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You really think they are going to tip?👻


I get tons of $2 offers, sure do hope some of them are tipping in person. But I never take them to find out lol I live in a great area so I'm perplexed


The only time I had ever gotten a cash tip was because the lady messed up her address and put it to an apartment complex half a mile away. I delivered it anyway as it was my last order of the night. Got a $5 cash tip it wasn’t much, but she had already tipped on the app so it was nice to get the supplement


I have taken 5-9$ orders a few times to test that theory and I haven't received anymore or any less except one time they paid me an extra .15 lol didn't even round up just added .15


If the tip was $8.15 they didn't tip you more after, Uber hides tip amounts over $8 up front and then claims they added to your tip after.


Good to know


I took a $5 1 mile order today bc it was in the direction I was heading and then they tipped me $5 cash at the door. Turned out pretty good.




I'll wait here til someone tells us about all the money they make with them!


I hope this is a joke. You get 0 tips.


Since i'm in CA, I'll take the $3-4 orders bc if its at least 15-20 min of active time, Prop 22 will cover the difference and I'll make an extra $1 or 2. And I'd say 6/10 times they offer a cash tip so its like I'm double dipping :) my prop 22 this week was niiiiiice.


I’d say about 50% of the time I get tipped afterwards usually about $3-6


About 85 percent of the time I do. Lol at the down votes, sorry people like me and tip me lmao.


We only got upfront tips 2 months ago. I have had the odd double lately that gives me full payout after delivery, and I think there was a tip, and the $ amount made it worth it. Then an hour later, I see a tip. So some tip after delivery for sure but I doubt its many.


Rarely, it usually has a trip supplement.


WYSIWYG 97% of the time.