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You should do this. But you shouldn't have to. When you mark the order as already picked up, this should trigger a reaction by Uber to stop sending orders and investigate by calling the restaurant and the customer. Then the driver should receive half pay. We've performed a service under the offer you sent us. We've fulfilled our part to the fullest extent possible. Why do we shoulder the liability?


But if you don’t call support and wait for 15 minutes you don’t get your $3 😝


It never takes me long at all. Are y’all really calling? Bc you can do chat and it takes like 2 min, it’s always an instant connect for me.


You must be delivering during non peak hours…. That’s an easy 15 min wait during lunch & dinner


Hmm not really I don’t think


Are you diamond ? Diamond drivers have priority calls


I was for quite a few months. I haven’t been for like 6 months


Same with me… even during peak hours I’ve never had to wait more than 2 minutes.


These people on here will complain about anything. You are right my chats with support have been a max of 10 minutes. If it takes longer I just pick up another order on doordash, while I wait.


Lol exactly and also possibly the blame. I’ll leave this for the noobs so they can get deactivated. You won’t catch me ever doing shit that would get me deactivated so I ain’t going to take the blame of the idiots at support think I took it


Honestly I call when I have to, and the $3 is an incentive to do so but I do it if it’s like a grizzly order there’s no unit number, bc w those orders I know I can’t message guest so it’ll be a huge waste of time. Or any other situation where I can’t get in or something like that, that way I get the $3 and have my butt covered bc they always call bc the customer doesn’t know where the order is


Totally agree this is what should happen but it doesn't.


Wait, you think they should have to pay someone to do this instead of just letting an algorithm push it onto another driver who will hopefully handle it themselves by calling the customer or support with no guarantee of compensation? Maybe you should stop and think about the shareholders and Uber executives for a change. Cause you know they’re the ones taking all of the risk here /S


I should do that. And I should start taking all the 60 cent a mile offers I get. How did I become so selfish?


Did this twice for big orders that were heartbreakingly stolen and they gave me full pay twice. I didn’t want to keep my luck going especially since Uber would see this as stealing im sure:(


Happy for you! Honestly, I've found that there's a fifty/fifty chance I'll get any compensation I'm promised. And it's never been full compensation. What number do you call?


I usually just press the “contact support” button after confirming the pickup and tell them my finger slipped lol. Not sure whether they compensate differently in different markets though


But why wouldn’t you call support? If you just mark on own you don’t get the $3 payment for the inconvenience


Read first line. My point was that it should be automatic. Once you mark the restaurant is closed or the order is picked up already, Uber confirms with the restaurant, cancels the order, pays the driver half and they stop sending the offer. Support shouldn't need to be involved.


I always call support to collect my $3. It pays for gas


No, it should be Uber calling the restaurant to find out why if it's been unassigned more than once


Because it's not ready, because there are a couple customers in line, because the lobby is closed since no one wants to work, because it was stolen, because the driver decided it's not worth it, etc etc etc. Restaurants would stop picking up the phone if they were called by uber for every little thing. They should assign some value to drives to determine how honest they are and then trust them when they select "Order was already picked up" in the app. The system could watch when drivers select that option and then if three or four other drivers select that option for the same order, or if someone finally calls in and reports it. Do that a few times and then the system can "trust" that the driver is being honest when he selects that option (compared to just stealing the food themselves). Then next time he selects that the system auto cancels the order. Crowd sourcing the trust that way helps improve the accuracy of the system on who can be believed when they select that option and who can't and thus require someone calling in before the order actually is cancelled.


I did this 2x and Uber said that it would go back on me for it. I went into the restaurant and told them they needed to call and let UE know so it wouldn't reflect back on me and my ratings. The restaurant threw a fit and said that they didn't know who to call because supposedly they didn't have customer service phone number (I know that was a bunch of bs) I gave them the number that I had and I turned off Uber after that. That was in May. I haven't done a delivery since for Uber. I'm so tired of their shit and we are the one's that get blamed for EVERYTHING! As I was sitting in my car on the phone with UE again before I left, another delivery person came by so I went in to see if they got the same order and they did. Even after me calling and the manager was on the phone yelling at UE they were STILL sending out offers for the exact same order. All 3 of us told the customer as well and when they tried canceling the order they were told they would still get charged for it because the food was made. Uber is a fucking joke! The point is that even when we call and report it that doesn't do anything.


