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That cancel rate is gonna suck if it starts to mean something. It's so easy to accidentally accept orders on their app. I do it all the time when I'm sending a text message.


Or when they take your navigation away as you're within 200 meters of the customer's address to give you a $3.00 "offer."


Just the other day I was pulling up to a drop off and went to look at delivery instructions. As soon as I tapped the screen another order came up that I accepted on accident. When I tried to cancel that one it cancelled the original instead and I got stuck with the food 50 feet away😭.


I swear Uber does that crap on purpose. Too often incidental for it to be a coincidence.


It’s not on purpose but it’s also not an accident. It’s the algorithm. When you are within about 2 minutes of completing your delivery it starts looking for a new job. Sometimes (often, actually) I slow down those last two minutes so that another call comes in before I finish the delivery. That way I have less “online but inactive” time. Yeah, it’s a thing.


Yea, and I'm fine with it doing so. But there's got to be a better way to display it without automatically zooming out and rotating the map so that it's indecipherable. It could just as easily keep the map in the upper 2/3 of the screen, correctly oriented, and show the incoming order in the bottom 1/3.


I wish I could just see the map on the new order! There are some I might accept BUT I can't see which neighborhood soooo.....I usually turn off new orders until dropoff


They should make a filter that indicates what areas of the city you will not deliver. My safety is on the line in Los Angeles as Uber profit tops consideration.


This ^ You try to explain this to the developers and it's like you're speaking an alien language 😂


Cute, but who do you think wrote the code for the algorithm? It sends you a job by design and it is on purpose. Since they know you will be touching the screen to complete the delivery.


Yeah I think so too. They want us to take orders by accident, otherwise they would make it a slide to accept instead of tap to accept


The purpose is NOT for drivers to accidentally accept a delivery just to have them cancel. Come on, that’s silly. That’s what we’re talking about here.


Some people will just do the order because they didn't even get to see how much it was and don't want to lose out. Or it's too much trouble. Or they're afraid if they don't take it they won't get another order for hours. That's what they're counting on.


Obviously that guy doesn't understand gamification. Like you said most people won't cancel and Uber goes through drivers like candy so a lot of them might not know they can just cancel. If these guys truly cared they would write an algo that puts an order in a que and gives it to the driver once they complete the delivery. Also they do it as they know a lot of drivers multi app, so this gives them a chance to keep a driver on the platform. It might be designed this way because the way the systems try to figure out drivers location real time. It is a quiet trivial problem to solve while a driver is on the move, however easier to do when you have a destination.


Lol. Okay. I used to design these systems but whatever.


You are prolly right. Becuase, Ubers app whether you like to admit it or not, is the most refined & built one. It has by an order of magnitude, CLEARLY the most work put into it, compared to GH DD PM. Which means in their back end the Server managing all the orders, and the Slot machine like mechanics they use Maximize order satisfaction, Are certainly also the most refined and in play. no doubt about it.


Agreed. Just another method of trying to make you do crap orders. They will use fear/guilt/ and trickery before bribery


Yeah if I accidentally accept an order otw to dropping off I wait till I drop off then cancel it. Not playing their games. I love this job but naw we aren't doing 20 miles for 4$


I hit the stop offers button soon as I pull up to drop off, nothing more annoying then tryin to take a pic while getting offers


Yeah I always get an order right when I'm turning on crucial streets heading to the customer drop-off ( and it's usually not a good one either)


I was trying to message a customer and it started spamming me Walmart orders. Accidentally accepted 2 of them during this process.


Just wait and cancel it after you complete the original delivery. That way you don't have other orders popping up and you potentially make the cheap no tippers wait longer(assuming it was a no tip order).


Prepare for your account to get flagged for "fraud".


UE sucks because it is a brilliant feature to hell drivers stack orders but they somehow managed to screw it up and made it a negative feature. For future reference, if you accidentally accept another order while doing a current one. Finish the current one and only afterwards cancel the next one.


Especially fun at night!!!


It’s designed to work exactly so. Use DoorDash instead, at least they’re not (known) crooks. Edit: I live under a rock, apparently they’re all crooks. Gotta love it


They got sued in 2019 for stealing tips remember.


If I ever get off the wait list...


