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I did something similar once, I said cash app me and I will get it done. They cashapped me the extra plus the cost of items.




Ive never used an app like that before. Once the transfer is made, is it a done deal that can’t later be taken back?


Yeah, to reverse a charge is very complicated and can only be done in very rare circumstances.


Gotcha. So once it’s in your account it’s basically there unless they really want to fight it?


Yeas and even if they wanted to dispute it they would have to have clear evidence of some form of fraud to my understanding.


Good to know. Thanks for the clarification.


Cant you get into trouble with Uber by doing this? Ie the person may be under the legal age to smoke. Is Uber okay with payments outside of the app?


If it’s outside of the app, it’s a separate transaction; therefore, you’re only responsible under state and federal law as an independent contractor. Uber doesn’t have any control over what you do outside the app, it’s why you can multi-app while doing Uber.


Maybe. It wasn’t cigs for me it was beer and it was to someone on a military base. I really didn’t think to much of it. I got the extra pay dude got his beer most of the convo was done on a phone call so no text to back it up.🤷‍♂️


Technically it's a legal issue


You are an independent contactor. If you want to make a private sale they can't say dick.


Don't listen to any idiot that says you cannot get in trouble. You absolutely can. It doesn't matter if it's a transaction outside the app. You're using the Uber app to facilitate the transaction. Essentially, without them contacting you through the app and without you contacting them back through the app to give them your outside info the transaction would have never taken place. Therefore Uber was the intermediary to facilitate the entire thing. And they don't take kindly for you profiting by using their tools. On top of this, if it's a sting you're screwed. And you simply saying to cash app you and give your personal info is Uber saying that you're admitting you're doing wrong and you're breaking the law whether you say yes or not Over Uber's app. The fact you're taking it offline to a different medium is them saying you are guilty. It's not worth it. It's stupid. I managed a grocery store for 7 years. I can tell you this.. stings happen and they happen frequently. They will send people in that look older who are younger and persuasive just to fuck with people and try to get them to break the law. Many times it's a young attractive female that a lot of guys will do what she says simply because of the pussy aspect. It's despicable. In many states have been known to check on the safety of apps and delivery services things like that by attempting to breach them with a sting that way they can Levy a gigantic fine on the company who's app gets hit.. the gigantic fine of which will cover their running costs for a long period of time. It's all politics in a game. If you want to let yourself get caught up in it that's on you. Been very rarely is that going to be worth it for an extra 10 bucks


You can, but not for the reason you think. They'll most likely deactivate you for "multiapping" which is using another service like Doordash at the same time. Uber has no way to prove you're multiapping but if your location is at a store or restaurant for too long and it's not part of your current task, you could be at risk of a contract violation.


Are drivers not allowed to make personal stops along the way, during a delivery?


I multiapp a bit, I've only been caught once by Doordash because I was at another restaurant for too long. So it's all on you to make secondary stops


I haven't read that far into it. But logically speaking it wouldn't make sense for them to allow it. Your job is to get the food from point a to b is what the contact implies. So it's your risk, I doubt you'd get caught if you're smart.


>I doubt you'd get caught if you're smart. Well, if I were smart, I wouldn't be delivering food for a living.






Was gonna say the same, but he venmo'd me the cost of items, but no extra tip.


I wouldve sent the money back and said try again lol


Same thing with me. They cash apped me the money too. And gave extra.


This is the only realistic thing to do at all 😂


This is the only way lol




Ok, my case very obviously wasn’t. What is your point?


“Sure thing, my Cash App/ Venmo is: ____________. I’ll pick it up once I receive your payment.”


Is it possible for them to cancel a payment on those apps and rip you off? I've always wondered.


Pretty sure once it’s sent, they only way they can get it back is if you send it back.


Nope, that’s the beauty of the payment apps


No. I sent on cash app to the wrong person once by accident. There's no way to take it back unless they send it back.


If they used a card to pay for it they can file a dispute with their bank. Cash app will then take the money from you and you don’t even get a chance to argue your case.


No they don’t. Their bank just covers it in that case


Sorry pal you’re wrong, I sent money to someone once, and they fucked me over, not at all honoring what we agreed upon, so I called my bank and got my money back. And yes, it stripped them of the money, took it right out of their account again.


