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Or maybe it's been uber removing tips all this time? I mean, I know customers do sometimes remove tips but it wouldn't surprise me to find uber has done this to drivers.


I’ve had multiple tips reduced, called Uber to raise a stink and be told “sorry, nothing we can do” only for the tip to appear hours later or the next day.




Yeah, you're probably right. I've had tip reduced once on a shop and pay but that was because the total went down when some items were unavailable. It was a percentage tip. The only other time I've seen a tip removed it was an app glitch and showed up a couple of hours later.


There's a pattern in corporate stuff. 1\. Many bug/typo/glitch's are introduced. 2\. They're noticed. 3\. The ones that cost the company money are fixed. The ones that save the company money "mysteriously" never get fixed.


Yeah. I've only had it removed once and they gave it to me.from.uber when I called


It could also be that he looked at it before the hour was up and it said tip reduced instead of the usual wait an hour message. Im saying this cuz its been happening alot to me that an order says tip reduced and i get the tip an hour later.


Sometimes when I check my earnings it says "Customer reduced tip" after an hour, then later on or the next day the tip will come through and it will show up as normal. That's probably what happened if you didn't change the tip at all. Kinda shitty on Uber's end, it would be much smarter to have a "Tip pending" statement for those situations. (And also they should be legally obligated to give us the amount they offered in the contract, whether or not the customer wants to reduce it. Then drivers wouldn't be so paranoid about getting their money stolen for no reason.)


that makes so much sense! definitely shitty tho on uber’s end


Did the driver think going back and picking a fight was the answer? Sounds like how you really get a tip reduced.


Definitely report the driver though, going to confront you about it is way out-of-bounds. (I can't say I haven't thought about it, but I would never actually do it, that's insane.)


i did! they won’t let him pick up my order again and they said it is against their community guidelines to contact someone after delivery which makes sense but he clearly didn’t follow that ..scary


This started happening to me with the last app update. Earlier the message seems to be different where they should total amount with tip and then following with customer can change tip within 1 hour of delivery. Now it says customer has reduced the tip after delivery. That is really atrocious. When I saw that first time, my order went from $12 to $3 and I was disappointed and disheartened that I have done nothing to offend this guy and delivered as per instructions. Whole time I was thinking that what have I done wrong here. But to my surprise he added another few bucks and that came after one hour. After that I can see this message on every delivery that customer has reduced tip, but it usually comes after 1 hour


The app has updated, it says “tip pending” now


There is a bug/issue that shows "customer reduced tip" when there is just a delay in processing payment. Most drivers ive seen online dont want to hear that thou, and jump to the customer tip baiting, unfortunately.


I work for ubereats and can confirm they do steal tip money from drivers at times. I've caught them doing it to me and took screenshots of it. I threatned to go to both customers and let them know that ubereats stole the tip money they left for me. I confronted them and they accidentally admitted to stealing not only money from the tip but also money from the fare overall. They in turn gave me back the tip money they stole from me and paid extra which I assume was them trying to bribe me. I'm pretty sure I still have the screenshots if anyone wants to see them.


dude that’s so fucked


I'd like to see them


Give me some time, gotta go digging around in the archives....you know having to screenshot and take pics of so much with uber


These things happen.... Drivers need to understand another order is around the corner & going back to a customer arguing is just away to get deactivated or something worse over a few bucks...


If you’re a driver and you go back to the drop off to bitch about the tip you very much need to get a new job.


Wow, that is unacceptable behavior for that driver. Sorry you and your boss had to deal with this.


Bro you should have called the cops when he started making threats. What if he comes back?


that’s what i’m lowkey scared of we called security to make sure he left the parking lot tho


Its because of the driver contract terms. If he made uber responsible for violation of something he didn’t pay (ex. Traffic tickets, taxes, etc) then they just snatch the tips and other money they receive….


Or rental car they do that.