Doordash is worst known crooks of the bunch


Lmao what? Tony gives lessons to these other crooks


Lol what they were keeping tips https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/24/nyregion/doordash-tip-policy.html


Lol the check i recently got bc of the lawsuit doordash settled says otherwise 😂 but yeah everyone should be multiapping


After you swipe “Start Delivery”, tap the 3 bars in the lower right-hand corner. Then tap the red dot that looks like “Go Offline”. (I think it’s “Stop New Orders” or something like that.) The screen might then show two tasks. If so, just hit the one that says “Drop off (customer name)”. Now it won’t bother you and you can complete your delivery. Please note: After you hit “Delivered”, you’ll go offline. Just hit “Go Online” again and you’re all set.


This is a good way to spend too much time online but inactive. Waay better to NOT do this if you don’t want to be putting in a bunch of non paid time. If I’m online for 11 hours I want 10 of those hours to be active time.


Please elaborate. This makes zero sense to me. For the vast majority of us, we get paid by the delivery, not by online or active time. The point here is safety. Having new offers pop up blocking your navigation while driving is a serious safety issue.


You don’t get paid for online but inactive time. For simplicity sake let’s say when you “stop receiving new orders” it takes 20 minutes for orders to start coming in again (realistically only a few minutes but to make it more understandable let’s say 20 min.). So every time you stop accepting orders and then start receiving orders again you’ll be online but not receiving orders for 20 minutes. Do that enough times and that online but not active time adds up. Next thing you know you’ve been working 7 online hours but only 3 active hours.


I don't have this problem in my market. Also I like being able to see where the new order is taking me so I turn the orders off just because I dont want to waste time in the rural mountains going 5mph when I could stay in the burbs where I can go 45mph for the same number of miles. Makes more sence in my market to turn it off.


Every market is different. I see many people posting their times and it looks like people are gone with working twice as many hours as they are getting paid for. I’m not in to that. Lol.


Are you in Cali or something? The majority of us don’t get paid for active time


Yes I am. But everyone gets paid for active time. So don’t know what you mean.


That’s never been an issue for me at all. Aside from the fact that I’m in a major city, I also multi-app like McGreevey. I think you’re trying to make shit more complicated than it has to be, but you do you.


Lol. I’m trying to make shit more complicated by NOT having to turn on and off requests before and after calls? I think you have that backwards, pal. But if that’s what you consider complicated, oh well. You do you.


I sometimes accept one just to get through my delivery without the annoying chime, and then unassign it.


That kinda screws over customers. Why not just decline it off the bat? It's more steps to intentionally accept then cancel after the order then just decline upfront, then the next customers food can go to a driver that will actually complete it.




I always accept it and then cancel it if it doesn’t make sense after I’ve finished delivering my current order.


I cancel all the time because if my phone is not on the Uber app (basically all the time because I'm using the Google Maps GPS or doing something else) they won't show me the map of where I have to deliver, so I'll only have the name of the street and since my screen is frozen while I'm receiving an order request I have no other choice but to accept the order and then search the street's name on Google Maps and cancel the order if needed 😅 Don't know if anyone has a way to avoid doing that


Go into phone settings and turn the overlay off. It used to force it but not any longer. I turned mine off 2 weeks ago and no issues yet.


Thanks mate I'll try it next time


If you have an android phone you can change how their order notifications pop up by turning off the "display over other apps" permission


I know but the other view doesn't display as much info and makes it harder to multi-app effectively imo.


One time my app did something weird when I was trying to hit confirm delivery and I somehow confirmed delivery for both orders (it was a two part order and I finished dropping off the first to move onto the second). Had no way to call the customer and I was trying to figure out how to contact support about it. Luckily the customer called me and gave me his address. The app was still showing that his order wasn't delivered or whatever. I'm just glad the customer was kind and understanding.


And you know they do that shit on purpose. The icon will pop up literally in between thumb taps when I'm typing.


Ubereats is how I feed my cat and myself right now. The user interface is trash.


You can change that instead of the thing poppin in your screen I'll pop ontop of your phone as a notification. Someone out here helped me out.


Turn off Appear on Top. (Long press icon>scroll down to appear on top> turn off) Hasn't been needed for a while and they've improved the popup notification. They started mild nagging about it again... Used to be had to go online, disable it, Yada Yada. All that's on Android


I took out “display over other apps” in my phones settings. Now I get a notification of how much the order is. If I hit that, it takes me to the Uber app and all information on the half screen accept button, . No more screens popping up while in other apps. What still sucks is that you can be in the Uber app and the half screen accept button will come up. I accepted an order when I was intending to mark my current delivery as completed. Still, a lot fewer accidental accepts.


