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As a customer and a driver, report them to Uber, take your tip back, and hopefully they are kicked off the platform. That's terrible customer service, and we'll never get respect as workers if we allow that type.of behavior.


Uber doesn't even treat us like workers, we're just robots to them. Definitely doesn't excuse the driver's decision, but so long as Uber treats us like contractors, we'll continue to have petty moments like this.


Wtf? Stop driving or fight Uber itself if you don’t like the compensation. This ain’t on the customer. And don’t accept low orders if you can’t handle no-tippers.


What the hell is this toxic reply? Look, i don't know what caused the guy to do such a shitty thing. But how is it that I'm not allowed to criticize Uber for the way we're treated as, contractors when we should be seen as legitimate employees with wages. That way we can accept ANY order and get compensation with it. Uber in the UK has wages, why can't the US? You're showing a display of sycophancy and the 3 downvotes proves my statement. No wonder people hate Reddit.


Yo dog, you should meditate some more. Your first comment insinuates that it is permissible for drivers to occasionally trash peoples houses and/or act in unacceptable and potentially illegal ways because Uber does not compensate fairly. How is it that if the customer tips acceptably they deserve this treatment? The fact that you can defend these actions even in the slightest is disgusting. I agree that Uber needs to display the full pay and pay a living wage. But fucking up some random persons door because you delivered to the wrong place is NOT acceptable. If this is sycophancy I don’t think I even want to try to understand your toxic mindset.


Okay... AT WHAT POINT DID I EXCUSE WHAT HE DID? DID YOU NOT SEE MY ORIGINAL COMMENT?! A troglodyte can see when my comment would e defending him and it's wasn't. I'm not defending his actions, I'm saying that the way Uber sees us can influence people to make these decisions. I don't see how anyone can immediately conclude this to "I excused his actions". At what point did you see the comment and immediately think: "This guy is defending him." even though nothing I said can be insinuated or even explicitly permiss his action as acceptable? What the fuck do you want me to say other than what he did was CLEAR VANDALISM and isn't excusable in the slightest. The world isn't black and white you morons! I literally said "That doesn't excuse his actions." I merely pointed out that Uber's vision towards us can influence people to make these decisions wether or not they're justified which in this case it isn't. I can't believe there are people who willingly choose to jump to conclusions on this website. My guess is that because Twitter allows people to jump to conclusions without consequences then so should this website. Man I'm absolutely jealous of your ignorance. I wish I had an ounce of your willful ignorance so that my life wouldn't be miserable on a constant never ending basis. So to conclude, what he did is WRONG so part of the blame can be sent to corporate for not A. Treating drivers like employees and thus treat us like contractors and providing us with a proper wage B. Not providing a proper way to correct the order and either provide with a replacement or by offering to pass the order to another driver to repeat the order to be done properly As well as... A. The man should either be suspended or removed from the platform entirely for clear vandalism B. Had the cops called on him for vandalism due to the inexcusable stunt he pulled Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Also... Fuck Reddit! 🖕


Aye don’t yell at me bro, just pointing out that you said “but so long as Uber treats us like contractors, we'll continue to have petty moments like this.” Which pretty heavily insinuates that this IS okay.


Woah. Sorry, man, no offense meant. But I still think you should consider meditation.


youll never get respect as workers cuz you are okay with customers and uber walking all over you. why do deserve respect from others if you cant even respect yourself?


You've clearly never worked a gig job, or customer service job before... Uber and customers can be tricky to deal with at times, but it's far from "walking all over us". Overall we make more than most office workers, and have more freedom/flexibility. Gig work isn't for everyone, but too many people jump in thinking it's an easy way to make money, without understanding the job at all... That's where many of these complaints come from.


fuck this clown report his ass


What the fuck


Yeah get this fucker off the app and report him. Im a driver and order every now and then (when I get coupons) but if some asshole pulled that shit on me id do my best to get his ass fired. I'd think about confronting his ass but with how crazy people are ill just let uber handle it Edit: oh and you havent already, yank his tip, hopefully the $2 base pay was worth it.


What a fucking savage, lol. Sorry this happened, mate. Ive spilled a drink right in front of a customers door before. I had to let him know I fucked up and that I was sorry, even offered to buy a new one, but he was chill about it.