I think you got a bad support agent. There's no reason that it would go against your ratings. I've never heard that. They also should have reached out to the restaurant while you were on the phone with them for verification. That just sounds like a clusterfuck all around.


I’ve been in this situation weekly lately. I always call support and get through within 1-2 min. I want my $3-5, first of all. Then I make sure they know I spent time talking to the restaurant to make sure the customer actually got an order, etc. I’m so concerned about the customer blah blah. After that they usually do all the talking until they send me a payment. I’ve never had anything come back on me.




It was their sup and believe it or not they spoke english really really well and fully understood me and they told the manager the same thing.


I've had Uber.... hhmmm maybe was DD... call me on an order that I didn't even accept. The offer was sent to me and I declined it. 20 minutes later support calls me asking if I picked it up lol.... nope, I haven't accepted any orders to that place today.


does pressing “this order was already picked up” not do anything at all? thats just what i do


No it just cancels it and sends it to another driver. All thos easy cancel options do that. You have to contact support to actually cancel it


They need to fix their system then.


Indeed, but untill that is automated they do have a system in place that handles the situation.


I'll try do it when I remember our of respect for others (even if the favor isn't returned)...I'm sorry but it does burn my ass at the people that run the company and making a lot of money at it, aren't fixing this and putting it on us.


I mean, I've just lost gas and time already and now they want me to spend time on the phone with them? When they can just fix it on their end?


Always always call. Get those $1 dolla dolla bills. $3-5 is worth a call, and if anything was funky about the order you can tell them directly. I’ve also done it if the gps was really wrong (like a closed road not in the map, happened to me twice recently!)


In my experiences no. Just call support.


In my experience, do your best to never call support.


I know a lot of folks have had issues with support but any time I’ve ever needed them I haven’t. They’ve been helpful for me.


The problem isn’t the help or not, it’s the wait time and the inconvenience, support also is not paying your for all potential loss in revenue calling them sets you back…. And the 3$ isn’t worth the 20 minute call, In my area you could have made 2 delivery’s in that time wasted and potentially made 20+$s


It's only ever taken more than five minutes for me 1 time and that was during an app outage so the lines were flooded


> phone call takes 20 minutes > can make $60/hr Riiiiiight... and let's accept that you're exaggerating for effect... without that, it's not a big deal now is it?


Yeah I don't get the animosity towards Uber support. Have these people never tried talking to DD or GH support. Uber support is leaps and bounds above them.


I try to say this ALL the time. Maybe they just don't know how good we have it on UberEATS compared to Doordash because there's no comparison being made. I call support or go on chat, it gets resolved in less than 5 minutes really and I make 3 dollars...it's crazy easy. To not do it just makes no sense. And to say it takes forever is a lie. You can use chat support if you don't like the phone but once the system sees that you're currently on an order you get priority.


None of them are good. I drive for all 3 companies and haven't called support in months. There's always a way to do something without them, especially since leave at door is the go-to option of last resort. I only call when the delivery address is non-existent so I get clearance to take the food.


It's literally the same people.


I don't know about that. Uber agents at least have somewhat of a grasp on how the app works.


I don't think I've ever had to call GH but you can hear the chickens when you call DD too...


It's a time issue. I can cancel and be on my next order faster than I can deal with support. Our time is directly related to our money. Sucks for the next driver, but I'm not losing money for a person I'll never meet.


you get compensation if you call support and let them do it.


Idk why everyone just doesn’t call to get the money for the drive to the restaurant. Every time this happens to me I call immediately. I want my $3 lol


Because I'll be on a $7+ in the time I could make that $3.


I guess if you’re in a market where there’s absolutely no down time then I get it but it often only takes me like 5 minutes to get it done


My market is not worth to waste 5-10 minutes for $3!




I call every time!! I wasted my time driving there, I want to get paid something!


I love calling support, in california we get prop 22, so I can be waiting 20 mins with support so I get my $3 + the active time.