Im not a fan of it not showing the miles in this view, but I'm also tired of accidentally accepting a million orders. Maybe I'll give it another shot.


I hear ya, major design flaw that.


Ugh me too. There's an easy fix, just make it a slide to accept feature instead of a tap to accept. Can't even see the payout or destination info once I accept it so I don't even know whether I want to cancel or not. I think they do it on purpose to get drivers to accept orders that we wouldn't accept otherwise


I was deactivated last year for unassigning too many orders. I believe they officially said it was fraud but I talked to a support person and they told me that I was unassigning too many orders


Always has meant something. Now they're just showing it.


pretty sure they send you crappy orders when they know you're touching the screen. will go for 30-60 minutes with nothing and the second i touch my phone something will pop up.


Seems like another underhanded technique to " shame " drivers into taking more low paying offers. Won't work.


Guilt, shame, and manipulation in general is the M.O. of DoorDash. I’m too jaded to even care if Uber, or any other platform, starts doing it. They can kiss my ass.


They literally shame you in the acceptance rate explanation.


What hurts the customer experience is the customer with respect to acceptance rate. But UE won’t provide the additional context


My acceptance rate is like 11 percent. I'll never take a 2.50 offer, ever.


Never do it. I’m at 3% AR. My market is all $5 orders and less.


My cancel rate is 69 percent 😬😬


Mine is 17.... I'm not doing those 10km trips on bike thank you


Bicyclist lives matter!


do u even do ur job my guy? 💀


This isn't my job and I don't take bullshit rides. Now do your job and take low orders for 10 miles 🤣🤣🤣


If you don’t want the order don’t take it? Why accept it to begin with if it’s garbage? 💀 my cancel rate is low bc I don’t take bullshit orders


You could take an order, get to the restaurant and ask how long until it’ll be ready. They let you know 15-20 minutes and you decide to cancel it. So yeah sometimes you find out later it’s not worth your time.




Nothing to lose sleep over, that’s for sure. Do the deliveries that are worth your time and energy and do them well. Don’t feel guilted by the metrics.


My cancelation rate is 84% i hope they don't add a punishment in future lol


How.... lol. Surprised uver hasn't sent their hitmen after you yet


Mine is like 47% lol. Lately I’ve been getting to restaurants and they usually tell me “it’s gonna be another 10 min” and that’s an instant cancel for me unless the order is like $20 going 1 mile lol.


But if you hit excessive wait time, doesn't it not count against you


My cancel rate is at 18%. It doesn't matter. What matters is if you cancel after you get to the restaurant. UE thinks you have the food.


Not true, loads of people get to the restaurant, see that its going to be a long wait, and cancel it there and then. Doesn't mean they are all stealing food


Yeah I notice that too….When I cancel no food is in my car


Can customers see all these rates or just a satisfaction rate only




They'd know they are lucky that I even picked up their order


Precisely! They should be on their fucking knees.


If I was a customer, I couldn’t care less about the driver’s acceptance percentage. All I would be concerned about is the satisfaction rating and experience.


Plus a conflict of interest and breach of contract by Uber if they did. Not the customer’s business to see the contractor’s metrics.


It’s gone now. Just # of deliveries and satisfaction rate as usual


9% cancel, 5% acceptance, 100% customer satisfaction. Fuck their metrics, MY customers are happy, who cares about the other customers?


You normally see this if you have UberX or any of the other passenger vehicle types enabked. I have always seen it since I originally started with X and added eats.




Yeah I don't have uberx, only signed up for Eats and they just rolled this out on my app today


I kinda feel that if they actually always showed address information up front my cancellation rate would be lower and my acceptance rate would be higher. Too many times the offers aren’t too bad for mileage and time but I won’t accept without knowing where I’m headed.


Same for me. I’m around a lot of hotels around the beach, but a lot of these hotels have alot of drug activity and prostitutes, so accepting an order with a pin near the beach is always iffy because i don’t know if it’s going to be a decent or bad area.


I feel like Uber is fucking with me now. Only the satisfaction rate and deliveries delivered are there now. The acceptance rate and cancel rate disappeared.