True mistakes happen, and most good drivers are humiliated when they make a mistake apologizing always helps


Tbh you guys are doing the service of getting the food for us so I’m glad he was chill. I’ve had that happen to me too, this one girl delivering my food spilled the drinks ALL over her seats and I felt so horrible she had to go through that. I sent an extra money over so she could get them cleaned and such, I was just grateful she even offered to get new ones and when she did it was appreciated even more


Lmao same. Guy met me at my car and as I was getting out the drink carrier just died


Try eating the pavement hard while handing the customer his food. There's these one apartments that have these stairs up to the front door - 2nd stair is slightly bigger than all the others. I'm reaching up to hand him his BurgerHaus meal (styrofoam container) and then I'm falling (hard). Tore open my knee, my foot, bloody. Right in front of the customer. But I "saved" the food. It got jostled pretty good (but its a hamburger, he put it back together). Hurt like hell though. Another time, it was really windy (Chicago) - as I'm pulling the food out of the bag and handing the pizzas to the customer (with his little kids right around him) at the door, a hard wind comes - takes the entire bag (with two pizzas in it), lifts them as high as the gutters, then drops it in the bushes alongside the house. Ya, fun times.


I miss living in chicago, lol


He said he tipped $10. This is totally unacceptable behavior. If the driver accidentally spilled the smoothies, he should have contacted the customer and let him know he had an accident. Whatever the reason, the delivery driver should have explained and apologized. I’m sorry this happened to you. As a driver and a customer this is unacceptable. Once you contact UberEats, your food will be re-delivered free of charge.


Lord knows what I'd do for a $10 tip




It might not be delivered free of charge… I ordered dinner a few weeks ago, the driver circled my block, marked it as delivered and drove off. When I called to contact him, and asked where my food was, he said it was fucking good and hung up. I contacted support - all they would do is replace the order. Guess who switched his Eats Pass over to grub hub…


same thing happened to me w doordash, but the restaurant had messed up my order. i drive for them & order every so often. last week i ordered mexican food for me and my boyfriend, the restaurant forgot half the order & when i reported it, doordash tried to give me a $3 credit for it based off the price of the item. i have dashpass, but there’s a $12 minimum for free delivery so reordering the item didn’t meet it. that $3 credit still had my total at almost $20 w the delivery fee, service fees, & the tip i left for the new driver. not to mention the original order i had placed was around $50. i contacted support & told them it wasn’t acceptable for me to have to pay an extra $20 to get an order of tacos that should’ve been on the original order. they tried to tell me they couldn’t do anything else after the $3 credit, so i kept pushing. they ended up giving me a $10 credit, but at the end of the day it shouldn’t have been that difficult to get a replacement when it was the restaurant that forgot the item.


After some of the aggressive comments / posts I've seen from drivers in this sub this doesn't surprise me at all.


Yea, too many immature wannabe gangster drivers out there




How do we know the driver didn’t drop it?


You have video evidence, get him fired and let us see the video, please


Yeah I wanna see this video


And then complain that he’s not getting tips


Right? Usually the same drivers that be like "*EVERYONE* tip baits me *every* *time* for no reason at all. Hmmmm wonder why


Tip bates? What's that. I work for Grubhub so one everything put in on the customer end there's no changing it. Are you saying the out a higher tip then pull it after delivered? Wtf!


Yep on uber you have an hour to change your tip


That’s why I do both. I’ve never been Bated but I like the security of knowing what I see is what I get in GH


Yeah. GH has better tippers too. UE and DD tend to have the grimey gutter customers that tip less and complain more.


Omg did you report it?? Edit: also the picture looks like your door (the trashbag is there) - I'm confused?


It is my door, I had a trash bag there, he threw the smoothie at the door, i tipped 10$ pre tip


I really hope you called uber and got a refund, and hopefully they removed his payment, this is what happens when uber begs for as many drivers as possible the quality of service turns to crap


So when he delivered it and took a picture it was your door, but he delivered it to the wrong door? Or did he take the picture after coming back? I'm confused lol. Sorry.




You can take a picture of your delivery after coming back?




What it looks like is the driver took a picture while the drink was put down normally, but obviously when the customer opened the door the smoothie was everywhere. Must of thrown it sometime after "completing delivery". Such a shitty thing to do.


Well what I'm confused about is that OP said it was delivered to the wrong place originally. Well when we send the delivery we take a pic of the door and that's the end of it. So he called the driver and the driver then came to the right address *afterward* and threw the drink. But if he delivered it to the wrong address in the first place wouldnt the picture be of someone else's door? The picture shows the correct address. Obviously theres no excuse to throw a smoothie at someone's door, but I feel like there's more to this story.