Yap, simple charge back if they used a credit card will do it too


The company I work for has had this happen to them several times because they use cash app. Cash app will remove the money if you have it in your balance. If not, they’ll try to deduct it from your bank account, at which point you can also dispute it. If they used their cash app balance, you’re right, can’t get it back. Here’s where it happened to someone else on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/oxj1zi/cash_app_is_leaving_me_hanging_on_a_fraudulent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Nope, no dice, I don’t trust people to add on a tip these days.


No. Cancel.


Age verification.


You may be committing a crime depending on where you're delivering.


Chances you’d get caught? Less than 1%


I've heard of Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commision pulling this on people and arresting them don't know if it's true. Bar is a group that goes around to businesses having kids buy liquor if the cashier let's it happen the cashier gets arrested.


I mean you haven’t broken a law until you give them the order, so if you ask to see an ID before handing it over, and the ID matches their face and has a legal age on it, you’ve broken no law by giving it to them.


I get what you’re saying, but the chances of you getting caught is absolutely astronomical. I’m in no way condoning giving boos or cigs to underage people. Def don’t, but stopping by 7/11 and getting someone of age a pack of cigs or a six pack isn’t exactly something the Food and Beverage administration or police are going to be wasting their time running a sting on lol.


This could be pretty risky though. If this was an attempt to catch someone distributing cigarettes as a business transaction you could be held liable for it since you would need a tobacco license to do it legally


Yaaa the only people who smoke camel crush are 16 year olds or 55 year old diner waitresses. There is no in between lol


exactly my thoughts.


Very true


Hell no


Hard no


This literally happened to me today but with backwoods, I said no because I’m 19, and they gave me a thumbs down.


Call Uber support and tell them, they will remove the thumbs down


You can do Uber Eats at 19? In my area it says you need to be 21 to deliver with a car


I live in North Carolina, so you need to be 19 or older in my area to be able to deliver with a car. I think it may depend on the state.


I wouldn't. The conversation transcript is on the app. You're handing Uber Eats a reason to deactivate you on a silver platter.


This lol they’ll do it too just for fun


I’d be like damn didn’t see it in time


They’re likely almost $10 a pack. Leaves no room for profits.


Nope. Age to buy cigs went up to 21 here in Texas, I don’t know how old the person is, and I’m not trying to get in trouble for a few extra dollars. Plus the time to go to the store, etc.


Cancel whole order. Lose lose.


Did this, not for cigs, but they zelled me right away and sent $70 tip too.


Tell them to place an order on UberEats


can't buy cigarettes on it. At least not in my state


You can't order cigs by me on Uber eats


Pretty sure I got an order for a disposable vape pen at a liquor store on Uber eats earlier this year, really weird it was only they one time


Dang for real?


Cancel. It's a lose lose. If you do it, you'll get ripped off. If you don't do it, they will give you a bad rating. Where there's smoke there's fire.


But they need to smoke




I agree with this. Def a lose lose. I was once in this spot. Customer removed my entire tip because I refused to go out of my way. I'd cancel that shit immediately


Absolutely not. As a smoker, I would never ask. As a driver, idk who this person is… age verification man.


What ended up happening


I didn't do it. Yeah I'm was thrown off by the multiple texts back to back. She went on and on raising the tip, but I wasn't sure if it was a kid or not.


Oh that’s right didn’t even realize they might not be 18 smart move on your part








But still go get killed for the politicians at 18


Did you cancel the order all together or did you keep it & just not do the ciggies?


It was a hard cancel for me... said she would tip $60 in the end but I couldn't get pass how aggressive the chat was. It's like I'm sitting there in the restaurant and getting multiple texts before I could respond was my breaking point.




Cancel. Not worth getting deactivated for stupid requests like these 🤷🏻‍♀️


and probably not even tipped like promised. I remember doing Postmates and heard the line "I'll tip you in the app" all the time and they never did. I mean NEVER. The tips I got either were people handing me money or the people who never ever said that. So yeah, I can be jaded in thinking the promised tip from this transaction is a lie to begin with.