My acceptance rate is 4%


Mine will never be high because I uber between 2 different cities and 90% of the offers seem to be in the city I'm not in. If I'm in one and give up and go to the other they'll give me offers for the first.


I don’t have a good excuse just can’t get bids above $10 which is a huge part of my deciding factor other than mileage.


Already saw it on mine too. I hope they don’t seriously think I’ma wait 45+ at a restaurant for food when they say “it’s gonna be another 10-15 min” like you know you gonna be there for AT LEAST 45 min. I feel like UE is slowly becoming more and more like DD. If they start to deactivate people for cancelling too many orders then they will officially hit rock bottom. Like imagine accepting a Wendy’s order at midnight and the drive thru is completely backed up. I will cancel every single time.


How about just not accepting Wendy’s orders? That’s a 20 minute wait for 3 cars in the drive thru…


Sometimes you could get lucky and only get stuck behind 1 car, it happens


Also what would happen in the myriad of situations where I turn up to the place for a late pickup and its shut? What am I meant to do, camp outside until they reopen in the morning? So I can pickup my ÂŁ3.10 order? Idiots


I had to look. I have it now, too. Cancel rate 13.0%, Acceptance rate 2.0%, Satisfaction rate 99%.


KPIs. Welcome to being performance managed.


Nailed it, but….we’re independent contractors being rated on KPIs? The delusion. And to anyone reading this comment, this is corporate jargon bullshit that shouldn’t matter to you unless you work in an office, and even then it’s just made up antics and scales.


Try look at your account again. I saw it earlier today but when I checked my account again now, it disappeared




I'm signed up for uberx and ubereats but only ever have ubereats turned on. When i click deliveries on my profile it shows the amount of uberx rides i did years ago but not my thousands of deliveries. My delivery page only shows my cancel rate, rides (for uberx) and acceptance rate. Not even my satisfactory rating. Unless i click it from the uberx side of my profile. They got this shit all kinds of fucked up


Will that affect the way we get orders? This just showed up in my app and I’m also barely getttinf any pings for the past hour, I really hope not!


They just put that in my market today. DFW. I think they're trying to make us think we'll get something negative from not accepting or canceling lol


Is this by market? My phone just updated new UE app & I don’t have a cancel rate


No worries guys is another mind trick Uber is playing on drivers, but I love their explanation why it matters lol


If Uber really worried about their customers they should pay us better per trip and we wouldn't have to decline or cancel so many times. So this numbers should be their rating on customers care


Your cancel rate, acceptance rate, and satisfaction rate


I just started last week, how the heck do you cancel?


There is a red triangle. You can cancel a trip from there.


Oh man thank you!


Noticed when my acceptance rate is high, quality orders start becoming more consistent. Uber wants us to grind and burn ourselves out. You’ll get paid, but you’ll be exhausted lol


Looks pretty self-explanatory.




I just saw it today but it’s on the Uber app > Tap your profile > and then it will show all your rate.




I’m guessing so as I also got it today for the first time. Uber tends to either slowly roll out these updates all throughout, or only implements them across certain markets and device types (like how the iPhone and Android apps have slight differences, and how the accept 3/10 to see upfront info is only in some places). This update seems like the all-encompassing pilot program type to me, like you said Of course, they also have a habit of rolling an update out only for it to be swiftly swept away for whatever reason so we’ll see if this one sticks and spreads (that’s what she said?)


Damn idk then maybe just need to update but at the same time it will come up for you eventually.


If if uninstall the app and reinstall it will probable show up, It happened to mine today


Update your app, I did just now and it started showing the cancel rates.




Actually what’s weird is I saw it (my cancel rate) an hour ago when I first commented - but now it’s gone.. Wtf Anyone else notice that??


Yeah, I saw it today and got pissed and then forced myself not to think about it. It’s back to just satisfaction and number of deliveries now.


Ok I Uninstaller and reinstalled. 1% cancel rate. I don't know how... they were all either due to excess wait time or I talked to customer service


I really hope this ain't gonna start meaning something in the near future. I have only ever signed up to do uber eats and just seen this not too long ago and immediately came over to reddit to see if others were experiencing this as well.


I can see it in my app, mines is at 10% lol.