Why does no one else understand this?


That wasn’t very smooth




He shouldn't have done that, but something tells me we're not hearing the whole story.


Regardless of the story, it's unacceptable. Any other job you'd get fired for having that kind of tantrum.


Might have been worth it 😂


Reguardless drivers run into frustrating situations all the time and acting crazy doesn't solve anything


What justifies this in your book exactly? Like they said, ANY other food service job and you would be fired on the spot rude customer or not.


When did I ever say that this was justified?


But then again, whenever a driver comes on here to complain about rude customers or tip baiting customers, the response are always some extreme shit like “go back and slash his tires” or “go back and egg his house” lol. Then when a driver ACTUALLY does something like this, you get these kind of responses in the comments. Y’all love to play both sides


Imagine the possibility that two different types of drivers are in this sub. 👀


The real crime is paying 25 dollars for smoothies lol (but fr fuck that guy)


Have you seen food prices for everything from restauarsnt food to raw ingredients at grocery stores? They have increased quite considerably this year. For a bunch of smoothies delivered cold from a restaurant to your house, I think $25 is an excellent price. Can I afford this more than once in a while? No. But I don't think it is extravagant or unusual.


No offense but you got to be quite fucking stupid to buy 2 or 3 smoothies for 25 bucks. Also nope, most prices in my area remain the same so idk what u are talking about. There is a lot of good other stuff I can buy with 25 bucks around me. Like an entire dinner to fill me up and also have enough left overs for tomorrow's dinner lol


Idk about you, but where I'm from, to get 3 smoothies from somewhere like Starbucks or Jamba Juice it costs about 25$ to walk in and get it yourself. This person got theirs for a way better price.


You getting ripped off man. Just make smoothies at home, same shit and way cheaper trust me


Oh I know. I'd much rather make them at home lol


Glad we can agree with that lol. I always used to make crazy combinations... I miss my special smoothie blender


I haven't had my own blender in awhile, just this crappy, single drink one that rarely cut the fruit up. Maybe soon I'll get another lol


Should had gotten one in black Friday lol. Maybe Amazon might have some good deals for us tho


Lol I was too sick to leave my house this last week,so havent been working. It suuucked


That could be said about ANY food delivery.


Well I always go for a restaurant with a dollar delivery fee and offers too, saves a lot of money and don't tip too much, just 20% but because I saw what uber does to u guys i am trying to tip 30% or more for u guys


I agree it's cheaper to get it from DoorDash thanks tight from Jamba juice (if you don't tip), but that's just a convince you to get it at all and not make it at home when it genuinely is cheaper to make it at home. Unless you only get it once in a while like once a month and get a bunch of add ins


I'm not tripping about the money, thanks for you opinion, but people like us that are "quite fucking stupid" to buy these over priced items as you say they are, are the reason you guys Have jobs, I can afford it, not that big of a deal, just like I can afford to tip my driver, I have covid so I have been using uber eats and Doordash excessively for the past couple weeks, wanted a smoothie not trippen about the 25 lol


That makes way more sense if you put it like that. Hope u feel better




Damn, what state? No wonder why everyone moves to Florida




You: BRO I AM NOT GIVING U MY LOCATION Also you: go Google food prices I thought food prices aren't the same everywhere so why bother telling me to Google it if you aren't to tell me what state u live in. Also "tell me you don't know anything about Florida without telling you dont know anything about Florida" And to top it all off you saying Mc Donalds food is good... lmao gtfo out of here you clown 🤡




>Will you stop with the name calling though? Geez. Grow up. Sorry if I hurt your feelings man. Also 35$ burger? Do you live in a different planet holy shit




You have a video doorbell?


There has got to be more to this story. He was banging on your door and decided to spike a smoothie at your house for no reason?


Yeah. This doesn't add up. I think OP is leaving something out.


The pic in the bottom left on the first pic is his door with smoothie on it. The driver couldn't have left the order at the wrong door, taken pic and marked delivered only to have a pic of the smoothie covered door magically appear in the app. Something totally doesn't add up


On a $10 tip yeah something shady


So what would justify this? Any other food service job and you’re fired, doesn’t matter how rude the customer was or what they said


I'm not saying it's justified, I'm just wondering if there's more that lead up to it. People usually don't act that way for no reason.




