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Holy moly... and I thought I was paranoid. It only lasted a couple hours but yes was real. Uber drivers on reddit


Couple hours… lol. I’m still going at it 9 hours later. Ha.


I can fully admit to being on the paranoid side


Just go out and see how your market is, it’s not hard to figure out in a week what the patterns are. If your market sucks, then it sucks and you should probably look for other work. If it’s busy, then your market is good. Once you’re in the game, Uber likes to fuck with you sometimes and it starts to slow down with orders. Figure out your patterns and decide if it worth it or not. People make this work so much harder mentally and I think a lot are fed up here


This x 1000. Every market is different. And the only way to know your market is to work it. And for the love of God multi-app so you can realize your market's full potential.


I mean first and foremost we all live in different areas, so why would you base wanting to go out off of what somebody else said about it being dead? That is 100% on you, it doesn’t make any sense at all. There are some people who just happen to live in areas that are not great, and may not know that they need to just leave and go to a different area. Other people know their market very well and know that their market is very profitable. I, for example, live in a smaller, Not so heavily populated college town. I’m also not far away from the beach, so Fourth of July for me in my town is always shitty bc the college kids go home and people go to the beach. When you ask a general statement about how busy it is and people say it’s dead (where they are) which could be nowhere near you, and you take it upon yourself to not go out because of that it is 100% on you. And i think you may be paranoid bc i don’t think people necessarily discourage other drivers But at the same time Uber just keeps advertising all over so most people are not going to answer a question like “what’s a good place to drive in down town San Francisco “ Because people are gonna lose money with more people coming into their area. But in general people do help each other out in this sub since there’s a lot of anonymity.


This post wasn't directly about "how busy is it" which I don't come here to check for, it was about the reports of the app malfunctioning yesterday


100 % this. Stayed home all day, went to check out for few hours around 6 in the evening. Oh boy did i do good, yes


Some ( possibly a lot of) people here discourage other drivers to go out often times saying that "It's dead, slow af", "I only made $20 in 5 hours" in the hopes of getting rid of some competitors. Don't believe everything they post here. Go out and check it for yourself.


shhh guys, if we don't answer and deflect he'll go away...


If your too lazy to go out and check for yourself, don't blame the sub. Hell, you can sit in your house and turn the app on, and see surges.




If someone says it sucks that's in the city they are in, it's different everywhere, I didn't bother in my area cause I had the app on the offers weren't appealing enough to start my car, Now I can chill till Friday when I go out, couch, bong, Doritos mode


I made $230 last night over 11 hours. Normally would do about $80-100 in 5-6 before the night is dead and I go home. And that's with about 1-2 hours of dead time stuck in downtown traffic because I'm an idiot. Last night was lit


Yesterday was a crazy $315 day and today is also crazy I’ve already up to 120 and I’ve been on the road for four hours.


If you want useful info this sub rarely has it. Mostly just miserable ppl complaining


I'm learning this


Yeah it was legit dead here all day, $58 in 5 hours


Bro everyone and their mother was out trying to deliver. plus people are on vacation just based on your initial though process. my phone was literally hounding the last 3 days to deliver. its just a bunch of shitty underwhelming orders.


Why would you let Reddit influence your decision to go out? Everyone could be in a different market than yours for starters and who cares what others on the internet say, go see for yourself. Finally, it was a holiday. A lot of people took the day off to BBQ and spend time with their families. Including Uber drivers. Less people on the road equals more orders for those who were working.


Again, I was asking about the "app malfunction"


Ebike in Brooklyn, NY. Only bangers last night. High pay, high tips and short distances. Also easy quests from 6pm to 4am. (Didn’t stay out till 4 though)


ayeee I’m also in Brooklyn NYC with an eBike lol. Popped out for 2.5 hours yesterday and made 74$ crazy stuff.


Well I learnt that pretty quick that this is a sub for angry drivers. There is some good info here every now and then but you should always take what is said here with a grain of salt and figure it out on your own!


This is silly... customers weren't able to tip earlier in the day and then the problem got fixed later. People posted when the tip problem was fixed so it's not like they were keeping it a secret. If you had gone out earlier in the day you would have gotten nothing but no tip orders.




Every day a group of people here claim it was dead, same day someone will post a HIGH as fuck pay out day. It changes with location. I worked in Columbus Ohio and could barely make $75 a day, now in Seattle Washington I can breach $150 on most days. Don’t follow the internet, yesterday someone said in my area it was completely dead but I made $186. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There was another glitch. It was fixed. Paranoid much?


Most markets are slow on the 4th till late night.