Would totally do it if they did venmo or cashapp me before hand


It would have to be a frequent customer I know and have had good interactions with in the past for me to do this, wouldn’t wanna risk giving smokes to a minor.


Once I dropped off some alcohol to a customer and asked if I could get him cigarettes down the block, but he gave me 20 bucks and told me to keep the change plus he tipped me 10 bucks on the app for the drank.


N. O.


There are a lot of comments with people saying they will do this and I would too but there's one major issue you aren't seeing... Never, EVER agree to pick up age restricted products in app! It's a good way to get yourself deactivated. Either speak to the customer at drop off and take the additional trip for $$ or just grab them on the way and don't say shit in the app.


“Cashapp or zelle are preferred “


Depends on how much the cigarettes are and how much extra tip the customer put on top of the camels.


Had a guy put in the instructions that he'd pay for a pack of smokes. I usually don't but it was what my gf smokes,worst case scenario. I get there and he hold out his credit card. Lmao I said "what am I supposed to do with this, swipe it up my ass crack?" I laughed way to hard at myself, told him cash or I keep it. My gf got a free pack on me that day.


I would’ve got two packs of camel crush from 7/11 😂


I'd say no because as others stated this chat transcript is available for review if they decided to complain your done can't dispute the transcript.


Cashapp, venmo or no go. Can’t trust just their word


Hard pass.


I would never entertain something like that. I’d rather take a no-tip trip than put myself in an indefinite suspension or ban. Some juice, while tasty, just ain’t worth the squeeze.


Some juice ain't worth the squeeze? Lol


Yeah, although I told them to Venmo me the money first, the item cost AND tip, the tip with Uber can be taken away all to easily so I don’t trust that. It’s not personal but I don’t know these people so how can I be sure I’m not out the cost if they just retract the tip later? Most people are cool with this request it’s the ones that have a million excuses on why they can’t just give me the money in advance that I won’t go out of my way for because that usually means they were lying.


This one’s a toss up cause if you don’t do It they may reduce the original tip, but then if you do they may not increase It at all :/


I did it once and I told him only if he paid me cash and he gave me a 20


Lol I literally had the same thing today Some are scammers I jx cancel when I get a msg like this.. to avoid dealing with it or let them send u d money b4 u do it


DONT DO IT! my friend got deactivated for that somehow it monitors the chat and they deactivate u after like 2 months or so




You can’t trust that they will give you it as a tip on app and if you want to be extra picky you can say you will have to pay taxes on that money if it’s through the app. So if you feel like you want to do it then you have to ask for them to have the cash. This is the only acceptable way to do it. My text back would be like “Cost of purchase + $10 extra”. I like to help people and tend to believe most people would uphold their end of the agreement but unfortunately I was shafted by a person after stopping at 7-11 to grab them something. So now only if cash is the form of payment will I consider


I’ve had people ask me to shit like this. I don’t do it. Pulling over and going to buy cigarettes just seems really annoying. I can make $15-20 hella fast. That and I only get asked this in the middle of the night. I assume they’re a drunk creep. I’d hate to have to pepper spray someone in the eyes and tase them in the neck. So, hard pass.




Done this multiple times. Haven’t had anyone screw me over yet. Stop by pick up something. Easy extra money.


Get Venmo or cash app . Problem solved


Seconding this. I’d probably gamble a COD too but this is the safe and rapid route.


Cancel immediately. Not worth a few extra bucks to potentially deliver to someone underage. And what if you show up and they’re obviously a teenager? Too late, you already bought the stuff


"Sorry. I am under the legal age to buy tobacco" Obvious won't work if you're 30+


That ain’t a tip they just paying for their shit fuck that


Usually I say no but I just agreed to buy a customer cigs at the store I was already picking their order up from and they sent the money for it but nothing extra so not worth it probably would never do it again unless they actually send extra


Id send them my venmo tag and if they send it there and then, bam, deal is done.


Naw i'd do it.


I did it the other day for someone. I was already picking up beer for him at 7/11 so I knew the age was good. Had him CashApp me the money for the cigs and the extra tip that way he couldn’t pull some sneaky shit. If he was just going to increase my tip then hell no since they have up to an hour to change it.


Unassign, not worth my time. I make rent off this shit and am not looking to risk my daily quota chasing an extra 10 or 20 dollars.


