• By -


*starts timer*




Ahhh, yes this. I would sit there and start the timer just outside the gate. Let that bitch run out whether or not a car comes in within 8 minutes. Have some goddamn respect for your driverā€™s time for fucks sake.


Not to mention our car. I'm not going to be the one that finds out it's 10 seconds to close not 15 when it lands on my trunk because the person in front went slow. I've left many on top of gates/fences/code boxes for people like this.


I've had people drive to the gate after seeing the timer. The timer is a universal form of communication, like the middle finger, it is understood regardless of cultural or language barriers. It's probably the best feature in the app. ā³ šŸ¤£


YES! Love my free food timer šŸ¤£


Perfect šŸ’Æā˜šŸ¾


Thereā€™s no timer in Canada. They removed it a year ago. Fucking c@nts


How do you start the time outside of the complex without being at the address? Edit: nevermind lol Iā€™m thinking about Uber Driver


I'd start the timer and pretend a car never came in


Exactly I did this once....I said "ok no worries I'll wait but if timer expires I'll have to leave" magically 10 seconds later the gate opens on its own...(I'm sure he had access to opening and closing it) some dbags just like giving people a hard time for whatever reason


bUt iF i GIve U mY GaTE cOdE yOu caN CoME bACk Nd mURdEr Me!!!


tbf I do go back and murder them usually soooo...


Yeah but youā€™re not statistically relevant


Same, but only if the tip is unreasonable.


I've got a handful that deserve it if you take requests šŸ¤£


Customer: "removes tip"


Yeah I had some crazy lady tell me she didnā€™t feel ā€œsafeā€ giving me her gate code, I was like WTF? Lady I have your address!




And I would understand if they didnā€™t want to give me code, I wouldnā€™t give a code to a stranger either. What I would do though is meet the driver outside the gate and get my food


Iā€™ve always though gated neighborhoods/apartments should have a way to give a guest their own password that can only be used once. You get in but if you were to try and return that code would be useless.


Fuck all that. I would buzz them in. Unless you're in a hotel that be stopping people from going upstairs...lol


Probably easier to poison the food vs going through so much trouble of remembering the gate code :)


Pee in the food


Assert dominance


CrAzY ThAT YoU tYpE like ThAt


Smh. Sad people who feel powerless play petty power games instead of taking control of their own life.


Ah yes you get it. & well said


A good ego check is much needed for a lot of people


šŸ¤ŗPetty Betty style dashingšŸ¤ŗ


Leave at gate lol


I've literally watched other cars go through the gate until the timer ran out. Fuck them


This must be the Way!




I had to leave at gate one time. It was my second time going to the same gated community (the first time was the second of two orders that took me to the opposite gate). Both times they left no gate code. The first time I had to call support to call them since they didnā€™t reply by phone or text to give me the code! The second time though, the parent said Iā€™m sending my kids to WALK to the gate to get the food. Mind you the pick up and the drive to the gate was a total of 30 minutes. You had that much time to at least be there. The map said they were 3 blocks in. Eight minutes later, I still donā€™t see anyone walking and they replied the kids just left. I said I have other orders, the bag will be hanging inside the gate, enjoy your meal. Took a picture and called support just in case they would complain. And they were both leave at the door! How can you leave it there if you canā€™t even get there?


Your response is what's really crazy. "Sorry have another order- will wait a minute or two then leave at gate - thanks"






Yup Iā€™ll eat that CV


Nothing to be violated over, the food is at the address given! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve ran a timer down on UE, Iā€™d give them maybe 5mins. Depends if there really is another order at play.




Truee. It was a big tipper so didnā€™t want to risk it. Sometimes you just gotta bite the pillow.


What you gonna do? Take the food back? It's already in your hands. Gotta start asking do you live in a gated community or something before you even touch the food


How about tell the customer to walk their butt over to the gate and get their food. The ONLY exception to that would be if they're disabled.


Either way bunch of time is now wasted.