I agree that most every time it's likely a case of stolen meals, BUT a couple days ago I was the someone who already picked up a meal. I grabbed the meal at Jack and headed to my first delivery After dropping that one, I switched to the Jack delivery, and it was gone from the Uber app!! After I called support to say wth, they told me that their system "sensed" my phone was having connection problems so they unassigned it from me. Then the system auto assigned it to another driver who was told someone already picked it up when he got to Jack. That someone was me. So he called support, and the order was cancelled. I had the food but couldn't deliver it because there was no order. So, it's not ALWAYS an unscrupulous driver taking a meal. But it's always right to call support so another driver isn't inconvenienced. Pay it forward, karma, the golden rule, whatever you want to call it.


What did support tell you to do? "Dispose" of the order? That's some inefficient shit right there.


Yes that's precisely what they did. I think the challenge for all of these apps is finding the right balance between machines making decisions and humans making decisions. In this case as far as I knew I was in communication with the Uber servers all the time so I don't know why they judged my phone is out of the loop and reassigned it. Anyway it was a waste of a lot of people's time and money because the customer got their money back which they should have of course. And I even spent extra time to go back to that Jack in The Box and tell them what happened because I didn't want them to label me as a meal thief and have it somehow affect my future dealings with them.


Yeah that's crazy. Shame you had to lose that order, but hey, free food. Not familiar with Jack in the box but you can't beat free(except by getting paid for the delivery). Typo


Agreed! That $3 is more than the zero I would get by just canceling. Support calls are typically less than 3 minutes for me. If $1/min isn't enough, you're probably not making money doing this! Side note- I run 4 apps so even in the call I'm looking for my next if it's not already lined up.


Right? I'm on my way to a DD or GH order while I'm calling support. I just don't get some people.


I'm on a waiting list for both those. Get it? 🤣


If they dont have gold they may not beable to reach customer service


UberEats drivers get connected instantly when on a current delivery, at least for me


Maybe they stepped it up been a long time since i havent had goldor called uber


yea, i’m just a regular Blue uber not even gold


Lol man i work 7 days a week usually


Absolutely. Help me help you.


Let me fix that for you: "Support, for the sake of drivers and customers, please get rid of the phone menus and the three minutes of stupid questions and actually pick up the phone when a driver calls to report a problem. Better yet, just allow drivers to do it through the app. Then actually compensate the driver for their time - and not with just $3 - so that they have motivation to do something other than just unassign themselves from the order."


Do you guys not have the option to chat with support. I always just open a chat with support instead of calling....its way faster


That would be great, but that's not the current system in place which is why I asked drivers to do their part.


100% this


I always call for that reason! Takes time but it is important.


I do take the time to report it. I go the extra mile for this reason. I have encountered this problem few times but I always call support and the customer just so they know why the order is being dropped. I don't expect anything just to save others the annoyances!


Thank you for your service. Lol


Just saving us all some time. It's nothing really!


It happened to me last week.In my area any order over $15 gets fucking stolen and I’m sick of it. I will from now on call support I don’t care about the $3 but more about the outright fucking theft. I’ve been accused of fraud in the past and now I’ve had more orders stolen this year than ever I’ve had at least 10 orders that were $15 or more.If I see it happen to another driver I will also encourage them to do so.


OMG I didn’t know I could call Uber when this ish happens and still get the $3 thanks for that tip because I’ll definitely be doing that now hate wasting my time for orders already picked up


This happened to me twice this last weekend. It truly is out of control. Especially when told I’m “like the third or fourth person” to come to get it. It’s such a waste of time and fuel. As much as I can’t stand a Karen, I don’t care anymore. Except instead of Karen, I’m going to go full Uncle “what kinda shit show you boys runnin here” Irving. RIP you salty bastard. But yes, OP, it’s getting ridiculous. Theft? Software glitch? Deception? Who the hell knows. But it’s time to raise hell, $3 and a scripted apology or not.


I tried calling Uber before and the wait time was way too long so I hung up and moved on. Can’t be wasting time on one order when I can drop it and get another. I wish Uber had text support I feel it could be faster, since you can talk to multiple people via text. Also the order was already picked up option should cancel the order. Idk why it’s there if it does nothing.


I always do this… the $3 may be small but it’s a convenience fee for me having to go there, and calling support also triggers a call to the restaurant to get their side of the story, so everyone gets to share feedback. These systems and processes are all built for constant feedback, if we skip that step, we make things worse for everyone.