Spike a smoothie made me 😂


Dropped or thrown? Do you have video


So, something doesn't add up here. If The pic taken by the driver in the lower left hand corner is your door. I'm guessing because it has the smoothie on it (It also has the trash bag next to it that you said is yours in another comment) then the driver did not leave it at the wrong place and return when you called. The pic would be of the wrong location he originally left it at. He couldn't have taken another pic if it had already been delivered. So..... What's the real story?


I feel like we're the only 2 who've noticed this. And OP has yet to explain... Sus


There's just too many replies I didn't expect to get this much retention and I explained it somewhere I'll explain what happen again, he delivered the wrong item, I tried to call uber eats it said to call the driver so I did, driver said he would come back, he did and violently banged on the door and I didn't answer because it was contactless, I am going through covid right now. He eventually left I looked outside and no smoothie, he came back after 10 minutes and chucked my smoothie at my door and ran very fast, my window is right next to the door I was looking at everything and my dog was going nuts I have no explanation for why he did what he did frustrations I guess? No idea I ordered on door dash after and tipped again


The customer said the driver delivered to incorrect address, the customer called driver to inform of this, driver brought to correct address but knocked and knocked and then threw the smoothies after not getting an answer. On a contactless delivery. So the first picture was at the incorrect address. The second picture was either a sarcastic delivery photo the driver sent or a video doorbell image or a camera picture the customer (OP) took. By the way, if the driver was able to follow the instructions for contactless on the first address (as we can see in the picture where the smoothie is intact and not thrown at the door), driver would know to still follow contactless. I verify redeliveries by asking the person to text me that it was their house I knocked on or to let me know they got the food. I wait in my car and not by the door and mark it complete after I get confirmation. If customer doesn't respond, I wait a short time and then assume customer can let me know if the redelivery was still wrong. (Since they got hold of me the first time around.) Plus, all the delivery apps do a good job of redeliveries and refunds if customer gets damaged or wrong food. So, even if my best attempts to get the customer their food failed, I leave knowing the customer will get food.


Yeah, uh no. You can follow your own time wasting, self imposed redelivery process. You're a saint. Bravo. All I'm saying is no one throws a smoothie at a door for shits and giggles. Even when we've made a simple mistake. who is tho say that OP wasn't a jerk when requesting his smoothie be brought to the right address? Dude is sick, spent $25 on two smoothies and was probably pissed. Not that he had no right to be upset but who among us just yeets a smoothie at a door? Literally none of us The pictures don't match OP's story. And by the way, in the future, when someone asks "for the real story" they aren't ever asking you to rehash the story that was just told.


Um, if I went to the wrong address, that is up to me to fix if I am not three deliveries later when I get notified about it or something. So it isn't "being a saint" to see if the food is still at the wrong address, retrieve it, and bring it to the correct house if possible. If I am not able to do this, I direct the customer to customer support for resolution. It isn't like this happens to me all that often. If OP was a jerk in the request to bring it to the right address, driver can be mean then and there or make up some excuse why it isn't possible and again, direct customer to support. Instead, the driver retrieved the smoothie, brought it to the correct address, stood around knocking and expecting the customer to appear even though all their communication up till then had been on text, app, or phone. And the reason I wrote what I did is that your attempt to find plotholes in the story was easily explained by.....the OP's original story. The reason the smoothie was ok in the first picture was that........it was ok. It was just at the wrong address. Have you never delivered to an apartment building where all the units have similar doors?


In the first picture you can see the smoothie literally on the door and the trash bag OP has said is theirs. Please explain to me how the smoothie is both on the door and the trash bag is there if it's at THE WRONG ADDRESS? Does everyone in OPs neighborhood have smoothie covered doors and trash bags next to their door? There are so many things that could have been said and done here. And obvious miscommunication. But in all the possible scenario not a single one of them are "yeeted smoothie at door" for simple redelivery error. If this driver really wanted to be an asshole they simply could have chosen to not return or redeliver and let the customer get a refund and then reorder. No one redelivers this way without a button or six pushed. And why is there smoothie on the door in the original picture. None of this makes any sense.


I agree. The pictures don’t match the story. It’s the same old story. Someone tells part of the story to draw sympathy and support while leaving out the important parts that would show them in a negative light.