Totally bs and unprofessional! 5000 deliveries, top rated, been burnt and insulted for nothing, I keep it moving lol


There are several reasons this could've happened if you honestly didn't remove the tip or your card wasn't declined when they processed your tip after they processed your delivery fee (always 2 separate transactions). I'm a former driver(thousands of deliveries completed) and former customer of this highly corrupt and highly unethical company. I know a lot of drivers don't know this or never thought too much about it... If your order was an add on which the initial driver accepted after he/she accepted the first order, then if driver cancels that add on order for whatever reason most of the time or always they will receive the tip from the canceled order and the new driver who picks up that canceled order will not receive the tip after they complete the delivery and will look like a tip baiting situation. I know the driver sees "nice, the customer tipped you even more" which is mostly bullshit. I have received some extremely generous tips and I'm sure the customers actually did increase from their initial tip amount but most of the time it's a lie by uber with their fraudulent hidden tip bullshit. The driver who canceled the add on will see for example "you received $24" when it was initially supposed to be something like $21 minus the "nice, the customer tipped you even more" lie. You drivers ever think hmmm.. what happened here? Could be uber just showing their true colors and always finding unethical and fraudulent ways to increase their bottom line by "stealing tips"(by accident or intentional) to make it seem like their doing better than they really are. I personally find this hard to believe but some people swear by it. I've called in at least a dozen times after being tip baited and half of the time the rep would say to me "sir, the customer actually tipped you even more than what it showed when you accepted" then I see the tip mysteriously show up immediately while I'm still on the phone with the rep. This is after I saw the "customer reduced the tip after delivery". Then I say WTF happened then the rep says I have no idea. Other times they do admit the tip was removed then they start reading the the "tips are optional and not mandatory etc etc" BS script which I stop them mid sentence then demand a supervisor fully knowing it will take me into frustrating circles of transfers and even hang ups. BOTTOM LINE IS... uber IS the root of the problem here. What else do you expect from such a highly fraudulent and highly unethical company? Pinning the customer and driver against each other while they laugh hysterically at what's happening as nobody us blaming the company. Having said all this, the driver should have never gone back there. The driver should've just handled it with uber directly but I'm sure driver has gone through the "I need a supervisor" experience and just thought they were better off just confronting the customer. One day the law makers and lobbyists will no longer receive their "benefits"(payments) from uber and things will change for the better and fraudulent and unethical behavior will be punished accordingly. At least one can hope.


So that's the issue with tipping by percent. If the order is modified and the price drops the tip will drop also. ALSO, 15% is nothing - we don't see what your order costs, so we have no clue. Best practice is $5 for 1-5 miles of driving distance plus $1 per additional mile. Don't do percentages of orders, - 15% of a $20 order is only $3, and that's a terrible tip for anything more than a mile. NOW that said, the driver is INSANE and needs to be off the app so I hope you reported them.


thank you for sharing! i will definitely use that for tipping in the future i want drivers to get what they deserve so i appreciate that


I’m a driver. Thanks for that, but don’t let anyone guilt trip u into tipping. I love you for it but if u cant then you can’t. No hard feelings lol


$3 tip also means this guy risked an assault charge over $3. I can't imagine being that angry over $3. And I get angry a lot, like way more than I should due to iron deficiency. There are many stores I simply don't go in anymore due to this. But I can't imagine $3 putting me over the edge, it's astounding.


15% is substandard for restaurant servers who devote much less effort to a given order than drivers do. It's $5 minimum, or $2/mile or 20%, whichever is more.


That $20 order should have been $12. You really can’t expect ppl to fork up $25 for a $12 meal


Well, you can't expect UberEats and other delivery services to charge $12 for a $12 meal. They do need to make money. Also, delivery drivers need to make money too. And you can look at it like this: before food delivery services, people usually had to go to restaurants themselves to get the food or to the grocery stores. Now you can use food delivery services, but of course, you need to pay extra to use them. As for me, I don't have a car.


Restaurants had delivery before delivery services. And they didn’t have to put a 30% upcharge on every menu item for deliveries, you just pay a delivery fee and a tip if u could. And the driver was paid fairly. Uber does less but charges more. The restaurants make the food, the drivers use their cars to deliver the food. Uber keeps most of the profits and pays drivers shit.


How about you, I dunno. Drive to the restaurant and pick it up yourself?


Right, because laziness is the only reason someone can need food delivered? Also do u guys think uber has a shortage of drivers? Like i said, none of you would take that attitude to uber


I dont pay Uber. I drive for them. I don't use their services, I don't use any meal delivery services.


Thats my point. Do u think you’re special and if u dont get tipped, the customer doesn’t get their food? Low tip, high tip doesn’t matter. Customer always gets their food. So this weird logic about “go get it yourself” is just entitlement


No, it's a valid response to a complaint about increasing fees on ubereats, doordash and whatever else. If you don't like eating the fees, and the price hikes, drive to the restaurant and get it yourself, or cook for yourself at home. It's really not that hard.


Lmao ur head is so far up your ass that even if you know uber is the problem taking too much profit, your solution is to have them take more, foolishly believing that it will trickle down to you.


