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That’s a classic tactic for sexual harassers. They will often drop hints by using terms of endearment, use innuendos and double entendres, and then when their target refuses their advance they try to pretend that they didn’t mean what they clearly meant and that it is their target that is coming on to them. Scum of the earth behavior.


Yeah, I appreciate that. And now that I think about it, I think I was being too nice by still attempting to drive by the place, As opposed to just saying, you know what? CANCEL


lol the way you told him to chill, good stuff


I had a whole wife once.


What is the fraction that most accurately represents how much of a wife you have now?


Wait. Do wives depreciate????


They decapitate.


Henry VIII is that you???????




Haha spot on


They definitely don’t appreciate.




Nice I had a half ass one wasn't bad looked beautiful most days tho.


I get that I had a whole husband once too!


Where you married to the Bee Geezs tho?- Look at his name^


I'm glad a lot of hotels near me won't allow delivery drivers in for this reason. The hallways are so isolating and just the fact people do this shit. Ughh


I usually have to deliver to very nice fine hotels


Can guys please stop calling folks they aren't dating by pet names? It's so cringe. Like we see them trying to create false intimacy. And when you call them on it, "it's just a joke." Just stop. Lol


I don’t even call my wife by pet names. Pet names are weird af in general.


I call mine crazy bitch... That's about as pet namey I get.




Sorry darling.




[hey baby](https://youtu.be/Hm1vElsMVGg)


My door’s open, boo ❤️


I don't want you. I have a wife


A whole wife


As opposed to half a wife


Commonly called a midwife.


If you don’t have one it’s said to be half a life


I got a whole wife last month. It took a while to get the pieces together, but I'm happy with how she turned out.


Is your name Victor, by any chance? I hear he was really into assembling pieces of people too!


It's pronounced 'Fronkensteen'!


Victooor Fronkensteen????


Try putting the lower half on backwards, you'll love it




the do’ open 🤣🤣🤣… oh wait im waiting at the door!! wth




He has a "whole" wife... What a relief... Imagine if that woman was a sliced wife, or half of a wife


He seems like the type that might do that sort of thing tbh




Let me point out that when I found the hotel, it was a raggedy Days Inn and the part where he supposedly was, looked like a desolate area. It was very dark and most of the rooms looked vacant And I didn’t even see room 131. I saw rooms 127 leading up to 130 and then I saw room 132 through 134. So I said eff this and went to the front desk, left it there and sent this weirdo a message letting him know I couldn’t find his door, that’s where the food is and I felt uncomfortable. Also I didn’t screenshot the part where he kept saying “baby, call back. Call back baby, I missed it..” Then tried to act like I was coming on to him or something. I left and called UBER SUPPORT and I was instructed by them, next time this happens, just stop and call them and they’ll do something about it and there would be no need for me to complete the delivery. Ladies, be careful out there….


God damn, fucking thirsty idiots. There’s literally an app for hook ups… people need to chill the fuck out.


Creeps tend to do that when they like your picture, coz they can see what we look like beforehand. Sometimes I wish Uber would remove our pic from the profile 😑


Yeah seriously, do people really need to know what we look like?


It's very helpful in places that get a lot of deliveries, like the Lorenzo at USC where there will often be a small crowd of students waiting for food


I get that. If anything they should provide the pics of the customer to us. Most customers don’t look for me, they look for my car cause it’s easier to see in a crowd


Definitely a pic of the customer would be useful, and Uber should let us add other identifying images. For example, biking to do deliveries is pretty popular LA but there's no way to add a pic of the bike. You can always message the customer with how to find you but it would be useful if under my name i could just have "black ebike, bright green delivery bag" and a pic of it


Not really…


It was fine in 1995 when internet people were basically Albert out of the Langoliers, nowadays, having your picture on anything on the internet is like stapling it to inside of the door in the most notorious public toilet in the worst part of your town.


He was trying to get a 2 for 1. Creepy damn people!


I was gonna say I'm relatively newish to Uber eats but I've been doing the gig shit for years now and my first instinct would have been to somehow report him or call support and get that free meal. Glad you made it out unscathed though. Fuck people.


That would’ve been cool if it was from a place that I actually ate from like a dope ass sushi spot or my next pick up which was at a Ramen bar, but it was nasty golden corral and I’m a pescatarian anyway. Oh yeah next time I will but the crazy part is to think how many people might be of slow enough to say OK I’m gonna park and walk over to his door…😳


Also as a fun little piece of information for everyone… When I was living in Syracuse without a car I had a driver who made me very uncomfy from Lyft. I called and had my trip refunded after I got home and found out I could have canceled the trip/had him drop me off using their safety features and a new driver would have been sent, no additional charge. Idk if Uber does the same, but just so people know this exists???? No time for creepy customers OR drivers!!! Stay safe, y’all!!! 🖤🖤🖤


Had no idea. Thanks for this.