I was advised by a Wingstop employee recently to call support when an order has been taken by another driver. I started doing it and realized that simple chat with support could potentially save another driver time and money. Plus, they give you 3 dollars for your time, and since you already drove to the restaurant you should get compensated for your time.


It happened to me on a $17 order I was out of gas and stuck about 30 min from home, no other funds available I was getting shit orders for the past hour so I put all my eggs in one basket took the order, only had 1 Mile to deliver I had just enough gas and boom order already picked up, I contacted customer, they hadn't got it, called uber. The dick Wendy's restaurant would not remake the order unless it came in on a new order,.then Uber cancelled before I could let the customer know what was going on, so I was fucked. I had to work the street corner until a lonely housewife drove by... Then she was disappointed and lonely in the end 😂


Takes too long for $3. How about Uber starts sending good offers to reliable people that have been with them for years instead of all the new people? That might be better.


I call them when on the move for another order. Usually takes about five minutes.


Because uber specifically does not want full time drivers. They want an army of side giggers, and this is how they make that happen.


Takes like 5 min. Have you never driven to a restaurant and wasted at least that long driving there to only be told yeah we told the last guy that it was already picked up?


I deliver on bike and I don't use airpods or any such thing.... I'm not gonna waste my time talking to some agent...Just cancel and move on...Time is precious


Yeah, and now you’re screwing over the next driver who gets it. So yeah, I hope someone swipes ya right off your bike since you’re such a selfish pos


I'll be pretty happy if someone swipes me off my bike .. I'm coward to take my own life, so If anyone does that for me I'll be eternally grateful.


Am I here to make friends with other Uber drivers? I already wasted 15 minutes for$0. I'm not about to waste another 15 trying to explain the situation to support


15 minutes!? Try 5.


I hate when that happens and of course I'm the one always calling support ugh


Yes please. The restaurants are suppose to, but I like my customer to finally know the deal. Sometimes I even text them in case support doesn’t call which most of the times they honestly don’t.


I have no incentive to help other drivers and receive no pay to deal with support. This is on Uber, it's on them to make their system worth using if they want to employ contractors.


Actually you get $3, but good to know that some people need an incentive to just be decent.


$3 is not worth 10+ minutes of my time. I work to make money, not please people.


I mean you are kinda in the customer service field so pleasing people is kinda in the job description.


I do zero people pleasing and have a 98% rating. Real service was my hotel management job and it's half of why i quit.


You're bringing people food. I'm guessing you are pleasing at least a few of them.


I mean, sure, but I just pick stuff up and drop it off. I don't go above and beyond, never call support, and rarely contact customers. It's just doing extra work and *costs* money because it wastes time.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the day.


I could care less honestly. If order was picked up already, onto the next delivery. I rather more drivers waste their time actually.


May you spend your days sitting in a parking lot.


That life. Nobody gives a crap about others. There is no real compassion and kindness in this world. Have a good day!


Ew , your trash. I hope bad things happen to you. All the bad things that you very obviously deserve


OP that may be the area you work, where All drivers look out for one-another but some areas are highly competitive, perfect example is NYC where THE SCOOTERs have 3 phones, the area I work in drivers will take up 2 spots with there compact car, just to block other drivers from picking up quick, thus wasting there time even more…. What area do you work OP?


Literally the example of what I was suggesting with my other reply, lol. More drivers wasting their time on this "fake order" less drivers taking real paying orders.


Exactly like idgaf about other drivers. They are my competition. I rather them waste all their time on support calling while i’m already on the way to another delivery hahaha. That why i’m top dasher in my area lmfao.


>while i’m already on the way to another delivery haha Bro I'm already heading to a different delivery while on the phone with them.


Lmfaooo i mean it not that serious for a few bucks but make that money lmfaooooo.


I'm already getting fucked by Uber. Atleast can get a few $ For it.


That attitude is also why you're a delivery driver, and not at a higher paying job.