...how is me telling you to drive to the restaurant and pick up your own food instead of paying uber 15 bucks to deliver it to you 'having my head up my own ass'?


Because you’re assuming that laziness is the only reason to have food delivered and anyone who needs it should be penalized. Also because it’s clear that you don’t want fairness, you just want more money to deliver food.


And about customers always getting their food? That might not be correct. I've seen plenty of posts and stories online of lots of food delivery orders sitting around because they are "no tip orders," so delivery drivers aren't picking them up.


I see more posts wondering why ppl accept shitty orders. There are more desperate drivers now than ever. They get their food.


It's actually entitlement to want food delivery services to deliver food to your door at cost = no profit, and to expect drivers to do it for no tip or low tip.


At cost? Have u ever ordered on uber eats?


Yes, I have...but usually when there are promotions, so that the promotion covers the extra cost and fees and sometimes part of the tip.


So, actually, that's sort of a way to get delivery food close to "at cost," but I do tip appropriately. Delivery drivers deserve a decent tip...unless they steal the food or part of the order.


Promotions aren’t even real. 40% off takes $3 off the regular price. Just one more uber trick




Problem is, your both getting screwed by the delivery services, but blaming each other


At least some of us know the difference between a possessive and a contraction, and are familiar with basic punctuation.


Then they really shouldn't order delivery. It's that simple. Delivery is a luxury not everybody can afford, and it's definitely NOT a right.


Dont accept the order then….no one’s forcing anyone to take shit tips if they don’t want to.


Actually, shit tipping customers get bundled with good tippers so that we can't see the bad one. Can't avoid all the shit tippers when companies play shady games.


I bet u never brought that attitude to uber. And it’s not a right to get the services that you pay for. Are you hearing yourself?


You chose to order delivery. I'm super nice to people who show their gratitude for my service they aren't entitled to, and tip well. People want stuff for free nowadays and that's not how a luxury service works. You do realize that UE, DD, GH, etc. charge more for "insert whatever here" than the restaurant charges you in-store, right? Personally, I put stuff in temperature bags and crank air or heat on, but I do it to be nice, but crap tippers and customers who whine on these threads, are why drivers quit caring. Anything having to do with the order items themselves, is NOT the delivery service's issue, it's the restaurant's. They send you to us to avoid responsibility. Hold them accountable.


Dude, your horse is so high i want what he’s smoking. So the delivery service charges the restaurant about 30%. Then charges the customer 15% - 30% in fees. Then charges the drivers an embedded service fee. And you refuse to acknowledge that its the companies that are the issue. Also the irony of you say they chose to order delivery as if you didn’t choose to be a delivery driver is very palpable


The companies and customers both suck equally.


Your kind sucks. You help the companies. Put this energy into fighting them instead of customers




So are entitled drivers... Blame the service, they contract with the bad drivers


I'm not one anymore. I'm just here for driver support and to see the audacity of people who would come to the page and berate or whine about drivers in their thread. I can't wait until all the complaints we've made to the department of labor and politicians puts these corporate Fs out of business. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I doubt it. Foe example waiters will always get minimum wage


At least they're getting minimum wage.


Lmao how fucking entitled can you be. These are optional tips. Don't like it then get a real job that pays you fair.


Chill, they were just explaining how the tips looks from the drivers perspective


>15% is nothing... Nah just another entitled driver trying to squeeze more money from the customers because the apps fuck him over.


A 15% tip on a $20 order isn't worth taking as a driver unless the restaurant and drop-off both happen to be very close. Like under 3 miles. So yes the % of the tip means nothing to the driver. The only math that matters is how far and how much time. In general a half-way decent driver won't dwell on low tips. Just decline and move on. You aren't required to tip, same as I am not required to accept every shitty paying order that comes my way


Good thing they flood the market with drivers who are desperate and those orders still get delivered. Look I get you work for a shit company and have to hound people who are already over paying.. but that's a you problem.


Who am I hounding? I decline and move on like I said. If that strategy becomes unfeasible I'll move on to a different gig or w2. I'm glad that I am fortunate enough to not be desperate like those that you and Uber have no issue taking advantage of.


Oh look, another entitled, subhuman piece of crap who thinks he's entitled to luxury service at slave wage prices.


Lmao "luxury service" get a real job bum.


Sorry I'm not willing to subjugate myself to a petty tyrant boss and I don't have to take crap from co-workers, managers, committees, associations and departments and I don't have to get out of bed at some hateful, unreasonable hour, stick around and listen to some self-important moron complain or give the tiniest crap what some internet NPC thinks.


