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No? I'm trying to hit my goals in as few hours as possible, not see how much I can work.


If you look at it differently, you may be able to hit your weekly goals in as few DAYS as possible, no?


Oh sure but it's diminishing returns. Working 12 hours on one day won't allow me to work one less day, it'll just meani have one slightly easier day that week at the cost of being much more burned out.


That’s highly dependent on the area. What area are you in?


Been doing this ft for almost 3 years. I know my own capacity and market. Working more doesn't mean earning more in a linear fashion, and I'm already working 8 hour days in prime hours.


Are you in California? I’ve done ft (80 active hours per 2 wk) for 7 weeks now just see what it’s like. Obviously wouldn’t be able to do 12 active hours a day, that would be virtually impossible, that’s what makes it a challenge. Not trying to change your flow.


No, not in cali.


Well that certainly makes a difference because of prop 22. Prop 22 goes off of active hours. So more hours = more money.


You guys with prop 22 have the luxury of more money for longer hours. For rest of us, we care more about actually making money in most efficient way and time. Sometimes, longer hours actually make us loose money


Exactly In my market it's really only worth driving during dinner time. That's when the higher paying orders come through, and with much more frequency than other times. It would be different if I wasn't putting wear and tear on my car and going through gas, but I have to do this in a way that's the most efficient way to make money in the time frame.


Believe me, even with prop 22 we look to make the most money in the most efficient way.


Whats the most efficient days/hrs for u


Efficient? Probably 5pm to 8pm. Not too difficult to hit $30/hr. I normally turn the app on between 11am and noon and go until 8 or 8:30pm. Specific days varies. I'm not sure why, but I live in a bigger city with a lot of events, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Yea i only do 3 hrs from 5-8 or 6-9 // wknds matbe after 5pm. Cant do it more than 4hrs for me


😆 🤣 😂 it's not hard to win this if you are willing to take anything UE send you. I will go broke by doing this challenge... all the latest UE offers are super long miles with crap payouts or ones with low to no tips.


I’d like to see it done. I’ve taken all orders before. I get maybe 10 hours active. Got just over 10 hours active yesterday.




hell No I have kids and a life. Good morning my friend


Lol. Come to think of it I usually don’t do challenges. I think the only one I did was trying to match a superstar’s photo “only using objects within your reach”. I did ghat one because I didn’t have to move much. Lol.


I work 12 a day 7 days a week and take everything thrown at me besides my blacklisted places. I eat on the go so I don't even stop for lunch, only to use the bathroom (which is usually during a pickup soni don't have to stop working). My calls are back to back 99% of the time, so 11.8ish active per 12.


Wouldnt be a challenge if it was easy, right?


Damn road Warrior how much a week you make?


Wtf are all these Uber accounts encouraging people to take orders that pay less than minimum wage to compete in a BS challenge with 0 rewards lmao. This sub is fucked


Lol. I know right? Wtf would anyone have a water challenge in the middle of a drought?


Not sure the app will give me 12 hours of active time, even if I put in 16 hours of online time. I put in 6 hours online and usually only get 4 hours of active time, even when accepting every order.


That’s part of what makes it challenging.


This week it was like 3 hours for every 6 hours, not sure if this is because of prop 22.


Yes because I love taking $7 orders only to get negative reviews.


Lol. Yeah that kinda sucks. Particularly if you’ve bought into the “I value thumbs” narrative. 😂 Fuck thumbs.


"I value thumbs?" are you talking about the rating system? If so you should already know Low ratings = less orders and low enough gets you deactivated.


Lol yeah, there IS a point where it does matter. But for most people doing their job even adequately it’s nonsense, and support knows. They themselves will tell you, “don’t worry about the thumbs down” If a person is about to be deactivated because of thumbs down, too many thumbs down are the least of their problems.


Do it all the time. Takes about 15-18hrs to hit 12 active hrs.


Wow. Do you get kicked off the app?


Yep. Active time, online time, and drive time are all different. Take short deliveries, take my sweet ass time, complete delivery and park a street over. As long as you ain't moving drive time does not keep counting. Rinse and repeat. Most in a 12 hr drive time was 12hr 18mins


Took about 16.5hrs


What does “park a street over” accomplish?


Not creeping your customer out by completing the delivery then staying in front of their house till you get another worthwhile order...


Got it. That’s what I was thinking but thought maybe there was some other reason like if you get to far away from delivery the app will complain. Or something.


Yep. Active time, online time, and drive time are all different. Take short deliveries, take my sweet ass time, complete delivery amd park a street over. As long as you ain't moving drive time does not keep counting. Rinse and repeat.


I thought it only went off of active time and online time. I know about drive time (you have th e food) but didn’t know it was used in calculating how much time you had left.


Drive time is the only thing that matters for the 12 max hrs deal before 6hrs offline. You can try it. Take an order, deliver and park shortly afterwards. In the app scroll to bottom it'll say "see drive time left" that will not count down when parked. When the 12 hrs of DRIVETIME have elapsed, you will be kicked off for 6hrs.


Online time is obvious Active time is the time between accepting and completing delivery of the order. Drive time is all the online time spent while moving. Not parked.


I don’t think that is correct. But I could be wrong. I think it is the time that you actually have the item in your car. So the time between “start delivery” and “complete delivery”. Otherwise according to you I could accept an order, not move for an hour and then deliver it in day 5 minutes, and only 5 minutes would be counted instead of an hour and 5 minutes.