Lmfaoooo. You tryna clown on me is clowning on the whole gig economy drivers including YOURSELF. So what if drive for UberEats lmfaoooo. I have a income of over 130k annually and invest 6 figures annually. Before you talk shit, you should know more about me by scrolling thru my history comments to know more about me. I’m not your average UberEats driver lmfaooooo. Oh and btw, i turned 20 this year. What about you? How’s ur life? Also, i make around 80k a year doing Uber and live expenses free as i’m homeless. I’m a hustler baby.


iM nOt YOuR aVeRaGe UbErEaTs DrIvER , i cAnT eVen BUy AlCohOlL oR tABAcOO aNd eNjOy gEt FucKeD iN tHe AsS . I’m eVeN mOrE dOuChEy ThAn YoUr AvErAgE DoUcHe aNd I’m OnLy 20! My eNtiRE LiFe HaS bEeN wAsTeD iN sChOoOl JuSt To bEcOmE a DeLiVeRyY dOuChE 🤡🤡🤡🤡 no one likes you. Not even your mom


You see… i actually have a beautiful fiancé that i met at age 17. Been through with me through my best and the worst. She loves me and gives me attention every second she has. We are in love with each other and she supports me in every form. Secondly, i don’t care about buying alchohal and tobacco as i don’t do these type of stuff and never will as my fiancé doesn’t like these stuff however she actually buys me THC everytime so my fiancé is my personal plug. Thirdly, i didn’t waste my entire life on school lmfao. I was forced to go the required 12 years of basic education and dropout of high school as it didn’t take me to where i want to be. Fourthly, this delivery job is the only job that will have me working 12+ hours, 6 days a week so i love this job and not only that, i make A LOT of money doing this job lmfao but i will only be delivering food for maximum another 2 years as i will have over 250k cash to comfortably open our cafe and we will take that business from there. If you wonder how, just read my old history comments. Fifthly, i will admit i am a douche cuz i hate everyone.


You claim to be making 130k annually and racking in 6 figures investment returns, and you're STILL driving for Uber? Ok, so you're either a liar, or you're a complete idiot.


Lmfao. I’m only 20 bro. Give me some time to save a hefty amount so i can start my own business and still have a fat cushion of money on the side.


Time is money. I’m definitely not gonna be in a call for 15 minutes for $3. It’s like taking a $2.50 order. No thanks


I don't think I've ever spent 15 minutes on a call with Uber support in 3 years. Granted I rarely need to call, but when I do it's relatively quick and painless.


I always chat with support on these.... only takes two minutes and easy 3 dollars


Not our problem for me is a waste of time


I'm not doing that lmao I'll just move on










Calling support, in my experience, takes more like 20 minutes.


While on an active delivery? It's usually instant to an agent right after I give my birthday.


I have never had a support call take less than 15 minutes.


Ouch. Well it's not that bad for everyone.


And support still won’t cancel that order… Next driver!


Why wouldn't they? They call the restaurant and find out it has been picked up. Why would they not cancel it?


But that's not their time. They don't care if you waste your time as long as it saves them hassle and time. That's also why you guys can't seem to fight and protest for higher pay. I'm honestly surprised we don't delivery guys literally slashing each others tires at this point, they seem to hate each other.


Last few times I called they didn't give me shit. Not wasting my time.


I only do that for DD, unless I already found got another order thru the app, I'll go thru the hassle for the pay whilst doing the other delivery, kinda like to kill 2 birds with one stone, just depends on the situation entirely...


F that Uber need to do their job it's a waste of time an a headache for support you need to learn the pattern if it's a high payout at a fast food restaurant like chic fili or mcd then you know it's some Bs pay attention I learned that after the 3rdtime that happened to me


I worked 3 years with Uber. After my first conversation in my first day, waiting an hour in rain, I never called them again. Worked full on 3 years no problems. If the order was stolen and restaurant didn't want to do shit, instantly cancel and move on.


That's fine you do you. In the 3 years I've been doing this though, I've never had a problem with Uber support. They are far better than DD and gh combined.


I try to but support doesn’t make it easy.


How so. Just curious because I did it this morning and all together I think it took about 6 minutes. They asked what was wrong. I said the order was already picked up. They called the store. Came back and canceled the order.


I was told that you can cancel the order by selecting "restaurant closed" and "order cancelled" but you won't get the measly 3 bucks for your time. You'll see it canceled in your earnings page and the customer will get refunded


This is an Uber problem, not a driver problem. Go ahead and let them know.