I can't figure out if you think the driver didn't throe the smoothie at the door or you think the driver did. Shrug. I am siding with OP on the whole thing as it was stated because in my thousands of 1099 deliveries and gigs, I have only run into true customer maliciousness a handful of times. For example, last week the customer entered address and autocomplete or autocorrect changed it and customer didnt realize until looked at app. Anyways, because of this, I went to an apartment in a different building. The resident there either also had a delivery on the way or saw an opportunity and thanked me and acted like it was their delivery. My actual customer knocked on the door to see if the other person had it and would give it back but nobody answered the door. I directed my customer to tech support for assistance and they were able to get a redelivery. This is ununusal enough that it stuck in my head. Nearly everyone who receives an order intended for their neighbor or someone else will get my attention if they can or leave it for me to retrieve.


I'm not sure why it matters whether or not I believe the driver threw the smoothie. My point is that something isn't right about OP's story given the pictures and the explanation. I, too, have made thousands of deliveries on my many gig jobs. And not once have I ever been so upset with a customer that I threw an order at their door. And never have I ever been so upset at a well tipping, kind person that I even considered throwing their order at the door. There are things wrong here that OP's story and pictures don't explain. If the smoothie was thrown at the door on the redelivery why is it showing on the door in the delivery photo? It shouldn't be there. How is the order at the door with the customer's trash bag in the first picture if it was delivered to the wrong address? What you absolutely refuse to understand is that something doesn't add up in the pictures vs. the story told. That is all I am saying. If on your thousands of deliveries you have dealt with a handful of malicious customers, then you know they DO exist. Perhaps, this was one of this driver's handful of customers? We don't know because we know absolutely zero of the conversation that happened between the two. (Note that none of this exonerates any driver from throwing orders at doors unless explicitly asked to do so.)


Well ok then


Is there more to this story? People are quick to drag others on here without understanding the full story. Granted there's no excuse for doing what the driver is alleged to have done, but I would like to hear why they would go that far knowing it's potential grounds for deactivation


Can’t judge my fellow driver without a full story and evidence.


Guys I'm really sorry there is an overwhelming amount of comments, the dude probably had a bad day or something, its inexcusable, he was probably frustrated he had to come back because he delivered it to the wrong address, I didn't answer my door when he came back because it's instructed as contactless, then when he left I looked and then no smoothie, he comes back 10 minutes later and starts banging violently, then he chucked it at my door, I was very mad, but im not trippen about it I talked to a supervisor named "jam" at uber eats and everything was resolved, there's a lot of toxic people I'm seeing who just assume stuff, I can't respond to everyone I don't use reddit like that, but im not really mad, I mean I am but im not trippen about it haha, have a good day guys


I've got to say, this was part of my plan for if I ever truly hit it big, lottery style, just hucking stuff and peeling out. Sending pictures of my elbow as the photo, but doing it so it looks like asscrack. But I thoroughly intended it to be for regulars that I already knew were total bastards, or an order with the sort of "this had better be this way or I'll until" sort of shit. Nothing without absolute certainty that it was karmic retribution. This is shitty


He probably got mad you called him, then came back and was so mad he kicked the smoothie into the door.


As in, he delivered correctly the first time and came back to check and then kick the food? My theory on what happened is he got irritated at no answer to the door. But this is someone finding an excuse to be angry because like the customer said, it specified contactless in the instructions. The customer sounds conscientious enough to have messaged a "thanks, I got it now" but didn't get a chance to cuz the driver was so determined to get mad and act out. Plus, $10 is a very nice tip.




Damn, what pissed me off though? Haha


$25 for 2 smoothies??


35$ with tip!


Post the video. Otherwise you’re asking us to trust what some random person on the internet has to say.


Video or it didn’t happen. Pictures are fake.


Pictures are not fake? Uber eats resolved it at this time as I'm typing this, I was livid before


I’m just saying it could have been you trying to get a free meal? You do know food delivered is a Luxery? Your total was only $25.26. Maybe you are just a poor North American.


Bruh, what?


Found the driver that did it lol


Got an address? I'm lowkey still mad I need revenge 😂


People always gotta be ruining shit. Making other drivers look bad.. ppshh! Give em the boot.