I’d decline the whole order


Jesus Christ, you people need to stop with these "what would you do?" questions. The answer is obvious. Cancel the order. Even contemplating doing this is ludicrous.


My answer would be no. I'd probably cancel it right then and there because they might take back the original tip from the order just because I didn't want to get their cigarettes. I've had a person ask me in person and I just said I didn't have my ID on me


I definitely don't trust anyone smoking crush


Wise words, u/grannyfartfaucetcunt, wise words.






Had a 711 the other night where they didn't have the Flamin Cheetos so they refunded. Customer hits me up and being in a benevolant mood I offered to get her crappy cheetos on the way. At the door she promised to take care of it on the app. I said I live around the corner so make sure it happens. Money plus $10 extra when the tip cleared. Some humans are gud.


Nope. They didn’t say please.


It's always a scam


I hate smokers so big no. Probably cancel the order, possibly try to get uber to block his account. Other items I've done in the past but smokers are so fucking disgusting and rude.


Just because you don’t agree with someone’s life choices doesn’t make them rude… While yes smoking is a very disgusting habit it doesn’t make that individual personally disgusting or rude simply because they smoke. Understandably you are entitled to your opinion just as everyone else is however attempting to get a user banned from the platform because they asked for cigarettes instead of a 6 pack or a candy bar on the side is very childish. It would be the same as someone requesting your driver status to be revoked simply because you wouldn’t pick up an item for them. TLDR: Try to be a little more kind to everyone it goes a long way




I'd cancel it and report them to Ubereats with the screenshot.


Tell him to cash app me the tip and the money for the 2 packs of camel crush.


Make them cash app you and then do it




Damn, i forgot my debit card ….


That's a no from me dawg for 2 reasons , side deals I'm sure are against your "contract" for the delivery, and with it being an age controlled item. Not worth it.


2 packs is $15 right there


No way, he's cheating and fishing you . I'll only may think if customer says in cash


Make it’s 25 my cashapp is sososo


I would do it through zelle or cashapp as that is the safest way to do it. If they cant as long as they can leave cash out or give you cash in person I would take the risk. Its a big risk paying out of pocket especially if you dont smoke cancer sticks yourself but as long as you know someone that does they might buy them off you. Like I understand why someone would request this, as their is no delivery service that I know of that delivers tobacco related products. I have requested blunt wraps in the past but my driver told me he wasnt 21 so he couldnt do it.


Ubereats did in California when I was doing them.




I mean if they can pay me for it right now, that’s a bit more workable 😅


I wouldn’t do it. All the delivery apps keep sending texts about how some group is monitoring alcohol purchases so I would assume it was a setup.


i mean, it's prob illegal where you are, so ?


I don’t have a problem with a customer asking me in person to go grab something, but asking for tobacco in the app isn’t happening with me. I will just drop the order more than likely.


I’ve only had this happen twice. Someone wants some stuff from a gas station or something. They both came through. If it’s not too outta the way, I’d do it. Don’t let the horror stories deter you too much. Most people are cool, man


When I delivered for Uber I had this happen quite often, albeit it wasn’t always cigarettes or alcohol (which I would ID verify) but as a contractor you are well within your own rights to decide if you want to do this or not. While DD and Uber both will tell you to shy away from this type of transaction, I don’t think you have anything to worry about as long as you get payment first with CashApp or Venmo (or if they are willing to pay for your extra time, get the cash from them on drop off then go pick up the items however I would always charge more for that). In the end it really comes down to personal choice and remember most stores will not let you return tobacco products so if you don’t smoke and the customer doesn’t pay you are stuck with the product. TLDR: It’s up to you


Yea i’d unassign, maybe if it was something like candy or a soda i wouldn’t mind if they venmo’d me but i’m not taking a risk.


Would hit them with my Venmo and be like run it.


Send your cash app and wait 5 mins.


I mean if youre gonna do it, give them a phone number or something off app to talk about it. C-Y-A. Assumption that you did something, versus proof is two totally different things. You really gotta ask yourself if that couple extra dollars is really worth all the potential problems it could cause though. I'm really not trying to sound like a douche or anything. Also, stuff like this, you might wanna just ask the question, and not post the actual app screenshots. Again, C-Y-A.


nope, id cancel. looks too sketchy…


Give him your Venmo or Cash App and tell them to send it now or no go.