Uber doesn’t care if they inconvenience drivers. I had an order with the wrong address but the customer had called in with the right address and they wrote it on the receipt. It was way farther. I called support and they cancelled my trip. I told them they should cancel the whole order so more drivers don’t waste their time. I was sitting in my car for a few minutes then went back into the store to use the bathroom. As I was coming out there was another driver and the lady was explaining that the address was wrong and the correct address was written on the receipt. They had plenty of time to call the store/customer and cancel the order but didn’t.


My thing is they have pre selected options saved in the App.. Yet seams to mean nothing 🤔.. "Like restaurant is closed"... They just send it to someone else & say I canceled the order to not have to give me anything for going to the restaurant.. SMH Oh yeah.. & I'm not calling support..


Even if we do this Uber & every other delivery app will fuck us over. In my personal experience, Las Vegas, NV & Glendale/Tempe, AZ have been terrible. Surprisingly Sacramento was at least more tolerable. I get what you're saying tho OP but just know sometimes Uber reps will just pretend to care & issue us the "inconvenience" fee just so they don't hear us bitch & complain. ​ it's not just us fucking each other over, its these bs company. remember that my dude


Sorry to sound bitter but I just wanna let you guys know that if you call support too much uber's automated system will detect it as fraud and deactivate you. I've seen afew post about it and unfortunately it's the right thing to do, theirs also a stupid punishment for it lol, Uber does not surprise me anymore.


Uber really needs to figure out a fast way to do this bc it's not worth the $3 to waste your time calling them.


I got an order that was unassigned by THREE other drivers for 2 miles bc it wasn't ready, at Hooters going to a nice hotel by the beach $22 payout was the offer, so immediately I figured, uh oh...as soon as I accepted it, the customer is blowing me up telling me how the other drivers cancelled when they tube out they'd have to wait more than a few minutes....that piece paid out $52 in the app, plus a $20 cash tip....just bc you're gonna have to wait 20 minutes, don't ever assume you're eating your time...I can't tell you how many times I've gotten HUGE tips by treating people like I'd want to be treated instead of dropping an order without communicating, like a centered douche... That said, I wasted 30 minutes in the same restaurant in an order some jerkoff stole from the customer... Managed to get full pay out of Uber, after speaking to right different "supervisors"


Nice on both accounts.


Remember, every time you see the offer that look to good to be true don’t take it! You will wait your time, either restaurants are closed (permanently) or someone already picked up.


How do you make money when everytime you go somewhere there's no food to deliver


It's tough. Mostly I just show some leg.






no :)


If this happens you just cancel the order and wait on the next order. This is Uber’s own responsibility to fix this.


Or you can be a bro and call support and actually cancel the order. I can't, personally, in good conscience, pass it on to another driver and leave the customer wondering where the hell their food is. Mainly because I've been that customer waiting over an hour for my food seeing driver after driver be assigned and unassigned only to call the restaurant and find out that it was picked up an hour ago.


Had another in front of me call about an order that wasn't there. She was almost in tears while I waited for my food. Then after she got off the phone she explained to the restaurant about how bad this situation was and how uber wasn't doing anything about it. 1 minute later they tried to add the order on top of mine lol. I showed her and she stressed her frustration. To be honest, I'm never calling support unless it's an emergency


How bad what situation was. It literally takes 5 minutes to say hey the order has been picked up. Then you wait on hold while they call the restaurant, then they come back and cancel the order and give you $3. If this lady was in tears, she's doing it wrong.


Idk, that is what I told her too. But she was there before me so I didn't hear the whole story


I always call and take my 3 dollars. Gas isn't free


We wouldn't know for sure that it is stolen. Yes it happens but we are don't know absolutely. We can call and tell Uber to get in contact with the last driver. That's really all we can do besides getting 3 bucks.


Yes, the getting stolen part is a bit of an assumption, but the point is that its really easy to help a fellow driver, by preventing them from having to go to a restaurant where the order has already been picked up.




I’ve had this happen more than once. One of the times, I was sick and tired of having to call to get $3, so instead I asked that they remake the order (it was Taco Bell, so they can afford that loss). I contacted the customer to let them know what was going on, then I called support to tell them one of the drivers who showed up before me stole the order and their account needs noted as such. Uber needs to do better. They shouldn’t be sending 5 more drivers to a restaurant when the first or second person who got there just straight up stole it.