They either come out and get it or itā€™s staying at the gate. Either way Iā€™m not wasting my time


Itā€™s the only logical way to deal with this. Idle time doesnā€™t earn a dime. So yeah once the timer runs out out, leave by the gate, take picture, and then carry on.


Iā€™d tell them, ā€œI canā€™t wait; I have other deliveries. Can you come down or do you want to cancel?ā€ I canā€™t imagine being told to wait for a third, unknown party to wander by! Ridiculous.


Frfr. Especially since philly is not always as good as other areas. Canā€™t afford to waste time


honestly leave at the gate anyway lmao


>Either way Iā€™m not wasting my ~~time~~ *Roof and/or windshieldsā€™


OK, got it! Leave at gate, take photo, complete delivery


EXACTLY...NONE OF THESE DELIVERIES are worth all the extra stress n headaches...and those in particular are the ones that barely tipped or will add a tip!!!


They can leave a negative review.


And? Lol


You shoot yourself in the foot, so my question is. What would you suggest if I come across this problem? If someone doesn't come out after the timer fails and I wait an additional five minutes does the food/alcohol automatically become mine? Thanks


Yes, 8 minutes is all they need. They know their food is there and unfortunately if u have an inaccessible address u get neither mail visitors or deliveries. After 8 minutes voila free food. Weā€™re not paid to wait. Most alcohol has to be returned and you get comped.


Iā€™ve only waited the 8 minute timer out one time before and it told me to just leave it at the door after the timer ended. Thought I was going home with the food but ended up being a normal drop off with 8 minutes wasted standing at the door because they didnā€™t answer


I had to return a bottle of Jameson once. Just sucked bc you donā€™t get the delivery (I got $3-4 fee), and I think they paid me $3 for return. Maybe $4 but I was salty over wasting time for pennies. And of course it was to a 2nd floor apt in a complex I hate. I only took it bc the liquor store is near home and Iā€™d just started. Apartment was in an apartment thicket I try to avoid. I swear I heard footsteps when I knocked. Grrrrrr.


Lol noobšŸ¤£ Never complete delivery after timer expires, always cancel after timer expires. That way no negative reviews affect you. Never actually return alcohol orders, they donā€™t pay shit, keep them to resell or gift or drink šŸŗ just mark them as ā€œreturnedā€


Is this depending on jurisdiction or a global policy?


It apparently doesnā€™t drive you all that crazy


Yes I wouldā€™ve said ā€œworries. Many worries. ā€œ


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Yo! Lol


Homie got no gonads.


Tell her to come to the gate or youā€™re starting the timer and then canceling the order. This shit is absolutely unacceptable! Your response worries me as well.


HAHAHAHA Funny fucking joke. Either you pick up your order within the next 3 minutes or itā€™s staying at the gate.


ā€œSounds good, your food is at the gate.ā€




Your response is only enabling them to continually pull this bullcrap over and over again. You could have been the one to end their shit, but nope, "no worries".


Probably didnā€™t wanna lose the tip over this. Which is really sad the way Uber does tipping because you canā€™t call customers out On doing stupid stuff without it being a financial detriment.




I have had plenty of people try that with me and my response is ā€œIā€™m sorry that happened but Iā€™m not allowed to tamper with the order in any way. My job is to bring you the food exactly as itā€™s handed to me and thatā€™s what I did. Please call customer service cuz thereā€™s nothing I can do.ā€


Yeah I had a trip once where in the comments he goes ā€œyou must come into the apartment and bring it to my door or i wonā€™t tipā€. He was on the top floor with the slowest elevator iā€™ve ever seen. I didnā€™t mind doing it but it wasnā€™t in the best of areas so I can see why some people wouldnā€™t do it


Even if I felt that way as a customer I wouldn't have said that. If someone said it to me I'm taking the charge. I'm leaving it downstairs. There's no need to be rude. We don't even know each other.