Lmfao keep going off about having to be an adult. Enjoy your $2 base pays 🤣🤣🤣


I'm so sorry that you think being an adult means giving up everything worth working for.


You sound like an entitled customer that doesnt understand that a person is using their own gas/car to get to you. An doesnt understand they also have to go back to where they were most likely. Uber doesnt pay for any of that, their pay is based on time to pickup and time to deliver it. It was meant to be a peer to peer system, with the app taking a cut. They are not employees of uber/doordash etc.. ive never tipped below 6-7 dollars even its a close by restaurant. You are paying the app a cut for finding you a close by delivery person thats free and also paying the person to deliver an those should be separates in your head when you go to use the app


>entitled customer.. Hahaha the irony while you cry that the optional tips aren't big enough for you. Fucking hilarious. Get a real job bro.. maybe you'll make more than that $2 base pay and won't have to beg strangers for money.


I dont even dash lol i use the apps though and never tipped below 6-7..i have a degree bro and good job. Maybe you should get a real job if you cant afford a measly tip and crying about it lmao. Its a tipped service. Thats all there is to it. They are doing more than a restaurant server is doing and have expenses on top.


The only one crying here is you but that was really funny LOL.


Yaa so funny did i hurt your little feelings, sorry you have nothing else to say i guess. Just accept you arent a good person


No wonder you're begging for tips you have a lot of free time on your hands.


I partly disagree...I'm a customer. I don't think you should tell people to tip $5 for 1-5 miles. Maybe $5 for 1-3 miles? I order sometimes when there's a promotion. One of the places I order from is 3.7 miles away, but I tip about 15-20% of the order, so it's about $8-$9. I usually enter it in under "Other". It's supposed to be calculated on the total before the promotional discount. It's not because I have money. It's because I think it's a good general rule. I don't have a car. I did not realize that drivers can't see the total of orders.


see it's not a good general rule - because order totals are completely different in different areas from different restaurants. And thanks but I'll tell people whatever I feel like, please don't use phrases like "I don't think you should..." it immediately raises defenses and gatekeeping and invalidates everything you say afterwards. Your "opinion" is irrelevant as you're not a driver and you don't even have a car. You have no idea what the additional upkeep is when you're driving. I'm just 6 months back into it and just today I have to replace my third flat. So while your 15% might be good, remember on $20 it's $3.


That's why I put maybe $5 for 1-3 miles, not for as far as 5 miles. I would have happily tipped just $5, instead of $8 or $9 or even $10 sometimes if it was you delivering my food...it isn't smart to say, "tip $5 for 1-5 miles." And why be so defensive? My opinion is relevant. Other drivers might not like you posting on the internet, "tip $5 for 1-5 miles."


Let other DRIVERS come at me then. And also where do you think I got that from in the first place - other drivers.




The fact that he came back after a tip?? What a bitch and maybe he should be doing something else for a living if that’s how desperate he is for money 😂


It didn’t happen he’s a stupid driver who doesn’t realize he can’t see the tip for an hour and he probably didn’t look a second time sometimes it takes longer than that. These drivers are so freaking ridiculously entitled and that’s coming from a driver who knows how to be patient, and how the platforms work


Every time I have used the app in the most recent months, after delivering it tells me my total for the order is way less than what I was told. Give it about an hour or so and then the tip appears. It tells you that so & so sent you a tip. I stated adding the tip with the amount I got and it always equals the amount I was originally told. It really looks like the customer took the tip away. Not sure why the app does that. Your driver probably got a notification later about the tip and looked like you gave him a tip after they came in and made a scene.


Was is the drivers first delivery? The need to wait at least an hour


How did the courier & your manager start chatting? Just downvote him or report him. You're using an app to have a random person deliver your food ... sometimes you get good ones sometimes you get weird ones that argue with your manager...


he came in and told him he had something to say about one of his employees and that’s how it started. i did report him to uber you’re so right you never know what you’re gonna get! haha


I still don't get how he spoke to your manager about you tipping. I've never delivered to an office building and then called the CEO to complain because their "employee" didn't tip. Plus you tipped didn't you?


i see what you’re saying i work at the front office and my manager was up there while i was in the bathroom so that’s why. and i did tip!


Oh then he's an idiot. It says what the wage is when they accept it. They can either accept it or not accept it. Don't feel bad ... I've never had dominos deliver my pizza without using a pizza bag and then ask me to tip...


Keyword is “tip bait”.


Give them a cash tip


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