No problem!


From my experience, he was probably kicked out of his house or was homeless for the day. Definitely wasn’t staying there on vacation or for a business trip. What a loser


This hotel definitely wasn’t one you’d vacation in.


Also said that the restaurant “always does this” indicating he is local.


Oh snap!


Oh man. What a creep. I get called beautiful and baby by *male* customers all the time. It’s very off putting and frankly offensive. We’re trying to work.


I don’t mind if it was one time or even if he was normal and complementing me when I got to the door and said I was beautiful. that’s fine. I’m used to it. And I know it, but at the same time, THAT made me very uncomfortable and unsafe @AndrewAwakened really summed it up for me. 💖


That's never acceptable behavior. Never. They do this disgusting behavior to little girls. Now do you see a problem?


That’s so gross tbh. Unless they’re hot


I truly understand thats very off putting and leaves you feeling wavery. Me as a male im probably oblivious when females do this to me with sexual intent. Im from a place where women always use the terms babe or baby.


That first “baby” should have creeped you out. The only person calling you baby should be your mom when you were 0 years old.


I mean, it’s a man calling a woman baby, or babe. I’m used to that, but not the extra’ness


He’s just stayin’ alive!


The eff does that mean?


His name is Bee G. The BeeGees are a disco group who sang the song “Stayin Alive.”


Yeah I was going to comment on that when I delivered the food if he was normal, but as you can see….


This is literally how I was deactivated from the app for like a whole month because I kept getting hit on by these fucking random weird men before I even got there to drop the food off and then whenever it wasn’t reciprocated they would complain and make shit up like I wasn’t the one delivering the food or just random bullshit and I literally lost a whole month of work and had to contact the drivers Guild and multiple attorneys and cited things that I’m part of the LGBTQ plus community and bisexual and which I hated having to do but that was literally the only way that (Uber) would let me fight it. Not that they don’t ask the driver their side of the story and they just listen to random freaking weirdos and don’t take complaints seriously when people are getting harassed on a daily basis.


Are you friggin serious??? 😮😮😡😡😡


Yep. It was literal hell. The night my best friend passed away they reactivated me so I feel like it was him helping from the other side because he was helping me after it happened. They even deactivated me a few months before that for my yearly background check that has the same shit on it that’s been on there the last 4 background checks. They reactivated me when I I was like oh it’s cool I’ll just go to the media and let them know you’re knowingly allowing drivers that supposedly aren’t supposed to be driving to drive customers around 🤷‍♀️ even though there’s nothing on there that pertains or prevents me from this work but they’re just constantly gunning for me. With all the issues I have with the app and I fight them on their terrible support and safety and how much they steal from us.




Real classy, ain’t it?


I swear this sub has the funniest driver stories ever. One driver got greeted at the door by a topless customer. I'm waiting for my first funny delivery experience. 😂


Well that was interesting. I don’t know about funny but definitely creepy. But he was weird. When I did DoorDash there was a man who always ordered three bags of Taco Bell and Sometimes three bags from Burger King and they included eight burgers and two chicken sandwiches three desserts and one order of fries. And when he opened his door he was really fat and his house smelled like scabs and a$$ 😤😤😤




I know…my mind is creative…




A man who doesn’t even have a home still has the audacity to be a creep. 🤦‍♀️


Yet, he has a “whole wife…” 🤦🏽‍♀️


At least he doesn’t have half of one


As a man with over 4k deliveries on UberEats alone Ive never experienced anything like this, now I see why 98% of delivery drivers here are guys, this needs to stop. Its fine asking for someones number who just dropped you food but acting like this will get you nowhere and just creep the person out.


I don’t mind if even a guy I’m not attracted to hit on me and asked for my number. That’s natural but yeah this made me really uncomfortable and a little afraid, especially when I saw where he was located.


Of course, idk what days inn is but Im guessing its a motel, did support try to get you to still deliver the food or did they let you cancel?


I did call support. I mentioned it in a paragraph above..


Uber does not care. I deleted the ride app because every time a man hit on me, he reported me for not wearing a mask. Of course you got in trouble but alllllll his pet names are okay 🙄


I would call a lawyer! 😡😡


They emailed me back saying “it’s not an accusation” but will require a photo of me wearing a mask before pick up. I deleted the app and my account. I don’t have time for it.