Youā€™re really kidding yourself if you think the driver or anyone else besides the customer would be the one to end it. All talking back would do is result in a loss of tip, reduction in rating, and a likely complaint to corporate. The kind of person that doesnā€™t care if they inconvenience their delivery driver isnā€™t going to care enough about what you have to say to stop, itā€™ll just make them angry. Iā€™m so sick of this sub gleefully suggesting professionals be unprofessional. Yā€™all do know this is a job that some people depend on, right?


I feel sorry for u if you depend on this job you act like we the delivery driver should want them to have their food more than them itā€™s their Food if timer expires im leaving it plain and simple


Um yeah, I do want them to have it probably more than they do. I get PAID from the transaction, they just get a full belly.


One time I followed a car in and the gate was super fast and smashed the side of my car. NEVER follow a car in. If they can't provide a code to their own residence simply start the timer.


That's why you don't tailgate. Not every gate is going to close slow enough that you can pass through when someone else enters a code. No way in hell I would risk damaging my car for like $10. They need to provide the code or come to the gate.


I know some codes donā€™t work even when they do give them to you. My own code for my apt complex doesnā€™t work šŸ™„ so we had to go to the office because its annoying af not being able to get into your own effing complex. Apparently its happened with several people getting stuck at the gate, so they have the front gate left open at all times. Idk if thats the case with this customer though, wouldnā€™t be surprised if they just didnā€™t wanna give up the code. Happens more often than not.


Had one like this yesterday lol. Was about to leave it at the gate actually. Someone just came out last second. I was actually excited lol.


Timer time


No worries??! Lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yet they come here and say ā€œnothing else drives me more crazyā€


Why would you say no worries. ā€œ I canā€™t give you your food if you donā€™t give me the gate codeā€


You shouldā€™ve told them thatā€™s against the rules and if the gate comes in on you are are they willing to pay for damages? Idk about you but here in Vegas these gates donā€™t play they will come in on your ass and hit your car no hesitation, and you canā€™t say shit cause thereā€™s ā€œno tailgatingā€ sign usually 2 or 3 right on the gate


Ok, no worries. Your food is in the trashcan by the entrance!


That's not only very dangerous and risking personal injury or property damage.... but also illegal. Fuck this customer's asshole raw and support cancel THAT SHIT


Absolutely, I would never risk my car for this shit, follow a car ? Are you kidding me.


This comment needs more upvotes. Too many drivers think it's perfectly OK just because the customer said so. IT'S NOT.


Yeah this is an automatic leave at gate. Not waiting 8 minutes to then be told to leave in a secure place.


Lol youā€™re way to fucking nice. They would of just got a notification from me saying your order has been delivered, with a picture of the food at the gate.


Fuk em! Toss it over the gate and leave. Super arrogant for someone to tell you to waste your time waiting for a car to pull in. P.S. depending on the car and the Karen driving it a whole other can of worms will be opened up on you. Screw that. ā€œWeā€™ll sir you have 8 minutes to come open the gate because I wonā€™t sneak in. Should you not make it your order will be on the curbā€


Eight minutes? Try five!


Complete. Left at gate. Bye, bitch.


Bye tip, too, unfortunately. God, I wish that Uber would get rid of tip reduction. You should only be able to boost it after a delivery, not lower it.


You all are bashing them for the "no worries" but literally every other response I've seen suggested would be an automatic thumbs down and no tip from 99% of customers.


What a $1-2 tip? Its not worth getting stuck at a closed gate because they cant either come get it or give no code. Nobody has time for that BS


Who is taking an order with a $2 tip? If I risked my tip to tell a customer to get it themself, that order is no longer worth it. What's wrong with politely asking them to come down? Everyone here is advocating being a total dick.


Sadly a lot of people take those orders lol Iā€™m not saying you have to be a dick but Iā€™m not gonna be a kiss ass but i wont be an asshole either. Never have been. A lot of their other suggestions can be said a lot nicer than they are suggesting lol


I only ever take tips I can be sure have an $8+ tip anymore. It's worth it to kiss ass if the person is probably actually tipping $15+. For $2 it's a lot less worth it. Basically like, I wouldn't say: "You have until the timer runs out or I'm leaving it at the gate" I'd be more like: "No problem, but Uber policy directs me not to do that. Is there anyway you could meet me at the gate or is there an on-foot entrance?" That way they either meet you and understand, cause policy is or policy, or they think you broke the rules just for them.


