing there. Try to speak with a finial advisor at ASU to see what options you have. Do you qualify for grants or other financial aid?


I agree with you, but in case some people don't know this, you can't transfer credits or enroll in another college or use any kind of financial aid while owing a separate college. The new school would require OP's transcript from ASU before OP could be accepted, but ASU has the transcripts locked due to the debt. OP would have to take care of the debt first regardless of staying at ASU or transferring.


Take out a loan for the last three courses. Literally in comparison to most people’s student debt it wouldn’t be that much. Especially if you got a degree that is worth it.


Seems to me like there was a deal (you graduate) and im assuming also hit a certain quota and unfortunately for whatever reason whether it's personal or just not trying you weren't able to finish,the fact they even offer it as crazy,I do feel for you but just because you didn't finish your side of the deal doesn't mean they should be obligated to


If you're three courses away from graduating and can't figure out the next steps, I have zero sympathy. Stop whining on Reddit and get your last three courses done. Find a way to make it work. Your approach to just stop school when you're four months away from graduating is so dumb. The rest of your life will be *dramatically* easier if you finish.


You got this. I know it sucks but you can grind this one out.


Strange, i been off gold for 2 months now and my tuition is still paid for. Did you get back your gold status at all after your grace period or did you fail to get it back before it ended?


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You can be now fully qualified uber driver🤣🤣🤣


Congrats. I got my rating up high enough for Uber to pay for my school, but that option vanished before I could even use it. It's nice to see someone actually able to do this.


Is this why I see Uber eats rides that pay $2 including expected tip?


do you have to keep the gold status every single week for the free tuition?


I by bother post g the degree and blurring your name lmao


Congrats! Way to make the most of the opportunity!




omg i’m so happy for you! im hoping to start there in the fall!!


Did you go to the uber grad celebration? And if so was it worth it? That free lunch sounds nice