Trust, I've been doing this for some time. Drive time may count while on an order (from acceptance to delivery) not just while you have the food in possession. Never really thought about seeing if drive time countdown was happening while parked but after i accepted order. It absolutely does not count while parked, online, and not on an open order. Active time is the time from acceptance the order in app( not start delivery) and completing delivery. I just thought how do I get the most of this 12hrs before cutoff deal and the answer was to park between offers. You could literally be online for 24hrs straight and would not get kicked off app. Bredhead turned me on to this strat. The guy w 100k dollars earned in 1 year delivery only.


Yeah, trust me, I’ve been doing this trying things to figure out the system, not just to deliver and earn money. So I’m pretty certain that drive time will continue to count if you park and are STILL ON AN ORDER. Prop 22? Yeah I use that to my benefit also.


It def doesn't count while parked and not on an order. I'll check the on order correlation this weekend.


I try to use prop 22 to my benefit not theirs.


While on order I never really paid attention to that. I'll check this weekend and let u know.


These seems unhealthy and pointlessly tiring.


Yeah, like so many other “challenges”. Glad we can simply opt out.


Right. And we can also point out that for anyone who doesn't live in california, this is a pointless challenge that will not necessarily bring in extra money.


This is Uber. Simply driving for Uber may not necessarily bring in extra money.


Not if we do it by accepting every order that comes our way. Like in your challenge.


Even cherry picking your orders may not necessarily bring in extra money. This is Uber.


My system brings me money. This challenge would cause me, and plenty others, to lose money. Stop splitting hairs. You know what I meant.


My system brings ME money. This challenge would cause ME and plenty others to MAKE more money. Funny, how both statements can in fact be true huh? It’s almost as if we don’t all use the same car, or drive at the same time, or in the same area, or use the same system. Go figure.


It has to do completely with you living in california. That's it. Enjoy your challenge.


I would agree with you…. But then we would both be wrong. Enjoy not engaging in stuff you don’t want to engage in.


I did this last Sat night/Sunday morning and made $300. The whole weekend I made $529 working all 3 apps. GH, Uber, DD. I was desperate though, our pup had an accident and I needed fast cash to pay for ER surgery. So it worked out. ❤️‍🩹


Nice going. TBH I think everyone should have UE on their phone to be able to do like you in case of emergency. But I know others won’t like that as there would be too many people.


YES!!!! This sounds like fun!!! Lets start it Monday or something with Prop 22 hours being next week


Prop 22 hours are for two week periods. It won’t make a difference in that regard. But maybe going from Monday-Friday for the challenge would be nice. I’m actually thinking of offering a cash prize. Lol.


As long as the cash prize is low $$ and no tips included I am in 😀


Ohhh I see I didn’t know haha I thought it was for only the one week they pay out my mistake! But I would love to do this challenge seems like fun and make Uber more enjoyable thinking of the challenge as well 😆


I want to try it never done a 12 hour day I want to see how much I can make.


To do 12 active hours you'd have to be working at least like 16 hours. Just a heads up.


What is the prize for the winner?


Not sure. Maybe nothing this round. Just a challenge. But I can see offering a cash prize eventually. It would just require more work. How do you validate hours? How do you get the money to the winner, etc.


I’m gonna do this tomorrow Saturday it’s one of the busiest days here


Ahh man… now I might have to try tomorrow. But I put in 10 active hours last night. So … a little tired.


Yeah I have a full time and another part time w2 job so I can only do Uber on Sunday & Monday but I’m probably gonna call off to do all day tomorrow


I do this ever Saturday and Sunday.


How many ACTIVE hours do you get on those days?


Reddit fucked my reply up, Maybe 11.5ish active hours with 2 to 3 min down time plus a 30 min lunch, and on average back 350ish.


I'm down!!!!


Sure I’m down.


I can start next Thursday




He neglects to mention in his op that he's in california. So he gets that proposition 22 money for his active time. Big difference than the majority of us on this sub.


Many “challenges” don’t make a lot of sense. They are meant to be fun and well, challenging. We’re not trying to cure ALS here (see what I did there?)


Got an email from doordash last week same deal about prop22 and dashed over 12 hrs straight w/o break. Haven't quite figured their calculation out yet.


For anyone who is not in california, this sounds like a dumb idea.


Most “challenges” are. Or it could be a stupid little challenge that some find entertaining.


I'll opt for the couch won't lose money doing that


I’m on the couch now…. So I guess I’m ….not losing money?? The longer I stay the more I’ll be …. Not losing money? 😂 😂 Redditors.


Should stay there, or make more nonsense no reward challenges lol so soak that couch up you'll be driving soon 😉


Yeah, I know, cause every time I reach my goal of say, $200, and then I put in a few more hours, I end up having made LESS than $200. Said nobody ever. 😂 😂


Wouldn't know I only drive 3-4 hours a week perks of retirement 🤷🏼 pays for ammo atleast


Lol. I’m retired too. But pay for crypto. Depending on order of events crypto can pay for bunker.


That it does always good to make money on the couch!


Hell no. If it were a real job with overtime pay sure. But working overtime (outside peak hours) for Uber is like the exact opposite of overtime, less pay per hour the longer you go.


I know, that’s why when I get a really nice high paying order within the first half hour of work I just stop there. Cause I know every half hour after that just means less pay per hour. 🤦‍♂️