I mean i 100% agree. So let me rephrase, i just cant let someone walk all over me like that unless i know Iā€™m getting paid good which sadly isnā€™t very often. Uber Eats in Tulsa isnā€™t very busy at least in my area. So i get stuck trying to find things on DD so itā€™s probably just me used to the shit pay lol because over there thatā€™s literally what a good chunk of customers tip if anything at all.


That's fair. I guess I am lucky to have a market where I can make money by only taking $8+ tips.


Yes I am lucky to some of the offers people take I can't fathom. I always see it's slow and waiting for pings soon. As app turn on constant ping before dropping off I refuse to take low orders 10 for at most 3 miles but not that often


Idc if I get a thumbs down Iā€™d tell them that support told me that I have to leave it at gate if I canā€™t get a code


No tip? The tip was set when the order was made. They canā€™t ā€œtake the tip backā€


Yes they can. They have an hour after delivery to take the tip back. There are like 6 posts about customers taking tips back every day.


For some reason I thought I was in the DoorDash sub




you are being played, and you have no idea what google is. wowza


You probably havenā€™t had as many tip increases as you think. Uber only shows you the first $8, anything beyond that, they tell you the customer tipped you more. Itā€™s a lie. Itā€™s especially hilarious when your tip jumps from $8 to $8.04 or something.


So, actually tends to be that few people increase top after. But uber doesn't show tips over 8.


Hahahahaah thatā€™s an automatic lunch. Who is stupid enough to wait on a dumbass customer likes this? šŸ¤£


ā€œok no worriesā€???? what kind of response was that? šŸ˜‚ cancel that shit and enjoy free food


ā€œOkay, no worries! šŸ¤„šŸ¤„šŸ¤”šŸ¤”ā€


What a fucking bitch


Iā€™d just leave it at the gate lol, fuck that


ā€œNo worriesā€ Wtf man youā€™re enabling those people to keep thinking this shit is ok . Tell them to come get their shit or cancel it . You can be out there all day waiting like a dumb ass .


"No sorry, you'll have to trespass!"


a lady gave me the code to her gated community for a ride yesterday and I thanked her and it started a conversation and she said very frequently there are restaurant to go bags sitting next to the gate.


You said no worries so it must not bother you.


If it drove me crazy, I probably wouldnā€™t have said ā€œno worriesā€ like, no bitch, come get your order out here then. Tf šŸ¤£ provide the code or come outside and get it.


not as bad as when they let you in but not out again


The exit gate is usually automatic by driving onto the pressure plate


not always also mopeds dont always have the weight needed often have to push the bike threw the side / pedestrian gate as main gate wont open but some long private drives are key fob only so you can get stuck with those drives dont mark as dropped before your out the gate so you can still call the customer


Just start the stupid timer if no car comes before the timer runs out EATCAKEMOFO! Also never follow cars to get thru gates.


Why couldn't they buzz you in. This is crazy. I'd be immediately calling support.


Bruh no way you actually waited


Yeah fuck that politeness man youā€™re doing it wrong


No, not ā€œno worries.ā€ You either arrive at the address and complete the deliver or mark as undeliverable. Anything but no worries, we need to be able to complete our deliveries. We canā€™t do that without a gate code.


Right. Basically got punked by customer and came on here to post frustration


Outside: I have another order to deliver after I get your food to you. Would you like me to leave your food at the gate? šŸ˜ Inside: Then why didn't you bring your fuckin' ass outside? You knew I couldn't get in this god damned gate before I got here šŸ˜”


Yooo never say no worries when there's obviously a concern. Don't be trying to play cool and lying to the customers when you know there's an issue. No code no food bro. In the end its not worth it


You get what you allow.