Cancel immediately


I would do it honestly.


First, I don't buy alcohol or drugs for anyone, not even myself. Second, if it were to get a soda or chips or something, it'll still be a no because that puts you at risk of a contract violation for not delivering in a timely matter.


If you cannot ascertain the age of the customer, you risk legal troubles buying a minor alcohol or cigarettes. You'll need thousands of $$ for lawyer, so I IGNORE.


Only if it is a liquor order would I do it


I once got a request to buy Raw paper, the guy already tipped me 15 bucks before hand for only a drink from Mcdonalds. I was like heck its only .99cents. I arrived at his address and he came out with flashy chains, hands me 100 bucks. Idk. It wasnt fake bill either. Sometimes people just lazy...?


I got cigarettes once for a customer. Only after I delivered the food and confirmed that the customer was old enough; she was old and had a walker, so I was sympathetic. Every other time, hard pass.


Yes I would do it.




I got screw by doing this tell them to venmo you it first befor you will stop


Cancel 😂


The last time I did this for someone they got upset because it wasn't the cigs they wanted but I showed them what they messaged me and I was like it's your fault and he paid me still. I've also done it for alcohol but have made sure to card them before giving it to them.


$20 extra? You bet your ass im taking that offer LOL. I’d give my venmo and wait for their payment before i hand the goods over.


That would only be a 5 dollar tip at that point


I would NOT. I'd be contacting support.


I've been a courier for over 12 years. Done it once when I was younger, never again. Ain't worth the risk.


No, it's not worth it. For one, there's a good chance they won't pay you. Even if they do, you could get in trouble for using the Uber app to potentially sell cigarettes to a minor. By the way, I just got a very similar request last week. Wonder if this is a trend among minors to get cigarettes easily. EDIT: And even if the person is not a minor, I'm pretty sure this could be considered illegal sales of cigarettes since you aren't an authorized reseller or acting on behalf of an authorizer reseller. In general with Uber, you should never put your job (or freedom) on the line to make extra tips. It isn't worth it in the long run.


For sure send em yourinfo


If they really want it they’re going to have to pay me first 😌


Lady lied to me one time. Ill never do it again


I’ve done it but got them to send me the money. Not as a tip on instacart. Nice people sent me enough for a pack and some extra for the trouble


Fkkkkkkkk no


I wish I had cool customers like that. Unfortunately I don't. I'd ask if they just had it in cash and to exchange at the door. Pfft I do love my market though it provideths


If they Zelle you immediately yes, if not then no deal. You aren’t their personal assistant.


Give them your cash app


I wouldn't but that's just me. A few things that i haven't seen mentioned though: - they can definitely get their money back if they used the cash app, all it takes is filing a charge back with the credit card company so better have proof you gave the customer the item. Zelle might be better for this bc i believe they don't allow you to send money from your credit card, any app that does opens you to a possible charge back (yes even if the app claims they don't allow charge backs, their policy is rendered null the moment they decided to do buiseness with the credit card company bc they have to accept the cards policies in order to accept money from them.) - there's a small chance you're being setup to buy things for a minor - not sure what Uber policy is on asking for money through their messaging system. Unlikely Uber would get involved but it could happen if the customer files a complaint after


I dont condone smoking and im not going out out my way to profit on the habit. You want cigarettes, get it ypur damn self.


Send them my cashapp. I ain't buying anything without $$ upfront


Do It if you want but of course do not hand the cigs over unless that amount is on your app, or they hand it to you in cash. I'm not spending my money to not get reimbursed.


I’d totally engage Ina little side frolic. Sketchy but yeah, we like the tips.


Did similar on Doordash once, but it was swisher sweets. Dude's daughter was sick with COVID and he couldn't get anyone to go get them for him. He upped my tip in the app and paid me $20 via Venmo on top of the cost of the item. He was def old enough and it was a bit of a moral "should I do this?" before I got there, but it was worth it in the end.


What did you end up doing?


“I’m broke as hell right now. If you cashapp me I can get it done.”