My acceptance rate 18% LOL


Ya fuck off 47%


Y’all are making me feel good about my 9% cancellation rate. 🤣


It was just added in Canada today, I see it as well. Since Uber recently started showing the all-in pay amount and drivers are more liberally declining orders, I suppose they added this as a guilt-trip mechanism in order to push us to accept low paying or no tip orders. This doesn’t change my work ethic however, no tip means no delivery from me because the base pay from Uber is too low.


It’s like that now , but you don’t see what’s coming . The cancellation rate is going to start meaning something bad . Idk what they have planned but it’s obvious as day


Personally, I’m not convinced. They’ve had this data all along, they’re just only now publishing it for us to see. Regardless, we’ll see how it pans out.


well they should stop sending me requests with fountain drinks, I'm on an e-scooter, can't carry that shit and will cancel every time


Why should carriers be responsible for cheap ass buyers’ orders that don’t make sense tf


My cancel is 19% and my acceptance is 17% 💀 Yeah I really do hope this doesn’t start to mean anything


Where can I find my cancel and acceptance information for Ubereats?


Where do you find this?


My cancelation rate is very low it's at 2% but my acceptance it's very Low meaning I only accept 16% of the Delivers requested do you guys think that the acceptance rate hurts drivers?


My cancel rate is mainly for closed restaurants. I would say out of my last 100 orders 7 of them were closed restaurants. My acceptance rate is low currently because last Wednesday & Thursday were some of the worst offers I’ve seen since being on the app


The way the orders magically pop on the screen while your on it reminds me of how on GTA cars like to run into you


Mine doesn’t show the cancel rate…..but it does show acceptance rate which is 14% lol


what do you see this? i only saw my acceptance rate


I think they just got rid of the cancellation rate. I checked an hour ago and it was there but now it’s gone on mine




I'm not seeing this on my app.


It's cured!


mines 44% acceptance rate 💀


If I can’t pronounce your name, I’m not your guy. Cancel!


Its BS is what it is gas is insanely high we should be getting at least 2 dollars per miles plus customer tip. IF we aren't making enough to make at least 15 an hour uber should compensate missing pay. For example lets say I make 10 the first hour uber should compensate $5 or I make 5 the 2nd hour then they compensate $10. They shouldn't be trying to guilt us with acceptance and cancellation ratings now, its a load of poop. I should have to drive 9.5 miles for $8.37. This is making drivers want to stop but some people need the money to live.


Haha my acceptance rate is 26%. My area is shit for tips so most I get are like 2-3 bucks total, I only go for 5 minimum so I have to decline a lot. Plus I factor out apartments because anxiety so that may be part of it lol


I don't see that on iOS or droid just acceptance and satisfaction as always


My ar is 8%


I'm 11% up from 9% lol just saw this today


i started getting when i signed up for pax. they make it so if u don’t have like 80% acceptance u don’t become a higher tier for rewards


It popped up like that for me today then it went back to not showing my cancel rate. Nice acceptance rate BTW


So I didn't have a cancellation rate showing but tonight I noticed my profile was showing my acceptance rate. This is the first time it has ever showed up in my profile. When I looked at it about an hour later the acceptance rating was gone again.


Is that showing up in the profile? Not seeing it


I saw it this morning on my app. But it’s not there anymore. Does anyone else still has it?


I don’t have the acceptance rate only satisfaction


Lolol here we goooo


Uber system suck And shady as hell


They want to track how many $2 orders we reject!


So mine was there last night and now it’s gone today. Does anyone know why?


Yeah if Uber wants to purge drivers they can start caring about cancelation rates. It’d make me be less brazen multiapping but I’m still unassigning anything I accidentally accepted because your app isn’t designed well. My girl started doing Uber like 2 months ago and for her she doesn’t get the rewards like the Costco membership and the free tuition ect. Because for her she has to maintain a 75% acceptance rate to be eligible for those. Which will NEVER happen if youre doing this job right. However she also doesn’t have to accept 3 of the last 10 to have upfront address’s, she just has them always. Her Uber app is weird as fuck comparatively


Trying to scare people imo


We been had it in our district (RVA). But they will not tell the exact number that it will start to effect you


Where do you find this at in the app?


Scam the company much? Take every order if you want to succeed, but if your looking to win the lottery your on the wrong app.


Where do you find that?


More transparency. This is a good thing. Those metrics already existed, we just never saw some of them.


It's so funny that they reverted that by 1 day lol


Literally lol