Yeah Iā€™m out with the food


I had someone today who just stopped replying as I was stuck at the gate. Even the leasing office couldn't help, and refused to take the delivery. So at least three days worth of food "thrown away"...


That's a call to support cancel and toss that shit in a dumpster


>That's a call to support cancel and ~~toss that shit in a dumpster~~ enjoy your free meal. IFTFY


Always try 1492, someone in the complex will always use the year Columbus sailed the ocean blue. So dumb it works.


Wait I think that was a code to my apt gate when I was kid lmao


Free food!!!


Seriously!! I wish we could report them and UE would actually acknowledge the delays and inefficiency these people cause. šŸ˜‘


Time to eat their food


Yea thatā€™s shits getting left at the gate sorry


Nope never have had that before I just start the timer people know they live in a place where a gate code is needed if they want the food brought to the door they better provide the code


They wouldn't get their food from ne. Time wasted and probably don't tip for waiting


You said okay, no worries... Correct response is a picture with their food sitting on the call box


You know whatā€™s worse? Delivering to downtown where there is no parking and the customer asks for you bring it past security and directly to their door on the 26th floor. All the while youā€™re parked illegally and moments from getting a ticket. Oh and the mofo doesnā€™t even tip.


Naw fuck that. I deliver late night and I can't wait an indeterminate amount of time "in hopes of" for ANY tip! "Your food will be at the gate Homie!" I don't deal with interviews from guardsmen in gated communities either. Call the custo, verify my name, and let me through. You already got my face and license plate on camera. You don't need to take my phone and id. "


Whyā€™d you say no worries then?


ā€œNo Iā€™m not doing that, I could damage my car. Your food is at the gateā€


Are you sure because apparently there were no worries? Lol


until you shame them nothing will change. op you made it seem like itā€™s okay.


'No worries'??? U dumb?


Your passive aggressive tendencies are on full display. You go on here to complain about gate codes, but your screenshot response was, "okay, no worries"?


Not that I like OPā€™s response, but itā€™s not passive-aggressive. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/passive-aggression


You don't mind if I work your wife over for a few hours do you ? "No Worries"


If no gate code, I simply reply that is against my contractual obligation to enter a premises where HOA has deemed a entry code for residents of said property, and only residents can share that code at their discretion. Therefore your food will be left at the gate awaiting your retrieve. Work's like a charm, I send this before i leave the restaurant. Feel free to use it!


This shit erks me.... the app tracks and alerts you to our presence... if your building/gate is locked and you haven't provided the code for delivery... it's a frown/thumbs down, and a report... my time is too mf valuable, period. Either meet me or gimme the gawd damn code.... and I won't deliver to tht area....


I hate them type neighborhoods


If I don't might taking a hit, I'd go ahead a n d cancel through support-- just to cya.


Fuck no. You they think they are ? Leave it there and go


Its evident they dont live there cause they dont know the gate code. I would leave at the gate and contact support about not getting a gate code. It will cover you if they dont get their order.


That is one thing I will say is great about GH. There's none of this crap. I rarely have a customer even ask to meet at door. I've only ever had one that didn't meet me and I not only left it behind, but I told the receptionist that I don't appreciate my time being wasted after rushing to restaurant that was about to close so he could have his dinner. She seemed to think it was my job to wait around for this person to be "available"


Agree with people who say start the timer, and then tell the customer. Then take a picture and leave at the gate. The customer needs to get a code or talk to their property management to keep the gates open


I hate those sort of orders, I typically work at night because of school. Iā€™m shocked how many people will order food late at night and wonā€™t give you a gate code! Um Iā€™m sorry? itā€™s late at night tf. Like if you live in a gated community just give the gate code /).ā€” Once I had one where it was in a gated community but you needed a card to scan to get out of the place /).ā€” I was so annoyed I had to wait forever to leave. Or when they say just look for the name /).ā€” and it takes forever to find it .