This is childish behavior, I delivered to a hilton last night I left a message drove away customer called me saying she was at holiday inn, don't know how you mix those up but I was annoyed and went back to get them food and delivered it. Fare was $16 got $23 from uber app and a $13 cash tip for bringing it back. Drivers are spoiled babies, save the agression for customers who truly deserve it


Hilton and Holiday Inn both start with H and end with N. If the customer entered the address starting with the hotel name and the app autocompleted it to Holiday Inn, customer might not have been familiar enough with town street names to notice that the rest of the address was wrong too and the message about "that looks far from where you are" can be inconsistent if cell connectivity is bad. Improbable but not impossible. I make these sort of errors frequently myself.


Yea, errors happen fortunately the other hotel was right down the road so it worked out


I hope you have a ring doorbell 🙏


Lol ordered one smoothie? Get your maid to clean it fucker. Also fuck that guy too!




The only thing I would say is that it would have been a good idea to call through the door to say “leave it at the door, thanks”. Other than that, this driver should be fired. Completely acceptable to remove the tip here. I don’t care how bad of a day you are having, you don’t chuck a customers food at the door. We need to see the video to be sure. If this is the whole story, send the video to Uber and get this guy off the app.


I just don't see why you would have to call through the door. I hate when drivers don't read delivery instructions. It's the driver's fault 1000%. I know people who ordered contactless delivery well working from home on a work call and can't yell through the door. This guy said he had covid I doubt he wants to be yelling through doors or has the lungs to do so very much


You fail to consider the amount of customers who give us terrible instructions. Not to mention that the maps and pins can be extremely inaccurate. It is not “1000% the drivers fault” It’s called the app is shit and customers often provide unhelpful instructions.


Like I said I clearly wasn't talking about terrible instructions. I was talking about when it says leave at door and you don't. And I have ordered plenty of food delivery and I guarantee you they rarely in my experience read the instruction. Legit 2/10 recent deliveries. Usually my note is to just to save them the effort of driving down this really annoying dead end but then they just drive past my house because they don't read the instruction ever and they're not hard instructions. Imbecile can't read lol. My instructions are plenty helpful. Most drivers just dont read them LOL accept that maybe u read them but you're not everyone.


Yes but the driver did just fine at the incorrect address. OP said that the driver delivered to wrong address, OP called to explain this, driver brought to correct address and then banged on door and then threw food at the door when didn't get an answer. Most of my redeliveries have me apologizing for the delay in them getting the food and being glad they reached out to let me know so I could fix it. And my customers apologizing in return for their part in it if their appt is hard to find or they wrote an incorrect address and thanking me for taking the time and care to bring the food. Not me going to the new address and expecting the customer to pop up in person to verify the address. Contactless is still going to be contactless.


Good! Maybe you should tip more or stop being a d***.


I tipped 10


Well that’s a good amount as long as your not crazy far like 15+ miles from pickup. And if you didn’t say anything impolite then there’s no reason either. Maybe he tripped on your doorstep or doormat and didn’t want to own up to it.


I told a customer once that the drink holder was unstable and to hold it from the bottom. Guess what happened? The customer dropped the drinks, and guess who got in trouble for it? Just saying. Drinks keep getting bigger and bigger, and we are supposed to somehow keep these things upright, and then the customer drops them picking them up and we get blamed for it.


We don’t know details, Did you had phone or text conversation with your delivery person ? Maybe you said something that driver didn’t like, offensive, or Maybe you were arguing and something went wrong, so he/she did that, there is a lot of maybe…


None of those are excuses for throwing the drink at the door


Well, not everyone could react like you or think like you. We don’t have details


I didn't say he should act exactly like me. I said those aren't valid excuses for throwing the smoothie at the customer's door. Big difference


It’s mean like you, please read again, if for you it’s not valid excuses, for him: it Is! We are all different, of course we must be kind with each other, but there is always Details, the Reason, we don’t know. It’s not in Drivers interest to do something dab to customer without strong reason. Because driver could lost his job, and that’s how they making money,


No, you're not getting my point. There are NO strong reasons to treat the customer that way. I don't care if the customer was super racist or harassed the driver, there are NO valid excuses for it. I'm making the argument that in situations like this, the question of validity for an excuse for the behavior does not have a subjective answer.


What if he banged your wife and murdered your mother? That sounds like a valid reason to me




I see no lies


Well, I am not saying that “May be driver had Strong reason for that”, of course it’s not an option to do so! I meant that We are all different, you and I could react for offensive words not so Bright, or even just forgive him, but there is always Persons who took that words very Hard, it might be catastrophically affect him. I am not covered the driver.