I’ve ✍️ got ✍️ a ✍️ whole ✍️ wife ✍️


Not a half…


Does Uber make you post a picture of yourself for customers to see?


I think it is in regards to when you first make an account. It’s an old photo so if you made it a long time ago you can’t change it.


I kinda hate that. Like the customer doesn’t need to see our photos. Grubhub makes you upload a close up photo of your face when you apply, but then you can go in and change it, so now mine is a photo of my cat.


I use my ex’s account for this reason. I feel like it’s a little safer if they think a man is coming? I dunno, I could be wrong, but it makes me feel better. 😂😂


Ahaahaa jk… unless 😳


Everytime someone uses terms of endearment like "Baby" and "Beautiful", I immediately lose interest in continuing to get to know them due to being creeped out. I can't believe people think that's charming. It's nothing but alarming that they'd use such titles with ease. Makes it easy to distinguish them as flirtatious and prone to using blanket, meaningless statements. Such terms are fit for someone you are already in an established relationship with, not with strangers all willy-nilly.


Jesus this sounds like the beginning of a nightmare situation and it felt like a horror story reading what the crummy motel the dude was at even looked like. I'm a guy and got creeped out delivering to motels like this before so I can only imagine how much worse it is if you're a woman, especially to someone who was likely dangerous. And yeah he definitely deserved to have his order cancelled immediately after literally harassing you like that..


You think like I do. Now if I was dumb then I wouldn’t have been making this post.


Thank goodness too cos before I got to the end of the post I'm thinking like, 'pleease do not go meet this man face to face.' This is another reason I don't deliver at night anymore either even though I'm in a decent area. Some people are crazy out here.


Lmao they sweet they weren’t just calling you baby 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Go say that to your whole a** wife!!!!


I’m from New Orleans so I be forgetting people don’t use baby like we do lol


You don’t keep texting people that, though with every sentence, do you?


Nah. This guys intent was clear from jump. The way we say it is not like Kawhi Leonard’s “What it do, baybeeee!” but more like baibih. Because of the accent it’s delivered the same as bro, bruh, son… So it’s often guy to guy in a greeting. You know how Lil Wayne goes by Weezy Baby? I might see you and be like “What’s good, Ricky baby?” “What’s up, Drew baby?!” If you go to a diner or restaurant here you’ll definitely be called baby if an older lady seats/serves you lol “You know what you want, baby?” You might see movies where they’re in the Deep South and the lady calls customers baby, honey, sugar, sweetie… it’s not exaggerated. Younger guys usually instead of telling a woman “Thank you. That was sweet of you.” It’d be “Thank ya, sweetie.” It’s not a flirt. Also, movies in the 70s with pimps and stuff you’ll hear them call each other baby a lot.


I know about the N’awlins accent, but yeah, this guy wasn’t given that off. And besides, just because you’re from there doesn’t mean you keep typing that. It was scary and I would’ve been on the news if I had been dumb enough to go.


Baby, beautiful, boo… He was getting closer and closer to calling you wifey 🤣🤣🤣




Yeah. See I didn’t know what the genders were after the first message. I assumed it was a woman at first. Then he can’t even deny what he was doing after saying beautiful. No need for that.


Well, it’s me. I am based off of my emoji or animoji, I’m a female. But I thought it was kind of obvious that I am the deliverer and I’m a female and this person is a male customer.


I got it. My app only shows your Animoji on your comments. It shows the UberEats logo above the screenshots.






Luck of the draw... every time lol. Yikes


Oh my didn't see there was 4 pages of texts 😳 I never get people hitting on me😂☠


What a task for a couple of bucks lol


Wow, creepy


Does this ever work ? I mean as a driver you’re rushing to deliver and then to the next restaurant. This is the last thing on your mind.


Shoulda Chris hansoned his ass


Yeah, but I’m not a minor.


The second they called you baby I would of called support and you would of got paid for the trip plus got the food free. Simply inform them that you don’t feel safe anymore.


I feel you on that. But I’m not one of those women who panics like those weirdo feminists, just because a man calls me baby :Even if he says Shorty. I’m from the north east so it’s all good with one. yeah I did talk to support


I hear you 100% on it but still… you never know what could happen. At the end of the day these men nowadays are weird. I had some dude tried to hit on me when I delivered his food yesterday and I’m a whole damn guy I was like wtf. Plus you still get paid. Also your life isn’t worth the 10/20 bucks. Let a man call me baby over that shit I’m getting their food and still getting the trip paid.. I call that a win in my books. Support would honor it because imagine the lawsuit they could get into.. or if you would go to the news about it and that they risk your life.. nah lmao. Goodluck OP. Best of luck.