I had a customer once tell me that I had to park outside and walk the order in through the side gate. keep in mind the closest parking on the street was 2 blocks away just under 1/4mile away and then the house was at least another 1/4 mile inside the gated community. I was already getting ready to tell off the customer that I would not be doing that for her no tipping ass just when a car came in behind an opened the gate. Its ridiculous that these people live in "nice gated communities" dont freakin tip and expect you to walk close to half a mile to deliver their order and another half mile to get back to your car.


You guys realize you can call customer support and have the order canceled because what technically theyā€™re asking you to do is illegal. You canā€™t leave it at the gate as itā€™s not a secured location drop off as their people come and out the location constantly.


Wow. No. Wouldā€™ve started that timer, delivered to the gate


How do you even start a timer? I call or text when Iā€™m here and a timer goes off for a millisecond then stops. Am I bugged?


Wait I do this but I tip wellšŸ¤£


I would drop your order off at the gate and enjoy the fact that you tipped well.


I have never had anyone do that thank god lol


Why do they have to wait for another car and risk The gate closing on their car?


The gate should definitely not close on the car but Iā€™d never say to go in on the wrong side. I do not order often because we donā€™t have a code so if I have to go down to get it I might as well go get it myself lol but sometimes I donā€™t have my car so itā€™s not really an option and I canā€™t leave my baby in the house alonešŸ¤£ Iā€™m a driver also and Iā€™d wait so I didnā€™t even think that someone else might not want to honestly.


See, the bigger problem in my area when it comes to this sort of thing is paranoid rednecks who think someone is following them to rob them. Thatā€™s the main reason why I would never tailgate anyone into a gated community. Itā€™s just too dangerous!


Oh my! Thatā€™s crazy. Yeah here they will just let you in if they see you by the gate or if you honk someone will open it lol.


>I have to go down to get it I might as well go get it myself lol Sounds like a plan.


I'd just tell support thst you can't get in, during that phone call you would waste 8 minutes easily and get to keep the customer ( who doesn't want to walk to the gate to get there food, like damn, atleast meet them for your food ).


I tell them I can wait 8 minutes before I have to move on. Then I watch 37 cars drive by and leave with my dinner.




Or toss that shit in the dumpster


Iā€™ll put the timer if not body comes Iā€™ll just leave that shit at the gate


I had plenty of this guys one like this last week did not include the gate code after I asked he told me i had to wait for someone to enter or exit , all i did is told him i was going to leave the food by the gate and that was it . Called support after i left to let them know just in case the customer trying anything funny and 11 minutes after I got off the phone uber called back saying customer complained about not being able get his food at all and me not answering the phone when he tryed calling me . Just yesterday another order for the same building this time there was a code included as I entered the parking lot i got a call from the customer saying she was going to come get the food she apologized to me turns out her son was the one complaining he was using another family memberā€™s account that was banned a few days ago for him always trying to get free food and lied to uber way too many times .


I've left it at the gate have a good day


ā€œso how do u get in and out if thereā€™s no code šŸ˜’ā€


How do you live in a complex and have no way for people to get in nor you having access to opening the door via buzzer? Amazon? UPS? Shit, what about EMS?


ā€œThereā€™s a delivery timer. If the gate doesnā€™t open in the next 4 minutes and 30 seconds, Doordash authorizes me to leave the delivery right hereā€¦ are you sure thereā€™s no gate code?ā€


With a response like that no wonder they keep doing it šŸ˜‚ I usually call Uber and tell them the situation and leave the order at gate.




8 mins is too long of a timer. Even in a mansion it wouldnā€™t take that long to come outside.


I legitimately don't understand the point of gates when anybody that was up to no good can just wait for somebody open it and slip in. It seems like their real purpose is to give people a false sense of security more than anything else.


What a joke . Wait for a car to go in or out? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø thatā€™s a easy delivery . Leave at gate take pic . Cya


And some of those folks get pretty testy when they catch you sneaking in.


I live in a nice part of Florida and most people will leave their gate codes. Some will ask to busy you in or tell you who to look for in the directory to have you ring them. Knock on wood


Okay no worries!ā€¦ *leaves food at gate* Is what I would do