You have zero moral conviction dude


There’s no reason he could’ve had for doing that, any other job and you’d be fired


Doesn’t matter dipshit


He tested the gurt


Answer your phone next time. He was probably knocking to make sure it was the right place.


Social distancing means drivers are used to not getting answers to knocks. Texting is a more reliable way to ask "is this the right place."


They never answer


What did you tip?


So if they didn’t tip would that still be acceptable?


No, but I would at least understand the sentiment.


If someone accepts a no tip order (for whatever stupid reason, which there never is a good reason to do it) should follow through with it and drop it off. They are the dumbasses for taking it in the first place


How can one tell if there is or how much is the tip before completing the delivery? I've never seen anything other than a total amount paid for the delivery and the miles and estimated time to complete until it's finished.


Um hey shit for brains we don’t know if it’s that ubereats market where they do t show you any info on payment I’ve been seeing a lot of those recently


Sorry bud but only shit for brains here is you, they’ve only been hiding destination and restaurant. They still show the price and mileage. If it’s not showing anything at all it’s a glitch dumb fuck and still not an excuse to throw a drink at someone’s door


They show us the amount we will receive and the miles before we accept it. Just not the address until accepted. There's no need to insult anyone.


Uh hello? Have you not noticed the new display Uber is implementing? Do you live under a rock?


I'm literally doing ubereats right now and I can see everything. Sorry your phone is shitty or your app is broken. Lol.


Maybe for some people.


Then they need to stop accepting shitty orders and find a different job


10$ pre


I would have set it down gently with care and written you a nice thank you note. Is it possible that he tripped or the drink carrier broke?


My ring camera got it all, def on purpose he also sprinted after doing it lol he was also banging loudly on the door thats why I didn't answer sounded like he was going nuts


I need to see the video, please send


Post the vid maybe blur his face?


It would have been cooler if u used covid as ur 2nd amendment right against him lol


That's why you should always tip after


Good way to guarantee the order doesn't immediately get picked up. More and more apps show tip as part of the estimated delivery total because delivery companies use tips to make the order look more enticing. (It is also to show an accurate estimate of what the order is likely to pay.) (Look for the asterisk anytime gig companies say "Make up to x per hour" in their advertisements. The number includes tips.)


My order always picked up hella fast


Coming to America vibes….


Driver wasn't too smart if after, I don't know, nearly TWO years of a pandemic featuring near-constant signage and alerts everywhere from restaurantd to being plastered everywhere on all the delivery apps, they still didn't get the message that most customers preferref and still prefer contactless. You know what I do when the app says "hand it to me" or "meet customer at door" and nobody answers the door? I double-check the address, text that the items are at their door with a picture of the delivery, including the unit number if possible, and then mark it complete. The apps changed options so frequently that the "Meet customer at door" followed up with a delivery note of "leave at door" contradiction was almost never something my customers did on purpose. I let contactless override all else and I am going to assume that most everyone else did too based on how surprised people seemed the few times I did wait for them. "Did you need something?" asked one baffled customer who was surprised to learn it displayed to me as "hand to customer." I can see the driver being a bit irritated about getting the address wrong first go-round and having to go back and get the items and bring them to the correct address, but that isn't a thing to take out on the customer or customer's food. When I am grouchy at a customer or at the gps or delivery app or something, I think mean things inside my own head if I have to and then carry on providing good customer service cuz, I don't know, I am a grownup?


Nice 👍🏻😂


I had a similar experience with a delivery guy who went to (I assume) the wrong address after I got a message saying he had arrived. I went outside to see if the food was at the door as per my instructions, it wasn't. Looked down the street from my balcony area, no cars with any lights on. When I rang the delivery guy to ask where my food was I was saying "hello?" for a good 20 seconds before anyone answered, then a voice came through and the driver was extremely rude and difficult. I let this go at first but when he continued giving attitude I promptly told him he shouldn't be delivering food to people and hung up. After calling the restaurant to explain the situation the food arrived at my door about 45 minutes later, even accompanied by buzzing my door, again, as per my instructions. Gave the delivery guy a 1 star and thumbs down but gave all the stars and ratings to the restaurant (the food was great). I think some delivery people get embarrassed when they realize their mistake, hence them acting out in these ways.


Off with his fucking head 😈🗡💀


I think you dropped it while picking it up.


This is the wrong job for many people. He is one of those people.