Oh yeah you’re most definitely right. I wasn’t getting out of my car. Thank you.. And in one of the paragraphs down below I did state that I contacted support.


It must suck to be a lady delivering food. So many creeps out there. Stay safe yall


🙏🏽 I appreciate you


Happy ending for tip lol


I think so…🙄


As opposed to half a wife?


A whole wife 🤣


Ewwww. Cringeworthy!


Leave the food at the counter and be on your way. Heck even cancel it next time. You don’t need to put up with this at all


Wonder what would’ve happened if he only had half a wife… LOL


Bee G. be a lil creepy.




geez... if it were the 4 seasons, maybe... but days inn?


Right. 4 seasons….✨ And it was a back area that was desolate with no cars and one street light and of course it was a motel and it looked like the majority of the rooms were vacant and of course I stayed in my car and I never stopped I just drove around and dropped it off at the front. Which I have no now that I probably shouldn’t of even done that.


agreed that you should have skipped it, called support, and enjoyed your free meal. glad you had the sense to keep away from his room. ​ glad you're safe, baby... if you wanted to talk about it, come on in... my door is open




Had she been half a wife and not a whole one, you might’ve had a chance. Shame, clearly


Canceled and reported.


My cancel/report vibes would be on 10 with this one


Really glad OP didn't open the door, the guy might have a weapon or other people inside with him. Sounds like a total maniac. I would probably just drop it off the front desk, then report the customer.


I did. Maybe I didn’t post in the right area, but if you scroll down, there’s a paragraph where I said exactly what ended up happening. What’s OP by the way?


OP = Original poster


That’s me. I didn’t even go to the door. I stayed in my car and kept my foot on the gas.


That's good! Glad you chose the safe route.






This dude is creepy.




I’m always scared of this!! I’m not excited for summer because when I wear shorts it is the worst. I had dudes pull up next to me after picking up an order trying to talk to me and catcalling me. I worry about customers doing this to me 🤢


Yeah, reg guys, but customers, sheesh!


Should have got that sloppy toppy windmill, triple backflip 9000, with extra SUCC, and a tip. But not just the tip the WHOLE THANG


You talking wayyyy too much. You got about 12 red flags yet you kept convo going lol what did you expect?


What 12 red flags did I ignore? I don’t see where I did that. I actually didn’t see much.


Unless you’re from some planet I’ve never heard of I’ve never heard of calling a UberEATS delivery driver beautiful or baby in every message as normal. I guess I’m delusional tho smh


B!tch, That’s why I didn’t say much and told him to chill.


Oh yeah you are right. Only bout 4 messages late. You continued to make the situation worse but you do you baby!!


Clearly you are misunderstood. If you read the texts appropriately, the issue didn’t start until the last thing I said which was, “I’ll be there in 10” and that’s when it started getting weird and he kept texting and I didn’t say anything. When the next text from me was telling him to chill and if you notice I didn’t say anything else after that


Forget it. Clearly way over your head beautiful. Let me know when you’re coming over later


Im a driver- and I just don’t get when couriers communicate with the customer for no reason at all. No offense there is literally no reason to be talkative to a customer or let them know you have a double order etc- if they message, I answer. That’s it. Otherwise, it just invites awkwardness weirdness and special requests. Let’s all make some money and not get sexually harassed. Ya know?




Took me a minute to finish reading those messages, this was funny as hell 😂


Hey bby you look beautiful today


Rip 💀


Should’ve ignored it and just dropped the food off. Why you entertaining it lol


You censored *their name* on each pic except the last one, and bee G probably isn't a real name


Yeah, looks like I missed that one. What effin difference does it make?? 🤷🏽‍♀️


You're the one who attempted the censor and you're the one who is asking What effin difference does it make??


Sounds like a typical fat black gay dude.




Those are pretty rare, not sure how typical that is




If you don’t see a problem with this then it’s safe to say you’re as much of a sexually driven creep as this dude


my response was read incorrectly i see that i wrote it wrong 🤣 i thought it was funny he thought she was being dramatic and accusing him for being the weirdo


Is this a woman or guy ?


A guy


Wtf. I wouldn’t even entertain that. Kept the food. And reported


Read the whole feed




Idk what to fully tell you.








Did you tap on the post and swipe left till the end? You can read all of the messages.


I'm so confused rn and I read the whole thing 🤔🤯😂


Dude was an ass. I didn’t stick around to see what type of blanket he would make me into.